18 | dead body

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Anne woke up to a panicked scream. She sat up in her bed immediately and threw off the covers, scrambling out of bed because that scream was a very distressed one.

It seemed as though Anne wasn't the only one who was concerned because when she walked out of the Homestead, she noticed boys already gathering around something in the middle of the Glade around where the Box was. She frowned when she saw one of the boys clap a hand over his mouth like he was going tot hrow up and dash towards the bathroom.

"What the shuck is going on?"

Anne turned around to find a groggy Lincoln standing behind her. He rubbed his eyes sleepily and ran a hand through his messy hair. He seemed to have just woken up like most of the Gladers.


Alby's voice roard over the commotion coming from the crowd gathered around what Anne couldn't see, causing her to jump. She saw Clint and Jeff start to head towards the crowd and followed with Lincoln close behind.

When they reached the crowd, the boys parted to make a path for the four of them. They whispered back and forth between each other. Anne noticed that they looked very shocked. From the looks on their faces, whatever had happened was very bad.

"Alby, what the shuck happened!?" Clint's was said ahead of Anne, blocking her view. He happened to be a lot taller than her. "What the shuck happened to him!?"

Lincoln who was also taller than her, peered over her head, gave a gasp and immediately grabbed her shoulders and turned her around, attempting to push her in the direction they had come from.

"What?" Anne asked. "What's going on? Lincoln, what are you doing? Let me go!"

Anne managed to punch Lincoln's hands away and made her way back to the front. Clint was bending over something but Anne still couldn't see since this time, Jeff happened to be the one blocking her view.

"Anne, I really don't think you should see this," he warned soflty.

Anne felt her heart race as she wondered what could be so bad. She shook her head, curious to know. She knew she wouldn't be able to sit idly, not knowing what was going on.

"If someone's hurt, I want to help," Anne said after a second.

Jeff looked like he was about to say something but decided against it and stepped out of the way. Anne took a couple of hesitant steps forward and the moment she saw what was inf ornt of her, she gagged.

Lying infornt of her was the body of a boy cut clean in half from the middle. Blood soaked the grey stone that his body lay on. Anne's eyes were wide as she looked up at Alby who was sitting beside the body, tears falling from his eyes.

"Woke up this mornin' and found him climbin' down the Box hole," Alby managed to say. "I told him- I told him to come back up but he- he didn't. And I heard a sound and I pulled him up and he was- he was..."

"Lincoln," Clint called as he helped Alby up, "take him tot he Homestead. Anne, go with them."


"There's nothing we can do here," Clint interrupted her. "Go."

Anne nodded and followed after Lincoln who was pretty much dragging the older boy with him. Lincoln looked tiny next to Alby's broad frame.

They were halfway to the Homestead, moving slowly when Anne felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Newt.

"Is he okay?" Newt asked, concern written on his face.

"Nope," Anne answered before glancing back towards the crowd. "Do you know... Do you know who that boy is?"

She hadn't clearly seen the face.

Newt didn't answer for a second, glancing over at Alby with worry. He grabbed Anne's wrist and pulled her back a bit as they walked.

"It's Nick."


Oh wow! Did I just update this story after like a month!?

I have been so busy with stuff guys. I really hope you understand. I wrote a huge explanation on my message board about my annoying update schedule and everything. I'll try to update but I can't give you my word that it'll be regular updates. And thank you so much if you're here! It means you stuck by and believed I'd keep writing!

I hope you guys like this chapter! It's short and kind of boring but...

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