Wrap up in Wave, Chunin selections

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"NARUTO!" Temari's voice reached everyone on the bridge.

Shikamaru opened his eyes suddenly at the sound of complete pain and torment in the girls' voice his eyes were big and he could feel himself already fighting the tears "No…!" he wanted to cry out but the cry died in his throat.

Choji felt himself break down at the pain in Temari's voice he was on his hands and knees pounding the ground with his fist crying. "Why?! I should've done more! I should've…!" Choji tried to think of what he could've done differently but was unable to when Ino fell onto her knees next to him crying her eyes out. Choji didn't care anymore and pulled her into his arms and held her as she cried into his shirt Ino grasping his shirt tightly crying into Choji's shoulder.

Kakashi felt a stab in his heart at the sound of Temari's voice "No…Not again!" Kakashi cried out in his mind as he saw flashes of Obito, Rin, and his sensei. Yugao paused at the sound and looked over at the dome guilt already building in her chest at not being able to save her student. Asuma was in the same boat as Yugao but he also felt something run down his face he hadn't felt in a long time he lifted a hand and captured a tear. "I haven't cried in over 12 years…oh Kami why?!" He thought.

Team Seven had heard the sound of Temari's voice Sasuke felt something in his heart "I know this sound…this feeling. This is what I felt when father passed away." Sasuke thought and for the first time in a long time his heart went out to another. Sakura didn't know how to react she barely knew what it was like to lose someone but she felt her heart break for Temari. Sai was reminded of how he had reacted to the death of his brother and knew that this was an emotion he could understand.

Tazuna felt his eyes close as tears built in them "Another young hero dies while the old live on in their place." he thought. Zabuza made the worst possible decision when he burst out laughing "Sounds like Haku followed through with my threat eh Kakashi?" Zabuza continued to laugh until he felt three Jonin level KI's hit the air making him pause.

"Zabuza…I'm going to take great joy in carving your black heart from your chest!" Kakashi said before Asuma used a wind Jutsu to clear away the mist revealing three truly pissed off Jonin actually making Zabuza gulp. "I'm fucked!" Zabuza thought before the three charged him.

Haku slowly rose to her feet and looked at Temari as she cradled Naruto in her arms "Is this the first time you've lost a comrade? This is the life of a Shinobi…we are tools weapons…" Haku didn't get farther before she felt herself completely freeze in her tracks.

"Shadow possession: success." Shikamaru's anger filled voice called out as he Choji and Ino all walked into the dome all with their weapons in their hands "Wrap her up Ino before I have to cancel my Jutsu." Shikamaru said Ino rushed forward and tightly wrapped Haku with the chain of her Kusarigama. Once she was wrapped up Shikamaru pulled his shadow back and reached into one of the pockets of his cargo pants and pulled out a piece of paper slapping it onto Haku. Haku cried out as she felt her chakra slowly drain her mirrors shattering this happened until she could no longer feel her chakra. Shikamaru raised his blade to her heart, while Ino used the sickle blade of her weapon and place it against Haku's throat, and Choji was ready to cut off her head she knew she was going to die today.

Shikamaru felt his hands shake he wanted to kill her oh he wanted to so badly but he knew that Naruto would be ashamed of him if he killed someone that was unable to fight and was already captured by them. He slowly lowered his Jian sword "Choji knock her out before we all do something Naruto would be ashamed of us for." Choji nodded before he punched Haku none too kindly making her hit the bridge dead to the world. Ino just let the rest of the chain and blade in her hand fall Haku was still wrapped up tightly enough to not be able to escape. Choji and Shikamaru sheathed their blades before walking over to Temari and kneeling down around their friend's body.

A bloody, beaten, and dying Zabuza was now looking up in fear at the three Jonin before him all of them sill coming towards him only to pause at the sound of clapping making them turn to see a short fat man wearing a suite and sun glasses surrounded by thugs. "Gato…" Tazuna growled as he looked at the man in question "The Demon of the Mist what a joke." Gato said making his thugs laugh. "I hire you to kill one man and you can't follow through not once but twice. I'm afraid the old saying is true. If you want something done right you've got to do it yourself. Or at least make sure it happens in front of you." Gato looked at the Konoha ninja "Can't kill anyone of them but one single brat. And he had to sacrifice himself! HA what a complete waste of sperm…"

Gato didn't go any farther because he felt a great dark aura in the air Kakashi flashed through hand signs making his left hand glow with light and the sound of chirping hit the air. "That was my son you basterd!" Kakashi cried out before he charged followed by Asuma and Yugao.

