Chapter 19: I forgive you

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** Mia's POV **
I want James. I've heard his side of the story and I do believe him. I don't know why I said otherwise. I needed him. I ran to my car and drove 3 hours to go see him. I ran through the hallway and knocked on his door. Dustin answered.
"Dustin, where's James!? I need to talk to him!"
"Uh well I told him he needs to get outside and get some sunlight because he's been laying in his bed all day, so I think he's with Julian and Marisa by the lunch tables"
"Okay thank you!" I said quickly as I ran outside. I found the lunch tables and saw Julian, Marisa and James sitting under a tree. I ran to James.
"James I love you!" I shouted.
"I love you too" we made out. I was so happy. James was my happiness and I finally got him. Like 10 minutes later we stopped kissing. We looked around and Julian and Marisa were awkwardly sitting there.
"Sorry..." I blushed.
"It's alright" James picked me up and I yelped.
"James put me down!" I laughed. He got up and carried me to a different tree. He set me down under it and looked at me.
"Mia I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking when I kissed McKenna. By the way I told her I never want to see her again. You are the one for me"
"It's okay James I don't know what I would do in that situation either" he smiled at me.
We started making out again, behind the tree. He grabbed my butt.
"Get your hands off me!" We both laughed. He invited me to his dorm and we watched Netflix in his bed. But most of the time we were just kissing. I missed this.
"James I never want to leave you again"
"I never want to hurt you again"
"Good" we continued to kiss. Our shirts were off. Dustin was at his grandparents. Time flew by it was now 11:00pm.
Inappropriate scene here.
** James's POV **
I kissed by her ear and down her neck. I took off my pants. So did she. We had sex again. This was great. Mia forgave me. I was so happy. Things could only get better. Mia was so beautiful. She moaned a few times right when Dustin walked in. Wow. I turned bright red. So did Mia. She covered us with the blankets. It was silent.
"Uhhhhhh" Dustin was red too.
"I'm gonna let you two um get dressed.
"Ok" I responded quickly.
End of inappropriate scene
He shut the door and I let out a big exhale.
"That was so awkward" Mia admitted.
"Yep. And that's the second time he's interrupted us" I added. We both got dressed. And I agreed to walk her out to her car. When we opened the door Dustin was right around the corner. Mia scrunched up her bottom lip as we passed by him. It was pitch black out. We could hardly see. She held my hand as we walked through the parking lot.
"Bye Mia. I had uh, fun, tonight"
"Me too" she kissed my cheek and got in her car. I went back to my dorm and Dustin was on the couch.
"I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have done that when I didn't know when you would be back"
"Nah it's okay I shouldn't have barged in like that"
"Dus, it's your dorm. You can barge in if you want. That must have been so awkward for you though I'm sorry"
"I said it's okay. That means you guys are back together right?"
"Yep" I smirked.
"Aww good for you. I wish I had someone.."
"Aw Dus, you'll find someone"
"I know but even Sarah has someone. I just feel a little left out"
"I'm sorry but I know for sure that some girl is going to love you to pieces"
"Okay" we went to bed. I woke up and got ready for my classes. Ugh I had chemistry today. That means I have to see McKenna. I walked into the classroom and I saw her. She was talking to one of her friends. She spotted me and walked over with innocent eyes. But I knew she wasn't.
"Hi James" she said with a happy voice.
I said nothing I went on with my day ignoring her. At lunch Dustin and I always sit with Marisa and Julian. It was our group. Btw guys I'm not going to make Julian the bad guy in this like other fanfics because I have nothing against him. I love his videos.
I couldn't stop smiling. I had Mia back. I still couldn't believe it. I thought I lost her forever.
"James is there something wrong?"
"What no I'm good. Why?"
"You have a creepish grin on your face"
"I can't help it. I have the most perfect girl in my life!"
"Okay then" the next week, and the next week, and the next week, I was in such a good mood nothing bad was happening.

