Is that poop I smell? *sniff* nope, it's... SHIPS

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Clay (0 kills, alive)

Sora (0 kills, alive, medicine)

Tsunami (0 kills, alive, longsword)

Turtle (0 kills, alive, sandwhich)

Anemone (0 kills, dead)

Riptide (0 kills, alive, longsword)

Glory (0 kills, alive, poison/acid)

Kinkajou (0 kills, alive, poison/acid)

Jambu (0 kills, alive)

Starflight (0 kills, alive, medicine)

Fatespeaker (0 kills, alive, sandwhich)

Thoughtless (1 kill, alive, 2 throwing knives, tent)

Moonwatcher (0 kills, alive, tent)

Deathbringer (1 kill, alive, 4 throwing knives, tent)

Sunny (0 kills, alive, tent)

Qibli (0 kills, alive, 2 throwing knives)

Winter (0 kills, alive, longsword)

Snowfall (0 kills, alive, sandwhich)

Lynx (0 kills, alive, medicine)

Peril (0 kills, alive, poison/acid, bow, 10 arrows)

Flame (0 kills, alive, longsword)

Blue (0 kills, alive, medicine)

Luna (0 kills, alive 2 throwing knives)

Swordtail (0 kills, alive, bow, 10 arrows)

Cricket (0 kills, alive, 2 throwing knives)

Lightning (0 kills, dead)

Sundew (0 kills, alive, bow, 10 arrows)

Willow (0 kills, alive, sandwhich)

Oak (0 kills, alive, bow, 10 arrows)

Tsunami stood between her two travel companions, Turtle on her left and on her right was Riptide.  Her shoulder brushed his lightly as they walked and she blushed as Riptide asked her to help him up a high rock, their hands gripped tightly to keep him from falling.

But that didn't mean she liked him.  No, that would be absurd!  I mean, he was only sweet, kind, funny, handsome, adorable, and strong... but she didn't like him!  And even if she did like him, she couldn't get attached.  Either one of them could get killed at any moment.


As Glory walked along with Kinkajou and Jambu, she thought.  She planned, she plotted, and she tried to pry as much knowledge as she could from the recesses of her mind.

Jambu was chattering away as always, "and then I said-" he cut himself off with a gurgling sound.  Glory glanced at him, about to snap something that would've been very smart, no doubt, but stopped short.  The gurgle wasn't staged.  An arrow was stuck into Jambu's throat and he fell back with a soft thump, his blood forming a scarlet pool around him.

Kinkajou screamed,  but Glory kept her cool.  She removed the arrow with a small flinch and quickly poured a bit of black liquid on the tip, making sure that it didn't touch her skin.  She stared out into the forest and, when she saw movement, shot the arrow.  There was a shriek and she ran over to the person she hit.  It was that boy from district 11, Oak.  

She quickly stole his arrows and bow, knowing they could be useful.  She realized with a pain in her chest that this boy had all ten of his arrows.  He wasn't the one who killed Jambu... she ran back to Kinkajou and her brother's dead body and decided she wouldn't share that bit of knowledge.


Willow had watched as Sundew had killed the boy from district 3, the pink-haired one.  She had to look away and she grabbed her brother's hand as well as her girlfriend's, trying to drag them away.  Oak shrieked and dropped to the ground, an arrow embedded in his face. To her disgust and astonishment, Willow watched her brother's face dissolve.  Sundew pulled her away quickly and started to run farther into the woods.  Tears were streaming down Willow's face but she didn't make a sound, to shocked to even breath correctly.

After a few minutes of running, Sundew let Willow stop and rest.  Willow clenched her hands into fists, anger coursing through her veins.

"She killed him," Willow's voice was quiet and low, "she doesn't deserve to win.  she... she doesn't deserve to live!  I will kill her if it's the last thing I do!"

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