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The torches flames flickered and crackled. The green color tinting the black walls.

The walls were sparkling. Small clear gems placed into the solid stone. The green flames making them seem earthy.

With a single touch, Nico felt like he would break it.

So he avoided touching things, instead observing his surroundings.

A large throne stood proudly in the middle of the room. It's color a dark amethyst, and at its feet lay gems and stones.

Stones like diamonds and gems like aquamarine lay at the foot of the throne. They piled up in the sides so it seemed they were swallowing the throne.

The throne itself having blending in with the floors and looking as if it was rising up from the core of the earth.

The ceiling was sinking inwards in random areas. Remind Nico greatly of a cave, some dips even containing small chandeliers.

The chandeliers sparkled and shunned through the torch light. Reflecting the light as different colors as they danced on the floor.

Nico started to walk to the throne. The rest of the strange room empty. The barrenness of the room setting Nico on edge.

"Hello." A deep voice bellowed, Nico instantly recognized it.

"Father." He said, unfazed by his entrance.

Hades (his father) walked into the room, the god of riches in human form as he stood in front of his son. "I have something to tell you." He stated formally, as if he wasn't related to the moody teen.

Nico raised an eyebrow and asked "What is it?" His voice turning sickeningly polite.

"I am aware you're turning 15 in about a week, yes?" Hades questioned, having yet to answer Nico.

Nico nodded, feeling a sting of pain as he realized his father didn't even care enough to remember his birthday (or age for that matter).

His father looked at him and sighed. "Your mother. . ." He began, trailing off as he looked at the ground sadly. Inhaling deeply, he started again.

"You're mother had wings. The wings of an angel." He said bluntly, the god getting choked up on his emotions silently.

Nico swallowed the lump in his throat. His father never talked about his mother.

So why start now?!

Nico thought bitterly.

"Listen father. I need to go–"


"Stop. You missed your chance to be my dad. And now all the sudden you're telling me about my mother who is dead?! Listen up, Hades, I'm leaving." Nico insisted, suddenly angry.

He couldn't really explain his mood swing, but before he could say "Happy Meal" he was shadow traveling to the Apollo cabin. His anger still freshly burning in his stomach.

New fanfic?
New fanfic.
Why must I do this. What can't I just leave my writings unpublished? Well, I have no self control. That's why.

- Bridget

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