Shikamaru and Choji looked at the sound of bloodshed and pain to see their sensei fighting a large number of thugs. "We might not be able to kill Haku but all of us can rid ourselves of some of our anger right now." Shikamaru said Temari pulled the senbon out of her knees and stood up gently laying Naruto down onto the bridge. Team Ten ran towards the battle but paused at Team Seven "Go guard the prisoner and if something happens to Naruto's body know we will hurt you." Shikamaru growled at them making the four people run towards Naruto while Team Ten continued on.

Yugao, Asuma, and Kakashi were surprised when Team Ten joined the battle alongside them but didn't give it much thought as they all fought, killed, and maimed until only Gato and a mere handful of thugs were left. Gato was panicking fearing for his life and was about to run when an arrow appeared in front of him making him look to see the bridge builders' grandson and an army of villagers behind him waving tools and makeshift weapons. Gato saw his men drop their weapons and ran leaving him alone "He's all yours." Kakashi said to the villagers who walked up to Gato making the man cry out in fear as the Shinobi and Kunoichi of Team Ten and Kakashi walked back up the bridge until they came to a surrounding group of Team Seven. Haku was still knocked out but was leaned against the side of the bridge now Kakashi caught sight of his son covered with senbon needles his mask still in place thanks to Temari replacing it before Shikamaru and the others walked into the dome.

(Song cue: Naruto OST Despair.)

Kakashi fell to his knees in front of his son and started to cry leaning forward grasping his sons shirt tightly Temari walked up and wrapped Kakashi in a hug which he pulled her into his arms and held her as they both broke down. Team Seven was surprised to see their teacher break down like this it was the first time they had ever seen him completely lose himself in an emotion. Shikamaru, Asuma, Yugao, Ino, and Choji stood there looking down at Naruto all of them with their eyes closed and heads down. "Oh Kami…how am I going to tell Kurenai and Kyouki?" Kakashi thought he looked at his son again and saw images of Obito as he died it was killing him that once again someone he loved would be added to the Memorial Stone but this time he knew he would no longer be alone when he went to visit it.

Shikamaru looked down at his friend and made a silent vow "Never again! I will never allow this to happen to one of my friends ever again!" he said clenching his fist so hard he felt his nails bite into his palms.

Ino and Choji were holding hands Ino leaning against Choji "Life is too short to worry about petty things."both thought not caring what anyone thought as they got comfort from one another. Asuma took out a cigarette before tossing it and his entire pack away he had decided to finally quit smoking Yugao felt tears down her face as she looked at Naruto she remembered losing friends much like this during the third war. Sasuke walked up to Temari and placed his hand on her shoulder making her look at him "I'm sorry." Sasuke said Temari saw the honesty and understanding in his eyes Temari nodded.

In Konoha a plate shattering was sounded through the house of the Hatake's Anko and Kyouki ran into the kitchen to see a shaking Kurenai who was crying and looking at the broken pieces of the plate. "Kyouki go to Hanabi's house." Anko said


"Kyouki please listen to me. Go to Hanabi's." Kyouki didn't understand but left the house. Anko watched her leave then walked up to Kurenai and wrapped her in a hug tightly the plate that was now broken had been Naruto's baby plate the one that used to hold mashed food for him when he started to feed himself.

"Please Kami don't let it be true!" Kurenai begged Anko just held and rocked her friend both looking at the plate both remembering that when something like this happened out of nowhere it was a sign of death. Anko had been with her on a day when just like today two plates full from the counter suddenly and smashed Kurenai had been scared since it was part of the wedding china her parents had used. Anko stayed with her in order to tell her folks that it wasn't anyone's fault that is until the Hokage himself arrived and told them that Mr. and Mrs. Yuhi had perished in the field.

Ever since that day Kurenai had been cautious around shattered china, glasses, or anything else like that if they just suddenly broke for no reason. It had happened a few more times but mostly with coffee cups and the like when they lost friends but this…this was that day all over again times 3. "Naru-chan." Kurenai gasped out as she started to break down crying Anko not far behind her as the two women sat on the kitchen floor crying and rocking.

(Song end)

"We need to remove the needles. Nai-chan shouldn't see him like this when we take him back." Yugao said making Kakashi nod.

Ino did it since she knew the best way to remove the needles without damaging the body she took the ones in his body out first leaving the ones in his neck for last. As soon as the last needle was out Naruto suddenly arched up gasping for breath making Ino scream and fall onto her backside while everyone else just looked at Naruto with wide eyes as he began to cough. "Na…Naru-kun?"

Temari asked not believing her eyes Naruto turned to see her and smiled "Hey Tema-hime." his voice was raspy but they heard it.

