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I bleed on Wills door step:

Nico POV

I read over the message on my phone again just to be sure. Just a few minutes ago I had revived a text from Will in our group chat, and j wasn't quite sure if us was dreaming or not.


Sunshine:Hey Nico! I was wondering if you would like to come round to mine for dinner? Maybe to stay the night. It will just be you and me, Kayla is going out with some friends. So you me? tonight? Please respond soon.


I kept staring at the message. Me and Will? Alone at his house? Me and Will hung out plenty at school, at the park, and at the café, but never had we been to each other houses. Let alone stayed over night together. If this had been me a month ago, I would have declined it instantly, without a second thought. But here I am, lazing on my bed, a Saturday after noon, actually considering it. What the Hades is wrong with me?!?

Something about this dared me too, and I found myself typing out a reply.

GhostKing: sure, I will be round at about seven.

Sunshine: Really? Wow. Okay I didn't think I would get this far. How does pasta sound for dinner?

Ghostking: are you recommending pasta because I'm Italian Will?

Sunshine: your Italian? Wow. That's hot.

Sunshine: *cool I MEANT COOL NOT HOT!

Sunshine: stupid auto correct.

Sunshine: I'm just going to go now. See you there.

I blushed down at the screen. What? Stupid Will.

I got up and packed a few things in my bag. I made sure my disguise was okay in the mirror. I hadn't bothered to brush my hair, but somehow it still looked okay. I glanced at the moon necklace I wore around my neck, smiled and touched it. It was cool to the touch, I instantly felt a feeling of comfort and safety go through me, knowing Will was safe now, and I could protect him. Until he dies naturally of course, there is nothing stopping that.

I dashed down the stairs my bad over my shoulder and ran straight into a tall older boy with seaweed and shells draped over his clothing. He tuned to me his sea green eyes widening in alarm.

"Nico? Don't run in the house! Where are you going?"

He said eyeing my bag suspiciously. I kept my face as blank as possible.

"Just staying the night at Wills, we have a ... umm ... project that we need to work in."

Percy, being the sea weed brain he was, just gave me a hug, and waved me goodbye.

"Okay then, Be safe Nico. If anything goes wrong don't hesitate to call us."

I rolled my eyes and waved good bye as I headed out the front door. What could possibly go wrong?

No sooner had I said that, I spotted them. looming over the lamppost a little ahead of me. Three sludge demons. They are small and pretty easy to defeat,  but still, three of them out in the open. If I wasn't aware of the prophecy, I would be pretty freaked out.

Okay then, I suppose I'm going to have to kick some ass.

Easier said than done actually. For no sooner had I charged at the fist one, summoning a Stygian iron sword to my hand,  had the two other demons pounced at me pulling me into the pavement. I cursed as my knee hit the side of the lamppost, sending a nasty pain through my knee. Ah, well I had been through worse.

I scrambled back up and ran my sword through  my original target, disintegrating him completely. The turned my attention back to the other two sludge blobs. I cursed the first one to freeze over, covering him in ice temporarily whilst I dealt with the second one.
I charged at the second one and wrestled it away from its paralysed buddy. As soon as I had its slimy body on the ground I ran the tip of my sword over its throat.

As soon as it died the other demon unfroze and leapt at me from behind. I cursed my stinging knee and spun round just in time to skewer it on the end of my blade. I looked around to make sure there were no other demons, and once I was completely sure leant haunts the lamppost for a five minute brake.


I said looking down at my kiddy knee.
Maybe Will wouldn't notice.
I limped the rest of the way to Wills small house and rang the small door belle. Wills anxious face peered through, and brightened when he saw me.

"Hey Nico, you came! I was - WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR KNEE?!?"

Of course he would notice. I was bleeding all over his doorstep.

"Here come inside quick! I have bandages! I need to de infect it first! And we have to see how deep that cut is!"

Oh and to make it worse he is a doctor. How could I forget? That's all he ever does, stupid medical junk. He ushered me inside and into his living room. It was small but warm and comfy, I thought as he lay me down on the couch.

"Okay Nico, I'm going to wipe away the blood first and make sure it doesn't get infected."

I rolled my eyes. Uh, I hate being taken care of like this! He rolled up the leg of my black skinny jeans and sprayed the wound. The cut itself wasn't that daunting when the blood was cleared of it. Will opened a box containing some band aids, which he carefully wrapped and tied around my busted knee.

"I swear Nico, what were you even doing!"
He fussed over me.

"I was running and fell in the pavement by the lamppost."
I stated. Not completely untrue. Will gave a small sigh, then looked back up at me with his sky blue eyes. He lifted his hand and stoked my cheek.

"What am I going to do with you di Angelo?"

My cheek was left tingling and pink as he removed his hand. I tried to get up, but Will pushed me down.

"No way Nico! You must rest for a bit!"


"No buts"

"I'm fine-"

"Rest! I will bring the pasta in here so we can eat in the couch."

I gave in.
I watched as Will got up to get our dinner. Forget what I said about not liking being fussed over. It was quite adorable actually.
Something didn't feel quite right in my chest. It felt like I was going to be sick with nerves, but I ignored it as Will came back holding a tray of steaming hot pasta.

"Dinner is served!"

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