Chapter 23:

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** Mia's POV **It was Vidcon time. We did all the stuff we did last time. It felt exactly the same but with a new love. Julian. While we were shopping, James was walking strangely close. Like right next to me close. I could tell that Julian didn't like it. He was giving me "the look". I was wearing flip flops and I tripped a little. I didn't fall but it was more like a little skip-trip. James held onto my shoulders.

"Are you okay Mia?"
"I'm just checking.." everything I did, James tried to protect or guard me. We were all in the hotel room laughing together and James was hopping from bed to bed. I was sitting with Alyssa, Kate, and Marisa. I was laughing so hard that I fell back in my chair.
"Mia!" James yelled across the room.
"Are you okay!?!"
"Yeah I'm fine"
"Okay I'm just checking"
"Actually can I talk to you outside for a second?"
"Yeah, sure" he followed me out into the other bedroom.
"What's wrong with you?!?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You're like guarding me or something!"
"I'm just making sure you're okay"
"Is this because of the last Vidcon?"
"What? No" he lied.
"James" I intimidated.
"Okay yes"
"Dude! It's been 2 years now!"
"I know but I just don't want anything to happen to you"
"I'm not going in another coma. You have nothing to worry about. I'm safe"
"I know but I just can't help but try to keep you safe. I can't let you get hurt"
"It's sweet that you care, but I'm okay"
"Okay I'm sorry"
"You don't have to be sorry" I walked back into the room. Everybody looked at me. It was silent.
"Where were you and James?" Alyssa asked.
"I needed to talk to him"
"Oh. Is it because he's been obsessed with you lately?" She laughed.
"What? No!"
"Mia calm down I'm just joking" Alyssa laughed.
"I knew that" I went to my own room and laid on the bed. I let out a heavy sigh.
"Something bothering you?" Julian asked as he sat on the end of the bed.
"I'm just confused"
"About what?"
"About who I love"
"It's just that---"
"You love James again?!?" He cut me off.
"I didn't say that I said---"
"If you love him, then why are you dating me?!?"
"Julian! You aren't listening! I'm trying to say---"
"Mia! I thought you've made up your mind about all of this and you chose me! I can't believe you love him again!"
"Julian! Stop interrupting me---"
"Why would you date me when you love James?!?"
"I DON'T LOVE JAMES!!!" I yelled. Julian scooted back a little.
"Calm down Mia"
"I can't calm down! You are making this harder on me!"
"It's pretty simple. Who do you love?"
"I can't answer that"
"Do you love me?"
"I don't know"
"So you love James?"
"Stop yelling, they're going to hear you"
"Don't tell me to stop!" I stormed out. I went past all the other rooms and stood on the balcony. It was pitch black out. It was cold. I folded my arms and looked down at the city. I don't know who I love. The balcony door opened. It was James. He stood next to me. I didn't look at him. It was windy and my scarf was flapping behind me. I felt his hand grab my shoulder.
"Mia.." he sounded sad. "I just want to say, even if you don't love me, I still love you" I didn't say anything. It was silent for about 2 minutes until James said something a little rude.
"So Julian's being a jerk huh?" He laughed.
"No he's not"
"Well we all heard you yelling"
"That doesn't mean he's a jerk!"
"I know but---"
"No, you don't know!"
"Okay I'm sorry"
"You should be sorry! Why are you always jealous of him?!"
"I am not!"
"Uh, yeah you are! You're jealous because he took me back right after...." I paused and thought. Right after I told James I didn't love him, Julian took me back. Aww now I feel bad. Now I see why he's jealous.
"I'm sorry James"
"Why are you sorry? I'm the one who can't accept the fact that my love has found someone else"
"I'm your love?"
"Uh I didn't mean to say that I---" I kissed him on the lips.
"Wha-what was t-that for?"
"I don't like it when you're sad"
"I'm not sad I'm---"
"James, you're sad. But you're trying to hide it. You love me, and I don't know how. Feel about you"
"Okay... so what are you going to do about all of this?"
"I don't know. I'm not going to be with Julian anymore if I do have feelings for you and---"
"Yass!!!" He shouted.
"I'm just happy you won't be dating him anymore"
"What's that supposed to mean?!?"
"I mean I don't like it when you date him"
"Why not!"
"Well it's kinda obvious. I love you"
"James! Stop putting Julian down like that!"
"I'm not putting him down, I'm just saying that I don't particularly like him"
"That's just rude!"
"Julian is a great guy"
"Hehe sure"
"He is!"
"Then why don't you just love him!?!"
"I will!"
"I'll go see him instead of you!"
"Fine! Go kiss him and cuddle with him!"
"I will!"
"Then go!"
"I am!" I left and came into my room. Julian was sitting on the bed talking to Eric. I sat next to him and leaned on him.
"Are you done with your temper tantrum now?" He laughed.
"Shut up!" I shouted.
"Calm down babe"
"Don't call me that!" Everyone looked at me. "Sorry I'm just in a bad mood" James came back in. He sat next to Sarah. He looked so sad. He wasn't jumping from bed to bed, he wasn't laughing or smiling, he was laying on his stomach with his arms folded in front of him.
"Are you okay?" Kate asked him.
"I'm fine" he replied.

