Chapter 12: Lost

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** Mia's POV**
I woke up. I was in a field. All I remembered was James asking me what's wrong. After that I don't know what happened. I looked around. The sky was a soft yellow. There was nobody there. It was windy and I ran. I finally found a city. I've never seen this city. It seemed like a normal town. Nobody looked Familiar. That's when I saw him. It was Julian. I ran up to him.
"Mia! There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!"
"Julian what is happening?"
"Mia follow me" he drove me to a hospital. We walked into a room and there was a girl in the bed. It was me.
"You are in a coma right now"
"What?" Why!"
"They don't know yet" the door swung open and James ran in. I ran up to him and tried to hug him. I went right through him. He couldn't see me. He was crying and staring at the me that was in a coma.
"Mia don't worry I won't leave you" he kissed my cheek. I kneeled next to him.
"James I love you" he couldn't hear me.
Through the day I watched James. Julian and I followed him. Nobody could see us. It was like we were imaginary. It was so sad. Julian and I sat on the plane with them. We went to my house and we needed to do something about this.
"Julian is there anything we can do to get me out of this?"
"They will be coming for you soon Mia"
"We can't hide from them"
"Mia you will get through this. You can give up. Or keep trying to get back goodbye"
He hugged me and pushed me out the door. I black bus drive up to me. The bus went through the other cars. Nobody else could see this but me. Two men came out threw me in the back of their bus.
"Umm what's happening"
"We are giving you the chance to get out this coma"
"Oh really! Thank you!"
They took me to what looked like a prison. They shoved me a 5 by 5 foot room and locked the door. What was happening. A man with lots of piercings stuck a needle in my arm. He took it our and looked at it and closed the door.
"Umm what are you guys doing"
A deep voice echoed through the cell
"You are in a coma. Nobody really knows how long people are be in comas or what they do in comas. Well when people are in comas, we get an alert. This alert sends a tracker to the person. We find you and put you in a cell. That shot we just gave you tells us and shows us all the important memories that you've had. It also tells us when you will wake up from this coma. You are destined to be in this coma for 2 years. In that 2 years, you will have to be in this box. Don't worry, we will give you one meal a day. You can have a glass of water every 6 hours and sometimes if you behave we will give you something for you entertainment like if you play the flute or something we could get you a flute. But if you disobey anything, you will get a punishment. You can give up at anytime. When you give up, we will give you everything you want. You could have James, food, money, and whatever your heart desires. But if you choose to stay the full 2 years then we will let you out of the coma. There are little drawers to keep whatever you need. We will fill the box up with your food every day at 12:00. Good luck and goodbye"

He left. This was a lot to comprehend. If I give up then I get James! I was about to bang on the walls and ask to give up when I thought for a second. Wait.... If he said the only way I can get out of the coma is by living here for 2 years then.... When I give up, that must mean... They kill me. I wasn't going to give up. I had to stay in here so I could see James.

** James's POV**
Sarah walked into my room. It's been 3 weeks since I had to leave Mia.
"Are okay James? You've been in here for 3 weeks straight. I think you need to try to get Over it"
"Sarah imagine this. You loved Eric and everything was perfect. Then one day. Eric practically dies how would you feel?"
"Umm well I guess it would be pretty bad but please don't be in here forever"
"You can't tell me what to do"
"Well I invited someone over to try and cheer you up!"
"Hey buddy!" Bruiser smiled at me. (I'm just going to say his name is Dustin)
"Hey Dustin" I mumbled.
"James come on smile" I faked a smile.
"That's better!" He came up and sat in my bean bag chair.
"So what's up" he asked.
"Nothing besides sitting in my bed"
"What why? I know Mia's in a coma but  would she really want you to be laying in your bed all day?"
"No but you don't get it Bus, you've never been in love. It's the best feeling in the world!"
"Yeah your right I'm 17 and I've never fallen in love but you need to move on with your life. Let's make a video"
"Hey guys it Aparri here" I sat expressionless.