"Naru-kun!" Temari cried out as she kneeled down and pulled Naruto in close and just held him while crying for joy Kakashi lowered his head band over his eye his now seen eye filled with tears. "Thank you. Thank you Thank you Thank you." Kakashi chanted in his mind looking up at the sky his heart filled with happiness and relief.

Shikamaru just shook his head wiping away a tear "You damned, troublesome…" Shika never finished he was too damn happy to see his friend alive. Choji had Ino in the air spinning for joy both laughing and crying Team Seven smiled at the lot of them even the surly Sasuke couldn't help but smile Asuma was torn between wanting to cry out for joy or kill Naruto himself after this Yugao smiled and laughed with everyone in relief that Naruto was alive.

"Let's get him back to the house so he can rest and recover." A relieved Tazuna said making Kakashi nod as he turned his back to Temari who got the picture right way as she helped place Naruto onto Kakashi's back for a piggy back.

"Ironic isn't it Tou-san?"

"What's that Naruto?"

"I carried you to Tazuna's when we got here at the start of the mission now you're carrying me back at the end of it." Naruto said with a small laugh while Kakashi shook his head but laughed anyway. Once Naruto was lying in bed asleep Kakashi wrote up a scroll, summoned Pakkun, and sent him on his way.

A puff of smoke appeared in the Hatake kitchen making both Kurenai and Anko look to see the small pug that Kakashi uses as a messenger as well as a tracker. Anko took the scroll out of his mouth and opened it before reading out loud "Naruto is ok…he was placed into a death like state by an enemy's senbon needles once we removed them he woke up instantly and is going to make a full recovery. Kurenai Naruto's okay!" Anko yelled out practically jumping for joy while Kurenai was clenching her chest in relief.

"Oh thank Kami." She cried out as the two friends started to laugh out of joy and couldn't stop themselves.

Naruto woke to find both his father and fiancée in the room his father asleep against the wall of the room while Temari was laying her head on his chest as if to assure herself that he was alive the door opened letting him see Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino at the door he waved them in with his free arm. He learned what happened when he was in his dead like state though surprised to learn that they had all taken lives he was happy that they didn't kill a captured and bound Haku…although he agreed that if he was in their shoes it would've been a very hard thing to do. Zabuza was officially dead this time they knew he was the question now was what to do with Haku but they decided to leave that to the Jonin it was best that way.

Two weeks passed after the battle of the bridge now the bridge was complete and the Konoha ninja were packed and looking at the villagers who were all cheering and praising their names. Especially Naruto who after his recovery used his Shadow Clones to repair and finish the bridge faster than before. Once everyone was gathered at the bridge Naruto looked at their extra passenger Haku had surrendered herself as soon as she woke up of course she was looking down the end of Temari's Naginata at the time. She still had a chakra suppression seal placed upon her and her hands were bound meaning one of them would be carrying her most of the time something none of them were too happy about but let it slide. Kakashi had said it would be best to let the Hokage decide Haku's fate Asuma and Yugao agreed with him. They traveled quickly since they no longer were forced to travel at a civilian's pace there were already half way home when they stopped for the night.

Haku was sat down forcefully onto a stump by Choji before everyone started to make camp once dinner was ready Sasuke walked over with a bowl in his hand before gathering some of Naruto's stew on a spoon. Haku just looked at it cautiously "Hatake wouldn't poison it." Sasuke said making her look at him not believing him. Sasuke sighed and took the mouthful himself knowing it was the only way to make her believe him.

After Haku saw no ill effects she took the second spoonful that had been presented to her after she finished her meal "Why are you helping me?"

"Because it wasn't my teammate that almost died even if it was fake…plus Hatake knew none of his own team would let him near you when we were at rest."

"He would've…"

"He cares about people. That's why he protected me and his fiancée without hesitation. Although I tried not to show it that was one of the things I respect about him…this mission also opened my eyes to something my brother once told me. 'A true comrade is willing to sacrifice himself/herself to protect the ones they love.' I never understood that till now." Sasuke said as he stood up and started to walk away.

"How did he get engaged at such a young age?"

Haku asked Sasuke turned back to her "It's a political marriage. Temari is originally from Suna. The Kazekage himself chose Naruto to be her fiancée of course that didn't make my father happy. So he decided that I should fight Naruto for the right to marry her and like a Dobe I followed his orders without hesitation. Only to suffer one of the most humiliating losses of my life." Sasuke said as he continued to walk back to camp.

Naruto had noticed the banter between Sasuke and Haku but didn't call him on it figuring it was nothing but small talk. That night before going to sleep Temari placed up a few privacy jutsu so no one would hear or bother them as she took off his mask and delivered to him a bruising kiss.

