Three Years Later

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Two eight year old children awoke from their slumber the boy wearing nothing but a pair of shorts, the girl was wearing a normal nighty for her age but the blonde girl was snuggled tightly into the boy. Naruto and Temari had shared a bed ever since that first night together and neither ever thought about sleeping in a different bed "Morning Naru-Kun"


Temari smiled at the sound as she looked over at their windowsill where she saw a flower box filled with her favorite desert flower she smiled whenever she looked at the first birthday gift her husband to be ever got for her. The next time she had seen Ino she had thanked her for helping Naruto with the gift she was surprised when she learned that Naruto hadn't gotten any help from the Yamanaka family when he ordered the flowers for her two weeks before her birthday. That night she kissed Naruto on the lips and hugged him tightly though he didn't know why he didn't say anything to stop her.

Today they had a day off from training because Kakashi and Kurenai had an appointment with the doctor recently Kurenai hadn't been feeling that well she kept throwing up and the only thing she seemed to be able to keep down were crackers or wafers. Although both parents smiled every once in a while they weren't saying anything till they had a healer double check on things. In the three years since they started training together both had spent their mornings learned their fighting styles and their afternoons as their free time the two of them spent most of it walking around the village every once in a while they'd spend time with their friends. Temari and Tenten had become the best of friends both had a similar dream to prove the true worth of the kunoichi, Naruto and the future weapons mistress had always gotten along because of his interest of one day becoming a kenjutsu specialist. Naruto always smiled when his friends made the effort to involve Temari in their plans as well "Naru-kun we need to wake up."


Temari sighed "Free noddle's at Ichihara's." Temari said making Naruto almost jump out of bed

"What, what…Tema-chan do you really need to do that to me?" Naruto said once he finished waking up. He laid back down and wrapped his arms around her again

"We need to get up. The gang is expecting us in about an hour." Naruto nodded as he rubbed his eyes and slowly let go of her warm body slipping out of bed.

Naruto wasn't the only one who hated to let go of the other in the morning. Temari was always comfortable in his arms and always missed his warmth and as Kakashi keep teasing her 'pillow'. It's true that the two of them loved falling asleep together but Temari didn't understand why her future father in-law loved to tease them at least Kurenai was kinder and loved having another girl in the house. Both Naruto and Temari had just entered into the Shinobi Academy and were in a class with all their friends except for Tenten and Neji. Neji actually was always kind towards Naruto because of the great service he had done the Hyuga clan.

One night while Naruto and Temari were walking around the village Naruto caught sight of something they both found suspicious a man were a mask and completely dressed in black, but the mask wasn't anything Anbu ever wore what's worse was the man had a sack and was skulking around the Hyuga compound. "There's something in that sack that doesn't belong to that man." Naruto said before he charged at him Temari followed behind "Wolf Fang Fist: Bite Strike." Naruto called out as he shaped his hand into a claw like motion and hit the man above his heart making the man gasp Temari took advantage of his lapse to grab the sack before it hit the ground. Naruto then preformed a perfect back spin kick and knocked the man onto the ground Naruto took up his stance in front of his fiancée waiting for the man to try and retaliate until Hiashi, and Hizashi Hyuga showed up Hizashi made the first move and rendered the man unconscious by simply pressing a point on his body.

Temari then opened the sack only for a shivering Hinata to almost fall out of it Hiashi walked towards his daughter and wrapped her in his arms then looked at Naruto and Temari "Thank you both for stalling him long enough to allow us to catch up."

the Hatake and future Hatake bowed and said together "It was our honor Hyuga-sama."

Hiashi smiled as he carried his daughter away Hizashi walked up to them. "I'll escort you two home once someone comes along and deals with this trash." Ever since that day the both of them were considered friends of the Hyuga's cadet and main branches and since the infiltrator survived the encounter Kumo couldn't demand any kind of retribution.

The next day Neji had approached Naruto and bowed to him "Thank you for saving Lady Hinata."

