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I worry about a dumb mortal:

Nico POV

Will and I were sitting at our lunch table the next day. It was pretty obvious I was on edge. I kept crossing and uncrossing my legs, tapping my hand on one knee. Even with my ADHD it was pretty clear the this was an unusual amount of fidgeting even for me.

The words of the prophecy were still ringing in my ears. I hadn't encountered any more monsters yet, but I had my eye open. I felt someone's hand take mine gently and stopped my tapping. I looked looked up into the sunny face of my favourite (and only) mortal friend,Will Solace. His sky blue eyes held me in a trance and the freckles on his nose crinkled slightly, in cute way. When he smiled his eyes seemed to smile too. It was very comforting.

"Hey. Nico, what ever is bothering you, leave it, it's not good to worry excessively over something. It has a negative effect on your mental well being!"

"You and your medical mental mumbo jumbo...."

Will laughed at that, and squeezed my hands which were held firmly in his.

"My medical mumbo jumbo could save someone's life one day. It feels nice to know I could protect someone I love. Like you!"
Then he added hastily on the end
"No homo."

I nodded rolling my eyes. However, he was right about helping me, I know that hearing him talk simply takes all the stress away. Then something on the side of his jaw caught my attention. It was a small purple mark, resembling a bruise, and I think I have a good idea who made it.

"Who gave you that!"
I asked angrily pointing where the injury was.
Will withdrew his hand from mine and reached up to touch the side of his jaw. When he tilted his head I could see it was a lot worse than I originally thought it was, and was swollen slightly with a gash just above that was covered in dried blood. Will eyes looked up to the left as he avoided eye contact with me. Something he did when he was hiding things. Wills voice continued on in his usual cheery self

"Oh nothing Nico! Just ran into a door! Don't worry about me!"

His voice seemed rather fake this time. I don't get why he can worry about me, and I can't worry about him! Doesn't he trust me? What is it with mortals and hiding their problems from those who want to help. How could another mortal hurt someone as innocent as Will! Simply because he likes other boys ! It didn't matter if he didn't want to tell me, I already knew who.

Is sighed and got up to give Drew and her gang a piece of my mind but I felt a hand latch on to mine. Wills fingers curled as our palms fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. His eyes were pleading.

"Not now Nico! Please... let's just get a coffee or something! I'll pay!"

I narrowed my eyes at him. Was he really this desperate for me not to help him? Or did he just not want trouble. I can see that he might not want me to punch them back... but...

"Okay fine!"
I said. Wills face lit up.
"On one condition."
Wills face dropped at my words.

"If this happened again, don't stop me."

Will pondered this, looked from Drews table to me, then came up with an answer.


I gave him a smirk.
"Good! Now let's go get some coffee! And I will pay for my own drink that you very much!"

We left the lunch hall and went off campus to got get our favourite coffees from our favourite cafe. The rainbow cakes. It had kind of become our place. Some of my favourite memories of Will and I were made there.

Will laughing, whipped cream on his nose.

Me telling him how to pronounce French words properly. (Piper taught me that.)

The over dramatic betrayal scene and reading of the menu.

It felt nice, just me and Will. Oh and Iris, that lady was always at the shop, and she knew our names now and our orders of by heart. It was nice to feel like a mortal for a bit. I still hate them.

By the time I got home, I felt thoroughly refreshed from yesterday's mishaps. I slid of my bag and disguise and ran to where Reyna was waiting for me in the kitchen, I walked over to the counter and nicked a carrot from what ever she was making. Reyna slapped my hand away playfully, her dark plait made shorter so it wouldn't get in the way of her cooking.

"Welcome home Nico! I trust you didn't run into any trouble in the way back?"
She asked ruffling my hair.

I laughed, popping the P. I ducked under her arms and gave her a quick hug from behind.

"Sorry we didn't get to talk properly yesterday."
I mumbled as Reyna bent down to hug me back, moving my wings out of the way slightly to make our hug more comfortable.

"It's okay It's not your fault Nico."
She mused.

"Did you have fun at mortal school?"

I nodded, then added stubbornly.
"I still hate them though!"

Reyna smiled sadly.
"Good, I wouldn't want you to get get too attached... after all they won't exist in a few years.

I squirmed out of the hug. A sudden emptiness in my stomach.

I asked not quite sure if that was right.

Reyna looked at me
"They won't exist much longer. They are all going to die."

I asked dumbly.

Reyna tutted.
"Because the night is coming Nico, most of the mortals here won't survive it, over come with things like depression and insanity, they will most likely kill themselves or someone else. With no magic to protect them they don't stand a chance. I expect children and ones with things like anxiety and depression shall be the first to go."

I felt my heart rate increase. Will has anxiety. Will is a mortal... Will is not an adult yet ...

"Oh yeah!"
I said to Reyna, hoping to convince her that this wasn't bothering me. Reyna raised an eyebrow but said nothing, went back to chopping carrots.

I made my way upstairs and summoned my room, to which I went over and lay down on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

Will was mortal. I already knew that of course.

As soon as I allowed him to be friends with me I had been prepared to face this fact. Will was a mortal, and mortals die. They age and die. They get sick and die. They don't eat and die. The only way that they are similar to warlocks as that they can get stabbed and die...

Will is a mortal and I knew this was going to happen. It never bothered me before , so why does it bother me now?

What am I going to do, he will be defenceless as monsters and demons flood the street and enter humans minds. His will most likely be alone, bullying will increase and ....

Those with things like anxiety and depression will be the first to go!

Reynas words rang in my head.
I had to do something!
Will dying just didn't seem right any more!
I needed a way to protect him, but how?

Then I had an idea. A really good idea. A plan to save Will.

I shot up in my bed and rushed out of my room.

"I will save him!"

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