"My Desert-hime what's wrong?" Naruto said knowing Temari only ever placed up such jutsu when she wanted to talk freely Temari looked into his eyes.

"I almost lost you Naru-kun. I know in my head that you were just in a death like state but my heart…"

Naruto just pulled her in close for a passionate kissed and held her "I love you my Desert-hime." Naruto said between their kisses Temari smiled against his lips as she kissed him back. As they kissed, talked, and held one another Temari felt her heart lighten she felt guilt at having to kill but as Naruto talked with her she felt some of it leave her.

It made her smile again as they did this long into the night before going to sleep she once again listening to her personal lullaby unaware that Naruto stayed awake and watched her go to sleep and just held her before falling asleep himself. The next morning about midday found the group at Konoha's gate once they arrived Naruto and Asuma were attacked by blurs making everyone jump on edge only to see Kurenai squeezing Naruto so tightly to her he was flaying around trying to breath. Asuma's blur turned out to be Anko who looked to be kissing him so hard it was like she was trying to suck his face off his skull. All of a sudden Naruto's flaying stopped making Kakashi and Temari cry out "Kure-chan/Kurenai-san your choking your son!" Kurenai pulled Naruto away only to see that his eyes had anime swirls in them signifying he had passed out.

Kurenai looked sheepish before she handed Naruto to Temari and glared at Asuma, Kakashi, and Yugao "Which one of you had the bright idea to keep going after the mission upgraded from C rank to A rank?" all three Jonin looked at one another then at Kurenai seeing that she wanted an answer.

"Their mission their call." Kakashi said pointing to Asuma and Yugao "Traitor!" both Jonin screamed in their minds as Kurenai glared at the two.

"I'm waiting." Kurenai said her voice starting to turn dangerous.

"Well…Kurenai…um…RUN AWAY!" Asuma yelled before he and Yugao ran past the main gates Kurenai chasing after them.

"GET BACK HERE!" Naruto woke up after she took off after them.

"10 Ryo says they don't even make it passed the market place before one or both are captured." Naruto said

"I've got 20 says Yugao trips Asuma to get away." Shikamaru said

"I'll take that bet." Sakura said looking at Naruto holding her own 10 Ryo Temari was the money holder.

Sai took out some money and faced Shikamaru "40 says Asuma is the one that gets away." Shikamaru took out an extra 20 and gave it to Choji who also held Sai's while they took to the roofs to watch the action.

Ino took out a telescope and watched the race for their lives she was also the commentary "They're around the bend and about to reach the market place. Chain Smoker is in the front Sword Wielder right behind and Red Eyed Beauty is catching up readying to make her move. Sword Wielder looks back and sees Red Eyed Beauty…And she trips Chain Smoker! He's down and rolling Red Eyed Beauty is punching and…Ow that's gonna hurt tomorrow! Sword Wielder puts on a burst of speed and she's away going, going gone. Sword Wielder escapes the rage of Red Eyed Beauty! Sword Wielder is the winner." Ino said before collapsing her telescope while Sakura and Sai were looked down hearted while Naruto and Shikamaru pocketed their winnings.

Sasuke just shook his head "Kakashi-sensei?"

"Yes Sasuke?"

"Did you throw those two to the lions so you wouldn't have to run for your life?"

"No. They could eventually go home I however would have nowhere to go and would eventually have to surrender myself to the mercy of my wife. And as Asuma can tell you she doesn't have a lot of mercy." Kakashi said as cries of pain hit the air making every man there shiver in fright. That night Kurenai was fussing over Naruto and although he wanted to make her stop he knew it was her way of reassuring herself that he was indeed alive and well. Even Kyouki knew better than to tease about this since she just thought this would happen every time her brother and sister left the village and most likely to happen to her as well when she was of age.

A beaten and bruised Asuma was carried home by Kakashi after Kurenai was done both men knew that Yugao had only temporarily evaded pain and torture since Kurenai could hold a grudge.

After their return Team Ten was focused on their training and every once in a while would take a D rank just to earn some money or to pass the time. When they saw the Hokage they all knew from his smile that Naruto's advice against paperwork was a great success. They learned from the old man that Haku had evaded death thanks to the civilian council out voting the Shinobi council although it could've also been that a few Shinobi councilors wanted her bloodline in the ranks.

It's was thanks to Sasuke putting her under the protection of the Uchiha clan that Haku wasn't being turned into a baby machine right now. A fate none of Team Ten would place on her even if she made them all think that she killed Naruto. "Naruto-sensei." A young voice called out making the team turn to see Team Naruto as Choji dubbed Konohamaru, Hanabi, and Kyouki.

