Chapter 10: Vidcon(drama)..

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Contains inappropriate scenes

**Snowyclaw's POV** (BTW nobody knows her real name so.... She's just going to be snowy)

I was so excited. We were going to VidCon. I packed my stuff and said bye to my sister. I met James, Mia, Julian, Twinkle, and Marisa, Skorm, and Bepper on the plane. Of course James and Mia sat next to each other. Skorm and Bepper sat together. I thought Marisa would sit next to Alyssa( I think that's Twinkle's name but I'm not sure. Sorry if I am wrong) but she sat next to Julian. So I sat next to Alyssa. It was 2:00am on the plane and we were only half way there.

**James's POV**

It was already 2:00am. Mia and I just made vlogs and talked with all the others. Mia's head dropped onto my shoulder. She fell asleep.

"Well someone was tired" Alyssa said.

"Snowys asleep too" We kept laughing and telling stories. When Snowy woke up with a jolt.

"You guys are loud" she said and went back to sleep.

"Yeah maybe we should quiet down and go to bed" Julian suggested. I put my arm around Mia and fell asleep. I woke up to Mia's head on my shoulder just how we left it. I stretched. Everyone else was asleep besides the person who I really didn't like. Skorm.
"Good morning" he said. I looked at him. He thought he was so perfect in his little glasses and sweatshirt. Sarah was sleeping on him. I didn't like them together. Sarah seems to much like a little sister to be dating. It feels like it was yesterday when she first started middle school.
"Umm hi" I really didn't want to talk to him. Mia woke up and kissed me.
"Good morning James" she yawned.
"Good morning"
I got up to use the bathroom. When I came back everyone else was up. Mia and I shared a breakfast omelet.
"Ya gotta love airplane food!" She giggled.
"We will be arriving in California in 30 minutes" the pilot announced on the speaker.
We were all getting excited. During the half an hour, we all played would you rather.
"Okay Alyssa, would you rather throw up live snakes or live centipedes?" Eric asked.
"Eww that is disgusting! But I guess snakes because there wouldn't be any tiny squirming legs"
Mia asked one to Marisa.
"Would you rather have not gone to prison and nobody knew it you or not?"
"Well I think everybody should know because it was my mistake and I wouldn't feel right with myself if I didn't pay for what I did"
"Oh oh I got a good one for you James" Sarah shouted.
"Would you rather save Mia or me in a fire and you could only save one?'
"What! How can I choose between that?"
"I thought it would be obvious to choose me! You are a horrible brother!"
"I'm gonna have to say Mia but that was tricky"
"What! Why?"
"Because I love her and if I didn't say that she would kill me"
"Aww thanks James I love you too" we started making out. We didn't even think about anyone else. Minutes later Eric finally said something.
"Don't you need to breathe?" We finally stopped. Eric ruined the moment. But then I looked around and they were all staring at us. Now I was embarrassed. I turned red.
"Sorry I forgot you guys were there"
"That's okay don't mind us" snowy said.
Mia looked embarrassed too. She layed in my lap and I stroked her hair.
"We will be starting our decent now so please get buckled" the flight attendant told us. Mia got out of my lap and buckled in her seat. I loved the feeling of a descending plane. At the airport we all got our stuff. We checked into the hotel. There were only 4 rooms. How would we do this. There were 8 of us. I saw one of the rooms and each room had 2 beds. Okay that's a little better. The rooms were in pairs. The first 2 rooms connected to each other. And the last ones connected to each other. While we were all deciding who gets what room Clark came up. We all hugged him. We took pictures and went back to deciding the room situation. We decided to have Mia and snowy in room one, Sarah and I in room two, Marisa and Alyssa in room three, and Eric and Julian in room four. It was only 7:00 so we went swimming. I changed into my swim shorts and ran out to Mia. She was in a black bikini.