** Sarah's POV **
"Happy birthday Sarah!" Everybody said to me.
"Thanks" my mom, James, Mia, and Eric were all here. I already had my birthday party with all my friends. This was my family party. (Even though Mia and Eric aren't really my family).
"Aww my babies are growing up so fast!" My mom hugged James and I tight.
"Ouch mom you're going to crack my spine" James laughed. I opened my gifts, which were mostly gift cards, money, jewelry, and clothes, and then everybody kinda did their own thing. James and Mia went upstairs to his room. My mom had to leave for work again and Eric followed me up to my room.
"Wow you're finally 17 now. How does it feel?"
"Umm not that different"
"Yeah. Ooh! But now you can see rated R movies without an adult!"
"I guess that is pretty cool"
I sat on my bed and Eric sat next to me. It was silent. Besides the slow, romantic, music James was playing in his room with Mia. I heard James laughing. He's been acting differently now that Mia and him are back together. I just can't put my finger in it.
"Oh sorry I was thinking"
"So what do you want to do" he said twirling around in my swivel chair.
"Umm I don't know. Maybe we could do a livestream"
"Okay sure" he got his laptop out of his bag and I got on my computer.
"Hey guys, Bepper here. And in today's video I'm doing a livestream. With Skorm!" The comments were flooded with #SKEPPER!!!
"Hey guys! It's your buddy Skorm"
We did some giveaways and as I read some of the comments, some of them were asking what's with the romantic music? They all think it's Skepper.
"Umm no guys that's not Eric and I. That's actually Aparri and WisteriaMoon in the other room" now the comments were full of Wistparri!!! Or aww they're on a date!
"Just a second guys I need to tell him to turn it down" I got up and walked across the hall. The music was blasting. But faintly, I could hear Mia. Moaning. Oh my god. No no no. NO. I can't believe my ears. What!!! I still can't believe what I am hearing. It got louder as the music softened. I gently knocked.
"Uh can you guys keep it down? We're doing a livestream"
"Umm sure sorry" James responded. I came back and the livestream was ended.
"Eric why did you end it?"
"Well uh they could hear umm James and Mia. So... I just had to end it"
"Oh my god I still can't believe them. I wonder what the fans are saying.
Oh my god are they?
Is that WisteraMoon and Aparri?
Wait a second.... they can't be!
What's that noise in the background?
"Oh my god Eric look at the comments"
Clark Stacey commented: Well that's a way to ruin a livestream
After 15 minutes of talking, James and Mia walked in. Mia was smiling and clinging to James. His arm was around her waist.
"Hey Sarah. So did you say you were doing a livestream?"
"Yes but then we had to end it"
"All the fans.. well umm... they could hear you guys" their faces got red.
"Uhhhhh..... ummmmm.... I don't know what to say to that..."
"It's okay I won't tell mom just leave Eric and I alone"
"Okay thanks" they left and I got in my pajamas. It was late. I got in bed. Eric laid next to me.
"So Sarah, I was wondering..."
"Never mind..."
"No I forgot..."
"Oh okay" he put his arms around me and brought me closer. He wrapped his body around mine and we fell asleep.

** James's POV **
"James!" My moms voice echoed in my sleep.
"James!" She shook me awake.
"What?" I rubbed my eyes.
"What is that?" She pointed to Mia's bra on the ground.
"Umm that's a bra..."
"I know but what's it doing in here?"
"It's called Mia"
"I know but why is it on the ground?"
"Mom. Just stop"
"Why is it on the ground and not on her?"
"Mom please stop!"
"Come here right now" I got up and left Mia in my bed. She pulled me into her room.
"Mom I'm 19 now"
"That's no excuse. This is my house and  you do not do that in here!"
"You better be now go send her home now"
** Mia's POV **
I woke up and James wasn't beside me.
"James?" I sat up. The door was open. He came back.
"My mom wants you to go home"
"She knows about what we did last night"
"Oh sorry.."
"It's okay bye"
"Bye" I kissed her cheek and she left.

