Chapter One (Part two)

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Hi! This is part two of chapter one, but instead of rambling like I usually do, I will just let you guys read it for yourselves. 

I open my sleepy eyes, blinking away the haze. Then I go cross-eyed. There is a butterfly on my snout. I glare at it, but it doesn't seem very intimidated, probably due to the fact that I am cross-eyed in the first place. Or maybe because it is, after all, just a butterfly, so it doesn't know what a glare even is. Now that I think about it, it is probably the ladder. So I try another strategy. I expel a large puff of air from my nostrils, and that does the trick. I send it leisurely flying off, as if a dragon showing signs of slight irritation towards it is no danger at all.

I roll my eyes and stretch my wings. I wince. I have never been much of a flyer, and last night's harsh flying really did something to my wings. They really feel sore.

My talons instinctively reach up to my neck to feel for my amulet, but I know it is there before my claws even make contact. It is hard to miss the comforting warmth it gives off, though I have recently realized it does not only ward off cold, it also wards off blazing heat, too. It always keeps you the exact right temperature.

I glance at the sun. It is almost at it's height in the sky. Oh, no, are my thoughts as I realize that the school I will be attending, Emerald River Academy, will start the first day at sunhigh, today. I gulp and snap out my wings, I can't be late for my first day!

Will they be friendly? What will the teachers be like? Will they like me? Will I be smart enough? What if someone find out about my secret? I stop myself. This is getting too far. NO ONE will find out about my secret. My amulet. I try to keep it as secret as possible, for fear of someone stealing it. I have developed an unexplainable bond with it, as if I rely on it as much as my heart and soul. Even though dragons can still see it, I make sure they don't have any suspicions.

My sharp dragon eyes scan the undergrowth, looking for prey. I spot a rustling in the bushes, and I twitch my nose, trying to catch the scent. Hallelujah. I think as I catch the scent. My favorite. The scent is almost sweet, like the flowers and grass it eats, along with the strong smell of blackberries. It must be eating some right now. It also carries the odd musk of all forest creatures. A hare. I angle my wings slightly downward, catching a downdrift of wind. I shoot forward, toward the sound and scent, on silent wings. I swoop down, and scoop up my target lightly in my talons, a fat hare. I let it squeel in my talons for a second as I ascend into the sky, before quickly snapping my head down and breaking it's neck.

I am not much of a killer, but a dragon's gotta eat. So I prefer a quick and easy death, with no pain at all. It is a challenge, eating in the air, but I am in a hurry and have done it before, so I can manage. The hare is as tasty and succulent as it had smelled from the sky, and after adding a little char with my flame breath, it tastes even better. I finish it in a few gulps, my hunger satisfied. 

By now, I am flying over the glittering ocean, and the island I have just left behind is fading into the distance. I squint. There, up ahead just a matter of miles, is my destination. Dragons of all shapes and sizes flock the place. I feel a little spark of excitement, and then the headache hits me and I fall from the sky.


Ohhhh, cliffhanger! I know, I'm evil. Sorry it was so short! 


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