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Cute bugs in the library:

Nicos POV

Holding Wills hand, we walked into school the next day, Kayla walking a little way behind us. Since the whole present incidents and me just turning up at their house, Kayla has been keeping more of an eye of us. It's quite a pain actually because there is something I want to show Will, but I'm going to have to bunk biology with him now. Seriously! Kayla is watching us like a hawk!

As the bell rang and Kayla walked away from us solemnly, I grabbed Wills hand and began leading him away from our class room.

"Nico? The science labs are back there death breath!"
Will giggled.

"We are not going to the science labs..."
I paused, then added for affect

Will blushed, but kept asking questions.
"Where are we going?"

" its a Surprise."

"It's also a school. What surprises are there in school?"

"You'll see."

Will pouted slightly but followed me all the same. I led him into the library, just making him more confused as he stared at the dusty untouched books and weird anti bullying posters. We stopped by the fiction book case and Will looked slightly disappointed.

"Nico... it's great but-"

"This isn't the surprise dumbass!"
I said scooting begins the book case. I pointed to the small purple symbol on the wall.

"This is"

Will looked at me for the okay. I nodded as he reached out to unlock it, just like I taught him to do. As his fingers brushed the mark, the wall swung open revealing my mini library relm on the other side.

It was dark in there, you couldn't see anything. I took Wills hand and led him into the blackness of the relm. He fumbled around nervously.

"Nico! Where are we?"
He whispered.



"Get off my foot please."

There was some more fumbling as Will got off me. Once he was off of my foot and now clinging to my arm, he tried again.

"Okay. I'm off, now where are we?"

I didn't say anything. I held him close against me, I could feel his chest rising and falling. I waited for the perfect moment, then I moved my arms up and clapped really loudly. As the clap echoed around the room, something began to stir.

The room was suddenly filled with a mellow amber light as tiny glowing specks floated into the air. They looked like mini fairy lights as they zoomed around the room, illuminating the room that surrounded me. I heard Will draw in a breath as his bright blue eyes followed the bugs as the flew over us, then he spotted it. A white table for two, with little plates of all the food Will loves, hot chocolate, pasta, pizza rolls and some muffins. I heard Will squeal a little at the sight. Using a little more of my magic I pulled a red rose out of the air.

"Will Will like to go on a date with me?"
I said giving him the rose. He giggled embarrassed.

"Not if you say Will Will."

I pouted.
"Fine then! Will you like to go on a date with me?"

Will leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"I'll take that as a yes."

We took our seats at the table I'd set up, and I watched as Wills eyes grew at all the food I had brought.

"Help yourself!"
I said gesturing to the plates we had.

"Don't mind if I do."

I smiled as we tucked into our meal, Will seemed to be in absolute heaven.

"I freaking love this meal... how did you manage to get Rachel's pizza rolls?"

"Ah, it was a favour, in return for me cleaning her room for her."

Will smiled thoughtfully.
"That's nice of you, Hey Nico?"

I hummed in response.

"Do you perhaps think that.... I can tell my sister about this?"

I watched as he hunched over a bit, biting his lip nervously.

"I ummm..."

I was kinda caught off guard there. Telling her would be the logical solution but.... well, would she even believe him? What if she told everyone else, what if Kayla called him a freak and never wanted to see him again!

"No, sorry. Never mind Nico, we can't tell her. What was I thinking of course we can't, it far too dumb and risky. I'm being stupid."
Will hung his head lower. I leaned across the table and took his hands in mine.

"Hush, your not being stupid. That was a good idea, how about we wait a little, then ease her into this like we did for you."
Will looked up at me, his blue eyes shining.

"Are Your sure?"

"Of course I'm sure, I love you Sunshine."

"I love you too death boy."

I stood up and held out my hand for him. Using a small burst of magic I turned on the radio in the corner, it started to play soft music that filled the entire room.

"Care to dance?"

Will beamed at me.

"I love to dance, its like our thing."

He placed his hand on my waist, holding the other. My heart raced, all the other times I seemed to have been leading the dance, but here was Will, dominating our movements, controlling where we danced. It was thrilling.
As the music picked up pace, he spun me like a girl and dipped me whilst I was in his arms.

I said blushing.

"What? I've got to be good at dancing with my bride!"

I lifted myself back up and spun Will into my arms, holding him backwards.

"Nah.. your the bride Solace!"

Will squirmed in my arms, then wriggled out of my grasp, and picked my up at the waist, lifting my round the room in a spin.

"Let's face it di Angelo! You are definitely the bride!"

I scowled, still blushing.
"Uh,, nuh uh. We can both be brides!"

Will wasn't listening, one of the glowing bugs had caught his attention, and was flying very close to him. He was standing completely still, his eyes focused on it. Then as soon as it got close enough, Will jumped up and caught it.
He fell into the ground giggling.

"I caught a fire fly!"

I sat down next to him.
"It's a gibbon."

Wills face widened in surprise.
"It's not a fire fly?"

"No!"I chuckled opening his plans a tiny bit so he could see.
"It's a gibbon."

The bug in Wills palm actually looked like a tiny than rabbit with wings, and long golden antennas that glowed at then ends. The tiny gibbon hopped around a bit, the flapping it tiny wings trying to escape. Will set it free, still gazing at it in wonder as it flew up to join the other gibbons.

"It's so pretty."
He whispered.

"Like you." I whispered back.

"Your so cheesy."

"Says you!"

"Okay fine..."

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, confused I pulled it out to check, no but Will ever texted me, the others always used mind link. In fairness I had turned it off so it wouldn't interrupt my date. Couldn't they wait?

Pipershipper333: Nico are you there? Come quick!

Ghostking: what is it Piper? I'm on a date.

Pipershipper333: It's Hazel....

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