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Hazel could use a hand (or a tail):

Nicos POV

I swear to the gods, I have never flown so fast in my life, all I remember is scooping up Will into my arms, and then dashing off in a second. I could hear Will screaming and yelling as we soared towards my house but I wasn't really listening. The only thing on my mind was my sister, and wether she was alright or not. As our house came into view, I began to lower to the ground, not slowing a bit. Will gave a yelp as we dropped to the ground.

"Nico! What the Hades is going on! I don't think that-"

"Hush Will! I'm sorry."
I said my face softening at his scared expression.
"It's just ... Hazel."

Will looked at me quizzically. I didn't explain this one, just gave him a pleading look and took him inside the house with me. I bolted up the stair way with Will following me close behind. At the top of the stairs stood Rachel, she had a slight for a on her face, usually a sign that something she didn't predict had happened. She was quite proud of always seeing the future, so when she didn't, it made her feel like a mortal.

"Top 40th floor, down a loop hole then to your left." She said bitterly, summoning a cup of cold tea to her side. I nodded briefly and took Wills hand again, as we dashed up the stairs once more, one we had successfully jumped through a loop hole and ended up in one piece, I found the room we were looking for. My heart quickened as I saw the group of family members all huddled round a bed.

"What happened!"
I demanded breathlessly.

Jason, Percy and Leo turned around quickly, their faces grim. Percy was first to speak.

"Where is she? Where Hazel!"

"She's right here But-"

I pushed through the crowd of family, I felt Will grab my hand as we made our way towards the bed. It was reassuring but not enough.

Finally I saw her. Her usual chocolate skin was bruised and pale. Her golden eyes were closed as she lay in a state of unmoving. Nico could feel his heart rate pick up dramatically. He could barley breathe as his eyes scanned the cuts and claw marks that ran down her arms. Hazel was in her warlock state, so she had her claws and horns out. But where her tail should have been, was a bandaged up stump. I heard Will scream as I gave a yell of distress at the same time.

I cried flinging myself on to her. She didn't move at all. I let out an outraged growl as I was tugged off her by a pair of strong arms. Percy's stern face looked at me.

"Nico! That's not helping."

"Well somebody help her then!"
I screamed the panic evident in my voice. Hazel was hurt. Missing her tail! It was ... just gone! She must have been in so much pain. Hazel in pain.....
I let out another strangled cry as I clawed my way from Percy's firm grip and to the side of the bed.

"Hazel... come on... please Hazel wake up!"

"Nico... come on stop that! Can't you see we've tried everything!"
Frank snapped. His face was tear stained.
Will quietly spoke up.

"What happened may I ask?"

Reyna sighed and rubbed her arm.
"She ... I don't ... one second she was out side talking to some mortals and the next ... we heard a scream, and there were too many monsters .... and ...  we couldn't get to her in time."

"How many monsters are we talking about?"
Will asked cautiously.


Wills face paled considerably at this amount.
"Oh crud..."

Jason bit his lip and looked around at all the worried faces.
"We decided it's not safe to go out anymore..."

"Then how will we get medicine for Hazel! She could die!" Frank said angrily.

"We could all go out together... group numbers.."
Percy suggested.

"But half of us must stay behind with Hazel! She's in position to be left alone!"
Calypsos snapped.

"Well then we can't go for medicine! Not enough of us! Not even all of us combined could properly fend of those many demons!"
Annabeth sighed, clearly stressed as her shoulders sagged mildly.

"But Hazel needs help!"
Frank sobbed, not even hiding the distress in his voice. I was still by Hazels bed willing her to wake up. I could see she was holding on, but only by a thread.

I whispered running my hand through her frizzy hair. She didn't so much as flinch at my touch.

Suddenly a rather small voice piped up from the corner.
"Ummm, I think... I could help."
Everyone's attention shifted to Will, who had been the source of the voice. Realising everyone's eyes were on him, he cleared his throat and took a step forward.

"I... I'm studying to be a doctor when I grow up, I know it's not exactly warlock remedies, but I have a few mortal things that could help."

"But she needs potions not some stupid anti biotic that won't-"
Thalia began but was cut off by Frank.

"You can help her?"
He asked timidly.

Will nodded
"It's won't be as effective as a healing remedy but it should help stop the bleeding and prevent infection."

"Do it."
Frank said hesitating. I stood up and took Wills hand pleadingly.

Will looked around the rest of the room for approval, which he obtained in a series of solemn nods. He clapped his hands stealing Leo a bit.

"Alright then, someone get me my meds bag, it's down stairs. Bring anything else you can find! Let's do this!"

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