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I hang out with Will even if he doesn't like frogs.

Nicos POV

As soon as I hopped of the bus I saw Will and Kayla approach me from the side. I internally groaned. Look what you've done di Angelo! Interfering with stupid mundane issues, now they want to be your friend!

"Hey thanks for defending me and my brother back there. He has only been out a few weeks and he is getting so much crap honestly, our school needs more students like you."
Kayla, the blonde sibling with longer hair and darker blue eyes spoke to me, a sincere look on her face. I wanted to tell them to go away but can I really afford to hurt humans some more? Uhh ! Their emotions are so fragile!

"No problem..."
I mumbled. I gave Will a quick glance.
"Don't let them get to you buddy, your not the only gay guy here..."

As realisation spread across their faces I scooted off down the pavement and across the road. Whoops. I wasn't supposed to do that either. Darn it Nico you aren't doing well at all and you haven't even had your first class yet goddam it! I put my hand in my pocket and felt something like paper. I pulled out a piece of paper and some random dollar notes. Huh?
Why is there mortal money in my pocket? I could swear I only ever kept golden drachmas, maybe a few frozen goddess tears and frogs legs...
My eyes skimmed over the note, written in red glowing ink, making swirly Greek runes that shone and glittered on the papers slightly.

Dear Nico,

Piper and you probably forgot to pack lunch money or a packed lunch. Because I can't make lunch I just decided to give you some human money to buy your own with. I also packed you a calculator in case you need to work out the equivalent of dollars into drachmas. I want it returned though, that's my own special calculator. It took me a week to enchant.
Good luck, you will need it!
(P.s. to burn this letter say a simple incarnation spell)

I mumbled a few Latin words under my breath and watched as the paper crumpled to ashes in my hands. I looked again at the slips of green paper called "dollars" I had in my hands. I stuffed them inside my jean pockets and went to the class room. I waited outside because the teacher needed to 'introduce' me or something like that.

I waited leaning against the wooden class room door. The hall way that had been previously packed with the annoying pesky humans was suddenly empty, all in their classes I assumed.
Red lockers lined the walls of this cramped place. It would be so much easier if this place went on endlessly. Then it wouldn't be so cramped. And people who can fly can get the top lockers! Oh wait, mortals can't fly. Really they are useless! Do they even do anything useful?

I hear a soft knock on the door as it swung open revealing a middle aged lady with a short bob cut and spectacles resting on the end of her nose.

"Hello Nico, I'm your teacher, Mrs Athena ... come in and introduce yourself to the class will you?"

I followed her in to the classroom and faced the rows of kids sat bored behind their desks. Oh boy. Good news is, I didn't see Drew anywhere. Bad news is, I could see Will, and the only unoccupied seat was next to him. Mrs Athena gave me a little prod.

"Go on now, introduce yourself ! Don't be shy! I'm sure everyone will make you feel welcome!"

I rolled my eyes, tempted to say an exorcism spell instead just to see their reactions as smoke poured in from under the door. But I opened my mouth and grumbled
"Nico di Angelo, nice to meet you, good bye!"
And quickly made my way to back of the class room where I then slumped down at the empty desk next to Will.

Everyone stared at me until Mrs Athena gave a loud cough.
"*ahem* Well then Nico, I suppose that's it then, I hope you have a good day... anyway Headmaster Zeus wanted me to go over some school rules again so let's begin, so fist of all.."

I immediately zoned out. Gods this teacher droning on about rules is more boring than Annabeth reading out her weekly shopping list of random magic items she need for her newest potion.

I plonked my head and the desk and looked to the left. I became aware of a pair of sky blue eyes staring at me. I locked gaze with none other than Will freaking Solace. He gave me a nervous little wave as I turned my head the other way.

Had he been staring at me this whole time? Gods that's so creepy! What does he even want with me. I hope he doesn't think we are friends just because I helped him with his stupid mortal problem. Honestly the very though of it.
I zoned out for a minute trying to make a mind link with anyone in my house. Nothing. They still aren't up yet? Lazy asses! Or maybe they're ignoring me! I don't remember that being part of our dare!

I snapped out of this as I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I glared at Will, who was stood by my desk, his red bag swung over his shoulder. He bit his lip nervously.

"Uhh sorry to disturb you Nico, but we have class now. We actually have the same class so I was wondering if you would like to walk there with me?"

I felt my cheeks heat up for no reason. Maybe I should have let Piper put on foundation, it would mask my growing increasingly pink cheeks. I might as well except his help because I had no idea where I was going. I nodded and gathered up my own stuff and followed Will out the classroom.
We didn't talk much on the way to biology.
Just a couple of questions here and there. Things like "where is the loo?" Or "what time is lunch?" Stuff like that.

When we got to biology we were instantly paired together as we both came slightly late. I groaned and took a seat at the back of the lab with Will.

"Today we are dissecting frogs!"
Our teacher, a crazy man called Mr D told us.
I grinned. Finally something I was good at! Me and Jason used to do this all the time! We even did magical dissection where we extracted the frogs souls, the very essence of their life, and used it to charge Pipers phone. It was actually very effective, and lasted at least three fortnights.

I watched Wills disappointed expression as we were handed a dead limp and lifeless frog. Honestly, humans are so touchy over dead things. Everything dies, just except it! No need to get upset over a silly frog.
"Frog not to your liking?"
I asked him picking up the scalpel. Will shook his head , his blonde hair going on his eyes.
"I would have preferred something bigger like a pig, or at least a sheeps gut! Those are much more interesting for medical students!"

Suddenly I didn't hate him so much. I didn't really except that, but I liked where this was going.
I replied a little surprised by his motives.
"I guess you are in the medical student genre?"

Will nodded eagerly.
"I want to be a doctor when I get out of here! You?"

I shrugged. Will cut a line down the frogs stomach, then opened it carefully with his hands.

"Too bad. Pass me the Petrie dish di Angelo."

I grinned. Maybe I could spend some time with this guy. Even if he didn't like frogs...

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