Chapter 20:

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Guys, I'm sorry for not updating this for a while. My sister, mom, and dad (basically my whole family) have been in Europe for 2 months and I really needed to spend some time with them. So here's this chapter, and I'm going to start updating this at least twice a week. I know other stories update like everyday but I've been really busy since school started like piano lessons, loads of homework, volleyball, visiting my grandma in the hospital, training my dog, it's just a little over whelming so I will try to update this whenever I can now. And sorry if you live in the Eastern time and this is really late that i'm updating this but I live in Oregon so I'm 2 hours earlier. So I might update this at 6:00pm and you guys in the east might get it at 8:00pm sorry. I hope you're not mad for not uploading in like 2 or 3 weeks (I lost count).

** James's POV **

I didn't even realize what I had done until after I did it. I beat Julian up. I assaulted him. I don't know what my punishment is but I know it's going to be bad. The police officer led me to his car. I got in the back seat and sat there with my handcuffs.
"Umm I'm sorry for beating him up. What's my punishment?"
"A year in jail"
"Wait what!"
"No I can't do that! I have a life! Please"
"Sorry man it's against the law"
"Can't I just pay something?"
"I've never done anything like this! What happened to me?"
"Dude it's called love"
How did he know?
"Uh what do you mean?"
"I mean you beat that guy up because he was intruding your girl right?"
"You beat him up because he wanted your girl. You love her so you beat him"
"I guess" we arrived at the prison.
"Wait don't I have to go to court?"
"Nope" they gave me a dark uniform and I had to put it on. The put me in a cell with a dirty toilet, an old mattress, and a small window that was covered up with bars. I couldn't believe it.
"Can I have my phone call?" A strong man put me in handcuffs and led me to the phone. I dialed my mom's number.
"Mom! It's James!"
"Oh hi. Who's phone are you on?"
"Mom I'm in jail"
"Julian was trying to get Mia back and I got really mad. I don't know what got into me. But I beat him up and I have to stay in here for a whole year" I was crying.
"Please get me out of here!"
"I'm coming!"
"Please bring Mia"
"Okay I love you"
"I love you too bye"
"Bye" he brought me back to my cell and I sat on the dirty bed. About 30 minutes later, one of the guards got me and sat me in the booth where I could talk to my mom, Sarah, and Mia. I picked up the phone.
"Hi..." my mom put her hand against the glass. Mia was pacing around in the back and Sarah was standing behind her.
"I still can't believe that my baby's in jail"
"I'm sorry mom... I don't know what got into me"
"Why would you ever beat him up!?!"
She was getting angry now.
"I don't know" I put my hand on my forehead.
"Well James, we don't have the money to get you out of here so you're going to have to stay here and think about what you have done" she stood up and left. What did she just do? This was my mom I was talking to. She would never do that. Sarah grabbed the phone.
"James how did this even happen?"
"I beat Julian up because he kissed Mia"
"Wait what!"
"He came in and kissed Mia and then begged her to be his girlfriend"
"Okay now I get why you beat him up. He deserves that"
"Yeah I know"
"Well I'll let Mia talk to you"
Mia ran up to the glass and stared at me with her big blue eyes.
"I'm going to get you out of here!"
"Mia, you can't. Do you know how much money that will cost?"
"A lot"
"I don't care I'll sell my house I'll work 3 jobs and I'll starve. I just want you out of here!"
"You can't" I stood up and left her. The guard took me back.

** Mia's POV **
It's been a month since James has been in jail. I was going crazy. I haven't seen him in so long. When I come to visit him, he literally does nothing. So I've stopped seeing him. I've been working 2 jobs instead of one. I work at the cafe downtown (which I already worked at) and now I work at the mall. I wasn't even close to the fine I had to pay to get James out. I was so tired I haven't been outside in a couple weeks besides the exception of work. I haven't been watering my plants, I wasn't reading outside anymore, or even walking around. The doorbell rang. SnowyClaw was the door. (I'm going to just call her Kate)
"Hi Mia!"
"What are you doing here?"
"I heard about everything you and James have been through and I heard that James is in jail. Is that true?"
"Yes"I said sadly.
"Well Julian came to my house and I'm he started kissing me and he begged for me back. James saw the whole thing and then he beat him up"
"Oh my god"
"I know. I don't know what happened to him. He changed. The James I know wouldn't hurt anyone"
"That's horrible!"
"I know and he still has 11 months in jail"
"Haven't you gone to see him?"
"Yeah but I stopped because all he does is just sit and stare"
"Aww poor James"
"I miss him so much"
"I'm sorry" she hugged me.
"Let's go outside. It looks like you could use some sunlight"
"Okay" she helped me water the flowers and we sat on my bench swing. We talked for a bit and then things went silent.
"Could we go see James?"
"Sure but he's not going to do anything"
"I don't care" she drove to the prison and I saw a man bring James to us.
James stood in the back while the man talked to us.
"Just so you know. James doesn't ever talk anymore. He just sits and stares in his cell so don't expect him to do anything"
"Okay" James sat down. He didn't even look at us.
"James?" Kate said.
He didn't answer.
"I told you he's not going to say anything"
He started crying. This I haven't seen.
"James?" I cried. He still didn't do anything but cried. He didn't move, didn't talk, only tears would fall down his cheeks.
"James I miss you. I'm working 2 jobs and I'm going to get you out of here!"
"What do you mean no?"
"I love you James"
It went silent.
"Do you love me back?"
"Of course I do" he looked into my eyes.
"I'm in jail because I was protecting you"
"You didn't have to protect me"
"Yes I did. If Julian comes near you ever again. Then I will kill him"
"Don't say that. But I promise that I will get you out"
"You can't do it. It costs like 5000 dollars and my mom won't pitch in. She hasn't even come to see me"
"I'm sorry has Sarah?"
"Well that's good. But I'm already up to 1000 it won't be that much longer"
"I love you Mia" he left. A couple tears fell. Kate and I drove back him and I said goodbye to her and she left.

