Chapter 34

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I'm grounded even though we are all grounded anyways:

Wills POV

As soon as the words left my mouth, everything went dead silent. 

"Your... sister?" Piper said tilting her head to the side.

"How did she get here? The doors are all locked in this house and the windows are too high for her to reach, did she grow wings or something-" Percy paused for a moment. "WAIT!"

"NICO DI ANGELO!!!" Annabeth shrieked.

Nico cowered a little at the fury of Annabeth. (I mean who wouldn't?)


Nico opened his mouth to explain "Yeah I did but hear me out-"

"NICO YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN YOURSELF KILLED!?" Jason said practically screaming.

"What? No, I mean maybe but-"

"No buts Nico your grounded." Reyna said firmly whilst Thalia giggled a little. Nico shot her a furious glare.

"Guys! Its not Nico's fault! I asked him too!" I spoke up, not wanted them to pin it all on my boyfriend.

"Okay Will your grounded too." Frank said, but more softly as if he understood. Thalia laughed again.

"Shut up Thalia, technically we are all grounded, Its not like any of us can leave." Nico mumbled.

Thalia was about to retaliate again when Kayla let out a whimper from next to me. I started to see my sister shaking and trembling. I squeezed her hand protectively.

"Pl.. please don't eat me ..." She whispered. Leo fell into fits of laughter which were soon cut of by Calypso elbowing him in the ribs.

"Honey, we are not going to eat you. I'm sorry we should have dealt with you first, instead of Nico. Welcome to the Olympus house for warlocks." Calypso introduced. 

"And blessed mortals!" Reyna added.

"yes thank you Reyna. Blessed mortals too."

"And one siren!" Piper said cheerfully.

"Yeah okay one siren-"

"Two humans now!" I cut her off.

"Anyone else?" Calypso said with a sigh.

"Oh! Oh! Do half elves count?" Leo said, earning him with another elbow in the ribs.

"Where was I, yeah, okay just welcome to our house Kayla." Calypso said with her nicest smile.

Kayla seemed at a loss for words. "W... what am I doing in you house though? What.. What even are you all?!"

I decided to take over before someone could make this worse.

"Kayla, sis, trust me, they're nice people.... warlock thingies."

Jason looked mildly offended by this, I gave him a sorry shrug in return.

"What I'm trying to say is they're protecting me and you."

"Protecting us from what?" Kayla said pale.

"Montsers." I said completely seriously. Kayla looked like she was about to object to such a stupid idea, but took another glance around the room instead. She eyed Nico's wings and Percys gills and made up her mind.

"Okay, lets say for now I believe you. How do I know these guys won't kill us when they get the chance, and what do the monsters even want?"

"They won't kill us, A) because they're not like that, and this is why they don't mingle with mortals in the first place because humans immediately assume they're gonna kill them." I Sia making Kayla look slightly guilty.

"Sorry..." she mumbled. Everyone else in my new weird family gave her a forgiving smile and a little wave. Kayla seemed to relax a little at this.

"B)I'm marrying Nico so to kill me or you would mean facing Nico's wrath."

"YoU ARe GEttINg MaRrIEd????" Kayla said her voice cracking.

"Uhhh yeah basically... surprise?" I said blushing and giving her a nervous smile.

"You had better have a better explanation William."

Thankfully at that moment Rachel entered. She gave us a nod as if to ask if we could all leave.

"Don't worry I got this." Rachel said giving me a wink. I shook my head in return.

"Be careful with my sis Rachel. Kayla don't worry Rachel going to explain this whole mess to you a lot better than we could. I promise she's very nice." I said.

Kayla looked at me her blue eyes unsure.

"You'll be back right?"


"Okay... see you later than Will."

All of us shuffled out of the room so Rachel could use her psychic powers to explain this situation. 

Once we were all comfortably sat in the living room on different arm chairs, festus curled up on the sofa, Jason turned to me excitedly.

"Speaking of your marriage, we should start planning your ceremony!"

At that note everyone in the room immediately brightened up. 

"I can do decorations!" Piper squealed!

"FOOD!" Leo yelled, startling poor festus.

"I'll make the invites!" Annabeth said.

"WE NEED TO MAKE A MASSIVE BALL ROOM RELM!" Percy and Jason said at the same time.

Nico turned to me and smiles as everyone began to suggest al they're ideas at once.

"I suppose it is getting nearer our ummmm .... marriage thingy?" Nico said not sure how to phrase it.

"It can't seem to come soon enough." I said planting a kiss on his nose. Nico buried his face in my neck groaning in embarrassment.

"AWWWWWWW." Piper and Leo squealed.

"This makes me think of our bonding ceremony." Reyna said sighing and leaning on Thalia.

"And ours, right seaweed brain?" Annabeth said, getting her a kiss from Percy.

"Who's going to walk Nico down the isle since we don't have parents?" Calypso asked.

Nico face was suddenly unreadable.

My heart immediately jumped to Bianca, Nico's eldest sister, but remembering her unfortunate passing, my next thought was Hazel. Then I remembered Hazel was unconscious and possibly dying in a bed somewhere. So to stop this moment from getting too depressing I decide to pipe up.

"w..who said it was Nico going to be walked down the isle?"

Everyone, including Nico was thankful for my intervene. 

"YEAH! Will should totally be the one to walk down the isle!"

Nico grinned at me as we made our way upstairs to bed. "Guess that makes you the bride sunshine." He said a smirk upon his face.

"Nicoooooooo." I whined in response as we entered his bedroom.

Nico wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his bed to cuddle with.I snuggled him back, being so glad everyone I loved was finally safe. How was I so lucky to get such an amazing boyfriend? I sat holding his chest close to mine, just being in the moment. Suddenly Nico began to shake.

"Neeks?" I asked concerned.

Nico looked up at me, to my utter shock, tears in his dark violet eyes.

"I.. I'm sorry, I just... I really want Hazel to be there... I down know if she will even be able to make it...I .."

I immediately began embraced him further, and rubbed his back protectively.

"Hush, you have nothing be sorry for. If Hazel can't come to our wedding then, we won't have one till she's awake."

Nico stirred slightly.

"B.. but that would mean you would have to wait..."

"I will wait." I said confidently.

"It.. it's too risky, the night... it's coming soon."

"I'll take the risk. Nico I want Hazel to be there too. She deserves to see it, and you deserve to have her there."

Nico began to cry louder burying his face in my shirt, his tears soaking the front. 

"I .. I love you Will!" he said in-between sobs. 

"Me too."

I played with his hair silently as his crying began to cease and we both drifted off into a calming sleep, by each others side.

A/N: This is bit early but I decided to get a chapter out for @leomazing4 upon they're request! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING, WE ARE LIKE FIVE CHAPTER AWAY FROM THE GRAND FINALE AT THIS POINT! I'm a lucky boi.


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