Wave, Training, and Haku.

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The team's test turned out to be a simple capture mission they worked together to capture and hold down the Nuke-nin (played by Asuma) and captured, interrogated, and returned with their prisoner. They learned that day that was the main purpose of the second generation In-Shika-Cho team the addition of Naruto and Temari made them into a capture/interrogation/guard/assault team as well with a dash of assassination. Asuma had convinced the Hokage of letting the five Genin on the same team with this very purpose in mind and Yugao was here to help train then in Kenjutsu since that was a big part of Naruto and Temari's arsenal. Today was going to be their first mission Naruto, Temari, and Shikamaru knew it was going to be some lowly D-rank mission or as Naruto liked to call them 'Chore' missions since most were just jobs civilians were too lazy to do themselves.

"Ah Team Ten let us see what we had for you…let's see some of there is walking some of the Inuzuka dogs…a council member needs a fence taken care of…Ah Ha there is the perfect one for you." The elder Hokage said as he handed Yugao a scroll who read it and froze before walking out of the room.

"Team you are about to meet every team's worst nightmare…"

"You can't mean that monster?!" Asuma asked in a panicked voice.

"Yep…Retrieving Tora the cat."

"How hard can catching a cat be?" Choji asked.

(2 hours, 30 minutes, and 45 seconds later)

"GET THAT DAMN CAT!" Wolf yelled as they charged through the village market place following a reddish brown blur. He Bandana Raven and Flower were chasing the demon cat through the area until they were able to lead it towards a forest area where it suddenly paused.

"Shadow Possession: success." Shadow said as the cats shadow veered off to the left slightly

"Alright now we've got you you…" Wolf slightly fumed as he grabbed a scroll his mother had given him telling him that he would need it. He finally opened it and say the Kenji for cat carrier and realized she had planned ahead for him. Wolf unsealed the cadge and grabbed the scarf of the cats neck before Shadow dropped the Jutsu and allowed him to shove the monster into the carrier locking it before it could try and run.

Flower tapped the head set on her left year twice "This is Flower we've got the target."

"Can you confirm…?"

"Wolf here. Do you know any other cat that can run us all ragged?"

"Raven here I concur with Wolf."

"Troublesome Shadow here. Cat has the ribbon on left ear."

"Bandana here. We've also got it contended to reduce chance of escape."

"Well done team meet at tower for debriefing. Out."

"Understood meet at tower out." Wolf called into his headset before then jumped away to reach the Hokage tower sooner.

"I have never once before wanted to cause an animal bodily harm before." Flower said glaring at the carrier

"Ahem sister." Raven said making Wolf laugh as they arrived. Asuma looked at the disheveled look all of his Genin had Flower got the worse of it from the look of the scratches on her face.

"I hate cats."

Wolf/Naruto said as he handed the carrier to Asuma who smiled "Think of it as a rite of passage that all Shinobi take."

"It's stupid and troublesome." Shadow/Shikamaru said.

"Agreed." Bandana/Choji said while Flower/Ino and Raven/Temari nodded.

"Now you know why everyone hates this cat." Yugao said a slight smile on her face until she felt the glares of her team

"Are you sure it's even a cat?" Choji asked.

"I would swear this thing is an animal partner like Akamaru for Kiba." Naruto added getting a grunt from Shikamaru.

"I wouldn't be surprised if that thing did have chakra like Akamaru." Temari said making her team laugh slightly at the idea.

Three weeks later

Yugao and Asuma kept Team Ten busy not with just the usual D rank missions but with training. Naruto helped whenever he could to help his team Choji now wore training weights at the encouragement of Naruto and Shikamaru in order to help with his Taijutsu in fact it actually helped with his…big boned problem to where he now looked more fit than before. (A/N: Think of something close to the skinny version after his battle with his Sound Four opponent.)

At Naruto's encouragement Ino had also started to learn some medical Ninjutsu since her control was better than his, or Choji's and Temari was already on her way to being a decent Genjutsu specialist.

All of them were also learning a weapon or in the Hatake and future Hatake's case a secondary weapon Yugao thought it would be a great idea to had something extra just in case. Choji now walked around with a Zanpakuto (A/N: Renji's blade) on his back the heavy blade was perfect for his strength and the strange design was enough to make many not want to engage in a Kenjutsu battle with Choji. Ino was being taught to use a Kusarigama something Yugao thought would work best for the young woman since it was light and fast. Shikamaru was learning to use a Jian sword (A/N Sokka's sword from Avatar) while he found the lessons troublesome even he couldn't deny the effects on his strength and stamina.

Temari was learning to use two metal battle fans much like her birth village would use one giant fan to create large burst of wind. Naruto was learning to weld a pair of trench knives just like Asuma's as well as Asuma's fighting style with said knives. Wind chakra exercises were added for both wielders the first thing they learned was how to cut a leaf with just wind chakra the time cut down thanks to the Shadow Clone Jutsu their outfits had changed as well.

Temari still liked to wear battle Kimono's but the designs had changed and now all of them had a black or purple raven on the back depending on the color of the Kimono she also wore weights on her wrist and legs they weren't any thing crazy but they helped. Her cloth-covered Naginata was always with her while her fans were closed and tucked in her kimono. Ino had ditched the purple body suit she had worn through most of the Academy and now wore a more flowing outfit of a purple halter top an open leg skirt and black leggings she would also wear a dark blue vest that she kept unzipped and black sandals. Shikamaru didn't change much he still wore the same type of pants and mesh armor but his shirt had changed to a black with white stripes long sleeved shirt other than that and his sword on his back nothing really changed.

Choji now wore dark blue shinobi pants and sandals, he still wore a black shirt with the Akimichi, but it was covered mostly by a new cameo trench coat not to mention the belt like strap across his chest holding his Zanpakuto to his back. Naruto didn't change much either he still wore black pants and sandals however his shirt and mask were now dark red the same red of his mother's eyes not to mention the sliver shin and arm guards from his father's ANBU days each concealed a gravity seal he applied with help from his dad. He was also big enough to finally wear the Trench coat that his Auntie Anko had bought him when she had heard the news about his engagement and let's not forget his grandfather's sword that was strapped to his back and two weapons pouches on his legs.

Today marked a very special day because of one very important fact. "Ah Team Ten, and Team Seven nice of you all to come. Now let's see what we have for you there is…"

"Jiji please stop right there." Naruto said making the Hokage look up at him.

"He's right Tou-san the team is ready for a C ranked mission." Asuma said after taking a long drag on his cigarette.

"Asuma-san I highly doubt…" Iruka who was the Chunin assigned to help give out missions started to say until Naruto interrupted.