Naruto returned the bow "It was my honor to protect a friend."

Neji nodded as he walked away. One day in class Ino had come up with the idea of having a picnic with all of their friends Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, Shino, Tenten, and Neji. The idea sounded great to everyone but Shikamaru who just said "Troublesome." when asked if he'd like to come. Ino suggested they all bring a dish to sample and drinks Kurenai and Naruto worked together to make pot stickers they had all learned that it was disastrous to eat anything Temari cooked.

Her first attempt had been curry and the only one to eat any of it had been Naruto to show support a gesture Temari returned when Naruto spent the next three days in the hospital with food poisoning. Kakashi joked about taking the curry to Anko to use in the interrogations and tortures she performed Anko returned the next day and gave the pot back "The Hokage felt like this was cruel and unusual punishment." Temari was saddened but smiled with Naruto just said he'd keep trying her cooking until she was happy with it eventually Kurenai begged Temari to stop poisoning her son to make her stay out of the kitchen. Although from that moment on Naruto seemed to have immunity to any poison Anko tried to use against him so she might had poisoned his stomach but she had helped improve his ninja career.

Naruto however turned out to be a great chief so they agreed to leave the cooking to him when they got a place of their own. Temari smiled when she thought about that she always loved dreaming about their future away from the Hatake family home.

Neither of them wanted anything fancy just something comfortable where they can live away from the noise of the village's daily life. Temari wanted to have a garden where she could grow her favorite flowers and a nice spot with a large tree for them. Her favorite activity to do with Naruto is sit between Naruto's legs and lean back into his chest then listen to him read to her it didn't matter whether it was from a scroll or a book ninja or civilian at first she couldn't explain it but she always felt so safe and warm when they were like this, and she couldn't get enough of it.

When she had told Ino and Tenten about this she realized that she was gushing making both of her friends smile and tease her Hinata however just smiled at her "You're lucky to have found someone who makes you feel so loved."

Temari at first had been surprised by the remark. That night she talked with Kurenai "How does one when they're in love?" Kurenai just smiled at her

"Does your heart race when you see Naruto?"

Temari nodded

"Do you get a feeling in your belly like there are hundreds of butterflies fluttering in it?"

Temari nodded again "When he holds you. You feel safe, warm, and happy for no reason?"


"When he does something for you out of the kindness of his heart you cry but it because you're happy, and you just want to cover him in kisses."


"And finally are there moments when you feel like you just might melt from the warmth in your chest? Mainly when he does something as small as run his hand through you hair?"


"Then my dear you are in love with you future husband." Temari didn't know how to take the news. After all the only one that had shown her any form of love had been her mother Temari however was too young remember her clearly after she had died giving birth to Garaa she never told Naruto about the talk, but she wasn't worried especially when every once in a while when she would catch him smiling at her for no reason and the look on his face always made her turn away to hide a blush. As Temari bathed she smiled remembering when she found out that when Naruto looked at her like that it was his way of showing his feelings towards her without saying anything.

She noticed it mainly when Kakashi would look at Kurenai the exact same way "Kakashi isn't a very out spoken person, so I know when he looks at me with that look of absolute devotion it's his way of saying he loves me. Naruto seems to have gained such a look from his father I swear it made my heart swell when I saw him looking at you like that. Thought I think you two are a little young it seems both of you have fallen for each other much like Kakashi and I had. In a very short amount of time, but filled with love, respect, honesty, kindness, and devotion."

In the time since Temari came a joined the Hatake family Temari had learned what family life was like and it made her smile true both Kakashi and Kurenai were on active duty and they had to spend time at one of their friends places, but besides Shikamaru who only seemed interested in Go or Shogi that wasn't a big issue. As Temari finished putting her hair up in four different pony tails as walked out to see Naruto replacing his mask on his face he stopped wearing them in bed after Temari had asked him not to. She was still surprised that it was that easy to get him to remove his mask…when they were at home that it, but as soon as he stepped outside on it went and didn't come off until they were home again. Temari didn't mind to be honest she rather liked the idea of being the only one besides his mother and father that knew what his face looked like though it drove their friends mad trying to think about what he looks like.