"You wanted me to remind you about water walking."

Konohamaru said making Naruto nod "That's right I did. Alright you three follow me." Naruto said as he walked towards the stream near Team Ten's training grounds. Naruto turned to face his team while the rest of Team Ten took a seat nearby just to watch and relax all of them enjoyed watching Naruto teach mainly because he was so good with the kids. "Now what was the technique behind tree walking?" Naruto asked then nodded to Hanabi when she raised her hand.

"To channel the correct amount of Chakra to our feet so we would stick to an area."

"Very good now does anyone know the difference between that and water walking?" Naruto asked making the three shake their heads no.

"Alright. For water walking you have to constantly change the amount of chakra to your feet because unlike a tree water is constantly on the move." Naruto said before he stepped onto the stream they were all bug eyed to see him standing on top of the water. "Eventually you'll get to the point to where this becomes second nature however before then you may fall into the water a couple times. So I would suggest wearing a bathing suit the first few times because you will get wet." Naruto then took out a scroll and unsealed three bathing suits "I already requested such items from your parents since I didn't have the time to forewarn you three." Naruto said handing the girls their one piece suits and Konohamaru's swimming trunks before he set up changing curtains for the kids.

Once the three were in their swim wear Naruto motioned for them to give it a try and as predicted all of them fell straight into the water "Try again." Naruto said "Don't give up it took me days to master this exercise." he encouraged them.

Temari smiled as she watched Naruto work with his team "He's going to make a great father someday." Ino said making Temari nod

"Yes he will. I just hope that I'll be just as good as a mother." Temari said.

"With the way those three react to being around you just as much as around him you'll be an amazing mom." Choji said as Ino leaned back against his chest letting him wrap his arms around her.

"Thanks guys." They all nodded then looked to see Hanabi already getting one foot to stay on the water.

"That's great Hanabi keep working on it." Naruto said making the Hyuga smile at him as she continued to work and help both her teammates get the exercise.

"Man if we're not careful he's going to make those three stronger than us." A new voice said making Team Ten turn to see Kiba, Hinata, and Shino.

"Hello everyone." Hinata said as she waved making Temari and Ino wave back

"Hello and Kiba you could always ask Naruto for a few lessons." Temari suggested

"Yeah I could…or I can stick with the slave driver of a mother he has." Kiba said shivering slightly. "Man the days when you guys were gone were a mix between painful and frightful."

"I concur. Kurenai-sensei is frightful when she's worried about her child."

"Should've seen what she did to Asuma-sensei when we returned." Shikamaru said as they told Team Eight the story of the race of life all three Genin winced when they mentioned Kurenai pouncing and beating on Asuma after he had been tripped by Yugao.

"What happened out there?" Hinata asked.

"The simple C ranked escort mission we had turned into an A ranked one after we fought and captured two B ranked Nuke-nin…" Shikamaru began to tell the story but paused when reached the part of the final battle on the bridge. Ino took the story from there but had to pause and take a few deep breathes when she told them about hearing Temari cry out Naruto's name and when talked about all of them gathering around what they thought was the dead body of Naruto she had a few tears in her eyes.

Choji turned her and held her wiping off her tears Shikamaru took over from there and told them how much relief went through everyone when Naruto woke up. After their story was done both Shino and Kiba had thoughtful looks on their faces and had to sit down after hearing everything Hinata had tears and hugged Temari who had no trouble holding the Hyuga heiress and rocking her.

"Damn…" Was all Shino said making Kiba nod.

"So now she's living here under Sasuke's protection?" Hinata asked making the group nod.

"The council wants to make her into a baby machine constantly making and birthing more and more just hoping that all or most have her bloodline. The Uchiha are all that's keeping her from such a fate."

Temari said making Team Eight shiver "Even if she did make you think she killed Naruto that's just fucked." Kiba said making everyone nod.

"Naruto doesn't even hold a grudge against her." Choji said making Shino, Hinata, and Kiba look at their friend.

"Today's enemy can become tomorrow's ally."

Shino said "That's what he said word for word when we asked him how he can be so calm around Haku." Temari said.

"But why would Sasuke put her under his protection?" Hinata asked.

"I think they bonded a little as we came back. When we made camp the first night Sasuke was the one to feed her and talk with her then the next morning when he carried her here I caught fragments of a conversation." Shikamaru said.

"Think he's falling for her?"

