Chapter 14:

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** Mia's POV **

The last little bit of grass I was standing on was about to disappear. I got ready. It disappeared. I fell through the sky. I saw a pit of black beneath me. It got closer as I sunk deeper in the sky. I closed my eyes. I was in the black pit now. Still falling. There were scary things around me. It was pitch black. Monsters were creeping around me and making weird gurgling noises. I felt soft landing. I opened my eyes. I gasped. James caught me.

"I said I loved you" he spoke. Everything went white. I woke up and screamed.

"James!" There were doctors all around me. Their mouths were all opened in astonishment. They laid me down.

"Where's James!?!" I asked,

"He can't see you yet. We need to run some tests" I laid down and asked tons of questions.

** James's POV **

I ran out of the hospital and ran to the hotel. I saw Clark getting in his car. I stopped him.

"Clark can you please drive me to the airport?" I said with tears all over my face.

"I thought you would want more time with Mia"

"I can't...."

"Wait. Is she.."

"Yes" I started bawling. He hugged me and pat my back.

"It'll be okay James..." A tear ran down his face. I've never seen Clark cry. It was weird. He drove me there and I met with Julian and Sarah. They cried with me and we lifted off. I sobbed in my seat and everyone on the plane knew who I was and why I was crying. When we got home, Marisa, Julian, Alyssa, Snowy, Sarah, and Eric sat with me in my room. We were all crying. Sarah sat next to me trying to cheer me up. Bruizer and Wootmoo came. We all went to the park and sat next to the lake. I looked at the picture of us holding hands in 6th grade. I read the note she had wrote like a million times. I cried and cried. Mia was gone.

"Mia, you were the only light in this dark dark world... You made my life worth something. I love you" We all went back to my house. My head was buried in my pillows and my tv was on. It was showing me in the hospital crying and saying goodbye. Then it showed another part that I didn't know.

"Yes Mia woke up minutes after James left. Hopefully he sees this soon. He thinks Mia's dead. She is very weak but she is getting treated!" I turned it off. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Mia is alive!!!!!"

They all smiled. I ran to my car They all got in their cars and we drove to the airport. This was costing so much money to go all the way back to California. We were flying and I was bouncing around. I couldn't sit still. I kept saying her name.

"Mia, Mia, Mia!" We landed. We rushed through security and we took a bus to the hospital. I ran as fast as I could and I found her room. The news crew was there again. Geez when are they not there? I made a big smile. I peeked through the door and saw her laying there. She was sitting up and she was awake. I ran in and kissed her.


"James!!!!!! I love you!"

"I love you too" We looked at each other. We started making out.

"And that's what I call a happy ending!" It showed us together hugging on the news. Sarah came in and hugged Mia. Same with everyone else. We all laughed together and had fun telling her what happened while she was in a coma. When the others left, I stayed for a week and she was finally able to come back home.

** Mia's POV **

I stood up. My legs wobbled. I hadn't walked in so long. James helped me up.

"You can do it" My legs were shaking and I hadn't even taken a step yet. I didn't know I was this weak. I couldn't even walk. They gave me a wheelchair. James wheeled me out to the hotel. It was 7 blocks away but I wasn't bored. We finally got back home. After the long tiring journey from California. James was going to stay at my house for a while until I was fully recovered. We got in my bed and cuddled.

"James, thank you for everything"

"Mia I would do anything for you" We went to bed. In the morning, He made me homemade waffles. Then we sat at the little table in my back patio.

"So Mia, what was happening to you while you were in a coma?"

"I don't really want to talk about it..."

"Do you remember?"

"Yes. I remember perfectly what happened"

"Please tell me"

"I really don't want to talk about it..."

"Please! You don't have to tell me everything. I just want a sum of what happened."

"Okay.." I got the courage to tell about my time in the coma.

"So first I woke up in a big field. The skies were a soft yellow and it was cold and windy. I finally found a town. I didn't know where I was but I found Julian"


"Yeah. He seemed to know what was going on. He told me I was in coma and I was sent off to a prison. A man with a whole bunch of piercings told me I was supposed to wake up in 2 years. And in that 2 years, I had to live in a 5 by 5 metal room. In the room there were little drawers where I could keep my stuff. He gave me one meal a day and a glass of water. He also gave me stuff to draw with. And I don't really want to talk about anything else.."

