Chapter 15: The Confession

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Oh my god thank you guys! Now when you look up wistparri I am the first story that pops up! And also thanks for 1000 readers!
** James's POV **
She just broke up with me. I didn't think that would actually happened. I stood at her front door. Did she really just do that? I wasn't crying because I couldn't understand what just happened. A few minutes later, I started to leave. Dustin ran out.
"Hey Dustin! Could I talk to you?"
Hey ran to his car and drove away. I guess he wasn't in the mood for talking. I went to Sarah.
"Hey what's up?"
"She just broke up with me"
"What! Why?"
"Uh uh so I told her if she didn't tell me what was going on then I would break up with her and she dumped me"
"You never do that to a girl!"
"What did I do?"
"You threatened your relationship! If she isn't comfortable saying something then respect that!"
"Sorry I didn't know that"
"Go apologize!"
I ran to her house and knocked on the door.
"I need to talk to you!" She stepped out.
"I don't want to talk about it!"
"You don't have to! If you don't want to do something you don't have to" she hugged me.
"Thank you James it's good to hear that finally"
"Are we together now?"
"Yes" she pulled me in and laid on me.
"James I will tell you. Just not yet"
"Okay thank you" I pulled her forward and looked into her eyes.
** Mia's POV **
He jerked me forward and looked into my eyes. I really didn't want to kiss. He started making out with me. I was about to stop him but he was too hard to resist. I kissed him back and he took off his shirt. It reminded me of the man with the piercings. But it's James I know it and it's just his shirt off. I did miss getting to feel James's smooth, soft, skin. He took my shirt off. Now it was getting in my head more. He took off his clothes and was left in his underwear. Whenever I looked at James I saw the man with the piercings. Oh no. The man with the piercings was ruining everything for me!
"James I don't want to do this"
"We're just kissing"
"I know but. I just don't want to"
"Okay. Like I said you don't have to do anything you don't want to"
"Thank you" he put his clothes back on. And we went to the park. We stood on the little bridge overlooking the pond. James's head was up and looking at the sunset. My head was looking straight down.
"Mia what's wrong?"
"Nothing..." I thought it the man with the piercings. And how he beat me. James put out his arm to put around me. I flinched.
"Relax babe I was just gonna put my arm around you"
"Oh sorry" I let him put his arm around me. We took a walk. Every person I saw I was scared of. I thought they would turn into the man with the piercings and beat me. Or worse. Someone rode their bike pass us. I ran out to the side of the pathway. James looked confused. Someone was walking their puppy. I would usually ask to pet it but this time I backed up and left. James thought I was right behind him. He asked to pet the puppy. He smiled.
"Do you want to pet him Mia?" He turned and I was gone.
"Mia?" I ran. I tried not to get near people. James found me walking to his car.
"Mia? What happened back there?"
His face transformed into the man with the piercings. I gasped.
"Get away from me!"
"What are you talking about?" I got in his car and locked the door. I curled up in a ball and waited. I forgot this was his car and he had the keys. He unlocked it and sat in the drivers seat while I was curled up next to him. He rubbed my back to be comforting.
"Don't touch me!"
"O Okay..." He drove me home. I stayed in the car until he finally left. I ran in my house and got in my bed. It was 2:00am. I looked next to me and James was sleeping next to me. I screamed. He woke up.
"What's wrong!" His face looked normal. I hugged him. He hugged me back and pet my head.
"James! Help me!"
"What's happening Mia?"
"The man with the piercings, he umm well he uh"
"I see him everywhere I go and sometimes random people like transform into him. And I'm scared!"
"It's okay Mia. There is no man with piercings" he tried to calm me down.
** James's POV**
"So this man with the piercings.... You don't like him?"
"No! I hate him!" I wanted to know what was wrong with her. There was a puddle of Mia's tears laying on my chest. She was miserable. My heart hurt. What was happening?
"Why don't you like him?"
"He umm well he sexually abused me!" Oh I felt horrible now. She spent 8 months stuck in a box or doing it with that guy. I didn't know what to say.
"I'm sorry.... At least he's not doing it anymore. You're safe"
"No I'm not! Whenever I go to sleep, he does it again and it's not like a dream. It feels real! I can remember my thoughts and the feeling and everything! Now everyone's face is like morphing into him and even yours did!"
"Oh. Well he's not real. Do I look like him right now?"
"Okay. Good. Do you want to watch a movie?"
"Umm sure but then I will fall asleep. And then the man with the piercings will do that to me again!"
"It's okay Mia. It'll be okay. What do you want?"
"I want you"
"I'm here" she leaned on me and we cuddled. She snuffled and lightly cried. Every once in a while, she would start freaking out and think the man with the piercings was coming. I kept telling her that it was going to be okay. I really didn't know what to do.
"So Mia, I'm moving out. I have to go to college"
"Yeah Dustin and I are going to have an apartment together"
"But James I love living next to you!"
"I'm sorry but I have to go"
"Next week" she hugged me tighter. She fell asleep. I couldn't sleep. I was to busy worrying about her. She would randomly cry and shake when she was asleep. She was having the dream again. She moaned and kept moving around. She started talking in her sleep.
"Please! No! Help me! Ow!" She started making noises. Poor Mia.
"Ow that hurts! Don't do that!" I wanted to wake her up but she needed to get through this. A tear ran down my face. This couldn't be happening. Not to her. I kissed her forehead and went to sleep. I woke up and she was exactly how I left her. She was crying and was moaning. I had to wake her up.
"No!" Her eyes opened. She started crying. I hugged her.
"It's okay it's over"
"It's getting worse!"
"I'm sorry" we went out to IHOP. After that we went to the beach. It was hot out. We sat in the warm sand and drank slurpees.
"Do you remember Tyler? From 6th grade?"