"And I'm with my buddy Bus"
"Hey guys!" Today we will be doing an update video so let's see..."
"It looks like the ostriches are out now... Mia would have loved that" I sadly pointed out.
"Aparri, you don't even sound fun! You're talking like a boring teacher sound excited for your fans!"
"I can't okay! You're lucky I'm even making a video" Dustin backed up. He looked disappointed.
"Okay let's see um well now the otters are traveling so get yours today"
"They've added Graham's den I guess that's cool I guess..."
"Aparri! Graham's your alpha be happy"
"Well I said it's cool so yeah...." Dustin ended the video.
"James! Stop being a downer! Let's go outside" it was sunny.
"Oww. It's hurting my eyes"
"What are you a bat?" I laughed.
"See! That's the James I should be seeing"
"So right now I'm going to move in town because my dad kicked me out of the house again. So we will go to high school together. Isn't that great?"
"Yeah when does school start?"
"Dude it starts tomorrow"
"Yeah how do you not know that?"
"I have to go get ready for in the morning" I ran back and Dustin came with me. In the morning I got ready. I had purple bags under my eyes. I really didn't want to go back to school. I was popular there but there are always people that tease me for animal jam. I always tell them that if I can fill over 200,000 kids with laughter, then I will. I drove bus and Got to the school. I walked in. Immediately one of the cheerleaders ran up to me. She was one of my friends.
"James I'm so sorry about Mia..."
"It's okay why were you on Sarah's channel?"
"It's not just on her channel it's all over YouTube. It was on the news a couple times too"
"Oh wow now even more people know"
Bus walked next to me. Tons of people said sorry even if didn't know them. The bell rang. It was time to start. I sat down. Tyler was in this class.
"Hey James umm well I'm sorry about Mia. I know I was a bully to her but I always liked her and when I saw that video in the news I umm well I felt horrible. I'm sorry. I can't believe I beat up that poor girl and now she's in a coma"
"Yeah it's okay Tyler"
"So did you actually love her?"
"Yes... I would do anything for her. I love her and now I don't think I'm ever going to see her again.."
I sat down. Tyler sat next to me.
"Remember how she could barely even lift her book bag and everyday you would ask her is she needed help and she always said no?"
"Yeah. That bag was about half her size. And it always dragged behind her. She would always skip through the hallways. Never run. Never walk. Always skipping. Everywhere she went"
"And she always sang that song to herself and she's one of those people that always have a smile on their face"
"Yeah and she always wore her light pink dress and her butterfly headband. Everywhere she went she brought happiness" I smiled.
"Here James I found this in one of my yearbooks"
"He handed me a picture of 10 year old me holding hands with little 11 year old Mia. She was in her light pink dress with her butterfly hair bow. I was wearing basketball shorts and a t shirt.
"Aww thank you this is amazing"
"That was at the valentines dance and Ally dared Mia to take a picture with you" Tyler wasn't that bad. I forgave him. One of my teachers, Mrs. Carpenter, asked to talk to me out in the hallway. Mrs. Carpenter was my 6th grade teacher she was my favorite teacher. She was also Mia's teacher before she skipped a grade.
"If Mia wakes up can you please tell her that she is an amazing person and she will get far in future"
"Yeah, I promise"
"Okay good. It's just that she was my favorite student. We were really close. She told me everything that was happening. She told me about Tyler and how everyday she would get beat up and her mom would cover it up with makeup. She also told me something else but I shouldn't share that. But one of the cutest things she ever told me is when she thought you were cute. She was a A+ student and had amazing skills. She could draw like an artist. She was only 11 and she could draw better than me. You see I inspired her to do a YouTube channel for her art and then she turned it into something more. I had her for 2 years and she was like a niece to me. She was so tiny and then when she moved away it was pretty sad. Then when I saw that video, I guess she was having a great life. She had a massive growth spurt. She was amazing James. I'm so sorry"
"It's okay. But she thought I was cute?"
