Chapter 16: Wow Eric, Just wow

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** Sarah's POV **
Btw this chapter is very very long it's like 400o words so if you don't have a lot of time right now I suggest you read this later
I walked back to my room. Eric called me.
"Hey baby"
"Hi Eric!"
"So I was wondering if you could come over"
"Sure when?"
"Right now" what? Right now? It was 8:30pm.
"Umm dude it's late..."
"I know I was just thinking we could get something to eat and then just kinda walk around downtown or something"
"Well I don't see why not... But I doubt my mom will let me"
"She doesn't have to know.."
"Eric! No. I'm not sneaking out!"
"Okay it's your choice call me back later. Bye" he hung up. I can't believe he wanted me to sneak out. I've never done that before and I want going to start. Then I thought. My mom is already asleep. And James won't just randomly go into my room. I crept downstairs and opened the window silently. The screen made a noise when I popped it out. I lifted my legs over the bar and dropped down. I called Eric.
"So what's your answer?"
"I'm outside now" suddenly a blue car pulled up. He rolled down the window and smiled.
"Is this new?"
"Yeah you like it?"
"I love it!" He stepped on the gas pedal a couple times to make the feisty cat noise. I got in and he drove us to the city. It was beautiful at night. All the buildings and trees were lit up. We went to a food truck and got burgers. We walked around a bit and then went to his house.
"Where is your family?
"They're on a trip so we got the whole place to ourselves"
"Okay..." We sat on his bed. He turned to me.
"Umm Sarah, I really really like you"
"I like you too"
"I wouldn't say I love you yet but would you take this?" He showed me a beautiful necklace.
"Woah Eric! It's beautiful!"
"Do you want it?"
"Of course! But why did you get this for me?"
"Because I really like you..."
"Thank you so much" I kissed his cheek. I shouldn't have done that. That was his ticket to make out. He started making out with me. How was he so good at this? He took off his shirt. No please I know you look good but you don't need to show me. He took off my shirt. Umm... This wasn't going to end well...
"Eric I don't think I'm ready for this..."
"Well I'm only 16 and it's just too much"
"Your 17 in a couple months and I thought we just established that we really liked each other"
"Yeah but Eric I don't love you. I'm too young to feel love. I'm just not ready. Can you respect that?"
"Yeah but it's a little disappointing"
"Eric what is this relationship about to you?"
"Having fun together and getting to know each other and to grow in our relationship"
"Okay good"
** Eric's POV **
Sarah was sweet. She was funny, smart, kind, and caring. She was responsible too. Maybe she was right. Maybe we shouldn't do that just yet. I was fine with it. I put my shirt back on and smiled.

"Thank you"

"I feel like we are getting nowhere in this relationship Sarah"

"What do you mean?"

"Well all we do is play AnimalJam or go to the beach or something"

"We don't want things to move too fast"

"Sometimes fast is a good thing"

"And sometimes it's not"

"But sometimes it is"

"And sometimes it's not!" She was getting angry. I didn't want this. I just wanted her to love me.

"Okay fine but in this case it is"

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is!"

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is!"

"Sarah calm down! Why can't you except the fact that I am right on this one?"

"Because you're not!"

"Fine who cares! Forget it"

"I will!"



She grabbed her purse and left. Did she just break up with me? No no no no. I didn't mean to offend her or anything. I just wanted to prove my point. No!

** Sarah's POV **

Why was he being such a jerk? I just didn't want to do anything that was too much for me. Why can't he just respect that? I didn't know if I was dumping him but I did know that I need a break from him. I opened the door and walked out to the porch. I just realized that I didn't have a car. Eric drove me. I couldn't just walk back in and ask him to drive me. I guess I was going to walk. After walking 13 blocks I was getting really tired. Why did I think I could walk to my house? I wanted to go back but I don't think I should. I kept walking. It was very cold. Oh no. I felt a raindrop. 5 minutes later it was pouring. Hailing even. I was wearing a thin jacket and sweatpants. I was freezing. Uh oh. Where was I? my phone died about 4 blocks back and I didn't know where to go. I needed Eric. It was 1:00 am. The streets were practically empty. Why did I do this? I was lost in a city that I don't know that well, I was soaked in hail and rain, and it's 1:00am in the morning and nobody knows I'm here! What was I going to do? I was lost...

