Chapter 11: Mia

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Sorry for not updating this sooner! School has been taking up a big part of my life right now. But thank you for you patience!:)

** James's POV**(Btw this is going to get really dramafied... That's not a word... :)

"What's wrong with her!!!!" They didn't say anything. They pulled up her shirt and hooked some weird wire thing up to her chest. One of the paramedics held me back.
"Stay back sir we are doing the best we can"
"What is wrong with her!!! Let me see her!!!"
"I'm sorry but you can't see her right now"
"Can I at least ride in the ambulance with her? She's my girlfriend I love her!"
"I don't see why not"
"Thank you" 15 minutes had gone by. Sarah was patting my back and trying to be comforting. It wasn't helping.
"It'll be okay James" they told me.
"No it won't what is wrong with her! Why is this happening!!! Why her!!!" I cried so much. They set her in the ambulance. I ran up to the doors.
"Sorry sir you are not allowed"
"But that guy over there said I could!"I pointed at the man who was now getting in the ambulance ready to drive.
"Fine come on in"
I crouched down next to her and cried.
"What's wrong with her???"
"She's in a coma"
"We don't know yet"
"Please save her! She is the love of my life! She can't leave me like this!" 

"We will do the best we can"

We arrived at the hospital and they wouldn't let me in. Clark and the others came to see me in the waiting room. They were all trying to comfort me.

"She's in a coma" my hands were covered in tears. Sarah hugged me. 

"I didn't know you actually loved her..." Clark told me.
"Of course I do I always have! She loved me! Why is this happening!!!!"

"Sorry I just didn't know people your age could actually feel love"

"I'm 17! I can love her if I want to"

"Okay clearly you do love her I'm sorry"

 My fingers were getting wrinkles from all the tears I had cried. I waited hours just sitting there. The others left me. They went back to the hotel about an hour ago. I wasn't going to leave her. It has been 6 hours and I still couldn't see her. I was getting impatient. I kept checking in with the lady at the front desk.

"Can I see Mia now?"

"No sorry not yet"

"When can I see her?"

"I don't know" I waited about 30 more minutes when she finally called me up.

"They just called me. You can go up and see Mia now. It's room 302 on the third floor"

"Okay thank you"I ran to the elevator and pushed number 3. I watched the doors close and open again. I ran threw the halls observing ever room number I passed. There it was. Room 302. I opened the door. There were 3 doctors. One was writing stuff on a clipboard, another one was testing things on a laptop, and the other was examining an X-ray. Then I saw Mia. She was laying in the hospital bed. I ran up to her. She looked so peaceful. Her eyes were gently closed and her hair was in her face. I pulled back her hair and brushed it behind her ears. I listened to the EKG. It was beeping. I looked at the X-ray. Everything looked normal. I put my hand on her face. Her mouth was slightly open. I shut it for her.

"How long is she going to be in this coma?"

"We don't know yet. And you can't ever really tell like exactly how long people are in comas anyways" After about 45 minutes of being with Mia, I had to go back to the hotel. Everyone was packing. Wait.... We were leaving today....

"James you have to pack we are getting on the plane in 3 hours" Sarah told me.

"I am not leaving her! Her mom is in Africa right now and I am the only one she has!"
"But Ja..."
"James that could be months though" Snowy added. Clark walked in the room folding his arms.
"Kid you gotta get on that plane. It was my job to take care of you all here and now I have to send you back home"
"James I'm sorry as much as I want you to stay you can't"
"I am!"
"No you aren't even I have to get on that plane with you and hold you down you are going home"
"NO! I just want Mia!" I started bawling. I ran out and sat on the bench outside. I wasn't getting on that plane with out her. My mom called.
"Hi James! I heard about Mia I'm sorry..."
"Mom I'm not leaving without her"
"Yes you are"
"No I'm not! She needs me please don't let me leave her!"
"Sweetie  I just talked to Clark and I'm sorry I know you actually loved her but she is in a coma. It could be years until she wakes up"
"But what if it's only like a week!"
"We aren't taking that risk" I hung up. The hospital was 7 blocks from here. I ran. I finally got there. Mia was still in her bed. I kneeled down to her. I held her hand.
"Mia don't worry I won't leave you. I will always be here" I kissed her cheek. The doctor came in and led me out. Clark came in and dragged me out.
"No! Clark! Please! Don't do this!!! Please!!!!" I was at the point where I was crying so much that I could barely speak and I kept making that hiccup noise.
"CLARK NO PLEASE!!!!!" He pulled me into the car and drove off. I was banging against the windows.
"James calm down don't break my car you're not a five year old"
"I am not getting on that plane! Not with out Mia!"
"Yes you are. I packed for you and we will meet the others at the airport"
"I realize you liked her but did you really love her I mean dude you're only like what 16?"
"I'm 17 almost 18. And yes I love her!"
"I just think you are too young to know what love is"
"Stop it Clark you don't even know me! You aren't the boss of me either!"