"Oh well what happened when you died?"

"Well I finally escaped the prison and I woke up in that same field. I was freezing. My finger tips were blue. But then you showed up and told me that I was dying. You disappeared and the field started disappearing too. The ground I was on finally died and I started falling. I was falling into a black pit. Then you caught me somehow and I woke up"

"Wow how long were you in that box?"

"8 months.."

"Wow at least you got stuff to do" I thought of the man with the piercings and what he made me do. My eyes got watery and a couple years dropped onto the table. James held my face in his hands. I tried to look away but he saw that I was crying.

"Mia? Why are you crying?"

"I don't want to talk about it..." I wheeled inside and tried to get away from him. It's kinda hard when your in a wheelchair. I couldn't go upstairs. He was going to have to carry me up.
"James can you help me upstairs?"
"Yes" he held me and carried me upstairs. I looked at his face. He wasn't looking back. Before I knew it I was being set in my bed. I wiped up my tears.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I sniffles. He pulled the covers over me and sat on the other side of the bed.

"Mia just tell me why you won't tell me"
"Well I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to remember it and I don't want anyone to think about it. Can't you respect that?"
"Yes but.."
"No buts! I just don't want to think about it or talk about it. Can't you understand this?!?!"
"Yeah I'm sorry" he put his arm around me and kissed my head. I leaned on him and closed my eyes. I couldn't sleep. I heard James snoring next to me. I kissed his cheek and fell asleep. In my dream, the man with the piercings was making me do it again.

"Ahhh that's it girl"

"Can I stop now?"

"No! Keep going!" He forced me onto the bed.

"Please not this!" He whipped me.