** James's POV **
They put me back in my cell. I sat. I sat for hours. The guards tried to be nice to me. I didn't ever talk to them. I didn't even look at them.
"James? The other prisoners are making cookies with us. Do you want to join?" I said nothing. I actually liked how they were giving the prisoners that weren't dangerous things to do. The nice prisoners liked me. I haven't talked to them in weeks though.
Everyday Mia would come to see me.
"James? Mia is here again" the guard said. I said nothing.
"So is that a no? I guess it is" he left. I had to be in here for 10 more months. It's been 2 months now. I was miserable. They gave me books and puzzles. But I never did anything with the things they gave me. I sat in my cell all day. Never left or did anything. Time went by. It's now been 4 months. One day, the guard unlocked my cell. I quickly turned my head.
"James we went to court and you don't deserve to be in here. We know your story and we've reduced the fine. You now have to pay 2000 dollars instead of 5000" I didn't smile or talk.
"Do you want us to get Mia?"
"James?" They got her anyways.
I saw her run into my cell and hug me. I still didn't do anything.
"James I payed the fine you can come out now!"
She dragged me out and drove me to her house.
"Are you going to talk? James?" Her eyes watered.
I wasn't talking because I did something horrible. I physically hurt Mia. And it wasn't even an accident. I don't know why I did it. I also hurt my friend. I was a bad man. I'm a criminal. I have a criminal record.
"Please talk to me!" She cried. I just sat in the seat staring ahead. Sarah ran up to me.
"James I didn't know you were out!?!"
"Sarah, he won't talk or do anything"
"He won't do anything! I'm really worried about him"
"Let's get him into your house"
"Okay" we pushed him onto the couch. I called snowy. A few hours later she came.
"So he isn't doing anything?"
"He hasn't even looked at me!"
"I'm sorry I could take a look at him"
"Wait are you a real doctor now?"
"Yep I'm a certified doctor"
"Well I'll take him to my office"
"Okay thank you"

** Kate's POV **

I pulled James into my car and buckled him.
"James? I know you can hear me. Why aren't you doing anything?"
"Kate, I just can't. I physically hurt Mia. I can't live with myself. It wasn't even an accident"
"James she forgives you"
"But I don't forgive myself. I know she wants me to be with her. But after prison, I realized, that this love isn't real. It never has been"
"What are you talking about?"
"It just doesn't seem real anymore. All we do is kiss, go into town, and watch Netflix. A real relationship is exciting every time we see each other but this isn't real"
"Mia loves you James. You don't even know how much she loves you"
"She may love me but I don't think I can love her back anymore"
"Just because you hit her?"
"No. because it doesn't feel real. I don't feel the love anymore"
"Well I guess it's your decision but I wouldn't give this up James. You loved her for how long? 8 years? And now that you finally have her and nothing's wrong, you don't love her anymore?"
"I still love her, but not in a romantic way"
"I see.."
"Please don't tell her. I just want to be alone with her. Can you just drop me off here?"
"It's 5 blocks away...."
"I don't care I'm leaving" he got out of the car and I left.

** Mia's POV **
I saw James walking across the street. I ran up to him.
"James! How was the doctor?"
"Mia, I have something to tell you" aww was he going to tell me he loves me.
He held my hand and brought me to the bench swing outside my house and sat me down.
"Mia, when met you, I fell in love with you that moment. I spent years trying to get you to love me back. And once I finally got you, I was the happiest man in the world. After all that's happened between us, me running away, my amnesia, your coma, the man with the piercings, and now prison, I've realized something"
"Yes?" I was hoping he was going to tell me he loved me. And maybe even kiss me. But I was wrong so very wrong.
"I've realized that I don't love you anymore" a sharp pain went right threw my body. My eyes got watery. Was this a joke?
"I'm sorry but I just don't feel the love anymore"
"What? What did prison do to you?!"
"This isn't prison talking it's me, James. I feel bad but I just don't love you anymore. I'm sorry"
"But James? I love you! What about me?"
"I will always care for you" he kissed me and ran off. My heart was dead. I couldn't believe this. I cried, I bawled, I sobbed, I didn't move from that seat for hours. It was 7:00pm now and I was still sitting there. Still crying. It was starting to get dark so I went to my bed and cried some more. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I loved him and he just dumped me. It was 9:00pm now and I heard a knock. It was Julian. He had a cast around his arm. From James.
"Mia, I heard what happened" I tried to hold in my tears in but I started bawling.
"It's okay come here" he spread his arms out and brought me in forward. I leaned into him and cried on his chest. He was way to tall for me to reach his shoulder. We sat on the couch and I leaned on him crying. He didn't seem to mind. As minutes went by, I noticed he was stroking my hair. I didn't really care right now. I was hurt and I needed this comfort.
"I don't get why!" I cried.
"I guess he just needs a break maybe he'll come back"
"Okay" I snuffed.
"I really did love him"

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