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I think I might have died again:

Nicos POV

When we got to my room my head was hammering my head. I could not think straight  ( A/N : well duh your gay, you can't think straight!)the nerves were killing me. Warlocks don't sweat but if I was mortal I would be sweating like hell right now.
I walked over to where Will was sitting in my bed as causally as I could and took a seat next to him.

Will seemed rather far off in a world of his own.

"So... what are you thinking about?"
I asked him, trying to keep my voice from wavering.

"How nice it is to have a family who cares for you."
Will said back without missing a beat.
I felt the same pang of sadness I did yesterday.
I wanted to tell him it would be alright, and this family might one day be his, but I couldn't. Not yet. Though I was getting there.

"Will, I might not be your family, but I care for you immensely."
I said squeezing his hand. Will turned over on the bed to face me. When he grinned at me I felt light and fluffy. Wills smile made you think everything was going to be okay. It seemed to glow.

"Thanks Nico. Your the very first person I think who has ever cared for me."

"I won't leave!"
I blurted out.
Will tilted his head in confusion.
I held my breath.
"I ... I said I wouldn't leave. Next year. I Will stay at school, just for a little longer."
The whole time I was saying this I was internally cursing myself. How stupid could I be!!! Why in the name of Zeus would I voluntarily sign up to go to that stupid hell hole! As if one year wasn't bad enough, gods what is wrong with me?

But seeing Wills face beam back at me seemed to make it all worth it.
"Y..you mean that Nico?"
I found myself nodding kept in a trance by his sky blue eyes.
"Yeah yeah, don't get over excited it's just for another year or so..."
I replied trying to keep my cool.

"When we danced yesterday..."
Will began. His face seemed all red and he let go of my hand.
"I umm, had never danced with anyone before..."
H swallowed and seemed to struggle to get the next few words out.
"I uhhh... I think I felt something."

My heart was beating so fast I swear it was going to burst out of my chest.
"Felt something? Like .. like what?"
I asked him, my voice accidentally took high to seem relaxed. Will turned his head a way a little.
"I ... I don't know."

I was sort of curious now. What did he feel? Was it what I hoped it was? Or am I wrong and getting the wrong idea? Maybe he actually felt sick. He didn't look sick...

Will shifted round getting a little closer to me, I didn't back away.
"I.. I do know.."
He stuttered
"That.... I felt it ... here."
He put his hand on my chest, where my heart was fluttering around inside. I gulped.

" did you also ... feel it here?"
I spluttered placed my hand gently in his stomach, where all the nerves nearly made me feel sick. Will nodded breathlessly.

"And did you... just want ..."
He said leaning in till our noses were nearly touching.
"Did you just want what?"
I asked again, not blinking as our eyes locked, holding each other's gaze.
"Did ... did ..."
Will didn't seem to be able to finish. We weren't getting anywhere like this. So I prayed to the gods I was right about this and made my move.

"Did you want to do something, like this?"
I said in barley a whisper. Cupping his face in my hand I closed the gap between us. I placed my lips on his and kissed him. Our lips fit right together perfectly. They were soft and warm and I noticed to my utter joy, they were kissing back. Will immediately wrapped one arm around my waist and the placed the other on the back of my neck, pulling me on top of him.
The whole while not braking contact. It felt so right to be kissing him, I pressed my lips down on his harder. I opened them momentarily for a breath, then went straight back to kissing him. Will ran his hand up and down my back deepening our kiss, and making it more passionate.

Before we could do anymore, I broke it off and sat back up, my face as red as a radish. Will was also blushing, his cheeks dusted with pink and his eyes shimmering with affection.

"That, is exactly what I wanted to do..."
He whispered stoking my cheek with his thumb. I let my head fall in his shoulder and wrapped my arms around him, not wanting to let go. He kissed me back! He kissed me, and I wasn't rejected and I literally feel like I could cry.

"I love you. Will I love you. I love your so much! I do!"

I felt Will hug me back tightly, squeezing me like I was something special he didn't want to lose.

"I love you too Nico. I loved on the first day I met you. You matter to me so much!"

I buried my face in his chest, nuzzling him affectionately, as Will began playing with my hair.

"Be mine Will. Please be my boyfriend!"

Will laughed and my heart began to get all fluttery again.

"Only if you be mine Nico. Of course I will be your boyfriend!"
He cried out happily. He lifted my head and kissed me again. I kissed back happily, I was practically soaring. I loved this boy. I loved him so much. I don't need any stupid warlock signs to tell me so, because now I feel it. In my heart. Just like Will said I would.

"I wanted this for so long! Since I met you!"
Will mumbled into our kiss.
"Well you can have it!"
I giggled. Oh my gods I giggled!?! What the hell is wrong with me ? Before I could get all embarrassed Will pulled me down in the bed cuddling as he pulled duvet over us.
I didn't object, and leant up to kiss him on the nose. I smiled at him and he smiled back. Phase one complete. I have a boyfriend. After all this time I have someone to call my own. Someone who I trust as much a Bianca. I didn't think about how I would tell him I was a warlock. I didn't think about the night, or contacting Piper or any of that stuff. I simply snuggled up in Wills arms and lay there, feeling the happiest I ever had in my entire life.
I'd better not be all goopy like this all the time.
Was my last thought as I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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