"Well at school he was really nice and he feels so bad. He gave me this" I handed her the picture of us at the dance.

"Aww I remember this!" She was smiling.
"And Mrs carpenter gave me this" I handed her the diary page.
"Oh my god this is embarrassing"
"It's adorable that's what it is"
We drove back and I dropped her off at her house. I was going to live at my house again. She was practically recovered. I sat down for dinner. I couldn't stop thinking about what Mia was doing right now. She was alone in her little house having nothing to do.
"Hello?" My mom shouted.
"Oh what?"
"I've been trying to get you to answer for 3 minutes now!"
"Oh sorry what?"
"How is Mia?"
"Oh well she's umm not really herself. She keeps having these dreams and she's trying to get through them"
"Okay is that good?"
"I'd say getting better"
Sarah was sitting in silence next to me. I ate my mashed potatoes and thought of Mia. I thought back to when I first met her in class. It was in the sixth grade. She was sitting at the lunch table alone. She was a new student and didn't know anyone. I walked over.
"Hi I'm James what's your name?"
She blushed. Her head lowered.
"Umm I'm m m Mia" she whispered softly.
"What was that? Sorry I couldn't hear you"
"Oh well that's pretty. Can I sit here?"
"Sure" she was really shy. She didn't talk much. But after sitting with her for a whole week she started to perk up.
"Hi James! I just got a kitten!"
"Oh that's cool!"
"Yeah her name is Cocoa!"
"Cute!" We did class projects together. One day she came up to me really happy.
"Hey James I have a question..."
"Want to come to my house after school?"
"Oh sure if course!" Her house was really small it didn't look that how should I put this... Well it looked like a shack.
"This is your house?"
"Mhm. Do you like it?"
"Yeah it nice" she showed me her room which wasn't that big. Her mom came in.
"Hello I'm Mia's mom sorry about the mess. If you guys need anything I will be in the kitchen"
I peeked out her door and her mom was smoking. INSIDE. Who would do that inside?"
"Mia your mom is smoking inside"
"Yeah she does that all the time" the smell was giving me a migraine.
"Are you okay James?"
"Well I'm not really used to the smell of smoking and it hurts"
"Oh well we can go outside if you want" we ate popsicles on the porch and I asked her.
"How are you always so happy all the time? Your mom smokes and your dad is never home for you?"
"Well at least I have family. Some kids don't have anything"
She did have a point. It's amazing how she can put up with this. She was pure. At school we did everything together. Then she moved away.
Sarah was calling me.
"What?"she stared at me.
"We've been telling your name for a while now!"
"Sorry I was just thinking about stuff.."
I went to bed. I wanted Mia with me. I wanted her laying next to me. Sarah came in.
"Hey James is there something wrong with Mia? You can tell me"
"Well while she was in that box she was abused and it won't get out of her head. She's trying to get through it but I think it's getting worse"
"Aww poor Mia"
"Yeah. I can't believe how this is happening to her. She is the sweetest girl you will ever meet"
"Maybe she needs to stay away from romance for a while"
"What? Why?"
"Well whenever you guys make out or something that could trigger the memories or feelings of that man. Maybe you guys should take a break"
"What! No I only have a week left with her before college!"
"I'm just saying if you want to make her happy"

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