"Jiji I'll make you a deal so we never have to take a D ranked mission again." Everyone looked at the Genin all with different reactions. Asuma and Yugao were curious as to what he could propose, Kakashi was curious as well but also had a slight smile. The rest of the Genin looked like they wanted to know what was so valuable to secure such a feat…well except for Shikamaru and Sasuke both of whom just looked at Naruto with looks of irritation.

"Oh ho and what do I get out of it?" The Hokage asked with a grin on his face

"The secret to defeating your greatest enemy…paperwork." Naruto said with an eye smile. The room grew silent as the words were processed until in a feat that surprised everyone Hiruzen Sarutobi moved so fast he looked like a white and red blur and gripped Naruto's arms making the boy lean back.

It looked like the only thing keeping Naruto up was the Hokage "Tell me the secret!" the old man demanded anime tears running down his face.

"Conditions. First my team never gets a D rank ever again unless we willingly choose so."


"Every time both Senseis' agree to it you buy us lunch/dinner."


"And finally. The day I can get a Genin team it is to be built of Konohamaru Sarutobi, Hanabi Huuyga, and Kyouki Hatake."


"Two words Jiji. Shadow…Clones." Naruto said with an eye smile at the complete look of shock on Hiruzen's face. Hiruzen let Naruto go who promptly hit the ground with a grunt the Hokage was shaky as he walked towards the desk.

"Tou-san?" Asuma asked as Naruto picked himself up. Hiruzen place his hands on the desk and looked down "BAKA!" the Hokage yelled before smashing his head on the desk. Everyone was so surprised that they didn't know how to react "BAKA!" was called out again as Hiruzen hit his head a second time.

Asuma, Yugao, and Kakashi reacted after that one and grabbed the elder by his arms and wrapped an arm around his front to stop his from hitting his head a third time.

"ALL THOSE YEARS! ALL THAT PAPER WORK! AND THE ANSWER WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!" The Hokage yelled out making everyone sweatdrop as he cried like a little girl. Once the man had gotten himself under control again he reached into the C ranked mission scrolls and opened one. "Here's a nice and easy one escort and protect the bridge builder Tazuna as he completes a bridge he's building in his home country. Wave country."

"Hokage-sama I would request that my team come along as back up. Escort missions always have a way of escalating higher in the field." Kakashi said.

The Hokage looked at Asuma and Yugao both of whom just shrugged and nodded "Alright permission granted. Team Ten will lead in this mission however should there be any big trouble Kakashi will take lead since he has the most experience. Send in the client." The door opened everyone but Sasuke Sakura and Sai caught the over flowing smell of cheap sake.

"What's this? I paid for Ninja not children those three look like they'd run at the first sign of trouble." Tazuna drunkenly said. Sasuke charged at him only to be held back by Kakashi Tazuna looked at Team Ten "Now this group however is what I paid for. Though why anyone would wear Kimono's like that is just plain…" Tazuna paused as he felt metal graze his cheek and warm liquid run down it.

"Watch what you say about my fiancée." Naruto said in a sweet sounding tone while he eye smiled at Tazuna. Behind Naruto however seemed to glow red and black when a white and red fox monster like mask appeared behind his head "ONI MASK!" a few screamed in their heads.

Kakashi eye smiled as well "You've been getting lessons from Kure-chan haven't you?"

"Well she is my mother." Naruto said before he turned back to the Hokage. "How long is the mission estimated to last?"

"Two maybe three weeks."

"Right. Is there anything else Jiji?"

"No you're dismissed."

"Meet Yugao and me at the gate in 15."

"Hai sensei."

The team called out before they left. Once they were out of the tower Naruto reached above him and caught a Kunai "You forgot that sensei." Konohamaru's voice said from a window above them.

"Thank you Konohamaru when I get back remind me to start teaching the water walking exercise."

"Hai sensei." Konohamaru said before he closed the window and left.

"Tree walking, Replacement, Henge, Clones, and now Water walking. Are you sure they aren't your Genin team already?" Ino joked making the group laugh. Naruto smiled as well his 'team' as they liked to call Konohamaru, Hanabi, and Kyouki would everyone once in a while approach Naruto for training. Naruto insisted on them mastering the first chakra control exercise before he did anything else Hanabi had been the first to get it and had helped her teammates as well.

After that he focused on the basic Ninjutsu for the Academy and even helped a little with their Taijutsu and he wasn't alone either. Everyone once in a while a fellow Genin would help Naruto with different training. When Tenten helped she ran through some weapons drills with the three of them after Hanabi had been convinced to wear claw gantlets. The three were now a year ahead of the rest of their classmates and were expected to graduate quickly. Team Ten dispersed and returned to their homes to grab their storage scrolls to seal away their supplies instead of carrying backpacks. They all arrived at the gate with three minutes to spare. Eventually everyone else arrived…well except for Kakashi and their client. Naruto sighed as he got irritated looks from team seven "Don't look at me like that I'm on time." Naruto said.

Sai gave a creepy smile and walked up to Naruto "Can I help you?" Naruto asked when Sai got really close to his face.

"How does a dickless man like you look like he could kick some ass?" Sai asked making Naruto grow a tick mark as did Temari while she had never seen it she knew about Naruto's size.

Instead of causing a scene Naruto grabbed Sai's collar and walked into the forest away from everyone's eyes. Kakashi and Tazuna arrived to see all but two of the group there "Where are Naruto and Sai?" Kakashi asked everyone pointed towards the forest making him look at them in confused when a blast of KI hit the air and a paler than usual Sai came out of the forest walking slowly towards his team.

Naruto walked out a minute later and rejoined his team "Um Naruto…?" Kakashi started to ask before Naruto interrupted "Just settling an issue peacefully." making Kakashi sigh.

"Alright team lets head out. Team Seven take point while Team Ten takes the sides and back." Asuma called out making Sai Sakura and Sasuke start walking while Tazuna walked behind them flanked by Choji and Naruto while Temari, Ino and, Shikamaru took back guard followed by Asuma and Yugao while Kakashi walked behind his team next to Tazuna.

"So Sai what exactly happened in the forest?"

Kakashi asked noticing the shiver that pale boy gave "I should've remembered not to insult the son of Konoha's genjutsu mistress…that damn mask." Sai shivered as he explained making Sakura and Tazuna shiver remembering the slight.

"Maybe next time you'll think before you insult someone." Naruto said making Kakashi sigh he had to stop Sasuke from pummeling Sai the last time he insulted someone.

"Damn Naruto can be scary when he's mad." Ino said to Temari who nodded.

Asuma held his hand out to Yugao who groaned and slapped some coins into her fellow Jonin's hand "Damn that Sai if it had just been Sakura…?" Yugao said.

"Was I just part of a bet?" Naruto asked looking behind

"More like who would be the first of Team Seven to get your Oni Mask no Jutsu launched at them." Asuma explained.

