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A/N: Hey! Sorry for not updating in so long! I've gotten pretty busy. Also, I'm going to go back to once a week updates. Thank you all for being so patient!

Clay watched as Sunny and Meerkat left the room, and he turned to Glory. "How do you feel about your mother possibly still being alive?"

Glory shrugged. "I don't know. It's complicated."

Clay opened his mouth to answer, but his phone in his back pocket vibrated, and he looked at it. "I've got to go." Clay said. "Peril's calling me."

Glory smiled. "Go ahead."

Clay nodded and answered his phone, walking to another room. "Hey, Peril. What's up?"

"Hey, Clay," Peril replied. "I won't be able to talk for long since I'm in between classes, but I heard that Deathbringer is still alive. Also, where are you?"

"I'm at Sunny's house." Clay replied. "And Deathbringer is here, too."

"That's great!" Peril replied. "I've got some homework today, but I would love to come and see him. It's been weird. We weren't exactly close, but him not being there took a toll on all of us."

"Yeah," Clay agreed. "And you can come over whenever. Just give me a heads up when you're coming so that Sunny and Smolder won't freak out."

Peril laughed. "I will. I've got to go. Class starts in a few seconds. Love you."

Clay smiled. "Love you, too."

Clay sighed and ended the call. He went back to the room he had come from, and saw that Sunny and Meerkat still hadn't come out.

"How's Peril doing?" Starflight asked.

"She's doing good." Clay replied. "She's super happy that Deathbringer is back, and she says she'll try to come over and see him, but she has a lot of homework."

Deathbringer nodded and smiled. "I'd love to see her. I've missed everybody."

"We've missed you, too." Starflight said. "I should call Fatespeaker sometime. She's probably worried out of her mind."

Tsunami put a hand on Starflight's shoulder. "I'm sure Peril will tell her, but you still should call her."

"Speaking of calling our significant others," Glory said, crossing her arms. "Don't you have a boyfriend, Tsunami?"

Tsunami's eyes widened. "Oh! Yeah. I probably should. He'll really want to see you, Deathbringer. You two were close."

Deathbringer nodded. "I should call him, too." he paused. "Except that I, uh, I don't have my phone on me."

Tsunami rolled her eyes. "You can just use mine."

Deathbringer grinned. "Great."

Clay smiled. "Also, it's almost lunchtime. I'm hungry. Could we get some food?"

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