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Percy can fly (if being thrown counts):

Nico POV

I lay upside down on my bed.
It was already mid day but I was still in my pyjamas. I hadn't brushed my bed hair, so it still stuck out in random little tufts. I was singing along to some really random music tape I had found in Jason's 80's-90's room. I also found a ton of pictures of Jason wearing some ridiculous bright green trousers with the ugliest hair style I had ever seen. He didn't even have his glasses on in any of the photos.

Some of the songs weren't that bad though. Except for the unnecessary use of techno noises. I found myself humming along to
"Lake shore drive" as I let the photos scatter to the floor. I wonder what will be the music taste in the next century?

A loud knock on the door interrupted me.
Annabeths voice carried through from the other side of my wall.
I groaned and flopped out of bed and turned my music down.

The door opened slightly and Annabeths curly blonde head poked through the side of the door frame.

"Oh good your decent."

I face palmed and narrowed my eyes at her. Annabeth cracked a smile.

"You know, decent if pyjamas count."

"What do you want Annabeth?"

"I've come to tell you to get up. How long do you plan to stay in here listening to that ear bleeding noise anyway?"

"Hey! Jason's music isn't that bad!"
I defended.

"Ha! I was right! That is Jason's music!"

I flopped back into my bed and curled up in the sheets.

"Why do I have to get up anyway? What are we doing that requires my presence?"

Annabeth came over to the bed and pulled the sheets of me, exposing me to the cold air. I gave a little yelp.

"Cause Thalia and Reyna are visiting! We need to pick them up from the nearest town portal drop!"

I sat up immediately.

"Thalia and Reyna? Coming today? On such short notice?"

Annabeth shrugged.

"I know, it's a bit strange, but we should be happy they want to see us. We haven't seen them in three years!"

"That's not such a long time Annabeth, you make it sound like was last century."

Annabeth poked me on the cheek with her slender finger.

"Hazel says get up. Get up!"

With that, Annabeth turned and left slamming my door behind her as she mumbled something about lazy teenage warlocks. I smirked and went over to my closet to get some clothes to put on. I can't wait to see Thalia and Reyna again. Especially Reyna! Ever since me and Reyna completed our world marathon and won the Athena Parthos back in Ancient Greece, we had been practically inseparable. Then she met Thalia, Jason's warlock sister and they went of to Live in England last millennium. How sad.

I pulled my grey skull hoodie over my head. I wonder where the nearest portal drop off point is? To travel long distances, for warlocks who can't fly or vapour/shadow travel, they tend to use the portal drop system. A network of linking portals created by a very powerful time warlock a while back. There has been an increase in the usage of them, so more destinations have been created. The nearest portal exit point is... the statue in the town square I think.

Uhhh that means I have to use my disguise on the weekend! Oh well. It least it won't be just me. I wonder what Percy looks like without gills and piranha teeth?

speaking of Percy ....


I exited my room, and quickly dashed downstairs to where my family was waiting impatiently for me by the front door.
I said as piper tapped her foot on the floor expectantly.

"Let's go see my sister!"
Jason yelled opening the door.

"Wait! Slow down! Head count guys-"
Frank said trying to stop everyone. Hazel linked arms with him pulling him out the door with some quite impressive force.

"No time for head counts Frank! Onwards!"
She screeched as we exited our home.
I followed them excited to see our old friends again. Even if it was a really random unplanned visit. Ugh... Reyna is is going to pester me about the state of my room again!

As we headed down the street it occurred to me how weird we must look to mortals. A bunch of people who rarely come out their house, suddenly flock out revealing they're all still in their 'teens' and are screaming their heads of as they root down the pavement on their way to meet someone. Huh. I never realised how weird we are to mortals until I spent time with one. Stop thinking about Will Nico !

I Skipped over to join Hazel and Frank, who were holding hands and giggling at each other. I realised Hazel hadn't even attempted to disguise herself as she still had golden eyes and gem encrusted nails. I think Hazel looks the most human out of us anyway. Except for Frank of course. But that's only because he can literally shape shift into one.

As I joined them at the back of the group something dark caught my eye as it moved in one of the side streets. I slowed my pace a little to get a better look. At first I thought it had been my imagination. But whatever black blur there was moved again. I silently left the group and walked down the alley way to investigate a little. I can always shadow travel myself to catch up with them later.

The alley had some old band posters drifting around in, but otherwise seemed empty. I knew better though. I could feel the presence of something around me. Neither warlock nor human. Gremlin perhaps? But I would have no idea what a gremlin is doing all the way out here. The usually hang out in the mountains in wales far away from any-
Oh no.
A demon.

Before I could react I felt something cold and hard like stone hit me in the back of my head. I was hit with such a force a human would not stay conscious. However I was not human. I screamed and turned to face what ever demon had attacked me. Something that resembles a smashed up statue leaking black goo was floating menacingly over my head over my head.

This time as one of its dark marble arms came crashing down at me I rolled out the way. As it pulled away from me to recalculate an attack i summoned the shadows from the walls of the alley to my hand. I bent the dark shadows under the monster and brought it crashing down from the air onto the cobbled floor. As soon as it was helpless on the floor I used a combustion spell to blow it up.

I shielded my face as small stone rubble was flung at me leaving the pile of black gloop on the floor. I felt my heart thud. A water demon? I'm not good with Aquatic beats. At that very moment Percy and Piper came barreling round the corner.

"Nico! We heard you scream-"
Piper panted.

I heard Percy shriek as the puddle that was the water monster moved and bubbled upwards.

"Kill it!"
Piper screamed as I felt myself being knocked against the alley wall.
I saw Percy dash forwards, fish tail and all, tackling the puddle to the ground. I watched as he flew through the air after being thrown by the beast.

"The first demon we get in a month and it's a water demon? Really, I thought they would have better things to do than pester us warlocks. Go make some mortals miserable."
Piper tutted watching as Percy evaporated the dark black puddle.

Suddenly, out the corner of my eye I saw something move , I barley had time to duck as the second rocky arm came down.

As I looked up from where I had fallen, I saw Piper and Percy rush towards two- no, three! Three big rock demons. What the Hades?
Why are there so many monsters here suddenly? We usually get about one a month. This is so weird. I heard foot steps come down the other end of the alley as distant voices resembling my family could be heard yelling.

"Nico watch out!"
I heard Hazel shriek.
Too late. I tuned to see a wooden crate being hurled at my face. My last thought was this is gonna hurt, when suddenly the crate was smacked out the way of my face by a sword. I recognised that silver and gold blade anywhere.

I called in delight as sure enough, the diva queen herself rushed to my aid. Her dark plait bouncing behind her as she helped me up off the ground.

"Gee Neeks! You alright?"
I nodded standing up to watch as my family destroyed the other demons. Obliterating then completely. When there wasn't a trace of them left, everyone surprised and out of breath stated talking at once.

"A demon I can't believe it!"


"There were actually four."

"Four demons in one alley?!! What in earth is going on?"

"Nico why did your run off?"

"They would have caught us anyway."

"This so so scary-"


Thalia came striding over and put a hand on Reynas  shoulder. Her short dark her and punk outfit made her look twice as scary.

"Let's just go home shall we? Discuss this there. Okay?"

There was a chorus of agreement as we trekked off home. What the Hades is going on?

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