"Oh alright." Naruto said as he faced front again and continued to walk. There were barely past Konoha's wall when Naruto noticed a puddle on the ground "That's just weak." Naruto though as he placed his hands behind his head. Team Seven missed the hand signs Naruto was making towards the three behind him and towards Choji who nodded when he got the message he looked behind to see the rest nod.

Asuma and Yugao having caught the signs decided to let their students handle it but if worse came to worse they would step in. Tazuna and Kakashi pasted the puddle when all hell broke loose as a pair of Nuke-nin from Kiri (Hidden Mist) sent a long chain with jagged edges at the pair only for a cloud of dust to pick up and them to only hear the sound of metal against metal. When the dust cleared Naruto and Shikamaru were standing their swords holding the chain away from Kakashi and Tazuna when they noticed a bundle of silk both Nuke-nin's were surprised to feel a sharp pain in their gantlet covered hands. They looked to see that their hands were now stumps because of Choji and Temari cutting off their hands they backed away till they were back to back when a chain appeared and wrapped around them the shock of losing their arms made then stay as they were wrapped up.

Naruto and Shikamaru appeared and knocked both upside the head with the flat of their swords rendering them unconscious. Tazuna was breathing deeply trying to regain the breath he lost when he though his life was in danger, Sakura couldn't believe what she had just seen and was gasping as well, Sasuke looked impressed, as did Kakashi, Asuma, and Yugao, while Sai kept up an emotionless mask.

"Nicely done Team Ten." Asuma said as all but Ino either cleaned their weapons or sheathed them.

"These two are C almost B class missing ninja. I thought we were protecting from thugs and bandits?"

Naruto asked as he looked at Tazuna who paled slightly "The Demon Brothers Gozu and Meizu of Kiri rank high C low B class. Wanted for attempted coup with Zabuza Momichi the Demon of the Mist. Taijutsu low B, Kenjutsu low A, Genjutsu D. Most likely traveling with Zabuza Momichi if so approach with caution if not capture/kill on sight." Shikamaru said.

Kakashi pulled out a blue book this time and flipped through the pages "Wow word for word. Nicely done Shikamaru."

"What's that book Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked.

"This is the Bingo book. It's full of criminals and Missing Ninja of Konoha as well as other countries. Getting into the book means…"

"You did something that was terrible to that country or they're scared of you." Naruto finished for his father who nodded.

"How do you know that?" Sasuke asked

"The Forth has an entry in Iwa and Kumo's Bingo books. Both say surrender or flee on sight he's the only man to ever get that order at his age." Naruto explained.

"Yes and now I believe our client has some explaining to do." Kakashi said glaring at the man.

Tazuna went on to explain about Gato and his actions against Wave Country "This is an A ranked mission we should return and re-file it." Kakashi said.

"Wait please my country can't afford an A ranked mission I used the last of the assets to buy materials and this mission." Tazuna said.

Kakashi sighed and looked at Asuma and Yugao "It's your mission and your call." Kakashi said

"I say we go I can't stand the idea of an entire country under Gato's thumb." Yugao said

"I'm with Yugao here." Asuma added then he looked at the Genin.

"It's troublesome but I'm in."

"I'm with Shikamaru." Choji said.

"Count me in." Temari said making Ino and Naruto nod.

"Let's keep going I won't ever get stronger on those stupid D ranked mission." Sasuke said making everyone but Sai and Sakura glare at the overconfident Genin. Sakura nodded not wanting to disappoint her 'Sasuke-kun' Sai didn't say anything but nodded as well.

"Alright we'll continue on. Naruto scout ahead ten yards."

"Hai Sensei." Naruto said before he jumped out of sight while the rest walked around.

That night when they made camp Naruto created some shadow clones and placed them in random areas to keep a look out while everyone relaxed. Temari leaned against Naruto as he started to read the Tale of the Incredible Gutsy Ninja the only book by Jiraiya that the boy could stand. He paused in his reading "To think the man who writes that smut wrote something like this."

Somewhere a silver haired man was peeking on a woman's bathhouse before sneezing loudly alerting all the women towards his presents.

Back with Naruto and Team Ten everyone was laying down for the night Sakura noticed Temari walk into Naruto's tent but before she could comment Ino bopped her on the head. "She's his fiancée forehead let it go."

Sakura was about to argue her point when Kakashi spoke up "They've been sharing a bed since she came to live in Konoha but neither of them are ready to go farther than just sleep." as he spoke Kakashi's head never lifted from his smut.

"Does Kurenai know you still read that?" Asuma asked

Kakashi smiled at his friend "She not only knows she likes to reenact some things from it." Asuma lost the cigarette that was in his mouth while Yugao smiled at him.

"I never knew Nai-chan liked roll playing."

"Mainly on special occasions say birthdays and our anniversary…which reminds me. Naruto…?"

"A week and three days." Naruto's voice came from the tent but Kakashi sighed in relief.

"Still got time then to get her something. Pakkun will just have to make a delivery run that day. Thanks son."

"Yeah, yeah." A tired Naruto said before he and Temari snuggled together into a sleeping bag and fell asleep. As they slept Ino and Choji were sitting nearby when Ino leaned onto Choji and started to gently start to fall asleep. Shikamaru looked and smiled for his friend who had a slight blush on his face Shikamaru, Temari, and Naruto were the only ones that knew about Choji's secret crush on the Yamaka heiress. Ino didn't notice it but everyone once in a while something like the scene in front of them made them think the feelings were mutual but neither seemed to have the courage to go for it. Shikamaru leaned back against a log and looked up at the night sky and enjoyed the stars before he yawned and walked into his tent for the night. Morning came quickly a little too quick for some (Shikamaru) "Anything to report?" Asuma asked Naruto as he (Naruto) cooked breakfast.

"It was quiet all night the only time any one of the clones reacted was when they caught breakfast." Naruto said pointing to a small boar cooking on a makeshift spit Asuma nodded as he walked away to the small stream to gather some water.

As soon as breakfast was ready everyone gathered around the fire and ate the boar that Naruto had cooked to perfection "Naruto when I build my restaurant chain want to become my head chef?" Choji asked as he cleaned off the grease from the boar.

"I think about it as my retirement plan." Naruto said with an eye smile making Team Ten and their sensei laugh.

"I'd almost forgotten how good your barbeque is son." Kakashi said with an eye smile

"It has been a while since we've had a family barbeque." Naruto said as they finished eating. After wrapping up the leftovers the Konoha Ninja plus client continued on their way to Wave Country.

Three days later they reached an incomplete bridge were a man stood on the river waiting. "Tazuna we were beginning to fear the worse."

"I'm alright that's to my protectors here…well most of them anyway those three over there were useless." Tazuna said pointing at Team Seven who glared at him.

"Anyway how are we…?"