** James's POV **

Kate looked at me with worried eyes. I saw something in her eyes that I
remembered from years back.

**m James's POV (as a 6 year old) **

My dad buckled my into my car seat. We were going to the airport to pick up mommy and Sarah from aunt Lisa's house in West Virginia. Daddy and I didn't go so we could have a guys weekend at home. We had so much fun. He taught me how to grill burgers and how to shoot a gun. I fell asleep in the car. It was a long drive. I was drooling. A sudden turn woke me up. It was icy out on the roads and we were sliding off the road. We were flipping over.
"James it'll be okay!"
"Daddy!" I was screaming.
"It's okay James!"
"DADDY!" The car flipped over. It sounds like it took a couple
Minutes but this happened within 10 seconds. The car was upside down. I unbuckled and dropped onto the ceiling (which was now the new floor). I wasn't hurt. I was perfectly fine. The windows were broken and I was small enough to crawl out one. My shoes were missing and my pants were ripped.
"Daddy?" It was silent. The roads were empty and quiet. I walked around the car until I got to the front. Looking through the windshield, I saw daddy. He was bleeding.
"James" he whispered.
"I love you" he muttered.
"Daddy?!?" I didn't hear him breathing. It was completely silent. I didn't understand what was happening. Why wasn't my dad moving? His phone started buzzing. I reached out to it behind the windshield and opened it. It was a flip phone and I didn't know how to work this. After of a few moments of pressing random buttons, it finally stopped buzzing. Phew, it didn't blow up. I stood up and walked around the car once more. I was wearing mittens, a scarf, and a big winter coat. It was blizzardy out. The snow was coming down fast. A car drove slowly past me. I may not have understood what was happening, but I knew I needed some help. I waved my arms and jumped. The car pulled over and a lady and little girl older than me stepped out.
"Are you okay little boy?" The lady asked.
"Daddy!" I shouted and pointed at the crashed car.
"Your daddy's in there?"
"Does he need some help?"
"Okay we'll see what we can do"
She kneeled down and gasped. The girl who I assumed to be her daughter, knelt down to see why she had gasped. The girl covered her mouth.
"Mommy! He's---"
"I know, I know, now shush" she stood back up and dusted off her knees.
"Little boy?"
"What is you name?"
"Okay James, do you have a mommy?"
"Do you know her phone number?"
"Oh okay, that's okay" she pulled her daughter to her and whispered something in her ear. The girl then came to me and walked me over to the edge of the road.
"I'm Katlyn. It's a pleasure to meet you" she held her hand out for me to shake it. I shook her hand and stayed silent. I knew there was something wrong.
"Why isn't my daddy trying to get out?"
"He can't"
"Why not? Is he stuck?"
"No he's just not in the mood"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I mean he doesn't want to"
"Yes he does! Daddy would get out if I asked him but he's not getting out now! What's wrong?!?"
"He isn't ever going to talk to you again"
"What do you mean?"
"James, I don't know how to tell you this but you dad, he's" she looked at me.
"He's what?"
"He's dead" my heart split in to two.
"I'm sorry" I bawled. She hugged me. Her long strawberry blonde hair was getting in my face. I ran to her mom.
"Daddy!!!!" I cried.
"I'm sorry he can't talk right now"
"He's dead!!!"
"Katlyn! Why would you tell him that?!?"
"Well he deserves to know" the lady picked me up and talked on my dads phone. I was crying in her shoulder. I didn't care who she was. She was nice and the only person I had right now.
"Hello? Who is this?" The lady said.
"I'm Lisa. Who's talking? This isn't your phone"my aunt answered.
"I know but the owner of this phone has been in a car crash and I'm here with his son"
"Where is his wife?" The conversation went on until the lady put me in her car.
"What about daddy!?!"
"I'm sorry but there is nothing we can do" I cried even more. We finally got to the airport like we were supposed to but I was with the wrong people. I was supposed to be with my dad not these strangers. The lady carried me through the airport and kept asking if anyone looked familiar. I kept saying no, no, no. Because I wasn't even looking.
Sarah was standing next to my mom with their luggage waiting for daddy and I.
"Mommy isn't that James? With that lady?"
"Yes it is!" They ran up to us.
"Why do you have my son!?!"
"Where's daddy?" Sarah immediately asked. The lady set me down and I hugged my moms leg and cried.
"James what's wrong?"
"Daddy's gone!"
"There was a car crash and I'm sorry but your husband died" we all cried and that was the last time I ever saw the lady and her daughter.