He finally got me to the airport. I was still crying a little but I was mostly just staring at the floor. I sat next to Snowy. Eric and Sarah sat with each other, Alyssa and Marisa sat with each other, and Julian and Clark sat with each other. 

"James? Are you going to be okay?' Snowy asked me in a worried voice. I cried.
"I'm never going to see her again" I mumbled.
"What was that I couldn't hear you?"
"Mia..." I bawled. Other people thought I was weird crying on the plane but I didn't care.
"I hate you Clark!"
"Don't say that James it's not nice" He told me.
"Hey! You aren't my dad! Stop acting like it your son died years ago so stop treating me like him!" It suddenly got quiet. (Guys don't take this seriously. Clark has a daughter and Aparri does have a father so... I'm just saying that for the drama)
"Listen, I'm not trying to be like a father to you but I'm just trying to do what's best for you so I would keep you mouth shut and stop complaining" I looked out the window.
"Don't talk to me or I will turn my fans against you and there goes your career. And I don't care if you take my membership or my account away. I don't care about animal jam anymore. I'm never going to make another video again" I got up and pushed Eric.
"Move I want to sit with my sister"
"Eric please just do this for me James is going through some stuff"
"Fine" he moved. I sat next to Sarah. I leaned on her shoulder. 
"James it'll be okay. she is gonna be okay I promise" she rubbed my arm.
"I just want Mia!" I mumbled.
"You will get Mia I promise. Don't worry James Mia will come back okay" She was really cool about this for some reason.
I cried the whole night I kept Sarah awake. We landed. When we got home I pleaded to my mom why she should let me go back to California. She wouldn't let me. I felt like right before I ran away. I was depressed and just hid under the covers. Sarah uploaded a video. It must have been important because why would she make a video right now? She probably vlogged at Vidcon. I watched it.