"In-Shika-Cho you got the west. Temari and I will take east. Asuma-sensei, Yugao-sensi, and Team Seven stick with the client. Rendezvous on the shore."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Kakashi said as he walked onto the boat Naruto nodded then nodded towards his teammates who nodded back before the group started out. Sakura, Sasuke, and Sai as well as Tazuna were surprised when the group started to run on the water to get to the other side before they vanished in the mist.

"Is it safe for them to run ahead like that?" Tazuna asked

"I trust Naruto and his team with my life. Naruto is a natural born leader, Shikamaru is a trained strategist, Ino and Temari are very strong women that are the great support holding them together, and Choji is the guardian of the team. They'll be fine." Asuma said lighting a cigarette.

"Not to mention they proved they can handle themselves against the Demon Brothers." Yugao said from her spot on the boat.

"They're still just a bunch of…" Before Sasuke could finished he felt something push him out of the boat and fall into the water Asuma and Yugao looked to see Kakashi with one hand behind his head while the other held his book.

"The hot head needed to cool off." Kakashi said not looking up from his book meanwhile Sakura looked back worried about her 'Sasuke-kun' but didn't do anything to help him. Asuma laughed a little but busted a gut when a line of ninja wire with a hook on the end came out of the mist and latched onto Sasuke's clothing and started to real him in like a fish.

"Come on Choji reel in that sucker!" Came Naruto's voice over the mist making Asuma laugh harder holding his side Yugao was smirking fighting her laugh Kakashi wasn't far behind.

"He's fighting me captain!" Choji said that was too much for Yugao who started laughing with Asuma holding her side.

"Give it all you got man! You've almost landed the terrible beastie!" Naruto said now both Sensei's' were sure they had busted a gut with their laughter while Kakashi finally joined in the laughter. Tazuna was pounding the boat while he laughed Sakura was glaring at everyone that was laughing Sai just ignored everyone and worked on a drawing. When they reached land a wet rat looking Sasuke was glaring at a still laughing Choji and Naruto "I don't know Choji you might want to throw it back it looks poisonous." Naruto said everyone once in a while gasping for breath.

"Naruto…my ribs!" Choji begged as he laughed harder only to freeze as Naruto jumped up and threw a Kunai at a bunch of bushes instantly all of Team Ten was weapons hot and waiting. Kakashi took out a Kunai and waited while Team Seven followed his example. Tazuna looked around him waiting for something bad to happen when a white rabbit came out of the bushes Team Seven's Genin and Tazuna sighed in relief while everyone else didn't relax.

"Naruto-baka what's the deal…"

"Haruno shut the hell up! It's the wrong season for a rabbit to be naturally white!" Naruto hissed.

"So what?!" Sakura yelled

"That means it's a domestic pet and was used for a substitution."

Sai said reaching for the Tanto on his back slowly drawing the blade. The group waited until they heard a sound in the air "GET DOWN!" Naruto and Kakashi called out dragging those near them onto the ground avoiding a large projectile that flew over their heads. They looked up to see a man with an open vest, cameo pants, a Kiri headband and a wrappings mask around his mouth.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? So this is the reason why Gozu and Meizu never returned?"

The man growled Naruto slowly stood at the same time as his father "Zabuza Momichi. Class A missing Ninja of Kiri after a failed Coup with the Demon Brothers. A master of the silent killing technique." Kakashi said

"Kakashi of the Sharingan AKA Kakashi the Copy Ninja. Class A Jonin of Konoha said to have copied over a 1000 jutsu with that eye of yours. However who is the young pup standing with you looking like a miniature version of you? Minus the hair and eyes of course."


"I know Tou-san. Team Ten Circle formation." Naruto said making the rest of the Genin of his team circle around the client all in defensive formations Asuma and Yugao stood at Kakashi's side.

"Team Seven diamond formation!" Kakashi commanded making the group jumped and surround Tazuna closer than Team Ten was.

"Tou-san…? So Kakashi you brought your young son with you? How sad you and his mother will be when I rip him away from you." Zabuza taunted making Kakashi freeze and Naruto smile behind his mask.

"He's in trouble now." Naruto whispered as Kakashi raised his hand and grabbed his headband and lifted it revealing a red eye with two black comma marks.

"Over my cold dead body." Kakashi said in a dangerous voice his KI raising Zabuza raised a nonexistent eyebrow

"So that is the Sharingan? I feel honored that you are showing it to me the sight no man ever sees twice."


"Don't even think about it Kakashi. That's my student and Godson he just threatened." Asuma said gripping his Trench Knives tighter

"So be it. I'll go high."

"Right." Asuma said before the three warriors vanished from sight. The Genin watched in amazement as Asuma and Kakashi battled with Zabuza Kunai and Trench knife against a Zanpakuto. Every time it seemed that they had delivered a killing blow to Zabuza he dissolved into water.

"Water clones." Temari said when she caught sight of this. Eventually Zabuza was able to get away from Kakashi and Asuma before making a single hand sigh "Hidden Mist Jutsu." he called out before the entire area was surrounded in mist. "So many places to choose to attack all ending in death but whom and where the question is."

Zabuza's voice came from the mist. KI filled the air making Tazuna, Sasuke, and Sakura all gasp for breath and even start to slightly panic "Is this what it feels like when Jonin meet?" Sasuke thought "It's too much…I can't take it…!" Sasuke thought as he slightly lifted his Kunai.

"Sasuke!" Naruto called out making the boy freeze and look at his fellow Genin "He won't get by us. Nor will Tou-san allow anything to happen to us. Take a deep breath and calm down!" Sasuke took a few deep breathes and nodded at his fellow Genin.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Zabuza said as he appeared inside Team Seven's Diamond formation about to cut down the client when the sound of metal striking metal filled the air. Zabuza was surprised to see Naruto in front of the group holding back the Zanpakuto with his fang shaped long sword in a reverse grip.

"Like I said you have to get by my team first." Naruto said glaring at Zabuza "Temari now!" Naruto called out.

"Wind style: Grand Breakthrough!" Temari's voice called out followed by a large burst of wind clearing the area making Zabuza look to see a Katana around his neck and Jian sword pointed at his heart.

"I'm impressed." Zabuza said till he turned to water and fell to the ground.

"Shit another clone."

Naruto cursed as they looked around until he heard something making him turn to his both Asuma and Kakashi in water prison domes. Zabuza had used the distraction to capture the two Jonin off guard "Now hand over the bridge builder or…"

Naruto and Choji jumped forward making hand signs "Fire style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" "Wind Style: Drilling Air Bullet!" both young men called out sending the two elemental Jutsu after the silent killer who had to let the prisons go in order to escape the combination jutsu.

Kakashi and Asuma avoided the attack by falling into the water before raising up and looking at one another before shrugging and getting back onto shore. Kakashi found Zabuza first and saw him making hand signs which he quickly copied thanks to his eye "Water style: Water Dragon Jutsu." two voices called out making two fully function dragons appear and charge one another canceling each other out.

