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Stand By Me - The Drifters 

Blackbird - The Beatles 

My Girl - The Temptations 

| sixty | 

“Ava?” Flint’s low groggy voice spoke. His eyes lighting up at the view of his daughter.

“Hi dad.” Ava managed to say. All of her nerves and anxiety that was sinking in the pit of her stomach was causing her voice to come out shaky. She was biting on her inner cheek so hard that the metallic taste of blood began to touch her tongue. 

“Well, don’t let the girl just stand there. Come on in.” The unknown woman, who Ava quickly assumed was Flint’s new wife, pulled her into their warm home. Ava awkwardly shuffled to the side of the door. Her grip on her bag was tight. She shifted her eyes from her father to his wife and back to her father. She didn’t know what to do or what to say. The more that she stood there, the more she began to regret her decision. 

“I’m sorry for intruding. I can just go.” Ava quickly said and turned towards the door. 

“Don’t be silly! It’s past midnight. Stay the night.” The woman said. 

“If that’s okay with you, dad?” Ava looked over at Flint, still unsure with how he was reacting to all of this. 

“Of course.” He said after a moment of silence. He gave her a soft smile with his dimples showing through the grey scruff. 

“Let me grab your bag and bring it to our guest bedroom.” 

“Thank you, um-” Ava stammered, looking at the woman who’s name she still didn’t know of. 

“Oh! How silly of me. I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Chloe.” She wrapped her arms around Ava, startling her with her quick embrace. “Now, come on in.” Her warm smile made Ava quickly feel comfortable - as comfortable as she could get regarding the circumstances. 


The atmosphere in the kitchen was slightly uncomfortable. Ava had found herself sitting at the medium sized wooden table that was sitting in the middle of the room. Her hands were twisting in her lap. Her teeth biting into her cheek. She didn’t know what to say or how to act. She was alone, with her father, at the kitchen table in his home. The father that she had thought was dead. 

Flint sat opposite of Ava. His eyes focused on the fruit basket that sat in the middle of the table. His teeth were also chewing on the inside of his cheek. It was obvious where Ava had inherited this nervous habit from. 



They both looked at each other, nervously laughing, as they both spoke at the same time. “You go first.” Flint spoke softly. 

“Um. I’m sorry for intruding so late at night.”

“It’s fine, Ava.” She looked into his eyes, trying to encode wether or not it truly was fine. It seemed to her that he was telling the truth. “If you don’t mind me asking, why are you here?” 

Ava looked at her fingers once again. They were shaking slightly due to the nerves she was dealing with. Her palms began to sweat slightly. The words jumbled up inside her mind. 

“You left before I could talk to you.” She meekly spoke. 

“I’m sorry.” His voice was low. His eyes not  once looking up at her. 

“Why?” Her voice grew a bit more confident. She sat up a bit straighter, eyes focused on his nervous body language. “Please, tell me why you left.” 

“I had to be back home early-”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Would any one like some tea?” Chloe walked into the room, completely oblivious to the uneasy tension that was growing between the daughter and father. Their eyes both shot up. The tension still not faltering. 

“I’m fine, hun.” Flint answered his wife, his eyes focusing back on the fruit basket. 

“Could I have some water, please? That flight made my throat dry.” Ava asked sweetly. She hoped that Chloe would not notice the unnerving tension that was growing each moment inside the room. 

“Sure thing.” She gave her a warm smile as she opened up a cabinet. 

The water was cold as it ran down Ava’s burning throat. She coughed slightly, hoping to lose the nerves that were faltering her speech. 

“Hun, would you mind giving Ava and I some space? We have some things we need to talk about.” Flint asked, making eye contact with Ava for the first time since she sat down. 

“Of course. Oh! Of course. I’ll be upstairs. And Ava, I set some clean towels on top of your bed if you want to take a shower. There’s an en suite inside of your room so it won’t be a bother to anyone that is sleeping.” She smiled sweetly. Her whole demeanor  had completely shifted now that she knew who Ava was. 

“Thank you.” Ava returned the smile with a half one of her own. She continued to fumble with her hands. 

“Alright then. Goodnight.” She left a small kiss on top of Flint’s forehead and walked up the stairs to her room, leaving Ava and Flint alone. 

A few moments went by. Silence encapsulating the room. It was so quiet that the snores of the neighboring home could be heard. 

Ava was the first to speak. Breaking the silence in half. “Please tell me why you left. Why did mom lie to me? What happened?” 