"Yeah she looked like a 7 year old so it was so adorable" I smiled. I came back inside. And sat down back with Tyler. Everyone kept glancing at me. I was looking down almost the whole time. At the end of class I could hear whispers around me. I constantly heard Mia's name. Class after class, everyone told me that they were sorry. Months later it was the same routine. I've gotten famous around America. Sarah's video was the start of something. Ellen wanted me on her show but I don't know if I should. I was known as the broken boy. This was one of the stories of the year. About how I fell in love with the girl of my dreams and after she finally loved me back I lost everything. My happiness, , my girl, my sense of humor, and love. I hung out with friends but I didn't really have that much fun. Sarah convinced me to go on Ellen.
"Hey! It's the broken boy himself!" Ellen shouted on the camera. There was a live audience. Bright lights shined in my eyes.
"Hi" I tried to act happy.
"So we're going to ask some questions. Is that okay?"
"Yeah sure whatever"
"Okay so the first question is... When did you guys start dating?"
"Well like a couple months before Vidcon"
"Okay so this wasn't going on for too long before the public new. So next is an often asked question. Kinda bad but lots of people are oddly wondering have you done it to her yet?"
"Do you mean like have...."
"Yes have you guys had sex before? I'm sorry this isn't my question"
"Umm no we didn't I was only 17 then"
"Okay, next is did Julian get mad or what was his reaction when you started dating Mia?"
"He actually told Mia that he would do anything to make her happy and he wasn't mad at all"
"Aww see that's a good gentleman. Whoever marries him is a lucky one. Next is was Marisa jealous of you and Mia?"
"She was a little disappointed but now I think she's found someone"
"Aww good for her and last question is what would you do to get her back right now?"
"I would give up my life to get her back"
"Aww she was very lucky. Well that's it thanks for being on my show!"
"Thanks for having me"
"Oh I have something for your troubles" she handed me a piece of paper. I stopped and read it.

Dear Diary, I think I like someone. I know I'm only 11 but I think I like James. We go to school together. He's really cute. He protected me when I was getting beat up today. We've always been friends but I have this bubbly feeling when I'm around him. He's always lingering next to me. I think he likes me! I would ask him but that would be too awkward. But I hope we stay friends. It even more.... ~ Mia
I started tearing up. Everyone in the audience was confused they didn't know what I had just gotten.
"Where did you get this?"
"Her teacher friend found it in her old journals"
"Thank you" a tear ran down my face and I left. This was horrible. It was April. It's almost been a year. I have to go and see her in the hospital. I was 18 now, I didn't need my moms permission. I told me mom. She was in on it. She would pay for half. Sarah was going to come with me. Julian was too. While we were on the plane. Like 10 people recognized me. They took pictures with me. When we landed I didn't check into the hotel I went straight to the hospital.
"Hey James! Haven't seen you in a while..." Clark was in the waiting room.
"Oh umm hi Clark"
"Wow you look like a grown man. I saw you on Ellen. What was that paper she gave you?" I pulled it out of my pocket and gave it To him. He read it.
"Look Clark. I'm sorry I said I hated you it's just that I was mad that this was happening"
"It alright I knew you didn't mean it. I know what dealing with a loss is like...."
"Are you saying Mia's dead?!?!"
"No no no I'm just saying it's like she's dead you can't be with her anymore. But who knows she could wake up any day now"
We talked for a little bit and then I ran in Mia's room. It looked exactly how I left it. I kneeled beside her. The doctor came in.
"We still don't know why she's in a coma"
"Really? Have you narrowed it down to some options?"
"No. Her body just decided to have a coma. We don't know why or how. This hasn't really happened before"
"Will she ever wake up?"
"Well we don't know what type of coma she is in. So we don't know if she will die in it or she wake up. The best we can do is just hope"
"Okay..." I ran my fingers through her hair.
"I love you Mia. I will always love you" I kissed her. I cried a little.