** James's POV **

I tried to sleep but I still couldn't. I was too worried about Mia. It was already 1:00am and I was tossing and turning. I went downstairs to get some water when I saw a window open. That window is never open. The screen was popped out too. I looked out. There was nothing there so I went back upstairs. I could hear Sarah's tv throughout he hallway. Maybe she was awake. I cracked the door open. She wasn't there. I looked everywhere in the house and I remembered the open window. No no no. She didn't. She is not that kind of person. She is a goody-goody. She snuck out? This was hard to believe. I grabbed my raincoat and ran outside. I didn't take my car or my mom would hear me. I ran to the city. Which was only like 4 blocks from my neighborhood. All the shops were closed. There no cars on the streets. It was 1:00am. Why would anybody be out? Then I thought. Eric. I couldn't run there so I took my car. Hopefully my mom didn't wake up. I drove up to his house and knocked. There was no answer. His car was there so maybe she wasn't here. I called him and he answered.


"Where is Sarah?" I sounded mean.

"She left already. Like and hour ago"


"What do you mean how?"

"Well she doesn't have a car so how did she get back?"


"Eric! You're supposed to be a good boyfriend! How could you just let her leave with out a ride? You are so stupid!"

"Well I think she broke up with me.."

"Good for her! Now come out here and help me look for her!" minutes later he slowly opened the door.

"HI" he said quietly.

"Come out here!"

"Fine but don't hurt me" he slowly walked out. I dragged him out by his hood and stuck him in his car. I got in. He looked at me.

"Drive dude!"

"Okay sorry" he drove into town and we looked everywhere trying to find Sarah. I still can't believe he convinced Sarah to sneak out. I can't even do that. After a whole hour of trying to find her there was still no luck. I was so tired. My eyes kept closing and then opening again. Every time I was about to fall asleep, Eric woke me up. Then my phone started ringing. I quickly grabbed it out of my pocket and looked at who was calling me. I expected and hoped it would be Sarah but no. It wasn't. Just when things were getting worse it was my mom. I slowly answered.

"Hey mom..."

"James! Where are you?!?!"

"Well I'm driving downtown.."


"I'm trying to find Sarah..."

"Wait... Sarah's not with you?..."


"James!" She sounded so mad."You come home right now!"

"But I need to look for Sarah!"

"Where is she?"

"I don't know! Thats why I'm looking!"

"I mean, what was she doing out this late?"

"Well she snuck out to see Eric and then she left and we just realized she doesn't have a car so she is probably wandering the city lost"

"James you need to be at home by 3:00am. And if you don't have Sarah with you,"


"Then I will never ever let you leave the house again! Do you hear me?"

"Yes mom"

"Okay you better find her now" She hung up. Eric looked at me. Eric wasn't even that bad. It's just this that I hate about him. He somehow convinced my goody-goody sister to sneak out and now she is lost!

** Sarah's POV **

I saw a group of people walking on the other side of the street and wondered. What if they know how to get home? I walked up to them. They were very tall compared to me.

"Umm... I was wondering if you guys know how to get to..." They cut me off.

"Ooh who do we have here?"

"Umm well I'm trying to get home.."

"So you're lost?" They laughed. Maybe this was another bad idea of mine.

"Y-Y-Yes...." I was getting a little scared now.

"We know how to get you home" This was strange because I didn't even tell them where yet.

"Umm well could you just tell me how?"

"No we have to show you"

"I'm sorry but I will just go find the police department and ask them.."

"No follow us!"