Flint took a few deep breaths from his nose. Taking his time to form the words that needed to be spoken. His head slowly raised his head and looked at Ava. 

The dramatics of the situation was almost humorous. 

“I never meant to lie to you, Ava. Please understand that. I never wanted to.”

“Then why did you?”

“It was your mothers idea.” 

“What happened? Please tell me. I was two years old and I was told that my dad died. I later find out that it was a brain tumour. But then find out again that in fact my father is well and living in the United States with his wife and two new daughters.” She could feel the tears threaten to fall. She sat up straighter hoping it would help her not break down. She couldn’t let him see her cry. She needed to stay strong; she needed answers. 

“Your mother and I fell out of love.” He spoke softly. His eyes full of remorse. 

“What?” Ava’s eyes were confused. Her brows furrowed. She gestured for him to go on. 

“Etta and I were young when we fell in love. We were so young when we had you! We were forced to get married. It was the right thing to do. Your grandparents wouldn’t see it any other way.” He took a deep breath before carrying on. “The first year of you being born, and of our marriage, was the best thing that had ever happened to me. From the first moment that I held you in my arms, I fell in love. You were so tiny! Your hair was all over the place and so dark. You looked like a little eskimo baby.” He let out a small chuckle at the memory.

“But as the year went on, your mom and I started to fight more. The fights were petty. The only thing that kept us happy was you.” Flint leaned over and grabbed Ava’s hands. She didn’t move, too engrossed in the story to move. “Please know that everything that happened between your mom and I had nothing to do with you being born. You were the best thing that had ever happened to us. To me.”

“Then why did you leave?” She asked, her voice sounding more bitter than she had planned. 

Flint let out a sigh. He slumped back into his chair. His hands releasing Ava's. He scratched the back of his neck in thought. “Your mom.” 

“My mom?” 

“She filed for divorce on your first birthday.”

“But that doesn’t make sense. We went on a trip to Disneyland on my second birthday.” 

“I’ll explain that soon.” Flint stood up quickly and walked over to the cabinets. He pulled out a glass and filled it with water. He took his seat once again. After taking a long gulp of water, he placed the glass back down on the table and continued to talk.

“Your mom announced that she wanted a divorce after your first birthday. I was shocked. I knew that we were no longer in love and that we were fighting. I just thought that we would stay together for you. I didn’t want you to grow up without a father figure in your life. The thought killed me. But your mom didn’t want to be with me anymore. It took a year for the divorce to happen. We were in and out of court. Your mom wanted full custody but I wouldn’t have it. But for some sick reason, she won. My only request, was that we could have one last family trip. I wanted you to have happy memories of me. I knew your mother. I knew she would make up some sick lie about me. I didn’t want to taint your view on who I was even if you were only two when I left.” 

Ava stared at her father in bewilderment. The way that he spoke about her mother made her slightly angry. That didn’t sound like the woman that she grew up knowing. She was her best friend. She wasn’t sick nor twisted. 

“You’re lying. It was your idea.” Her voice rose slightly. 


“Mom would never lie to me like that. She was a beautiful woman who had a heart of gold. She would never lie about something so sick. You must have did something for her to tell me that.”

“Ava, sweetheart.” Flint sat up and moved to the chair that sat next to Ava’s. He placed  a hand on her shoulder that was now shaking slightly. He wiped away the few tears that escaped. “Don’t cry.” Ava flinched at the closeness of her father. “I’m not lying.” He spoke softly. 

Ava looked up. Her eyes were now red and glossed over. A few more tears escaped. She sniffled as she wiped away the escaped tear. She looked at Flint’s hazel eyes. They were sincere. No traces of any falsehood. She knew that he was telling the truth about her mother and that began to eat her up inside. 

“Why didn’t you fight for me? I’m your daughter.” She cried out. 

By now, Flint was now tearing up. His hands were shaking as he held onto his daughters equally trembling ones. “I wanted to. God, I wanted to sweetheart. But your mom’s father hated me. He hated that I impregnated his love and joy. Your grandfather was rich. He paid for the best lawyers. They put a restraining order on me.”

“Is that why you left before I met up with you?”

“No.” He shook his head. “The order broke when you turned eighteen.”

“You cant break restraining orders.” 

“Usually. But- they figured I wouldn’t do anything and you were told I was dead.”

“Then why did you not talk to me back in Los Angeles?” 

“I wanted to. Your boyfriend made it pretty clear to me that if I didn’t talk to you he would kill me.” Flint chuckled lightly. “But, something happened at home and I had to go. I didn’t want to break your heart so I just left.”