"Could be. Then again he did change after that mission. Lost some of his arrogance and started actually talking to people instead of down at them. I think making him see what could happen to someone he considers a rival made him realize that even he could get hurt or die out there." Shikamaru answered Kiba.

"Alright Kyouki!" Naruto's voice broke through his friends' thoughts as they turned to see Kyouki shaky standing on the water before Naruto caught her and helped her sit down near the stream her legs still in the water "Alright you three that's enough today." Naruto said making the three nod and sit down panting.

"I'm really proud of how far the three of you are coming along so before we leave for the day I'd like you all to channel some chakra into these." Naruto said pulling out three grey pieces of paper "Does anyone know what this is?" Naruto asked

"Chakra paper." Konohamaru said making Naruto nod.

"I'd like to see which affinities you lot have." Naruto said as they each took a sheet "Hanabi you first." as soon as Hanabi channeled her chakra the paper turned wet "Water affinity. Konohamaru." Konohamaru's burst into flames. "Fire affinity. Finally Kyouki." Kyouki's paper crumpled in on itself. "Lightning. Tou-san's affinity in both children he'll be happy to hear that. Now these elements are the type of Jutsu that will come easier to you than the rest. And like Temari and I Kyouki and Hanabi's affinities work together which can be used for combinations jutsu."

Naruto looked back at his friends "Temari can you come help me with a display?" Naruto asked making Temari nod as she stood up and walked over. "Pay attention because we're only going to show you this once." Naruto said as he and Temari both started making hand signs "Lightning style: Paralyzing Array jutsu." "Water style: Water Dragon jutsu." both teens called out making the water dragon appear out of the stream and Naruto's lightning channel into the dragon.

"Combination Jutsu: Paralyzing Dragon." Naruto and Temari yelled out as the jutsu rushed forward and struck some nearby rocks destroying them. "Whenever two affinities work together it creates a greater more deadly jutsu. Paralyzing Dragon takes an A ranked water jutsu and a B ranked lightning jutsu and creates an S ranked jutsu. However the same can be said of the opposite. Lightning jutsu is weak against Wind, Earth weak against Lightning, Water against Earth, Wind against Fire, and Fire against Water."

"Alright lectures over. Continue to work on water walking in your free time however…"

"Make sure to have someone nearby that can help just in case something goes wrong." The three students said making Naruto look at them before waving them off as they got up and walked away.

Once they were out of hearing range Naruto sat down next to Temari "Smart asses the three of them." Naruto said making the group of friends laugh.

As the day passed they barely missed the messenger hawk that flew overhead however Shikamaru who was already looking at the clouds noticed it. "Hey Naruto look." Shika called out making them all look to see the hawk

"Well that explains Asuma-sensei's knowing look this morning."


"It's been six months." Naruto said making Kiba pause.

"Chunin exams." Hinata said making the shadow user and sword wielder nod their heads.

"Well we know for certain that Team Gai is going to be nominated. The question is who else will take part. Where are the exams this time?"

"Here it's Konoha's turn to hold them." Shikamaru said

"That's right Kumo was six months ago, Iwa before that, and Suna gets next time. Kiri won't get a turn until there civil war ends. Although according to rumors it might have already ended and a new Mizukage is in place."

"While that would be great we shouldn't believe that unless a Genin team can confirm it." Naruto said making Shikamaru nod.

"Anyway we also shouldn't be concerned unless we are nominated…however knowing Kurenai-sensei that's not going to happen." Kiba said making Shino raise an eyebrow.

"I don't know. I believe she has faith in our abilities and will nominate the three of us." Shino said making the group look at him.

"Shino that's got to be the longest non bug oriented sentence I've ever heard from you." Naruto said Shino didn't take offence since he knew Naruto was just making an observation. "Although it's very possible he's right this is a 'wait and see' thing." Naruto said making the entire group nod.

"Anyway today is a day to enjoy and relax." Naruto said lying back until his head was in Temari's lap Temari smiled as she started to run her hands through his hair enjoying herself just as much as she knew Naruto was. Hinata was a little jealous at the sight but didn't let it bother her until she noticed Choji shrug and do the same with Ino's lap Ino laughed as she followed Temari's example.

Now Hinata truly felt jealous of the sight "When did you and Choji start dating?" Kiba's voice asked

"After the battle in Wave Country. Life is too short for insecurities and worries." Choji said with a smile. Shikamaru found himself agreeing with his friends' words and smiled as Ino was smiling down at Choji. Kiba took the words to heart as he look at Hinata and once again felt himself start to feel the familiar warmth in his chest whenever he did catch her eye but looked away quickly before shaking his head as if to clear it.