I started running. They threw a rock at me. What was happening? One guy was catching up to me. He grabbed on to my leg and I tripped face first. I hit my nose really hard. It was bleeding and everything was dizzy. I slowly stood up. The world was spinning. I couldn't stand up right. I kept falling left and right. The guys showed up and huddled around me. In my eyes, I could see 10 of them. But there were only 5. I couldn't balance myself. I fell down. My eyes were closing. I woke up chained to the ground. It was a little dizzy but I could still see properly. The guys walked in.

"Let me go!"


"I want to go home!"

"Okay we just want to know a couple things.."


"How old are you?"

"Ugh. I'm almost 17"

"Ooh.. You know you look like a 14 year old"

"I know you don't have to rub it in"

"Okay next..What is your full name?"

"I can't tell you that I'm sorry"

"Tell us now!"

I can tell you my first name and that will be it"

"Fine what's your first name?"


"Okay Sarah. The last question is... Where do you live?"

"I'm not answering that!"

"Then you can't go!"

I pulled my arms trying to slip out of the chains. But I couldn't. It was too tight. I didn't know what they wanted from me but I knew I wasn't going to give it to them. They put a white cloth around my head and stuck it in my mouth. They left and I was alone. My ankles were chained and my wrists were too. I wiggled my phone out of my pocket. It was dead so there was no use for it. My phone started making a loud beeping sound. Oh no. What was this? This was going to make the guys come back in here!

** Eric's POV **

I had the greatest idea in history. The iphone 8 that Sarah has, is able to use find my iphone when it is dead( Btw guys this obviously a couple years into the future so don't think this is actually going to happen but it would be cool if they did make the iphone 8 like that). I turned it on. Instantly, it showed her location.

"Okay I gotta say... That was genius" James told me.

"Thank you" It felt nice when James actually made a good comment about me. I always thought he hated me. Maybe he still does. But who cares he just called me a genius! I drove as fast as I could not going over the speed limit. It led me to an alley way. We stepped out and examined the place. I heard chains jingling ahead. James was looking somewhere else. I ran towards it and saw Sarah struggling to get out. She had a white piece of cloth around her mouth and was trying to scream.

"Sarah!" I ran to her. I was trying to get the chains off her but I couldn't. I removed the cloth from her mouth and kissed her.

"I am so so sorry!"

"Eric get me out of here" She whispered.

I heard footsteps and thought it was James so I didn't look.

"Eric look behind you right now"

"Sarah I know. I brought James"

"No it's not him!"

My head was punched and I fell to the ground. I looked up and it was a group of guys staring at me.

"What was that for?"

"What are you doing trying steal her?"

"She is not yours"

"And she's not yours either!"

"Well she's more mine than yours"


"She is my girlfriend"

"Ohhh. She's not yours anymore!"

"Yes she is"