** James's POV (in the present) **

"Katlyn!" I yelled.
"What? Wait.. did you just call me Katlyn?"
"That's your name right?"
"Yeah.. why are you asking?"
"You were that girl!"
"Yes James, I'm a girl"
"No you were that one girl when my dad---"
"Why are you talking about dad?" Sarah chirped in.
"Kate! Do you remember a little boy who got in a car crash?"
"Yeah? Wait! Oh my god!"
"That was me!" Everybody was confused at this point. Even Sarah.
"What are you talking about?" Marisa asked.
"Well when I was 6 my dad and I were driving to the airport to get Sarah and my mom and it was during a blizzard. We spun off the road and I was unharmed but my dad sadly wasn't. I remember it perfectly. He called me over and he told me that he loved me. I didn't understand what was happening. I was only 6. A car pulled over and it was this lady and her daughter. They helped me. But the girl was Kate. She told me that my dad was dead. Then we got to the airport and I never saw them again"
"Wow" Eric said.
"That's a sad story"
"I know I always think about that day but I never knew that girl was you!" It went silent again. There was nothing to talk about.
"Well I'm gonna go watch a movie if anyone wants to join me" Sarah announced. Eric followed her into the other room. We were all in Mia's room right now, bored out of our minds.

** Sarah's POV **

I pulled back the covers and got in the bed. Eric laid next to me. We watched the fault in our stars. He was sitting up and I was laying down. He read the book but never saw the movie. I was mostly just cuddled up to Eric closing my eyes. He was actually watching the movie and all throughout the movie, he stroked my hair. I could fall asleep but I didn't. At the end, he looked at me.
"Did you even watch the movie?" He asked.
"Then what have you been doing this whole time?"
"Thinking.." I smiled.
"About what?"
"I don't know" I was actually thinking about him and I. Together. I thought of us in the future. He got closer to me.
"Are you tired?" He asked.
"I guess. Are you?"
"Then go to sleep" I told him.
"But I don't want to leave"
"You don't have to" I started kissing him.

** Eric POV **

She started making out with me. She ruffled her fingers through my hair. I hated kissing in glasses so I took mine off. We finally stopped. I was too tired.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm just really tired" I said.
"You can go to sleep if you want"

** Sarah's POV **

Within 5 minutes, he was out like a light. He was snoring softly. He was drooling too. I kissed his forehead and cuddled him close. Then I fell asleep.
"Sarah!" I woke up by James shaking me. It was the middle of the night.
"Remember the rule?" he smiled.
"Ugh..." I groaned.
"Do you!?!"
"We can't share any beds"I announced.
"That's right! And we'll look who we have here. It's Eric! Sleeping in your bed!"
"He's just sleeping"
"Yeah but you are sharing a bed"
"Ugh. Eric!"
"Huh?" He sat up. "Oh ew. Drool" he wiped his mouth with his sleeve and put his glasses on. "Oh hey James" James was sitting on his bed taking off his socks.
"Oh hey Eric. Get out"
"Okay, okay" Eric left.
"Wow James. I was having a good dream"
"I don't care"
"You know last time you shared a bed with Mia"
"But that was before the rule was made"
"Ugh. You're so lucky"
"I'm lucky? No, no, no, no. You're the one with a boyfriend, your the one who mom actually likes, and you're the one that has a good job!" He seemed angry. I didn't think of that. Mom doesn't talk to him anymore because of what he did. He was put in jail for assaulting  someone. And I do have a better job than him. I work as a nanny for 2 families. It pays some good money. And I have someone who loves me. Ugh now I'm starting to pity him.
"James" I thought about my dad. I don't remember him at all. Does James?
"Do you remember dad?"
"Well duh"
"Do you?"
"Not really. I remember what he looks like but I don't know what he sounds like and I don't have any memories of him"
"I'm sorry"
"Was he nice?" I asked.
"He was the best dad ever. We had a special bond. Everyday he'd take me to the diner and I'd watch him flip patties for hours. And I could never go to sleep unless he tucked me in"
"That's nice" I commented.
"You really don't remember?"
"I wish I did"
"I'm sorry"
"It's okay goodnight"
"Goodnight" he turned out the lights and we went to bed.