Zabuza was surprised even more so that when he made a move Kakashi copied him perfectly. "Nothing more than a trained monkey." He thought until Kakashi started to finish signs before he did then he thought it was a trick of the eye when a water clone appeared behind Kakashi but looked like Zabuza. "Can you see the future Kakashi?!" Zabuza asked in a panicked voice

"Water Style: Great Water Fall Jutsu." Kakashi called out making a giant wave appear behind him and slam into Zabuza until Zabuza was pinned against a tree holding him against it. "I see your death in your future Zabuza!" Kakashi called out as he was about to charge and finish off the Nuke-nin until a pair of Senbon needles appeared in the man's neck making him slump forward and Kakashi pause as he looked up to see a young looking individual wearing a white mask with red strips.

"Thank you for weakening him for me." Kakashi looked at the ninja before walking up to Zabuza and placed two fingers against the man's throat checking for a pulse.

"He's all yours Hunter-san and your welcome." The Hunter Ninja appeared on the ground and grabbed Zabuza before vanishing making Yugao, Kakashi, Asuma, and the rest of Team Ten raise their eyebrows in question. Kakashi recovered his eye "All right let's…" Kakashi didn't finish as he started to pitch forward only to be caught by his son.

"You over did it Tou-san."

"So it would seem…" Kakashi said as Naruto lifted the man onto his back Temari appeared behind to better set Kakashi on Naruto to make the trip easier for the pair.

"Sasuke Sai take point…Ino Choji side guard I'll stick in the middle with Tazuna. Temari Shikamaru back guard."


"What about me?"

"Haruno don't get in anyone's way." Naruto said as the Genin followed his orders some begrudgingly (Sasuke & Sakura) the rest without hesitation. Asuma and Yugao joined Temari and Shikamaru at the back to keep an eye on everything. They arrived at a shabby looking house that Tazuna opened "Tsunami Inari I'm home." Tazuna called out.

A good looking woman with long black hair and pale skin appear from the kitchen who breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her father. Meanwhile a young boy with a sour look and a fishing hat barely glanced at them before he looked away. "Do you have a place where I can set Tou-san down?" Naruto asked once he was in the door Tsunami nodded a lead him into a room upstairs where Temari set down one of their sleeping bags before helping Naruto set Kakashi on the ground.

Kakashi look up at his son with a smile "You did a good job out there today son."

"Thank you Tou-san but were still have problems."

"What do you mean that sword guy is dead isn't he?" Tazuna asked from the door way.

"While the one that collected him was dressed like a Hunter Ninja something wasn't right." Naruto said

"Hunter Ninja?"

"Ninja bounty hunter. They go around and kill missing ninja decapitating their captures and presenting their heads to the country offering the biggest bounty…However I've never heard of one taking its prey away from sight before completing their usual routine." Asuma answered Sakura.

"Right plus while Senbon needles are great for medical means it's not exactly a conventional weapon for Hunter-nin." Yugao added making Kakashi and Team Ten nod.

"Then it's safe to assume that Hunter-nin and Zabuza were working together." Shikamaru said

"Which also means that Zabuza was just in a dead like state which he'll recover from and his injures in about a week with medical attention maybe two without." Ino added.

"So we've got a week before we meet him again. Which is about the time Kakashi-sempi will recover from his Chakra exhaustion." Yugao said.

"Alright then. Asuma I'd like you and Temari to help Team Seven with some chakra control. Tree walking mainly."

"You haven't done that yet?"

Naruto deadpanned making Kakashi look up at him "Its slow going when I keep getting lost on the road of life." Kakashi explained making everyone sweat drop.

"Oi." Naruto said shaking his head.

"Anyway. While that's taking place Yugao and the rest of Team Ten will watch over Tazuna as he finishes the bridge. I'll take over for Asuma as soon as I can stand on a pair of crutches."

"Sounds like a good idea and after Team Seven has got that down we can swap guard days so we can train as well." Naruto said.

That night after dinner Temari was being held tightly by Naruto at her request "Tema-chan what's wrong?" Naruto asked.

"Naru-kun I'm worried about everything that might happen after Zabuza returns." Temari said "We could've gotten hurt or killed today no matter how well we handled the situation." Naruto nodded and pulled her in closer.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you Temari. I promise I will do everything to keep you safe. I love you too much not to." Naruto said. Temari's eyes widened slightly before she smiled brightly while she knew Naruto loved her he hadn't ever said the words before.

"I love you Naru-kun." Temari said looking into his eyes Naruto smiled.

"I love you too my Desert-Hime." He said making her smiled again before she pulled down his mask and delivered a bruising kiss one that left both recipients breathless before it ended. Naruto smiled and let her as she laid her head on his chest listening to her personal lullaby.

Morning found Temari watching three students try and master tree walking Sakura had been the first to climb the tree but Asuma made her keep going again and again to build her reserves since they were so pitiful. While Naruto, Yugao, Choji, and Shikamaru guarded Tazuna and his workers or helped out every once in a while Naruto especially with his clones. Every night they would gather back at Tazuna's house and enjoy a meal and talk before going to sleep. After Team Seven mastered tree walking the group joined Team Ten for their water walking exercises or tried to anyway they still had a ways to go.

One night they were introduced to Kakashi's dog summons or one of them anyway "Pakkun I need you to run an errand for me." Kakashi said handing him a scroll "Please take this to Kurenai and let her know I said happy anniversary." Pakkun nodded before taking the scroll in his mouth and vanishing in a puff of smoke.

He returned later with a different scroll and a message tied to it "Happy anniversary and thank you for the flowers they're beautiful." there was an imprint of a pair of red lipstick covered lips on the end. Kakashi smiled before unrolling the scroll and unsealing a brand new Icha Icha book making Kakashi cry anime tears. "I've got the greatest wife in the world…it's even autographed." He cried out holding the book close before noticing a second note "There is a really good scene on page 125 we'll test out when you get home." Kakashi paused before flipping through the book trying to find the scene.

Naruto shook his head as Temari gently patted his head trying not to laugh at the look on his face when Kakashi started to chuckle like a pervert. "Tou-san! Remember your son is in the room right now!"

Naruto called out making Kakashi look up "Whoops. Sorry son." Kakashi said as he put the book away. "I'll read it later."

"Thank you." Naruto said sighing in relief

"Naruto why…?"

"Every time he reads those books he imagines my mother is the main female character." Naruto explained.

"Wow she must be quite the looker…"

Tazuna started to say before he felt a familiar dark aura hit the air he looked to see Naruto's fox monster mask in full effect. Only this time the Mask had morphed to make it look like the mouth was open revealing a lot of sharp looking teeth "What were you about to say Tazuna-san?" Naruto asked making Tazuna shiver in fright.

