Well Someone Is Unhappy

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Starflash: We need to do something something that's annoying today...

Storm: Like what?

Starflash: I don't know...

Me: Here's a troll *gives Starflash a folded piece of paper and disappears*

Starflash: *opens the piece of paper* Ok, this will be our troll today

Storm: What is it?

Starflash: We have to go to the Jade Mountain Academy library

Storm: Why?

Starflash: *teleports herself and Storm to the library at JMA*

Starflash: Hi Starflight!

Starflight: Huh? Who's that?

Storm: Before we answer that, would you like to actually see for a while?

Starflight: Yes! I would!

Storm: Ok, just stay still...

Starflash: *gives Storm a leaf*

Storm: I enchant this leaf to give Starflight his sight back the moment it touches his eyes

Storm: *drags the leaf over Starflight's eyes*

Storm: You can open your eyes now

Starflight: *opens his eyes*

Starflight: Woah *looks around* So this is what the library looks like

Starflight: And so many books!!!

Storm: Ok, hi Starflight!

Starflight: Oh hi! So who are you guys?

Storm: My name is Storm and this is Starflash

Starflight: Who gave me back my eyesight?

Storm: I did

Starflight: Thank you so much! I want to see all of Jade Mountain!!

Storm: *whispers to Starflash* Should we let him explore first?

Starflash: I guess we could-

Starflight: *runs out to explore*

Storm: There he goes

Starflash: Wait! This is the perfect opportunity to troll him!

Storm: Really? Why?

Starflash: Because he won't be here!

Storm: So what's the troll?

Starflash: First, enchant all the scrolls in this room to duplicate and that all the duplicates will go to our secret cave

Storm: Ok... *enchants the scrolls*

Scrolls: *duplicates and disappears*

Storm: Now what do we do?

Starflash: *grins* We remove all of the titles from the scrolls

Storm: How?

Starflash: By ripping the titles off... duh

Storm: Oh... ok

Storm and Starflash: *starts ripping off all the titles from the scrolls*

*1 hour later*

Storm: That took a while...

Starflash: Yeah, now let's go see where Starflight is

*5 minutes later*

*Starflight, Storm, and Starkeeper walk into the library*

Starflight: I want to read a scroll now *dashes to the shelf*

Starflight: Why are all the scrolls unlabeled?? *starts unrolling scrolls one by one*

Storm: *tries to hide her laugh*

Starflight: *finally finds his scroll* Aha!

Starflight: *looks at the ground* I've made a mess...

Starflight: *picks up all the scrolls and puts all of them back*

Storm: *enchants the scrolls that do and don't have titles to switch places*

Starflight: I'm getting confused now... since when did the scrolls have titles?? Am I still blind?! You know what, I give up *leaves the library*

Starflash: That was amazing

Storm: I know!! We got Starflight really mad

Starflash: That's it for the troll everyone!!

Me: Sorry for not updating in... a long time

Starflash: Yeah, it took you forever. Anyway, I hope we see you guys in another troll. Maybe tomorrow...

*6 hours later*

Starflight: *by a beach, lying down with shades on* I'm glad I have my vision back *drinks from a coconut*

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