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A week later I learn Will has betrayed me:

Nico POV

I groaned  for the seventh time, sitting at the dining hall table. I put my head on the smooth polished table surface and ran my fingers through my hair. I was so focused on being miserable I didn't hear Hazel sneak up behind me.

"Hello  little Nico, what has you groaning on Friday evening?" She said lightly as she grabbed my hands and pulled me up from where I lay dead on the table.

"A week Hazel."
I muttered.

Hazel frowned and tilted her head to the side. Her locks of curly hair draping over her shoulder.
"A week what?"

"A whole week of mortal school and it's a nightmare! I hate it! I hate it, hate it, hate it! I'm not gonna make it through a year of this! I don't know how mortals put up with this new form of torture!!!"
I wailed as Hazel jumped in surprise at my sudden outburst.

"But Nico, its only a year! You've lived through thousands and millions of those!"

I let my head fall back in the table, not caring how much it hurt. Hazel prodded me anxiously.

"Nico? Do you need a healing potion? Are you sick?"

When I didn't answer Hazel panicked and fanned her face with her hands.

"Oh no Nico is dead!"

I gave a exhausted groan to show her I was still alive.

"I'm immortal dummy. We are all immortal!"
I reminded her.
" besides, if that's how you react when I die, I will come back and haunt you. That's the most underwhelming reaction on this dumb planet." I mumbled into the table.

There was pause as I hear Hazel shuffle around a bit.

"You know Nico, you call a lot of things dumb and stupid. Your a bit pessimistic!"

I looked up at her from where I lay on the table and gave her a hard cold stare.

"Your only just realising that now Hazel!"

Hazel giggled.

"I'm just kidding! It must be so obvious to everyone who meets you! You reek  of  desperation and death!"

"Well it's not my fault I'm a shadow warlock and not a rock warlock like you!"
I protested. A golden nugget hit my square in the forehead as I was knocked back into the table with a groan.

"That's Precious metals and minerals warlock to you mister!"

Suddenly a buzz from my phone made me jolt up from the table. I checked who the message was from. Me and Will hadn't talked to each other using our phones since the shirtless incident on Monday. We talked plenty at school though. He really isn't that bad. I hoped it was him who had just texted.

Will Solace has opened a chat with you.

Will: is it alright if I video call you ? You know, if your not naked or something...

I knew it. Just I suspected, it was Will! And what does he mean naked?!?

Hazel peered over curiously as I pulled my phone away from view.

"Who is it Nico ?"
She asks sweetly.
I rolled my eyes and shook my head at her.

"Sorry Haze ! Gotta go make a call!"

I dashed out of the dining hall and summoned my room against the living room wall. I stepped in and closed the door gently behind me, then hurried over to my bed. I dialled Wills number and waited as it rung. On the third ring he picked up.

"Hey Nico! No video call this time?"

Wills warm cheery voice came down the receiver flooding my ears.


I said sternly.

"Shame, I guess I don't get to see you shirtless again!"
Will joked.

Ugh. Will he ever let that go?

"What do you want Solace ?"

"Hmmm? Well I was just wondering if my best friend wanted to go out for lunch tomorrow? I know the best coffee shop!"

I hesitated.

"Is the food better than at school?"

I heard Will laugh down the phone, a soft genuine laugh.

"Of course Nico! Ten times better than any school can do!"

"Okay Solace. I'm in!"
I replied without a moments hesitation. Anything if it's better than school!

"That's great! Meet me by the bus stop tomorrow morning at 12:00 pm! Don't you dare drop out on me di Angelo!"

I sighed.

"I won't Will. Bye!"


There was a ping as he hung up and I was left alone in silence. I lay back on my bed and stretched out, my feathery wings tickling the sides of my face. Tomorrow hmm?


I muttered a few spells in front of the mirror the next day as I got ready to go out. Annabeth had helped me count up the money I needed to pay for a basic lunch. I made sure there were no flaws in my disguise, then looked down at my watch.

I'd better be going now.

Ten minutes later I was approaching Will at the bus stop blinking in the sun light. For a winters day it was awfully bright. It didn't mean it wasn't cold. I hate the cold! I shivered as I stopped in front of Will. He smiled at me brightly.

"Ready to go Nico?"
He asked. I nodded in reply as we walked to this coffee shop.
The shop its self was a small French style bakery called " rainbow cakes."
I had heard of this place from Piper.
Apparently everything here was organic and gluten free, but still somehow tasted amazing.
I shrugged it off and followed Will inside, relieved when the warm air from the cafes interior hit me.

I glanced up briefly at the menu then decided what I want and went to the counter to order.
The lady behind had blonde hair with rainbow clips in.

"Hullo I'm Iris! Welcome to rainbow cakes what can I get for you today?"

"One regular black coffee please."

Black like my soul. I thought to myself with a smirk.

"Alrighty then! And you sir?"

She asked Will, her pink lips plastered into a smile.

"One large hot chocolate please!"

I snickered.
"Your take me to a coffee shop and don't even get coffee? Geez Will."

Will frowned slightly.
"What ? The hot chocolate here is really freaking good!"
He paused then added.
"Besides I don't like coffee."

I took a step back and gasped. I looked away from him hurt.

"Will how could you betray me like this?"

Will looked surprised for second then played a long. He reached forward and took my hands, holding them close to his face.

"Nico please try to understand! It's not what it looks like I promise!"

I turned away giving a fake sob.

"No Will, I can't do this! How can you not like coffee!"

Will sighed trying not to laugh.
"Okay Nico, you caught me ! I don't like black coffee, or any coffee, my heart lies with sweet hot chocolates! But that doesn't make me any more different from you!"

I wriggled free from his grip and turned away from him. In a posh British ladies voice I said
"How could you do this too me Will! After this whole week! I thought you were my friend! How dare you betray me!"

Will couldn't seem to take it any more, and erupted into shaking laughter. I joined him giggling as Iris came to the counter with our drinks.

"Here you go !"

We payed for them and took a seat by the cafe window.  I took a sip of my boiling coffee. Mortals had some pretty good coffee standards I will admit that.

As me and Will drank our drinks we passed the time reading things in French of the cafe menu.

" le pain!"
Will said pointing at the option for organic brown bread.

I laughed as he pronounced it as "pain" like "rain", when it's actually more like "pan"with a French emphases on the "n". 

"How do you think the French laugh?"
I asked Will wondering what his lovely laugh would sound like in French.

"Hon hon hon, oui oui, baguette !"
Will replied which instantly set us off in fits of giggles again.

I could have stayed there all day. But I knew Leo would get suspicious if I didn't turn up to our game of ouija boards in the evening. If he found out me and Will had been hanging out side of school, he would tease me for the next century!

"I have to leave now Will. Au revoir my baguette!"

I said getting up to leave. Will waved good bye, getting up to leave too but as I left the shop, I could have sworn I heard him whisper in my ear.

Then took off laughing down the street.
Honestly, what was I going to do with him!

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