"Nothing." The bridge builder squeaked out in a very small voice Naruto just 'Mm'ed before the mask vanish. Everyone breathed easier after that "He's scary when he's mad." Sakura, Ino, Tazuna, and Tsunami thought as Naruto was pulled into Temari's arms and allowed to rest his face in the crook of her neck.

"So that's why he never stops reading those damn books." Yugao thought as she looked at the Icha Icha book. "Although I'm sure Kurenai won't let Naruto within ten feet of one of that pervert's books." Yugao thought.

Meanwhile in another part of the Elemental Nation a man in a brothel sneezed suddenly but shrugged it off.

That night as they ate dinner everyone was gathered and eating before Inari spoke up. "Why?" Everyone looked at him in surprise since this was the first time any of them heard him speak.

"Why what?" Naruto asked

"Why are you trying so hard?! It won't matter anyway no one can defeat Gato!"

"Doesn't mean we're not going to try. Just because you gave up doesn't mean we have." Naruto answered taking another bite of his meal.

"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT PAIN OR LOSS! NONE OF YOU DO!" Inari yelled out as soon as the words were past his lips the rooms temperature plummeted.

"Who did you lose?" Naruto asked in a low voice


"I'm guessing he died standing up to Gato?"


"Have you ever seen a comrade someone you considered a brother die slowly while he was crushed by rocks?" Naruto asked.


"Have you been taken away from all you know because of a bunch of old buzzards forced you to?"


"Did you grow up knowing that every time your Tou-san or Kaa-san walked out the door it could be the last?" Naruto asked.


"The last one was towards every single member of those whose parents wear this headband." Naruto said tapping his. "The first one was my Tou-san who did have to watch as his brother his teammate his comrade died after being buried in a rock slide. The Second was my Desert-Hime here while I wouldn't trade her love for the world thanks to the councils of both Konoha, and Suna she was taken from her family her home from all she knew." Naruto glared at Inari "Not all of us have the luxury of turning coward every time something bad happens in life. So next time you want to open your mouth remember there is always someone somewhere worse off than you!" Naruto ended with a yell before standing up "I've lost my appetite." he said leaving the house.

Tazuna looked at Kakashi "Did you really lose a teammate like he said?"

"Obito Uchiha was his name and yes. That was also the same day I got this eye." Kakashi pointed towards his covered eye "I had lost mine and he gave me his as his final act on this earth."

Shikamaru looked at a still surprised Inari. "He's right you know. We live our lives knowing that every time we go through the door and leave our village it could very well be for the last time. No child can understand until after they become Genin." The shadow user said before he stood up and followed Naruto out. Choji dropped his bowl on the table and followed Temari and Ino not far behind.

Tazuna looked at the Genin as they left "They are the only ones that can help Naruto calm down right now. His team and his mother are the only ones ever able to calm him down when he's angry…at least in their own way. Mine usually involves hitting something." Kakashi said.

"He's a very passionate young man isn't he?" Tsunami asked making the three Jonin smile.

"He's like his mother when it comes to certain things. Kurenai normally keeps things bottled up unless she feels very strongly about whatever is going on. Naruto is much the same whereas Kyouki my daughter tries to bury it deep down just like I do."

"Does your wife and daughter wear mask as well?"

"Just Kyouki. It's a Hatake tradition to only allow family and future Hatake's to see what's underneath our mask. Right now Kurenai, Kyouki, and Temari are the only people who had any idea what Naruto and I look like under them."

Outside Naruto was looking up at the sky trying to let what Inari said go but it was hard the brat had been pressing his buttons the entire time he and the rest of the Konoha-nin arrived. "While correct you shouldn't have yelled at the brat." Temari's voice said making him lean his head back to see her walk over with the rest of Team Ten and sit down joining him.

"I know but the kid just irks me. Why turn into a sniveling coward instead of fight against the one who took something…someone so precious from you?"

"Not all of us have your courage Naruto." Shikamaru said as he laid down on Naruto left while Temari took the right Choji and Ino nearby their heads near his. "If it was any one of us we know we'd want some kind of justice for the crimes, but that boy has been living in fear almost all his life where as we have not."

"Then I guess we'll just have to get the village their justice by capturing Gato for them. Let them deal with him after we're done."

"It would help them get over what he has done to them." Ino said the group just laid there looking at the sky one by one falling asleep Temari snuggled into Naruto's side while he held her so she was warm. Ino subconsciously snuggled into Choji who held her while he slept neither aware that this was going on and Shikamaru fell asleep not caring about the fact he didn't have a girl to lay with him…not caring at all.

Morning found Team Ten still lying out in the field where Team Seven had been tree climbing a young woman wearing a pink kimono walked into the field seeing the group asleep. "So these are the Genin Zabuza said to be mindful of." Haku thought as she reached for a few Senbon needles in her hand and approached them.

Haku approached the group needles in her hand before pausing and sighing before returning the needles to her pouch. "They are not my enemy yet." She thought as she continued until a kunai pasted her making her freeze Naruto sat up his arm raised "I didn't even see him throw that kunai!" Haku thought. Naruto relaxed slightly before gently shaking Temari who woke up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes he then kicked Shikamaru who groaned but woke up.

Choji and Ino woke up at the sound of Shikamaru groaning neither giving much through to their current sleeping arrangement before the stood up and stretched. They all looked to see a young girl around their age frozen in fright "Sorry about that. Instinct." Naruto explained as he stood and stretched.

"It's alright I was the one that surprised you." Haku said acting like she was calming down from her fright before she blushed and looked away. Confused Naruto turned to see what made her blush before he saw Shikamaru looking at her he had been struck stupid at the sight of the girl and was staring at her intently.

"Shika you'll catch flies like that." Ino said waking Shikamaru up and making him turn his face trying to hide his blush.

"My name is Naruto this is my fiancée Temari, our Teammates Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru. What's your name?" Naruto asked remembering his manners.

"Hello my name is Haku." The now introduced Haku said to Team Ten "What were you doing out here so early?" Haku asked it was an innocent question.

"I came out here to calm down last night and my team joined me in some star gazing before we all just fell asleep." Naruto said sheepishly scratching the back of his head.

At Tazuna's house Kakashi was trying to read his new book but everyone could tell he wasn't really reading it (He never turned the page) Asuma found it a little funny but knew better than to call Kakashi on this fact.

"Is he alright?"

Tsunami asked "He battling with his inner father. He worried about the fact Naruto was out all night and still hasn't returned. He's trying to deciding whether to just sit here and wait for him to return or go looking for him." Asuma explained with a smile on his face.

"I know he can take care of himself but…"

"There's never been a night when he wasn't home or nearby." Yugao finished making the sliver haired Shinobi nod.

"At least it was you that tagged along on this mission. Image what would've happened if Kurenai was here." Asuma said before all three Jonin felt a shiver up their spines.

