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I spend the rest of lunch with this stupid blue eyed mortal.

Nico POV

So after biology Will and I went our separate ways. He went to gym with Coach Hedge and I went to Math with Miss Hestia.

Hestia herself was lovely, for a human teacher, but maths was boring. I had no idea what currency we were learning in anyway! Drachmas? Dollars ? Souls of the innocent?
Just kidding about that last part. Only hells gremlins trade in the souls of the innocent.

The worst part is Miss Hestia said I wasn't even allowed to use Annabeths magic calculator to work out the problems!

"You won't have a calculator on you all the time di Angelo."
Miss Hestia tried to explain to me for the third time.
" you should learn how to work this out in your head!"

So what if don't have a calculator on me all the time? I could just summon one and enchant it myself! Honestly it must be so boring being a mortal. Once maths was over I decided I was not going to sit through another boring lesson and skipped of to find the library.

Yes I was bunking of class on my first day. Who cares? I don't. All these people are going to be dead in just a few hundred year, what are they going to do about it?

I turned a corner and saw a mini brown oak door with the word library imprinted on it. I frowned at the tiny door. Hopefully it would be bigger inside. I have it a small push peeking inside.

I nearly fainted I swear. The library was tiny. It was so small I couldn't even fit 1,500 basic necromancy books in here. It was completely empty too. There wasn't even a librarian at the desk. It smelled of dust, and it looked like barley any books had been touched in the last week or so. There were weird posters lining the walls saying stuff like
Let's stop bullying together!
Bob doesn't use his phone after dinner!
Do you? Cut down on phone use blah blah blah

I cringed as I looked at the books on the shelfs.
The complete works of Shakespeare filled at least a whole shelf in the library. Really how man copies of the same book do they need?
I saw at least thirty copies of of mice and men with annotations and extra information on the author at the back.

I already read this.
Why do mortals like this stuff?
Where the hell is the fiction section. I took one little look at the miniature fiction shelf at the back of the library and decided I was having none of it.

Since no one was here I guess I could use some magic. I walked behind the fiction bookcase and ran my fingers over the wall. Momentarily my eyes flashed a bright purple and I felt my horns tingle slightly.

" yraylib' con deity urulysm' dauta "

I heard my voice come out slightly raspy and loud as the wall began to sink in on itself. As it crumbled away in a purple light I began to cast more spells, waving my arms in the right motions. Light began to seep out of the hole as I began  creating my own library room. I was a bit pressured for time so it wasn't too big, and didn't yet have any books inside of it, but it would do for now.

The bell rang symboling the beginning of lunch. Hurriedly I used up the last of my magic to seal the hole up again, leaving nothing but a faint black and purple mark on the wall behind the bookcase.

Making sure it wasn't fading and I completed the ritual properly, I left the empty library to go find Will at lunch.
It took me a while to find the lunch hall but I eventually located it after being met with some dead ends. I saw Will waiting nervously by the entrance to the canteen. He looked slightly lost until he looked up to see me coming towards him.

"Hey Nico!"
He said cheerfully waving at me. Gods he is the embodiment of positivity isn't he? How the hell can he be so happy all the time?

I replied blankly.
"I didn't know your school had a swimming pool."

Will raised an eyebrow as he lead me into the busy canteen.
"We do have one, how did your find it?"

"Nearly fell in it, I thought it was the canteen."

Will let out a small laugh.
"How on earth do you mistake a pool for the canteen?"

I shrugged lining up in the lunch queue crossing my arms, leaning back on the wall slightly. Will laughed again, but louder this time. He looked over across the hall and I followed his gaze. It landed on his sister Kayla who was sitting at a lunch table with what seemed to be her mortal friends. One of the boys at the table leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Ugh. I thought I came to high school to escape all this kissing and stupid love stricken behaviour! Suddenly, out of nowhere, will said
"So Nico, you got a boyfriend?"

That took me so completely by surprise, I was so unprepared for that question I'm pretty sure I choked on the air.


Will asked trying not to laugh at me face.

"You okay you look like you just discovered Mr D was your uncle!"

I stood up straighter. Still thinking about what he had asked me.

"I-I'm fine ... hey Will let's grab some lunch shall we?"

"Well duh that's what we're here for sunshine!"

I furrowed my eyebrows in thought as I began dumping piles of salad on my plate. Warlocks experience love in a different way to humans. I have only been in love once and the feelings weren't returned so that didn't last long. That happened ages ago, around the reign of the Roman Emperor Florianus, I have forgotten the feeling warlocks get when they experience love. I haven't loved anyone since back then.

We took our trays to the table next to kaylas.
Wills plate seemed to consist of baked beans some vegetables and a very large piece of cake.
I looked down at my plate with about three small heaps of salad as it's content. I don't like eating unnecessary bits of food. I don't even need to eat in the first place, I'm immortal. I will only eat if it's worth it, like Rachel's pizza rolls.

"Hey Nico, you never answered my question, you got a boyfriend?"

I avoided eye contact with Will, I hate admitting I'm single.


I replied annoyed. Seeing i didn't like this topic at all, Will dropped it and we continued lunch like normal. Will occasionally eyeing my plate with a disapproving look. Thankfully he didn't say anything about this topic for the rest of the day. Finally it was time to go home. Only one day in and I'm exhausted!

Why does everyone want to talk about love anyway?

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