The only one that would do anything crazy was Auntie Anko who tried constantly to get a look under his or Kakashi's mask the first attempt Temari had witnessed was a failed surprise attack where both Naruto and Kakashi bent down making Anko miss her simple attack of jump onto them and force their masks off. Anko flew past them and into book stand they had stopped at "Damn it!" she called out as the two masked men walked away. Kurenai then took out a bottle of water and winked at Temari as she "accidently" poured it all out on her best friend. Anko looked ready to kill Kurenai because her wet skin made her already almost see through clothing cling even tighter to her skin she had to run off and change or face the growing number of perverts in the village.

Temari looked up at Kurenai in surprise "I've warned her about swearing in front of Naruto." she simply said making Temari laugh. Naruto carried their basket as Temari linked their arms and walked together with him to training ground ten a place with a nice field and a small stream it was a great place to sit comfortably and just enjoy the day. Temari wasn't surprised when they were the first to arrive Naruto had taken the opposite ordeal of his father and arrived early to places instead of late.



"Why is Kakashi-san always late?"

Naruto got a greave look on his face "Everyday he goes to the Memorial stone our sight to honor the fallen shinobi, and kunoichi of our Village. He talks with Grandpa, his old teammates Obito Uchiha and Rin, also to his Sensei Minato Namikaze."

"Your father was taught by the Yellow Flash?!" Temari asked/shouted making Naruto cringe away from the volume of her voice.

"First Ow. Second you've seen his team photo, as well as Kaa-Chan's."

"Oh yeah…I didn't recognize the smiling blond in the picture."

Naruto smiled "I forgot all everyone outside of the village thinks of him as the warrior that sent Iwa and Kumo running for the hills."

"Isn't that how you think of him?"

"At first, but according to Tou-san there was more to the Fourth then his reputation. The man was a genius when it came to fuijutsu in fact seals were fundamental in his transport Jutsu Flying Thunder God which gave him his name the Yellow Flash."

"So he was a sealing master?"

"Yep and Tou-san also talked about how kind he was…" Naruto and Temari sat together and talked about one of his heroes at least until

"Ah Naruto my rival how are you?!" both eight year olds sighed at the loud voice.

"It's never fails…"

"How does he always know?" Naruto shrugged

"Lee I believe we have interrupted a picnic between the future husband and wife?"

Maito Gai said Naruto just winked at Temari who gave a small smirk as they both looked up at the identical looking father and son "Hm you say something?" they said together.

Both Spandex wearing individuals jaws dropped then yelled "AHHH! THEY'VE CORUPTED HER WITH THAT TOO COOL HATAKE ATTITUDE!" "Don't worry young lady we will safe you with the Flames of Youth!" Gai said making Naruto move the two of them away from father and son after a few seconds of silence Naruto opened one eye and saw the duo were almost running away a team of villagers chasing them waving tools.

"You'd think they would've learned to not use that kinjutsu?" Temari asked Naruto just shrugged

"Medic!" a voice yelled out making the two jump up to help. They arrived to see a slightly convulsing Kiba on the ground surrounded by Tenten and Neji Naruto flushed out a familiar scroll.

"How bad was exposure?" Naruto asked

"Not too bad I'd say four maybe five seconds." Neji said as Naruto nodded and bit his finger. Once he hit the scroll out of the cloud of smoke there was a couple sticks of Dango Kiba's favorite dessert Naruto repeated the same process that Temari had seen him use to revive Choji. When Kiba opened his eyes

"Damn that sunset no Jutsu." his voice was week but Naruto smiled

"Welcome back."

"Thanks for always being early." Naruto nodded as he helped his honorary brother onto his feet.