"Ooh I like it. It's sexy"
"Thanks it's new" I put my hand close to her butt.
"Get your hands off me!" She laughed.
The pool was empty. We had it all to our selves. Mia and I were first so we decided to sit in two hot tub. I put my arm around her and we talked a bit. Snowy came out with Alyssa. Then Eric and Sarah came. I didn't know where Marisa or julian were but we weren't going to wait all night. I got in the pool slowly. It was freezing compared to the hot tub. I just had my feet in the water for now. Mia pushed me in. I pulled her in with me. Finally Julian and Marisa came out.
"Where were you guys"
"Uh well I didn't really want to come swimming but Marisa convinced me to" they both got red.
"Okay...." Once we were all in, we played chicken. If you don't know what chicken is it basically when you have to have at least four people. There are teams of two and one person sits on the other persons shoulders and the other team does too and the people on the top try to knock the others down. Mia got on my shoulders, Marisa got on Julian's shoulders and Sarah got on Eric's shoulders.  Snowy and Alyssa sat out. Sarah fell in first. Mia and Marisa were pushing each other and finally Mia and I fell in. Julian and Marisa's team won. Then we all got in the hot tub and chilled. Clark joined us. We talked about animal jam updates and other stuff. Clark looked confused. I don't think he knew Mia and I were dating. She was almost in my lap. She was leaning on me and her head was on my chest.
"So are you guys like..." I had know idea he didn't know. It was all over my Snapchat but I don't think Clark has a snapchat.
"Yeah we've been dating for a while now"
"Good for you guys" he seemed disturbed. Mia started snoring in my lap. That was our sign to go back to the hotel and sleep. Mia and I watched tv in her bed while Eric and Sarah did in the other room. I was starting to fall asleep Mia was already asleep. Then snowy told me I should probably go back to my own room. I got up and walked into my room. The tv was on. Eric and Sarah had fallen asleep together. Ew Eric. (By the way guys I don't have anything against Skorm I actually love all his videos mostly his grandma vids if you haven't seen those and you want to have a good laugh go watch them right now but this is Aparri and I think that James wouldn't like Skorm) I woke him up.
"Get out and go to your own room"
"Oh sorry" he got up and left. Then I went to bed. Mia woke me up. I got up and everyone was already dressed. I quickly got up and ready. Today was just sight seeing. Tomorrow was Vidcon. Once I was ready I looked out of the doorway. Sarah and Eric were holding hands looking out at view. I don't know why but I didn't like together. Eric didn't do anything but I don't know. Then Marisa and Julian walked pass. Holding hands? What the.... Them???? They did go well together. They were laughing and Marisa was snorting like a little pig. I smiled. What I didn't know was that Julian snorted too. Mia came in, took my hand, and dragged me outside. I guess we weren't going in the group. We took a bus to the Disney shops. Then we took a walk in the park. We ate at a fancy restaurant and came back to the hotel. We had so much fun but then the fun ended. Alyssa, snowy, Julian, and Marisa all looked mad at us.
"We just went on a date" I said trying to reason with the them.
"We were all supposed to do a vlog together and spend the whole day doing fun stuff as a group" Alyssa seemed pretty frustrated.
"Wait a second where is Sarah and Eric?"
"They went on a date too" I tried to like Eric but I couldn't for some reason.