“You not lying to me and just leaving without an explanation hurt more.” She whispered. Flint wrapped his arms around Ava and held his little girl close. “I’m sorry.” He whispered into her ear, “For everything. I’m sorry for everything. Please forgive me.” He choked out, the tears flowing down his cheeks. 

They began to cry. Ava wrapped her arms around her father as she cried harder. Flint’s arms were strong as they held her close. They sat at the kitchen table, the room otherwise quiet except for the sounds of their cries. 

With each tear that was shed, their bond began to rebuild. Ava knew in her heart that she could forgive her father. She knew that everything that happened between him and her mother was sick. It broke her heart that her mother thought that it was in her best interest to keep her father out of her life. A daughter needs her father. It was unfair and selfish of Etta to keep Flint away from her. 

Flint loved Ava. Not one did he forget about her. She knew that he wanted to contact her. She knew that he wasn’t lying when he told her this. There was something in the tone of his voice that he was being sincere. 

One thing that Ava knew, was that their relationship would need time to rebuild. There were years of hurt and bitterness that was being harbored by both parties. But one thing that was for certain, Ava wanted to know her father and Flint wanted to know his daughter. It would take time. That was evident. But they were both willing to take the time (and make the effort that would be needed) to build the father and daughter relationship that Ava longed for. It was a relationship that she had dreamt about since she was a child. And now it was possible to have. 


Ava woke up the next morning confused. She looked around the unfamiliar room. The light grey painted walls that surrounded her were lined by white moulding. The wall that was opposite of where Ava laid, had two large paintings of the sea. She looked down at the white duvet comforter. Her mind reeling back to the events that happened last night. 

She was in Portland, Oregon in her father’s guest bedroom. 

Her mind began to replay the events that happened last night inside Flint’s kitchen. The tears that were shed, the laughs that were had afterwards - she had her father back in her life. It was surreal. It almost seemed to good to be true. 

Ava stretched her arms above her head. A satisfied sigh left her lips as her muscles began to relax. She pulled out her phone to check the time. It was only nine in the morning. She rolled out of the comfortable queen sized bed and walked over to her duffle bag. She pulled out a pair of black leggings, a clean pair of underwear, and Harry’s old Rolling Stones shirt. She sniffed it and smiled as his familiar scent of pine and mint invaded her senses. 

The shower was hot against her aching body. The scent of her shampoo and body wash filled the tiny space of the shower. She let out a long sigh as her body relaxed. 

She quickly rinsed her body. She stepped out of the shower and quickly changed into her fresh clothes. She then began to get ready. After a few minutes she was satisfied with her appearance and her now dry hair. 

Ava slipped on a pair of socks and walked out into the hallway. The scent of bacon and eggs drifted up to where she stood. A smile began to creep to her lips. It had been a while since she had a home cooked meal. 

Back downstairs and in the kitchen stood Chloe. Her back was facing Ava. Ava quickly cleared her throat causing Chloe to turn around quickly. “Good morning, Ava! I hope you slept well?” 

“Pretty well, thank you.” 

“Here! I made breakfast. I hope you like eggs?” 

“I do, thank you.” Ava smiled softly at the middle aged woman. She was beautiful. Ava gave her that. Her blonde hair had been pulled back into a low bun. She had been wearing a crisp white button up shirt that had been tucked into a pair of boyfriend style jeans. The more that she studied Chloe, the more she realized she couldn’t be older than forty. 

Suddenly, the patting of feet rushed down the stairs. “Who are you?” Ava looked around at the sudden exclamation. Stood in front of her were two young girls. His other daughters, her subconscious reminded. 

“I’m Ava.” 

“Why are you here?” The brunette one asked. She was wearing a denim overalls and had a baseball cap on. She reminded Ava of a her she she was ten. 

“Tara! That is not something you say to guests.” Chloe scolded her daughter. 

“I’m sorry.” Tara quickly apologized, her pale cheeks turning a bright red. 

“That’s fine!” Ava giggled. 

“But who are you?” The other twin asked. Her voice was soft and quiet. It suited her well. She was wearing a pale pink romper and light blonde hair. 

“This is Ava. She’s my other daughter.” Flint spoke as he walked into the kitchen. Both girls looked at Ava with confused faces. 

“Other daughter?” The little blonde girl asked. 

“Yes Emma,” Flint smiled. “Long time ago, way before I met your mom, I was married and had Ava.” He smiled again - this time at Ava. Ava returned the smile as she continued to awkwardly eat her eggs. 