"She's far to classy for me…and even if she was interested how would I go about letting her know I…wait a minute the greatest source of information is right here." "Naruto can I talk to you privately?"

"Sure Kiba." Naruto sat up before standing on his feet and following his honorary brother once they were out of hearing range Kiba looked at Naruto.

"First I need your vow as an Inuzuka that you won't repeat this to anyone…except maybe Temari." Naruto raised his eyebrow but reached into his shirt and pulled out his fang necklace before swearing the vow "Alright. I need your help in finding a way to let a girl know I'm interested in dating her."

"Hinata right?" Kiba just nodded not bothering to ask how he knew. "Alright I'd make three suggestions." Naruto said then was surprised when Kiba sat down with a notebook in his hand a pencil ready to take notes and had to shake his head to get rid of the image of Lee. "Ooookay. Any way first thing to do is show a nice gesture buy her flowers or something like that."

"What kinda of flowers should I buy."

"Ask Ino when you go to her shop she knows the meaning of flowers better than I do." Kiba nodded and wrote down flowers in the notebook. "Second ask her out and if she says yes take her to a decent restaurant. No barbeque or any place like that. The kinda place you dress up for." Kiba nodded again as he wrote this down. "Finally before going on said date ask Hiashi-sama for permission to date his daughter. It will show respect and show Hinata that you truly want to be in a relationship with her." Kiba wrote down the finally instruction. "If you want to earn some extra points get her, her favorite flowers. And I know just how to get that information for you." Naruto said with a slight smile.

The two walked back into the clearing having an argument "I'm telling you Kiba her favorite is the Desert Lily."

"I highly doubt Temari's favorite flower has anything to do a bunch of sand." Kiba said Temari shook her head as the two returned to their seating arrangements with Naruto lying back down in her lap again.

"Naruto's right Kiba my favorite flower is the Desert Lily. In fact Naruto bought me an entire plot of them to put into our window so I could continue to smell them while I sleep just like I did back when I was living in Suna."

"Now see that's romantic. Personally my favorite is the White Rose." Ino said noticing Choji was filing this bit of information away. "What about you Hinata?" Ino asked.

Hinata blushed slightly "Star Gazer Lilies. I've always found them to be so beautiful."

"What brought this conversation up?" Temari asked

"Kiba needed some dating advice. When I mentioned he would earn some extra points if he learned the girls favorite flower to give to her he didn't believe that I even knew your favorite."

"I thought his head was mainly filled with Jutsu, being a Ninja, and not much else." Kiba said with a shrug.

Temari nodded but she was still suspicious however she decided to let it go till another time.

"Who are you dating Kiba?" Ino asked her old gossip ways returning.

"I'm not dating her yet I asked for Naruto's advice because I'm going to be asking soon. And no I won't tell you who she is until I get an answer from her Gossip Queen." Kiba said Ino huffed but didn't deny the title.

That afternoon as Temari and Naruto were walking home Temari got the real reason for the flowers argument and smiled at the idea of Kiba and Hinata as a couple. "That last one about asking for her fathers' permission was an excellent idea I'm sure it'll impress the both of them."

"I figured that was something that would make Hiashi smile especially since Inuzuka aren't known for asking permission to do things." Naruto said making Temari smile.

While the Genin were in the clearing a meeting was taking place at the Hokage Tower "Today the nominations for the Chunin exams takes place. First we will start with the rookie Genin teams Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma, and Yugao are any of your teams ready?" Hiruzen asked.

Kakashi made to move forward but Asuma and Yugao beat him to the front "I Asuma Sarutobi…"

"I Yugao Uzuki…"

"…joint Jonin sensei teacher of Team Ten nominate our students are Naruto Hatake, Temari of the Desert, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, and Ino Yamanaka for the Chunin exams."

This statement cause quite a few of their fellow Jonin to gasp at the idea. It was rare for any Rookie team to be nominated. In fact even Kakashi gained the rank from a field promotion during his first year as a Shinobi instead of the exams. The Hokage took it in stride and asked "Anyone else?" waking Kakashi and Kurenai from their daydreams.

"I Kakashi Hatake Jonin sensei of Team Seven nominate my students Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Sai all for the Chunin exams."

Now everyone was speechless two rookie teams had been nominated "I Kurenai Hatake Jonin sensei of Team Eight nominate my students Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame, and Hinata Hyuga for the Chunin exams." this time an uproar was heard.

"You can't be serious they aren't ready for the Chunin exams!" Iruka called out making the four Jonin glare at the Chunin.

"Iruka while I can understand why you are worried they are no longer your students but ours." Kakashi said making the young Chunin back off while a green spandex wearing man walked up.