"Do it now!" I was crying. This felt real. It's not like a dream where you just see things. I remember my thoughts and the feelings. I felt a jerk. I suddenly woke up.
"Mia wake up!" James was shaking me.
"Finally! You've been talking in your sleep"
"Oh what did I say?"
"You kept yelling stop! Please don't make me do this! No! What were you dreaming about?"
"Well umm I don't remember..."
"Mia I can tell when you're lying"
"You scrunch up your bottom lip and look down"
"Mia please tell me what happened!"
"No" I walked away. And got dressed.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to see someone who always gives me good advice. I walked to James's high school. I found Mrs. Carpenter.
"Mrs. C!"
"Mia! Hi!" She hugged me.
"I'm so glad to see you okay. Why are you here?"
"I need some advice"
"About what?"
"Well you see..." I told her all about my time in the coma.
"I am so sorry"
"I've been having nightmares about them over and over"
"Well I think you should tell James"
"Yeah or go to a support group but I doubt you want to do that"
"How would a support group help me?"
"Well you just talk out your problems and they help you get through them"
"Oh well I don't want to do either of those"
"Then I don't know what to tell you. But I am really glad you're okay"
"Thanks Mrs. C" I drove back home. I decided what I was going to do. I actually wanted to go to the support group. Maybe that would help. But I couldn't just tell James I'm doing that. He would think in weird. So I had to make him send me. I walked in to him watching Netflix. I laid next to him and play with his hair. I kissed him. I missed him. There was too much going on right now and I just wanted to relax.
"I'm sorry James I'm just not ready to tell you what happened yet"
"It's okay"
"I just want to relax"
"I can make that happen" he started making out with me. I missed this. I missed James. Later he took his shirt off. It reminded me of the man with the piercings.
"Umm James could you put your shirt back on?"
"Uh sure" he put it back on.
"Thanks" we fell asleep with each other. I woke up and saw him awake also. This was the day I was going to get him to send me to a support group. He got up.
"What do you want for breakfast?"
"Please stop!"
"Stop what?"
"Stop doing this to me!" I covered myself with the blankets. Hehehe I have him fooled. He ran to me.
"Mia what's wrong?"
"James I can't get it out of my head!!!"
"I can't say"
"Mia! Please tell me! You are my girlfriend! You are supposed to tell me everything!"
"No! I won't I can't! Please just leave me alone!" I pushed him away.
"There is something wrong with you Mia and you need help! I'm saying this to be honest"
"James! I can't take it anymore! I can't sleep and I can't think without it popping in my head!" This was actually true. I couldn't stop thinking about it.
"Mia I don't want to say this but you need to go to a support group"
"No we are going right now" I got in the car and he drove  me too a small building.
"Why do you know where this is?"
"Well a friend of mine goes here"
"Oh" he dropped me off and I sat in the room alone in a wheelchair. I was the first one there. I felt embarrassed now. Someone came up to me.
"Mia?" I turned to see that it was Bruizer.
"Dustin? Why are you here?"
"I have my own problems why are you here?"
"Well I can't get something out of my head it's from when I was in a coma. It was something horrible and I can't get rid of it"
"Oh I'm sorry"
"So how does this thing work?"
"Well we go around and say our names and then one of us shares a problem and we all suggest things to help"
"Oh okay" everybody started arriving.
"Hi my name is Daisy"
"My name is Lukas"
"My name is Lillian"
"I'm Dustin"
"I'm Mia"
"Okay so now that we all know each other's names we can get into solving our problems. How about you Dustin?"
"Well umm my dad let me move back in my house and he did it again. He beat me and I can't get him to stop. I do what he wants and or I try to reason with him but he won't stop"
"Ok when your dad abuses you try not to care like have a blank expression. I did that to my dad when he did the same thing. But it depends on what your dad is like"
I felt horrible. Dustin was getting abused at home? That's why whenever I saw him he had some kind of injury. I looked at him. Poor Bruizer.
"Mia how about you? We've never had you in this class"
"Okay.. Well when I was in a coma. I was in a different world I guess. I was in a field and I found a strange town. That's when I saw Julian. He told what was going on and these people took me away to this prison. And there was this man with lots of piercings. He told me that I was destined to be in this coma for 2 years and if I wanted out then I would have to live in this small room for that time. He was nice to me at first and he gave me stuff to draw with and he gave me food. But then he would start taking me out of the box and raping me. Then he would make me have sex with him. I didn't like it! I finally escaped 8 months later and I shouldn't have done that. Because James appeared and told me I was dying. Then I everything started disappearing and then finally the ground disappeared. And I was falling to a dark pit when James caught me and I woke up. I keep reliving my times in the box and with the man with the piercings. It won't get out of my head" it felt nice to get that out. I looked over and Dustin looked worried.
"I'm sorry have you told anyone else about this?" The leader asked.
"Well I told my older friend and she told me to come here. Please help me. I know they're just dreams but they feel real. Like I'm reliving it!"
"I don't know how I would treat that let me think. Well maybe you could try telling James"
"Anything else?"
"Hmmm maybe you could try talking to a doctor"
"Okay". After everyone told their problems I started to roll out. Dustin followed me.
"I'm sorry I had no idea"
"It's not your fault but you should have told me about you dad. Why does he do that?"
"It makes him feel good about himself I guess"
"How long has that been happening?"
"Let's see.... 9 years" I gasped.
"That's horrible!" I have him a hug. James pulled up.
"Hey bus need a ride?"
"Sure" I sat in the back seat. Dustin sat in the front with James. When we finally got to my house Dustin and James played call of duty. I sat alone drinking ice tea. It was pretty boring watching them shoot people. I decided to go upstairs. I stopped in the middle and listened to what they were talking about.
"So what's wrong with Mia? Did she tell you?" James asked.
"Yes she did"
"Tell me!"
"That is not for me to tell"
"Ugh please!"
"No go ask her" I ran up and went to my guest bedroom which I turned into my hangout/recording room. I pretended I was on animal jam.
"Mia we need to talk" he sat on my chair. I sat next to him.
"If you don't tell me what happened then I'm breaking up with you"
"You heard me"
"I can't believe you are threatening our relationship so you can find out what I really don't want to talk about!"
"I'm sorry but we have to tell each other everything"
"James I thought you understand what I'm going through! We're done!" I pushed him out. And slammed the door. I was crying. I forgot Dustin was here.
"I'm sorry Mia" I jumped and gasped.
"Oh my god I forgot you were here!"
"I can leave if you want"
"No I need to talk to someone. And since you already know what's going on with me can I talk to you?"
"Do you think I should tell James?"
"Well I would tell him when you are ready. Just say that you will tell him later"
"Okay. What should I do about the dreams?"
"Well maybe you could just try to ignore it and maybe it will go away"
"Okay thank you" I hugged him. I looked at him. He started kissing me. What? Why was he kissing me? I was with James! Well I did just break up him but still! I couldn't be with Dustin! I pushed him off.
"What was that!"
"I'm sorry" he left.

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