** Mia's POV **
It has been almost a year since I've been stuck in this box! I was going crazy. If this was the way to get out of my coma I was going to do it. I needed to see James. Before I was in the box I felt him. Whenever James was with me on the outside world, I had this warm tingling feeling in my heart. I haven't felt that feeling in like 8 months. He probably had to go back home. I was repeatedly rocking back and forth in my box humming. I hummed the little song that I always sang in sixth grade. The man with the piercings that trapped me in here gave me colors so I could draw. I was drawing Aparri's wolf with hearts around it. I tapped my head in the metal walks over and over. I was barefoot. The room was five feet wide and five feet long. It came with built in little drawers.
"Take off you clothes you are going to take a shower" I took off my clothes and put them in the drawer. I could only take a shower once a week. The ceiling of the box was really high. The water turned on. It was extremely cold. Freezing actually. My door opened. This also happened. I don't know if it only happened to me but the man with the piercings came in. He gave me some clothes and led me out. He led me too a room and took off his clothes. He forced me to do things... If I refused he would hit me. So I had to do it.
"Mia you are lucky. None of the other patients get to do this"
"I don't care it's not right" he undressed me. It was very warm in that room which was the only thing I liked. I kneeled down and had to do things for him. (I'm not going to say what. It's inappropriate. But you all probably know what) I stopped.
"Why are you stopping?!"
"Please don't make me!!!" He took out a bat and beat me with it. My nose was bleeding. There were bruises and scars all over me. He took a piece of metal and stuck it in the fire and took it out. He pressed it on my back. I screamed. It was burning my skin. I couldn't do this anymore. They put me in a five by five box for eight months and I could live with this but in top of it all this man with the piercings did this to me... Was I ready to give up. But then that would break James's heart. I had to get back to him. Even if I had to go through this. He slammed me back into my box and have me my clothes. It was freezing in there. I quickly got dressed and tried to sleep. They gave me a little worn out blanket. The floor was stone. I shivered. Then I felt it. I felt the warm tingling feeling. James came to see me. He was 18 now. I wanted to ask him what he's been doing. I wanted to tell him I love him. I wanted to kiss him. I felt him kiss me. I smiled. I had an idea.
** James's POV **
Sarah and Julian came in. Julian's eyes got watery and he sat down. Sarah shed a couple tears and sat with me.
"Why would this ever happen to such an innocent girl? She was filled light. Nothing could break her happiness. Why?" I cried. The next day in the hotel, the news was on.
"James was able to see Mia in the hospital. Here is a video of him at the hospital" It showed me kiss her and talk to her.
"Aww isn't that cute. We are all praying for you Mia" it ended. I had to go back today. I went to see Mia.
"Mia you can get through this. Whatever's going on inside you, you can fight it. I will visit you whenever I can. I promise I will never leave you. I love you Mia..." I walked out the door.
** Mia's POV **
I banged my fists on the walls.
"What do you want?"
"I will do what ever you say..."
"Ooh okay" the man with the piercings is really stupid actually. He grabbed me and took me to the room he went to use  the bathroom. Idiot. I ran out and found a mysterious door. I opened it. adn then everything went black again. I woke up in the field I woke up in the first time. I called for James.
"James!" It was empty there was no city anywhere. I sat and cried to myself. I would never see James again. I was starving and cold. I was so cold my finger tips were turning purple. I suddenly felt warm. I cuddled in James's lap not even realizing that he was there. He stroked my hair.
I looked at him.
"James! Wait I'm still in a coma aren't i?"
"Yeah but you are about to die... I had to see you"
"I'm about to die?"
"Yes you are dying slowly... You shouldn't have escaped the prison. They knew how to get you out"
"Oh" James disappeared.
I cried.
** James's POV **
I shut the door. I looked back and I ran back in. 3 more doctors ran in. Something was happening to her.
"What's happening!?!?!?!"
"Her heart is slowing down!" They pushed me out.
"Mia!!!!" They made me sit in the waiting room. The doctors didn't know what was going on. They everything. The EKG was slowing down. The beat was coming to an end.

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