"Would it have been that bad?"

"Let me put it this way. I love my Red Eyed-Hime, but the words 'over protective mother' were defined based around her." Kakashi said.

Meanwhile Kurenai was making breakfast when she sneezed suddenly "Probably Naruto or Kakashi. I wish they were home." Kurenai thought as she finished the meal for her and her daughter.

Back with Team Ten the Genin were now sitting with Haku laughing and passing the time before Ino noticed the herbs in Haku's basket "Are you collecting healing herbs?" Ino asked.

"Yes. A friend of mine hurt himself recently and I was collecting herbs to help his recovery." Ino nodded before standing and helped Haku collect the herbs since she knew what to look for once her basket was filled Haku acted as if she just noticed the headbands. "Are you all Shinobi and Kunoichi?"

"That's right." Naruto said before Haku looked at him

"Then you must have someone very precious you fight to protect."

"Sure do. There's my family, my friends, and most importantly my Dessert-Hime right here." Naruto said before he kissed Temari's cheek making her blush Haku smiled.

"That's good. I believe true strength comes from the drive to protect those that are precious to you."

"I agree." Naruto said as he pulled Temari in close to his side his arm around her waist. Temari laid her head on his shoulder while he did this with a smile on her face Haku smiled at the group before she picked up her basket and walked away.

"It was good meeting you all. And by the way I'm…"

"We know you're a girl Haku…but that you need to keep that a secret you don't need to worry about us telling anyone." Shikamaru said making Haku blink before she smiled at him and walked up to him before kissing his cheek "Thank you." she said as she left.

"Alright team let's head back before Tou-san comes looking and knocks me into next week." Naruto said making Choji laugh as they all headed back. Naruto turned out to be half right as soon as they were through the door Kakashi bopped him on the head hard enough to create a large bump but they all knew it was because he had been worried about his son. Naruto chuckled sheepishly before apologizing to Kakashi who nodded and finally actually read his book letting everyone know he was just fine. Asuma and Yugao figured the strong physical attack was enough of a punishment for Naruto and they didn't bother with the rest of their Genin.

"So we met the fake hunter today." Shikamaru said once Kakashi had finished making all three Jonin look at them in surprise.

"Her name is Haku however she tried to pass herself off as a civilian this morning as she gathered herbs to help Zabuza's healing." Naruto said making Ino Temari and Choji look at the two of them in surprise.

"How…? Wait I forgot who I'm talking to." Ino said making Shikamaru and Naruto laugh.

"How can you be sure?" Yugao asked

"She has the same height, build, and voice as the hunter." Shikamaru explained.

"And the fact that she was defiantly a she instead of a feminine male?" Temari asked

"She's developing early." Shika said with a shrug making the females of their team grow tick marks while Temari looked at Naruto.

"Naru-Kun how did you know?" Temari asked in a sweet voice making her own Oni Mask no Jutsu appear making every man but Naruto shiver.

Naruto tapped the side of his nose "Tou-san's training to enhance my sense of smell. Haku's scent was way too feminine to be anything other than a girl. And nice try on Kaa-chan's jutsu." Naruto said while said mask vanish. Temari kissed her fiancé and smiling in the knowledge that he hadn't been ogling another girl.

Kakashi then looked at Naruto before sighing "Naruto the time has come for you to learn your Lightning affinity." Naruto looked at his father in surprise before nodding in understanding the two Hatake's left quietly.

"Is now really the time to learn secondary affinities?" Temari asked Asuma who shrugged. In a section surrounded by trees Kakashi looked at Naruto before he began.

"To channel lightning chakra you first have to draw from the electricity already in your body…" Kakashi spent that day explaining and teaching like always Naruto caught on quick and did his damnedest to learn. "Alright Naruto here are three scrolls on lightning jutsu the first is called Paralyzing Array it channels lightning through water or the ground to affect your enemy and temporary make the signals from the brain to the body to misfire. The second is a defense Jutsu calls Lightning Wall it creates a small dome around your body to protect it from attacks especially Earth based ones. And the third…well I'm sure you recognize it."

Kakashi said with an eye smile as Naruto opened the scroll "Tou-san…this is…"

"The Chidori yes. These last few days have shown me that you are ready to use such a technique to protect your team rather then just as a means to kill your enemies. Besides who did you think I would teach this to…Sasuke?" Kakashi said with a laugh making Naruto join him.

"Now like Asuma showed you to channel Wind through your sword and trench knives you can do the same with lightning however instead of focusing on cutting focus on stabbing."

"Like the Raikari?" Naruto asked

"Correct. Now I need to get back to Team Seven I need to teach them something if they're going to be any help whatsoever." Kakashi said before walking away leaving Naruto to his training. While this was happening Yugao had taken Ino and Temari to work on learning some Water Jutsu while Asuma decided to teach both Shikamaru and Choji some advanced Fire Jutsu. A week had come and gone which found Teams Ten and Seven leaving Tazuna's house with said man between them Naruto looked up and saw three clones that he had left behind the lead of which nodded in recognition before hiding.

They arrived to find the bridge shrouded in mist Naruto tensed while sniffing the air "Haku is near meaning…"

"Team Ten weapons out prepare for battle." Asuma said as he pulled out his trench knives Naruto followed his example and pull his knives out as well while everyone else grabbed their weapons and/or Kunai to prepare. This time they all knew it wouldn't end until Zabuza was dead or captured and the same went for Haku.

Once they were on the bridge they saw the bodies of Tazuna's workers most were dead but a few were just wounded "Definitely Zabuza's work." Kakashi said before they heard a laugh in the air.

"Why thank you Kakashi." Zabuza's frame was seen in the mist next to him was Haku who was once again wearing her hunter ninja outfit mask included. "I am happy that you brought the brats again especially your own boy. He's a rather interesting young man might just make the bingo book before his 15th birthday." Zabuza said.

Kakashi eye smiled "Well I did train him since he was four years old." now Zabuza was even more impressed.

"No wonder he was fast enough to block my blade." Zabuza said with a slight laugh before he made a hand sign making a group of water clones appear. Team Ten and the Jonin took care of them before they could actually become a problem "Hmm…looks like you've got rivals in speed Haku."

"Yes Zabuza-sama."

"Team Seven protect Tazuna. Leave Zabuza to the Jonin. Naruto you and Team Ten have got the Hunter Ninja."

"Hai Kakashi/Tou-san." Team Seven went into a familiar pattern around Tazuna while Team Ten readied for the fight. Haku charged at a speed most could barely follow at least until Naruto blocked her attack and started a taijutsu battle with her using his knives mainly to block her using her senbon needles against him. Temari appeared with her fans opened helping Naruto the two worked in perfect sync with one another making Zabuza raise a nonexistent eyebrow.

"Who's the blonde?" Zabuza asked the Jonin.