"Hokage-sama I Mito Gai Jonin sensei of Team Nine nominate my students Rock Lee, Tenten Misusachi, and Neji Hyuga for the Chunin exams." The Hokage nodded to show he had heard. After their teams were nominated the five Jonin walked out the door "Lee will be looking forward to the match my eternal rival."

"As I'm sure Naruto will be. It has been quite some time since they spared together." Kakashi said as he pulled out his book and read while walking.

As they walked Anko appeared out of nowhere and jumped onto Asuma's back making the Jonin smile as he looked over his shoulder at his girlfriend "Have a good day today Hebi-hemi?" Asuma asked making Anko blush slightly at his pet name for her.

"I did. Ibiki and I were asked to be proctors for the Chunin exams and as luck would have it I also learned my nephew/Godson is taking part this year."

"Which part are you Anko-chan?" Kurenai asked

"The second part. I haven't decided how to go about it yet and even if I did I'm going to keep it quiet anyway. Knowing you lot you'd forewarn Naruto and his friends." None of the Jonin bothered to deny the accusation.

Meanwhile the Third was in his office when he felt a familiar presence "Hello Jiraiya it's been a long time since you've returned."

"12 years Sensei and I caught the end of the meeting. So their nominating the Gaki for Chunin already huh?"

"He's a very skilled young man Jiraiya could even give Minato a run for his money at that age."

"So I've heard and like Minato he's already has a brush with death."

"Yes. Unfortunately he was placed into a death like state while on his first C ranked mission. Nearly broke young Temari's will to live."

"Ah yes the kids Suna wife. She's an impressive girl and from what I've learned from a few contacts they truly care about one another."

"They're in love. There are times when the two of them remind me of Minato and Kushina."

"It must be a Namikaze thing. They can have multiple women in this village yet as soon as they meet a foreign girl they're hooked and won't give another woman the time of day." Jiraiya said shaking his head.

"I'd be careful were you go peeking from now on Jiraiya because unlike his adoptive father Naruto has no patients for perverted acts. He's also got a damn good Genjutsu that requires no hand signs but make everyone that sees it almost wet themselves."

"Damn Kurenai has had more influence on him then I thought she would."

Both men laughed at that knowledge. "So you've returned to take over training him."

"I doubt he'd let me even if I tried however I might be able to get him to let me help in the month between the second part of the exam and the final tournament. And what's this I hear of him already having his own students?" Hiruzen laughed as he told his former student the story.

The next day found Team Ten walking towards their training ground only for the team to stop and sigh. "Still need to work on your cover Konohamaru." Naruto said looking behind to see a square rock with eyeholes the sound of nervous laughter hitting the air.

"Sorry Sensei couldn't resist." Konohamaru said as he appeared out of the top while Naruto looked up to see Kyouki and Hanabi shaking their head at their teammate's antics.

"Onii-chan can we play ninja tag?" Kyouki asked in a voice that reminded Naruto that while he was teaching them to be ninja they were still five almost six years old.

"Alright we'll give you a ten second head start. Ready…Go." Naruto called out making the kids rush off "The ones that don't catch one of them buys lunch." Naruto said as his team rushed off after the kids until they rounded a corner to see Konohamaru being held up by the collar of his shirt.

"That hurt you brat!" A young man said he was wearing a black outfit with a cat ear like headdress and purple lines running down his face while a girl stood a bit away with light brown hair shaking her head.

"Kankuro let the kid go."

"Forget it Mizuri I'm going to make him pay." Kankuro pulled his fist back as if to attack when he froze at the feeling of something cold being pressed against his throat.

He looked to see three Senbon needles pressed against his throat "Place the Thirds Grandson down now." a female voice demanded making Kankuro looked to see Haku standing behind him before a stone hit his forehead where his Suna Headband was placed.

"You should listen to the lady." Sasuke said from the tree nearby playing with a second rock in his hand.

Naruto seeing this realized it was time to step in "As much as I'm sure you would like to hurt him and Kami knows he deserves it I'm afraid I must ask you to refrain from hurting my future brother in-law." Naruto said making Haku, Kankuro, Sasuke, and Mizuri looked up at him.

"Otouto…" Kankuro said

"Kankuro put my student down. Please." Naruto said making the Suna Ninja nod before setting Konohamaru down. While Haku and Sasuke moved to join Naruto he looked up into the tree again "Mind joining us Garaa?" Naruto asked making everyone look to see a young man with red hair a gourd on his back and black rings under his eyes that looked like a raccoons.

"Aniki…" Garaa said as he traveled via Sand Shunshin and appeared next to Kankuro.

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