"You're lucky. You caught the genjutsu near its end." Temari said Kiba nodded as Naruto handed him a canteen.

"Thanks." Kiba said as he took a swig out of the canteen

"One of these days those two will kill someone." Tenten said as the group headed up towards the training grounds.

"Let's just be glad Kakashi-san discovered a way to help people." Temari said making everyone nod at her words. Once they were at the training grounds sitting on the blanket Naruto smiled and nodded towards the trees everyone looked to see Shino walk out of the forest

"Naruto, Temari, Neji, Kiba, Tenten." Shino said in his monotone voice politely

"Shino. How's the swarm?" Naruto asked

"Lively." Shino said as he walked over and sat down. Temari handed his a glass of tea "Thank you." Shino hadn't changed at all except for the fact that he like all of his family that were of academy age now had his own swarm of chakra eating bugs inside of his body. Naruto and Temari were one of the few that would asked Shino how his bugs were doing he found it very kind of them.

"How is the training going Naruto?" Kiba asked

"Good Tou-san thinks we're ready for chakra exercises."

"Sounds like a good idea." a new voice said making everyone but Naruto jump in fact if they could see his face they'd know he was smiling

"Weasel-san how are you?" the same Anbu officer ninja that had been in the Hokage's office appeared

"Never could get the drop on either you nor your father Naruto Nii-chan." the masked man said with a laugh. "And to answer your question I am good. Ever since Fugaku and his followers were arrested any way."

Naruto smiled at the mystery Uchiha "Yes thanks to your efforts that is." Naruto said making Weasel nod.

"Indeed. Now I am here with a message for you from Hokage-sama." Weasel said as he handed Naruto a scroll "It's an announcement about the happy news towards the birth of Konahamaru Sarutobi the honorary grandson."

Naruto sighed a little "The kids head will grow large before he's even walking." he said Weasel gave a small laugh again.

Naruto than slapped his hand against his forehead "I almost forgot." Naruto said as he reached into his pocket and produced a familiar scroll "I won this back for you from Kazekage-sama for you."

Naruto said Weasel took the scroll back smiling behind his mask "Thank you, but how did you win this from him?"

"Ramen eating contest." Naruto said in explanation making everyone nod at his words no one in the world could eat as much Ramen as Naruto.

"Again thank you. Have a good picnic."

"You're welcome and don't work yourself too hard Weasel-san." Weasel waved before he Shunshined away.

The small group was eventually joined by Hinata, Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji as they all sat and ate Naruto set his food down all of a sudden and waited before anyone could ask "Three, two, one." Naruto counted then ducked as a woman wearing a trench coat flew over him and Shikamaru who had leaned back as soon as he saw Naruto move.

The woman continued to almost fly until she hit the ground then hit the ground with a fist then looked up and spit out some grass "Damn."

"Are you ever going to give up Auntie Anko?" Naruto asked while everyone one of his friends looked at him in surprised

"Naruto has an aunt?!" they all thought at the same time.

"One day I will see what you and your father hide behind those masks of yours!"

"You could just ask." Naruto said making Anko mouth hang open for a few seconds before she started to it her head against the ground

"Damn…stupid…" Naruto shook his head as she did then. Temari smiled at the sight of their friends looking slightly put out by this slightly crazed woman. Anko then stood up and walked up to Naruto then giving him her best puppy dog eye no jutsu "Naruto please show me what is behind your mask?"

Naruto looked at Temari then slowly reached towards his mask "You want to know what's behind this mask?" Naruto asked as everyone started to lean in to get a look. "Behind this mask…" Naruto said hooking his finger in the mask seeing the anticipation on all of their faces as he did "…is…" Temari was wondering what Naruto was doing he never took his mask off before "…another mask." Naruto said revealing his second mask making Anko, Hinata, Ino, Tenten, Kiba, Shikamaru, Neji, and Choji deadpan and face-fall onto the ground.