"My sons' fiancée and my future daughter in-law." Kakashi said with pride. Zabuza shrugged before taking his blade off his back Kakashi noticed and lifted his head band again revealing his Sharingan

"I think I'm the only enemy to every see that eye a second time."

"Indeed but there won't be a third. After all I still remember that threat you made to kill my son."

Naruto and Temari were fighting Haku who was impressed by how well the two were working together making it almost impossible for her to use her ice jutsu. Until she jumped away from the two then having to dodge again as a fire jutsu appeared out of nowhere making her look to see Shikamaru with his finger near his mouth. As soon as she landed she was moving again as a water jutsu came at her courtesy of Ino she noticed Choji slapping his hands together.

"Expansion jutsu!" He called out making his entire body balloon before he tucked in his arms, legs and head "Human boulder!" he called out as he started spinning towards her rapidly making her jump over him before Naruto gave her a round house kick to the head sending her flying till she hit the ground.

"Nice work on that water whip Ino!" Naruto called out

"And Shika when did you learn the fireball jutsu?" Temari added as she joined her fiancé near the Team Choji reappeared next to them as Haku stood up shaking her head.

"You are stronger than I thought."

"Just got a really good team of people to help when I need them." Naruto said.

"Then it's time to cut down the numbers." Haku said rapidly going through hand signs making water raise around her before they turned into eye needles.

"Ice style: 1000 needles of death."

The needles flew at the team "Scatter." Naruto ordered before everyone jumped apart barely avoiding the needles Naruto and Temari were alone in a section of the bridge while the others were together.

"Time to end this fight. Ice style: Demonic Ice Mirrors." Haku called out making all the water near the two turn to ice and rise into the air shaping until they were surrounded by a dome of ice mirrors.

While this was happening Kakashi looked at the dome "What jutsu is this?"

"Surprised Kakashi? This is Haku's greatest technique as the last of the Ice users of Kiri it's quite deadly."

"A blood line!"

Kakashi cursed making to move to help only to jump back from Zabuza's Zanpakuto "Sorry Kakashi but I can't let you leave this fight." Zabuza said before he made a sigh thickening the mist almost making it impossible for the Jonin to see in front of their eyes. Asuma made ready to use Temari's tactic to clear the mist when he felt his senses go off making him jump out of the way of a slash from a Zanpakuto. "So you're the one that taught them to clear my mist well I can't have you destroy my way of defeating the Sharingan."

Zabuza said as he vanished again. All of a sudden two voices were crying out in pain making the Jonin look towards the dome "Naruto Temari!" Kakashi called out.

"Worry about the fight in front of you!" Zabuza called out making to slash Kakashi who blocked it with a kunai.

Naruto and Temari looked around the dome seeing every single mirror had an image of Haku "I had hoped that I wouldn't have to kill the two of you but you've left me no other choice." Haku's voice said as each image reached into the pouch on their hips pulling out senbon needles before throwing them in an endless assault making Naruto and Temari cry out in pain as they were stabbed by the needles.

Outside the dome the In-Shika-Cho trio heard the screams "Naruto! Temari! We've got to do something Shikamaru!" Choji called out making the pineapple haired shadow user nod and go into his thinking pose.

"Alright when he does that he can create any strategy to save those two!" Ino thought as the cries of pain died down "Choji try your hottest fireball for me I need to see something."

Shikamaru said Choji flew through the hand signs "Fire style: Grand Fireball Jutsu!" Choji called out taking a deep breath and shooting a larger than life fireball at the mirror in front of him they all watched as it started to melt and once Choji was done they caught sight of a slightly pin cushioned Naruto and Temari who were still on their feet before the mirror reformed.

"Chakra enhanced and she can remake them instantly if need be." Shikamaru said before he closed his eyes in though.

When they saw the fireball Team Seven, the Jonin, and Zabuza were surprised "Looks like the rest of the team is trying to help Naruto and Temari."

Asuma said with a smile and Kakashi breathed easier "With Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji on the case I can focus here" Kakashi thought as they continued the silent battle against Zabuza.

"Still able to stand huh? Well we'll just have to fix that."

Haku said as another barrage of needles came down Naruto went through some hand signs "Temari-Hime stay close!" Naruto called out Temari stood next to him. "Lightning style: Lightning wall!" Naruto called out making a bright electric wave appear around the two blocking most of the needles not all mind you but enough to where it didn't hurt as much as the first barrage.

Shikamaru smiled "Nicely done Naruto try and buy me a little more time and I'll get you and Temari out of there." he thought.

Haku was impressed "Interesting lightning and wind affinities but that won't help you now."

"No! Then how about this?! Water style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" Temari called out making the water on the ground from near them form into a familiar jutsu and rush at the mirrors giving Haku wasn't worried until she heard Naruto cry out.

"Lightning style: Paralyzing Array!" Naruto called out channeling the lightning through Temari's water dragon. "Combination Jutsu: Paralyzing Dragon!" Naruto and Temari called out as the lightning enhanced dragon hit the mirrors and they could hear Haku cry out in pain from the effects.

Zabuza paused and looked towards the dome when he heard Haku cry out in pain "Seems your apprentice is still having troubles Zabuza." Kakashi taunted.

"Way to go Naruto and Temari!" Ino cried out as she jumped up and down.

Haku fell out of a mirror twitching as lightning still ran through her body as she forced herself onto her feet she glared at the two "Ouch!" she growled before jumping back into the mirrors. "Now you've gone and made me mad." Haku said as the water from the jutsu turned into needles as well as Haku lifting her metal ones. She forced the two apart not giving Naruto the chance to use his Lightning Wall jutsu again before Temari was hit in the knees with a few needles making her fall back onto her backside. "Now I will end this!" Haku yelled rushing at Temari.

Temari closed her eyes waiting for the end when it didn't come she opened her eyes to see Haku on the ground and Naruto standing in front of her protectively. Temari smiled until Naruto dropped down to his knees and fell back into her lap making her see that he had been stabbed by multiple needles when trying to defend her. Naruto looked up at her and smiled before he started coughing Temari lowered his mask allowing blood to fall from his mouth.


"Shh Tema-Hime." Naruto said in a shaky voice

"Naru-kun!" she cried out when his breathing grew faint

"I'm…sorry Tema-hime…it…it looks like…"

"No don't talk you're going to be just fine!"

Temari demanded more than told him. As his breathe grew even fainter he lifted his hand and wiped a tear from Temari's face "I love you Tema-hime." he gasped out "I love you too Naru-kun." Temari said.

She leaned forward and kissed Naruto the kiss was passion filled and loving but she felt him stop suddenly she tried to get him to kiss back she tried and tried till she pulled away teary eyed. Naruto's eyes were closed but he had a look of complete peace over his face "N…No…come back. Come back Naruto." Temari said her tearing running freely.


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