"NO she's not!" He punched me in the eye giving me a black eye. I punched him back in the nose. I couldn't believe I was getting in a fight! Then his little gang started beating me up. One guy punched me in the throat. I fell to the ground in pain. They were walking up to Sarah. I had to get up. I stood up and kicked one onto the wall. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. After two guys gave up the three guys that were still there kicked me in a spot that should never be kicked.
I scrunched up and fell down. Oh god that hurt. I couldn't get up. James ran in and punched 2 guys, one fell unconscious. How did he do that? It felt like this could be in a movie or something. He helped me up. Finally we got the guys out. While we were trying to undo the chains, a tall buff man appeared. Oh no. Why? Why this! James walked up to him and tried to punch him. The man knocked him out cold. What! I swear this could be in a movie! I quickly tried to get Sarah's chains undone again and I finally got it!
"Run!" I yelled to her. She grabbed onto James's arms and tried to drag him to the car. She needed some help. I ran to her and we carried him to the car. The man was coming towards us. We stuck James in the back seat and got in quickly. The man was about to hit my car with a trash can when I stepped on the gas. Phew.
I was out of breath.
"I'm sorry I left with out knowing where I was going.."
"Why are you sorry? I'm the one who let you go!"
"Well now because of me James is unconscious and you're hurt. I'm sorry" her voice sounded like she was crying.
"No no no Sarah! Don't cry this is not your fault!"
"Yes it is"
"No! I refuse to listen to you taking the blame just forget about tonight I'm the one who got you out here so don't even say sorry" she stayed silent. I looked at her. She was soaking wet. Her hair was drenched. I felt so bad. I convinced her to sneak out tonight, I let her leave not knowing where she was going, And over all she had the most miserable night of her life. At a red light I leaned over to her and kissed her cheek softly.
"I'm sorry...." she looked at me. I loved her little puppy eyes. She leaned to me and started making out with me. I thought she didn't like this. But okay... I parked next to her house and we made out. It was 2:46am and we were making out since 2:33 James twitched and fell off his seat. I forgot he was there. He was still unconscious but we decided to stop. We carefully carried him to their house. Oddly enough, Mia walked out.
"Oh hi Mia? What are you doing out here?"
"Umm well I couldn't sleep so I just looked out my window and then I saw this... why is he unconscious?!? And why are you drenched?"
She gasped. "And why are you all beat up?"
"Sarah was taken and we got in a fight"
"Oh..." she twirled her finger in James's hair and kissed him on the lips.
"Okay I was just wondering... bye!" She walked back in her house. That was a little weird. We walked up the driveway and the door opened. Their mom ran out and kissed Sarah in her forehead. She didn't notice James.
"Why are you all wet?!?"
"Mom it's called rain" they hugged. She looked over at me and frowned. Then her eyes widened.
"James! What happened to him!?!?"
"I was taken by a street gang when James and Eric found me. They got in a huge fight but we're okay..." Sarah sounded sad but happy at the same time.
"What! Who took you?!?!"
"Some group of guys.. I'm okay mom don't worry" their mom kissed James in the forehead and motioned us to come in.
"Thank you Eric for protecting my babies. Even though you are the one who caused all of this"
"I'm sorry ma'am. I will never do anything like this ever again"
"It's alright. How long of a drive is it to you house?"
"Uh like a 30 minute drive. Not that much"
"Oh no you can stay here in the extra bedroom if you want"
"Yes I don't want you driving at 3:00am"
"Okay then..." Sarah and I put James in his bed while their mom went to bed. I went downstairs to the extra bedroom. I took my shirt off and got in the bed. I couldn't sleep. Everything hurt. I didn't know getting in a fight would hurt this bad. Sarah opened my door.
"Hey blueboy "
"Wanna watch a movie in my room?"
"I don't really want to get up I'm sorry"
"It just hurts.."
"Oh I forgot that they beat you up" she sat in the bed next to me.
"Be right back" she ran out and came back 5 minutes later with and icepack.
"Here" she held the ice in my eye.
"Would this help?"
"I don't know" the ice did feel good. She was leaning on me and holding the icepack on my eyes for almost 10 minutes. It was silent. She dropped the ice on my stomach. It felt cold.
"What was that for?" I asked. But she fell asleep. I got up, resisting the pain. There was a sharp pain all through my body but I gut through it. I picked Sarah up and carried her upstairs. Her head was leaning on my chest I carried her to bedroom and tucked her in. I kissed her head goodnight. James walked out scratching his head.
"Ow what happened?"
"A bad man hit you hard" he looked me up and down.
"What happened to you? There's bruises all over you stomach"
"We were in a fight. Remember?"
"Yes I do but it's all kinda fuzzy... is Sarah okay?" He opened her door.