It showed a silhouette of Mia and I holding hands. Oh no. Then the title popped up. The saddest love story. Why did she upload this? It showed tons of little clips. Like scenes from our life together.
We were in 6th grade. Mia was really short then. She always wore a butterfly headband and a little dress. I was walking through the hall with my book bag and Mia was skipping through the hallways. She looked like a 3rd grader. The bag was almost half the size her. It was dragging behind her on the floor as she hummed to herself.
"Can I carry your books Mia?"
"I'm good!" She skipped pass me. It seemed like she was always day dreaming. Wherever she went, everything was bright and happy.
Then it showed my friend Tyler. He was backing Mia up into a corner behind the school.
"Get away Tyler!"
"Shut up!" I don't know why he was ever my friend. His little gang showed up and started teasing Mia.
"How tall are you? Like 3 feet?!"
"No I'm 3'8!"He took her notebook away from her and held it up high.
"Give it back!" She tried jumping but she was too short. He flipped through the pages.
"Your drawings suck. You will never be an artist"
"Stop it please give it back" her face was pale and she had rosy cheeks. There were freckles across her nose. She kept jumping but she still couldn't reach. Finally she bit him and he dropped the notebook. She quickly grabbed it and tried to run. Tyler grabbed her by the straps of her dress and picked her up.
"Let me go!" Tyler was very big. He was strong and like 5'8 for an eleven year old that was pretty tall.
"Ew she bit me! You're in for it now Mia" he shook her and threw her against the wall.
"Ow!" She started crying. His friends started beating her up. It was horrible. I passed by and saw her. I ran to her.
"Oh hey James do you want to join the fun?"
"What is wrong with you? Why are you doing this to her!"
"Shut up James. Why are you defending her" I couldn't beat him but they finally left. I looked at Mia she had a black eye and bruises on her legs and arms.
"Mia! I'm so sorry" she was crying. I wiped her tears.
"Thank you James" she hugged me. My face for more red than it ever had before.
"Why are you so red?"
"I don't know "
The next clip we were in high school.
"Do you have to move?"
"Yeah my mom got a job like two hours away"
"Okay bye...."
"I'm going to miss you James!"
"I'm gonna miss you more" I hugged her. This was all so embarrassing.
Oh no now it was showing the video when my dreams were crushed. This time I wasn't in the video. It was Julian. He had glasses and dimples.
"Hey uhh Mia umm you're really cute and I was just wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?'
"Sure!" Then it showed a whole bunch of jisteria junk and then selfies of them.
Then it showed the news when the tornado came.
"Mia!!!!" Then it showed me visiting her at the hospital. And Julian kicking me out.
After, it went to our ice skating date when we danced.
I was at her house and that's when she started yelling at me. And Also the time when she yelled at me in my room and said she hated me.
I was all depressed and I cried under my covers.
Then it showed the news when I was missing. Mia's interview was sad. She was crying.
"I yelled at him and I didn't mean to!!!! And he got all depressed and I just hope nothing happens!"
Then the news showed when I was found and I was in the ambulance.
Mia sat next to me in the hospital.
She was twirling her finger around my hair like she always does.
"What are you doing?"
"Uhh well I always do that"
"Are we dating or something?"
"Okay but that wouldn't be that bad you're really attractive"
Mia and Sarah crying in Sarah's room.
"Sarah I can't see him like this I have to get away for a while. I can't see James constantly confused and not even knowing who he is!"
Then another clip of me in the hospital.
"I haven't seen you in forever!"
"What are you talking about? I just saw you last week"
"Yeah but that wasn't the real me..."
"Wait..... James! Is that really you!"
She kissed me
"What was that?"
"I kissed you"
"James I know that you love me"
"I just do"
"James I was miserable without you. I love you!" We made out.
Then when we were in my bedroom.
"So Sarah told that you can be romantic. Is that true?"
"You tell me" we started making out again.
And then on the plane
"Because I love her and if I didn't say that she'd killed me"
"Aww I love you too" we started making out again. Geez how many times have we made out?
Then it showed a video at the hotel. It showed Julian, Marisa, Eric, Sarah, snowy, and Alyssa. They were just watching tv doing a vlog. And then you could hear kissing noises in the background.
"They left us for that? I thought we were fun" Eric joked.
"They make out all the time" Alyssa was saying.
"Yeah it's getting kind of annoying" they all agreed.
"Remember when they made out on the plane. That was really awkward!" Sarah laughed.
You could still hear us kissing and then it stopped.
"I love you Mia" you could hear me perfectly.
"I love you too!"
"No Mia, I seriously mean it. I have always loved you but you never loved me back and now I get to have you. I couldn't imagine life without you. Do you remember when you were in the hospital when the tornado hit?"
"Well when I saw it on the news I screamed and drove an hour to see you. My heart was broken. I can't see you hurt. It hurts me. If anything happened to you, I wouldn't move on with my life"
"James I feel the same way. When you had amnesia, I cried everyday thinking that you would never recover. I couldn't see you like that. I moved in with Julian and realized I can't live without you. I love you James!"
"I love you too" then we made out again. For a really long time.
We were at Vidcon. It was sunny and hot outside. Mia and I were walking in holding hands. She was looking down the whole time and didn't really talk much. When her fans ran up to her she just signed her name and left. I stopped.
"Is there something wrong Mia?"
"No no no everything is fine!"
"Are you sure? You aren't really acting like your normal bubbly self"
"Stop! I'm fine!" A tear ran down her face.
"Mia! You're crying! What wrong?"
" I don't know James! Something isn't right! James what's happening I'm scared!" She fell in my arms and I started crying. The ambulance came and the police cleared the area. I was getting held back by a police officer and  bawling. Sarah turned her camera to the rest of them. They were all worried and scared. Julian's eyes were watery. Sarah was practically crying. Alyssa was just staring and had her hand over her mouth. Marisa was with Julian and comforting him. And snowy was looking all worried and tried to help calm me down.
Then I was at the hospital with Mia. It showed. Me kiss her cheek and cry to her.
Clark was dragging me out and it looked as if I was throwing a tantrum. That's so embarrassing. Why did she upload this.
Now I was laying next to Sarah on the plane crying and it showed when we got home and I wouldn't come out of my room. Then the silhouette of Mia and I popped up again. The end. Now everybody knows that we were dating. Thanks Sarah:( the wistparri fans were commenting so much.
They are dating?!?!?
What happened to wisteriamoon!!!!
Poor Aparri :'(


Were they kissing?

Who is Mia?
Mia is wisteria
Oh my god this is horrible!
This is the saddest thing I've ever seen
I hope Wisteria is ok
There were way more. I marched to Sarah's room and found her in a phone call with Eric.
"Why did you upload that?!?!"
"The public needed to know. I'm sorry but I am not taking it down"
She ended her call with Eric.
"Now everyone is going to see what a cry baby I am. And that Mia and I were dating! You should have asked permission"
"Sorry but you would have said no"
I walked out and went back under my covers.
** Mia's POV**
We were at Vidcon. I didn't know what was going on. I had this feeling like I had never felt before. It hurt. When fans came, I wasn't that excited. There was a pain throughout my body. James kept asking what was wrong but I told him it was nothing. It hurt so much I started crying. James was freaking out.
"Something isn't right!" I just felt off. Then everything went black.

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