“Oh.” Emma said. 

“Does that mean you’re our big sister?” Tara asked, her voice raising with excitement. “I’ve always wanted a big sister.” 

Ava chuckled at the young girl. “Yeah. I guess that would make me your sister.”

“That’s awesome!” Tara exclaimed as she pumped her hands in the air. Her bright hazel eyes shining. 

“Cool.” Emma said, now smiling up at Ava. 


The rest of breakfast went well. Tara was a talkative one. She had spent most of the morning asking Ava a bunch of questions. “Where are you from?” “What’s Canada like?” “What do you do?” “Will you stay here forever?” “Do you have a boyfriend?” 

The question took Ava back a bit. Not knowing where she stood with Harry was unnerving. “Um, yeah.” Ava bit her cheek as she answered. 

“What’s his name?” Emma asked. 


“What’s he like?” Tara asked.

“He’s British. Very british.”

“Are you going to get married?”

“Um. I don’t know.”

“Is he here? What does he do?”

“He’s a writer. Um- yes. He’s in Oregon for work.” 

“Can we meet him?”

“I don't know.” 

Ava wasn’t annoyed at the questions. She found it flattering that they wanted to get to know her. She half expected them to hate her. She knew that when she first found about them she wasn’t exactly thrilled. But now that she got to know the two young girls, she couldn’t be more thrilled to have two new sisters. The one thing that she had always wanted in life. 

“Ava, could I talk to you for a moment?” Flint asked. 


She got up from her seat and followed Flint into his study. He shut the door softly and led her to a leather couch. “Take a seat.” He smiled at her as he sat down beside her. 

“Okay. Spill. What’s going on?” Ava was quickly taken back by Flint’s blunt words. 

“What do you mean?” 

“Where’s Harry?”

“Oh.” Ava looked down at her hands. Her chipped nail polish becoming seemingly more interesting. 


“We got into a fight. A stupid fight. We’re not talking right now. He’s not too thrilled about me.”

“Is that why you are really here?” Flint asked, his voice not angry; more so curious. 

“Partially, yeah. I wanted to talk to you too.” 

“I know that he is here.”

“You do?” 

“He’s a young author and I am one too.” He laughed, “Well, not young. At least, that’s what people tell me.” He joked. “But anyways. I am going to assume that you came here to talk to him. Win him back perhaps?” 

“Well, I don’t-”

“I’m your father, Ava. I’m not stupid.” He chuckled.

“Yes. I miss him, dad. I love him and I made a mistake. I can’t stand having him mad at me.”

“Well, as much as I hate the thought of you being with a man. I have no right to tell you otherwise, because I clearly don’t have that right. Since I’ve been M.I.A.” He laughed lightly. “But I love you, sweetie. You’re my daughter and I want to see you happy. Which is why you will be joining me tonight for the Portland’s Independent Book Publishing launch party that I will be joining to tonight. They are throwing it for Harry.” 

Ava looked at her father, her eyes wide. She didn’t know what to say.

“I can see it in your eyes that you love him. I saw it in his eyes too when he confronted me. He is crazy about you and I know guys. I know that he is probably dying without you by his side. That is why you are going to come with me tonight and you are going to talk to him. Don’t go around not speaking to each other. Space - it can be a killer. It will either bring you two back together stronger than ever, or it will break you a part for good.”

She continued to look at her dad as he talked. She knew that he had a point. She couldn’t believe that Flint had thought that this was the best idea. But she trusted him, as crazy as it sounded, and she knew that he wanted to see her happy. 


“Well. Sure? Sure.” Ava smiled slightly. “Thank you dad. Honestly.” 

“Always. You’re my daughter. You’re my girl. I will always be there for you, sweetheart. I know I wasn’t there for you the past twenty years, but I am here for you now. I am going to make up for it.” He smiled at her once again, but this time pulling her into a hug. “I love you sweetie.”

“I love you too dad.” She spoke into his shirt. “I love you too.” 

A/N: NEXT CHAPTER, I repeat, NEXT CHAPTER - Harry will be back on the scene! Early update because each and every one of you are superstars. Another 50+ votes and I will double update this bad boy. May I also say that we have five chapters left plus an epilogue. CRAZY!
VOTE+COMMENT - let me know what you think about Flint and Ava’s relationship! I imagine Chloe being played by Cameron Diaz. I just watched The Other Woman and it’s absolutely hilarious!
J. xx 

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