** Sarah's POV**
We were at the beach. I really liked him. At first it was just a little crush. But now I really did like him. I wouldn't go as far and saying I love him but I believe we will be together for a while. We went over to the water and he splashed me. I liked how the water in California was actually warm. We rented a surf board. None of us knew how to surf but we could try. He took of his shirt and swam out. I swam with him. We both got on the surf board and we sat there. There were no waves. He paddled me around and we had a great time. I sat in his lap. He kissed me. I completely forgot about my fears with him. My biggest fear is deep water or the ocean. The water was clear but we were in a very deep part. I couldn't even see the bottom. I looked down. I was worrying.
"Eric can we go back like right now!"
"I totally forgot that I'm scared of the ocean"
"It'll be fine Sarah"
"Okay fine for you" he paddled me back and we sat on the hot sand.
"I've never seen you without glasses" he told me.
"I'm literally blind without them"
He took my glasses off and all I could see was colors. He switched our glasses. I could barely make out his eyes in them. He gave mine back and we cuddled on the beach. He was so funny. He always did impressions for me. They were always perfect.
"Elmo's loves Sarah!" He did in his Elmo voice.
"How do you do that?"
"I don't know I just do"
"Well it's cute"
"So Bep, what do you want to do next?"
"I don't know maybe we could get ice cream"
"Okay"  I got strawberry and he got blueberry.
"What with you and the color blue?"
"I like it"
"Okay my blue boy" I kissed his cheek. We sat on a beach towel and he did his grandma impression.
"That is the creepiest thing I have ever heard!"
"Grandma loves the beach. It's so warm and sunny" it was so creepy. I laughed.
"Sarah, do you really like me?"
"Of course"I made out with him for only like a minute.
"Ooh I've never seen this side of you. I want to see it more"
"Okay" I made out with him. James tried face timing. I declined and kept kissing.
"Wow you're good at kissing" I told him as he blushed.
"Thanks" I stared into his eyes. I don't know if I could do this. I just turned 16 like a month ago. We got even closer. Our lips were almost touching. He took off his glasses and started making out with me. This time he got me into it. I kinda liked it. He pulled me closer into his chest. He brushed my hair back and put his hand on my back. I made noises while he kissed me. When he kissed me it felt like nothing bad could ever happen. I felt safe with him. His tongue touched mine. I had never used my tongue before. I tried. He seemed to like it. I ran my fingers through his hair. A girl ran up to me.
"Oh umm hi"
"I knew it! You and Skorm are dating!" She looked like a 12 year old.
"Please don't tell anyone"
"I promise. If I can get an autograph from both of you"
"Okay" I signed her book and Eric did too. She left. We were about to make out some more but then I heard Julian, Marisa, snowy, Mia, James, and Alyssa. I immediately stopped. I turned around but there was nobody there. I looked at my phone and I was in a FaceTime with James. I didn't decline I accepted.
"James umm hi I thought I hit decline"
"Sarah we all saw you guys making out you don't need to hide anything. Just come back"
"Umm I'm sorry I didn't know"I felt so embarrassed. They all saw us. All of them. Eric put on his shirt and glasses and we took a train back to the hotel. Everyone was in Mia's room when I walked in. Eric went to get something out of his room.
"How were his lips?" Mia immediately asked.
"They were like heaven" I sat down on the bed.
"Aww Sarah you are growing up so fast. I remember when you were 9!"
"You know we don't all need to hear about it. We all saw it" James said annoyed.
"Need to hear what?" Eric walked in.
"Oh nothing" Mia grinned.
"What's with that creepy look Mia it's really weird" Eric laughed.
"Hehe I don't know"

** James's POV**
Eric seemed like a nice guy but I can't see Sarah like this. I'm used to her being my little sister and I keep forgetting that she's only a year younger than me. But since we didn't have the time to all do what we were going to as a group we decided to just watch tv in Mia's room. Mia and I went to my room to cuddle. Actually we just made out instead. We sat on the bed making out. She was so good at kissing she did it in the most perfect ways. Her lips moved perfectly with mine. Her lips are so soft and they are little. She was an angel. I loved Mia. I still can't believe that we are together. I always dreamed of us being together.
"Mia I love you"
"I love you too!"
"No Mia I seriously mean it. I have always loved you but you never loved me back. And now I get to have you. I can't imagine a life with out you. Do you remember when you were in the hospital when the tornado hit?"
"Well I saw it and I screamed. I got in the car and came straight to the hospital. My heart was broken. I can't see you hurt. It hurts me. If anything happened to you I wouldn't move on with my life"
"James I feel the same way. When you had amnesia, I cried everyday thinking that you would never recover. I couldn't see you like that, I moved in with Julian and I realized that I can't live without you. I love you James"
"I love you too" we started making out again.
** Marisa's POV**
We all heard James and Mia talking to each other through the wall I recorded it you could hear them perfectly. It was so sweet. They made the cutest couple. Julian and I smiled when they told each other why they loved each other. It was the sweetest thing I have ever heard.
"They are so adorable together!" snowy cheered.
"Yeah I alway knew they liked each other" Alyssa admitted. We all agreed that we knew. All this love talk reminded me of Julian. Julian was cute I liked him. He lied at the pool so nobody would know that we made out in his room. We started dating after the night we went to the movies. I texted him that night and we had a date the next day. We've been dating for more than a week now. Things were moving a little fast but I did like him.
"Want to go to your room"
"Sure" we walked into Julian's room to Sarah and Eric laughing together.
"Sarah what's so funny you are crying!"
"Just Eric and his personality" she wiped her watery eyes from under her glasses and burst out laughing some more.
"Okay then let's go to my room"