** Eric's POV **
Sarah was clinging onto me. I yawned.
"Sarah" I whispered. She groaned.
"Wake up"
"Not yet"
"Okay I'll let you sleep" I agreed. I stood up and covered her with the covers. I got dressed and went into her bathroom. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. Today I was going to ask her to the prom. And I had the perfect way. She loves tea. So I was going to take her to her favorite tea shop. I made her a little tea cup just for her and when she is done with her tea, the bottom of the cup says Prom? It's pretty cliche but I think it's cute.
I looked at her sleeping.
"Sarah. Wake up and get ready. I'm going to take you somewhere"she got up and got ready. It took like an hour but she was finally ready.
"Come on" I held her hand as we walked into town.
"The tea shop?"
"Yep!" We sat down. We ordered some tea and I got up and said I needed to use the bathroom. But really I was going to ask if they could use my cup.
"Hey is it okay if you give her this cup instead"
"Uh sure why?" The young woman said.
"I'm asking her to prom"
"Aww that's sweet"
"Yeah" our drinks came. She sipped it.
"Wow I didn't know they had these cups. It's different than all the rest"
"Uh yeah weird" I chugged down my coffee and waited for her to finish woah wish woah to much coffee. My feet were tapping. My legs were shaking. She was taking her last sip she coughed and almost spit out her tea.
"What's wrong?" I laughed. She hugged me.
"I would love to go to prom with you!"
"Yes!!!!" I was so hyper I jumped up out of my seat when she said that.
"Woah Eric calm down"
"I think I had a little too much coffee"
"Yeah. You did" we left and instead of normal walking, I was speed walking. I finally brought her home and we kissed goodbye.

** Mia's POV **
I walked home. I was bored. Then the door knocked. Julian was standing there hunched over so he could fit in the door.
"Okay then. You can just walk in" I said as he pushed me to the side and walked right in leaving the door open.
"Yeah?" He started kissing me. I immediately pushed him away.
"What are you doing!?!?"
"You don't know what a kiss is?"
"I know what it is but why are you doing it?!?!"
"I miss you Mia"
"Marisa is sweet. But I like you"
"Um Julian no"
"Uh I'm with James"
"Please Mia. I want it to go back to when we were together and James was just your friend"
"Julian, I'm sorry but I love James. I can't just leave him"
"Please!" He begged.
"Where is this coming from?"
"What do you mean?"
"It seems like yesterday you were trying to get James's memory back just for me, letting me be with James instead of you, and then getting together with Marisa. Why don't you like her?"
"I do but sometimes I think about when we were together and I kinda like it better"
"Julian, you know what my answer is. I don't love you. I love James. You are my friend and that's all"
"Okay. I understand"
"I'm sorry but I still love you as a friend"
"Okay..." he left back to his car and left. That was random. Then I realized uh oh he never shut the door did he. I walked out on to the porch and saw James. Oh no.. now he's gonna hate me. I ran up to me and hugged me.
"I love you"
"I said I love you"
"Well I expected you to hate me after what you just saw"
"Why would I hate you? You did nothing wrong. You handled that perfectly. It's Julian who I hate"
"James don't say that"
"I'm gonna kill that guy"
"Stop" he frowned and walked to his car. I ran after him and got in with him.
"Mia I don't think you want to see Julian die so I suggest you leave"
"Don't you dare do anything to him"
"I'm not promising you anything"
"James" it went silent. He drove to Julian's house and got out of the car.
"James come back here!" He didn't answer me.
"James! Stop" he opened his door. Julian walked up and James pulled him out by his hoodie.
"Stop it James!" Was he actually going to do this? Was my boyfriend going to beat up my ex boyfriend?
James slammed him onto the street and got ready.
"James stop it now!" He ignored me once again. His fist tightened and he punched him in the face. I gasped and held me hand over my mouth.
He punched him 3 more times. Julian was bleeding. I ran up to him and tried to help him up. James pushed me away.
"Stop it now!" Julian's neighbors were looking out their windows and doors. He punched him again and beat him up. Julian was laying on the ground. James got ready to punch him again. I grabbed on to his arm. He turned around to me and punched me in the face. His eyes widened and he gasped. I fell into the ground.
"Mia!" He ran up to help me up. I fell unconscious.
"I'm so sorry Mia. Get up!" He shook me and I was still unconscious. 2 police cars showed up. James quickly looked up. He looked at Julian.
"Oh my god did I do this?!?"
He tried to help Julian up but he couldn't. Julian groaned. 
"I didn't realize I'm so sorry!"A police officer walked up to him.
"Ahem. We saw you beat him up and punch her. Come with me now"
he took James and put handcuffs on him.
"Is this really necessary?" James asked.
"Yes. It's called felony assault" they took him away and I didn't know what was going to happen now

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