Temari couldn't help herself but laugh at Naruto's prank Naruto laughed as well and high fived his fiancée. Anko glared up at her nephew who just eye smiled at her "Why do you and your father constantly do this to me?"

"Because only Okaa-chan and Tema-chan are allowed to see behind our masks it's tradition for only betroths and wives/husbands are allowed to see a Hatake's face." Naruto said making every one of their friends slap their hands against their forehead with a sigh.

"I told you it would be something troublesome like that." Shikamaru said to his Ino and Choji Ino sighed as she nodded.

Anko sighed before she looked at Naruto "Speaking of your mother she asked me to find you two. Something about news you need to hear about right away."

Naruto nodded as he and Temari stood up they picked up their basket and remind Choji to return the plate to them later the Akimichi nodded as they left. Once the two of them walked inside Kurenai rushed up and hugged them close "Kaa-Chan…choking…not…breathing!" Naruto gasped making Kurenai set the two betrothed children down.

"Kure-chan keep at it like that and they won't learn the news." Kakashi said with a laugh Naruto followed his father into the family room and sat down Temari sitting down in front of him allowing him to wrap his arms around her and pull her in close to his chest. "Naruto, Temari we have some great news. The doctor has informed us that in about seven months we can expect another member of the Hatake family." Kakashi said it took the kids a few seconds before Naruto smiled

"I'm going to be a Nii-san?" both Hatake adults' nodded making Naruto's smile grow Temari was happy as well

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"We won't know that for quite some time Temari." Kurenai said as she placed a hand on her belly with a smile.

"This also means that's we're going to turn what was originally Temari's room into a Nursery for the baby. But before we do that something else needs to be done." Kakashi said as he reached into the pouch behind his back and pulled out two strips of grey paper. "This is Chakra Paper. Can either of you tell me what it's used for?"

"It's made from a tree which is constantly fed with chakra and when a Shinobi/ Kunoichi channels their chakra into it the reaction tells you which element affinity they have." Temari said.

"If it burst into flames you have the Fire element, if it crinkles in itself you have Lightning element, if it dampens you have Water element, turns to dust if you have Earth, and spits in the middle if you have Wind." Naruto finished.

"Well said both of you. So since I started teaching you how to channel your chakra I think it would be best to see which possible affinities you two have."

"Affinities?" Naruto asked

"It's very possible to have more than one affinity with elements. It's even possible to learn other affinities."

"Like you do with your eye?" Temari asked.

"Correct again. My natural affinity is Lightning hence Chidori." Both nodded having already seen what an element Jutsu could do. "Now time to see what I or your Jounin Sensei will be teaching you." Kakashi said as he offered the paper to the two of them.

Temari and Naruto took the paper "You first Tema-Chan." Naruto said with a smile making Temari smile as she focused her chakra into the paper which almost instantly split down the middle

"Wind isn't surprising…" Kakashi said then was a little surprised when the paper grew damp and started to drip water. "Water however is a surprise." Kakashi said making Temari nod

"Your turn Naru-Kun."

Naruto nodded as he focused his chakra and watched as the paper split just like Temari's did "Huh." was all Kakashi said before the paper crinkled in itself. "Wind and Lightning. Interesting combination you two share the same main affinity but have complimentary secondary affinities. Ones that strengthen each other." Kakashi said.

Naruto and Temari nodded and smiled at each other "Looks like Azuma is going to have his hands full with you two. I can handle Naruto's lightning training, and I'll have to find someone that can help Temari with Water."

"Does this also mean we'll start Kenjutsu?" Naruto asked excitedly making Kakashi laugh a little.

"Yes Naruto. Actually I have something special for you both." Kakashi said as he walked out of the living room then returned moments later with two boxes. "Naruto you first."

Naruto opened his box to see a sword that was shaped like a fang "Oh wow! This is JiJi-sans blade!" Naruto said picking up the scabbard covered sword.

