Must read this, I am sorry

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I love joking around and I love all my readers, thank you for my time and support.

I do not wish to run this very long, so I will get to the point.

I may or may not be writing WOF on FACEBOOK for awhile.

Cue screams of denial.

I'm very sorry, I love writing this book and I have so many ideas, and I adore getting comments about how much you love it, because it brings me joy to know I'm bringing more joy into the world through my words.

I do not think I have ever written anything else with such feeling and deepness (idk if thats a word) in it, but here I am.

I love how passionate you get over the words I write, that has always been my dream, for people to shout and vote over this story, its music to my ears.

But sadly an event has occured in my life that has left me stranded. I feel alone, I feel heartbroken, more then usual. My normal feelings have increased, and I feel like breaking down. I feel like I'm just floating around in the world, like nothing matters anymore. 
I won't go into details, I don't really want to. If you really want to find out what happened you could PM me and I might answer.

Sadly one of my best friends is off at a wifi-less camping trip, so I can not ask for her advice, she usually is the one to help me through this, but since she is gone...

(In case u were wondering this girl is @Percy_BlackAdder ofc)

I can't deal with these emotions, and sorry if your getting tired of readin this nonsense.

Long story short I will not be writing this for awhile, I might write it sooner than expected, but not today at least, I'm not in the mood. I might just write a chapter to please you all, I love seeing you all happy and I'm sorry if I'm disappointing you for stopping, but I have to.

I will update this on most of my stories, so the word is spread. I don't know exactly what I'm going to do about this situation, I need to think it through,

Once this stage passes (enough for me to be happy, and write) I will delete this passage and write the next part of the Sing Off.

Again I'm sorry, I just feel miserable and I feel like complete crap to be honest. Like I said, reality caught up to me, and I don't like it. I wrote these stories to see everyoen smile, to see everyone laugh at the words I wrote down. I didn't want to see anyone sad, I don't want to see them go through what I've had to go through for so long...

I thank you for your time.. I will still be on to talk to friends, but that is about it.

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