"Yes she's fine"
"Okay good. I'm sorry for being mean to you Eric. I guess I just didn't like Sarah dating. She seems to young but she's not. I'm probably acting like an over protective dad aren't I?"
"Yeah you kinda were but it's okay I would do the same if my sister started dating"
"Okay goodnight"
"Goodnight" he shut his door. And I went back downstairs. I went to bed.
** James's POV **
I opened my eyes. This was going to be the day I make Mia the happiest she's ever been. I got dressed. I wore a nice shirt and dark jeans. I combed my hair and brushed my teeth. I knocked on Mia's door. She opened it and smiled. She was wearing a black skirt, a crop top and heels.
"You look beautiful" I told her.
"Thank you! You look good too" I took her by the hand and we walked to the city. We went to her favorite bakery and ate cupcakes. We went to the park and fed the ducks. She giggled as the duck waddled up to her
"Isn't he adorable!" She laughed. I put my arm out and pet him.
"Yep" she stroked his feathers and we went to the bench we always sit on. I looked into her big blue eyes and smiled. I couldn't help but smile when I was with her. Her face was so beautiful. She smiled back.
"Mia, I love you"
"I love you too James" we kissed and sat in silence. I put my arm around her. Her head was set on my shoulder and she tilted her head up so she could see my face. I kissed her again and she laughed. We went back to her house and we sat on her patio. We finished up the cupcakes from lunch and told stories. It was now 5:00 pm and I told her to look really fancy. I ran to my house and changed. I got into a tuxedo. And waited 10 minutes before I went back. I knocked once again and she answered. She took my breath away. My mouth dropped. She was in a black short dress with a golden necklace with an M on it and heels.
"You look very handsome James"
I still couldn't speak.
"W-w-w Wow!"
"Wow what?"
"What do you mean what? You look stunning!" She blushed.
"Thanks..." I put my hands around her waist and she got on her tippy toes to kiss me. I drove her to a fancy restaurant and we walked in. It was packed.
"Oh James I don't think can get a table"
"That's why I made reservations"
"Aww" we walked up to the counter.
"Hello do you have reservations?"
"Yes it's under James" she flipped a couple pages through her book.
"Wait a second...." the waitress said.
"You're James and Mia!"
"Umm yes... how do you know our names?"
"Remember? You guys were all over the news!"
"Oh yeah I forgot about that..."
"Well follow me to your table" she led us to a private table outside.
"James this is beautiful!" I pulled her chair out and then pushed it back when she was in. We laughed all evening and we ate.
"Yum that was good!" She leaned back in her seat.
"Yeah. Do you want dessert?"
"Oh no I'm stuffed"
"Okay" we finally left late that night and I drove her back home. I said goodnight to her and kissed her cheek. I was about to leave when;
"James can you please stay the night?"
"Sure whatever you want. I have to go tell my mom though I will be right back" I ran to my house.
"Hey mom can I stay the night at Mia's?"
"Sure" she hollered back. I changed into basketball shorts and a T-shirt. I ran back and walked in to her room. It was dim. She was sitting on top of her bed on her phone. She was wearing pajama shorts and a tank top. I sat next to her. She turned off her phone and looked at me. She pecked my lips and slouched over the covers. I stroked her hair. She smiled. It was all silent. We just sat there with our legs over the covers and our hands folded in our lap.
** Mia's POV **
"So did you like today?" James asked me.
"Yeah it was really fun"
"Good, I wanted to make you happy"
"Thanks. So why today? Why not on our last day together before you go to college?"
"Well this, I've decided, is going to be the last day I see you. The next 3 days I'm going to be packing and saying goodbye to my family and other stuff"
"What! No I only have 3 days before you go to college and I want to spend all of it with you!"
"I'm sorry but this will be the last night we have together. I've made up my mind and you can't change it" I made a sad look.
"Don't give me that pouty face" he told me.
"What pouty face?" I laughed. I kissed him by the ear. He blushed. We started making out. I wasn't thinking about the man with the piercings at all. He was going away. We continued to kiss and it led to us taking our clothes off. I laid on him and kissed him more.
Guys this is an inappropriate part so I do not suggest reading this unless you are umm let me think okay don't read this part if you are younger than 12 I will tell you when it's over.
I took off my bra and panties.
"A-Are you sure you want to do this Mia?" I was sure as long as he was.
"Do you want to?"
"Umm yes"
"Okay then. I'm ready" he took off his underwear and made out with me. We went under the covers and we had sex. It felt so good he was so good at this. How? In the middle of us doing it,
Okay guys inappropriate seen is over with. my phone rang.
"Ugh I'm sorry" I got up and answered it.
"Umm hi Mia..."
"Who is this?"

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