** Mia's POV **
He took off his shirt. His chest was so smooth. I grabbed his back as I made out with him. I really did love him. I always have deep down. We got up and took off our clothes. I pushed him on to the bed and layed on top of him. We made out for a long time. He unhooked my bra and flung it off the bed. After like 10 minutes I lifted up my head. We weren't ready for this. I layed next to him in bed. He wrapped his body around me and he fell asleep. I couldn't go to sleep it was only like eight o'clock. How could he go to sleep.  I twirled my finger around his hair. Alyssa walked in. I covered my top because I had nothing on.
"Oh sorry I can leave now"
"Nah it's fine come in" she walked in slowly.
"Oh umm did you guys uh...."
"No we didn't we aren't ready for that"
"Okay good. Wait is he sleeping? It's only eight o'clock"
"I know"
"Well maybe after all the making out you two did he got tired" I blushed.
"He is the best boyfriend ever. I never knew he was this romantic. I always thought of him of a best friend. But clearly he never did. I just wish he told me sooner. Because then I could have been this happy like three years ago"
"Wait how long have you two known each other?"
"Like 6 years. At first he just had a little crush and thought I was pretty. Then after I started seeing him more, he started to like me a lot. It's was so cute when he had amnesia and he told me he always liked me. I thought he was crazy"
"Wow well I'll let you two be alone. Bye Mia"
"Bye Alyssa" she left and I ran my finger tips up and down his arm. I got out of the bed and got dressed. He was so cute but I had to leave him. I walked into my room and Julian, Marisa, snowy, and Alyssa were eating popcorn and watching monsters inc.
"We can get out if you want"
"No I'm just gonna go to bed you can stay" I went to bed.

** James's POV **
I got dressed in my Aparri shirt and jeans. We're going to Vidcon. We met up with Clark and went to the big building. We saw tons of fans and got fan art and signed autographs. I can't believe I was signing an autograph! It was really hot out. Lucky for Mia she wore shorts. For some reason Mia looked sad. She was acting weird too.
"Is there something wrong Mia you aren't really acting like yourself"
"No no no there is nothing wrong I am myself"
"Mia you aren't all excited with fans and you aren't being all fun and crazy. You have barely talked and you've been looking down this whole time"
"Stop. There is nothing wrong" a tear ran down her face. I was worried. Why wouldn't she tell me?
"Mia you are crying! What's wrong!" Everyone looked at me. Clark took a few steps back. Julian walked forward a little.
"I don't know what! Something i i is isn't right! James what's happening!" I was scared what was happening! What was wrong?!??!
"Mia it's okay just tell me what's wrong!" I put my arms on her shoulders. She was crying. My heart hurt. I can't have her hurt. I didn't know what was happening. My heart felt a stinging jolt as Mia collapsed unconscious. I caught her in my arms.
"Mia!!!!" I shook her and tried it get her up. I picked her up and cried. Clark came up and called 911.
"Mia!!! Get up!!!" I was bawling. What just happened. The ambulance came. Everyone else looked scared and worried. Paramedics pushed me back. They cleared the area. Vidcon was cancelled.

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