"The very same. I think he would've wanted you to have it since I never use it." Kakashi said as Naruto ran up to him and hugged him close

"Thank you Tou-san!" Kakashi smiled at his son.

"Your turn Temari." Naruto turned and watched as his wife-to-be opened her box which was slightly longer than his. Temari opened her box and pulled out a Naginata the shaft was made of black wood.

"Wow!" Temari said

"Both of these weapons are specially made chakra blades they allow you to channel your chakra to sharpen the weapon, but that comes later. Now I want the two of you to always carry these weapons when you leave this house so you get use to the weight, and at some point in the future we'll add an addition weapon from when your opponents get too close for your weapons for if you don't have enough room to use the weapons effectively."

The next day both Naruto and Temari walked to the academy Naruto with Inshō-tekina Kiba (Striking Fang) on his back and Temari with her Naginata in a cloth cover. It didn't take long for Tenten to take notice of the weapons and talk about both weapons with their owners.

"I'm glad I'll finally have a couple sparing partners with Kenjutsu!" Tenten said sounding ecstatic at the idea

"So you'll help us learn our weapons?" Naruto said more then asked

"Of course. I'm always willing to help a friend." Tenten said smiling as she walked into her year's class. The only ones unhappy about the new weapons were Sasuke who still hadn't gotten over the defeat Naruto had handed him three years ago, and by extension a pink hair banshee named Sakura Hando. Sakura along with many other Kunoichi were stalker like after the young Uchiha the only ones not impressed were Ino, Hinata, Temari, and of course Tenten. Three mainly because of the arrogant way the Uchiha carried himself thinking just because he was an Uchiha the world belonged to him and Temari because she only had eyes for Naruto. However that didn't stop Sasuke from being a complete jackass to Temari and Naruto every time either one or both of them out preformed him he took it way to personally.

The way they saw it Sasuke hated that anyone could beat him at anything because he had never let his father's lessons that the Uchiha's were superior to anyone go. Although Naruto had no trouble putting Sasuke in his place at times. "So Tou-san had us use Chakra paper yesterday." Naruto said to his friends Shikamaru looked up at that

"Which one's do you two have?"

"Tema-Chan and I both have Wind affinities."

"I also have a Water affinity while Naru-Kun has Lightning." Temari said.

"Nice combination." The Nara heir said

"So what about you guys?"

"No clue." was the answer all the friends gave making Naruto sigh.

"You guys shouldn't rely on those family techniques so much they become a crutch after so many generations." Naruto said

Shikamaru looked thoughtful then nodded "Wouldn't hurt."

"Sweet so we look into it after school?" Naruto asked his friend who all nodded.

"So what news did your Mom and Dad need to give you two?" Ino asked making Naruto slap his forehead

"I forgot! I'm going to be a Nii-san!" Naruto announced to his friends who all were surprised and said that was great.

Well except Kiba who said "I feel sorry for you." Naruto laughed at his brother in all but blood.

The days class passed quickly the group gathered together at the Hatake house gathering around each other as Naruto produced the Chakra Paper for his friends to try. "Who's first?" Naruto asked as Neji sighed and grabbed the paper only for half of it to turn to dust and hit the floor than the rest burst into flame. "Earth and Fire for Neji." Naruto said.

The group all went through slimier things "Okay final count is. Temari Wind and Water, Naruto Wind and Lightning, Neji Earth and Fire, Tenten Fire and Wind, Hinata Water and Earth, Choji Fire and Earth, Ino Fire and Water, Shino Lightning and Fire, Shikamaru Water and Fire, finally Kiba Fire and Earth. Wow that's a lot of fire element." Naruto said making his friends nod.

"Well it is the land of fire." Shikamaru said making a few friends laugh.

"So now instead of just focusing on family techniques we can all learn something new that way we surprise our enemies. All of them will expect you to use only the family taught fighting abilities imagine their surprise when you hit them with an element Jutsu." Naruto said making the group nod.

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