** James's POV **

"James! I don't love you!"
"Why not?"
"Because I just don't!"
"Please Mia"
"No! Just accept the fact that I don't feel that way about you anymore!"
"I can't I love you too much"
"Well unless you accept reality, then I don't want to see you anymore!" She left.
I suddenly woke up.
"James?" I opened my eyes to Mia hovering over me with worried eyes.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
"Yeah why?"
"You're crying"
"What!" I rubbed my eyes.
"What were you dreaming about?"
"Uhh well I was dreaming about you"
"Okay then umm"
"You said you didn't love me"
"Oh I'm sorry. I do love you but not in that way. Well actually I don't know"
"Wait what!"
"Okay forget that last part"
"Are you starting to miss me?" I smiled.
"Okay yes! I miss you but I don't---"
"Yay!!!!" I sat up. I was surprised. Mia was sitting on my waist. I didn't even notice before.
"James don't go spreading this around. I don't want Julian to hear okay?"
"Alright" she got up and left back into her room. We already went to Vidcon.
We were going home tomorrow. We went walking around town with Clark and Cami. It was a fun day.

** Mia's POV **

We were all tired. It was a long day sightseeing, shopping, and wandering around California. We all decided to go swimming. I wore a dark blue bikini with white flowers on it. I was the last one out. I guess we weren't going swimming because they were all in the hot tub laughing.
"Hey guys" I sat in the hot tub. I was across from James who was sitting in between Eric and Kate. I sat in between Alyssa and Julian. We told stories and jokes. I couldn't help but stare at James the whole time. He was wearing black swim trunks and no shirt. Which was what I stared at. I didn't look at his face just his chest. I finally snapped out of it and noticed that James was staring at me. He was staring at my chest. I frowned at him and sank deeper into the water. Only my neck and up was dry.
"Mia? Is there a reason why your practically fully in the water?" Julian asked.
"Uh I don't know" I sat back up. James smiled and moved his eyebrows up and down. I couldn't help but giggle.
"What's so funny?" Marisa asked.
"Oh I don't know"I stopped laughing. I started staring at James again. This time, I was staring into his eyes and he was staring into mine.
"So Mia, how bout you?"
"What?" I snapped out of day dreaming.
"When do you think you'll stop AnimalJam?"
"Oh I don't know probably soon though. I haven't been uploading lately and I think a lot of us are growing out of it" everyone agreed. We talked for a while until I finally looked at James again. His eyes were closing for a few seconds and then open quickly. Nobody seemed to notice that James was practically falling asleep. His eyes closed and didn't open. He started to lean forward. His face fell in the hot water.
"James!" I quickly swam over and lifted his face out of the water. He was coughing.
"What the heck dude!"
He coughed out some water.
"Whoops" he laughed.
"You scared me!" I pushed him back and sat back down in my spot. Everyone looked at me.
"What? You can't say that didn't worry you!"
"It really didn't" Julian said. I gave him the death stare. We all got out and James walked up to me as I was drying off.
"So hotty, I saw you staring at me"
"Don't call me that" I wrapped the towel around myself.
"Okay fine. But I did see you checking me out. Admit it!"
"Okay yes I was looking at you I never said that you weren't attractive. And you looking at me too! What was that all about!?!"
"Well I just called you hotty so I think that explains it"
"Wow okay I'm going to bed now" I started to head towards the hotel with everyone else. As I was walking to my room, James grabbed my hand and pulled me into his room.
"What do you want?" I set my towel on the desk.
"I know I've said this but I want you, and don't tell me that you don't want me" I thought about it for a couple minutes. I did really miss James. I mean I really really miss him. I looked down. James lifted my chin up and looked into my eyes.
"You don't have to be afraid to say that you love me" I didn't say anything. We just stared at each other in silence. My hands quickly pulled his head towards mine and we made out.

Contains inappropriate parts I will tell you should read again.

** James's POV **

Yes. She finally gave in. Our lips moved in harmony together. She gripped on to my back and I snaked my arms around her waist. As we kissed, she opened her mouth to let my tongue enter. I brushed back her hair and pulled her closer to my chest. She kissed me by my ear and I felt tingly inside. She pulled me onto the bed and she laid on me while I was kissing her. I put my hand over her bikini top. She caressed my body as I grabbed her head and brought it closer to mine. It was getting hot in here. Or was it just us.

** Mia's POV **

His body was warm. No it was hot, burning hot. We made out some more. It was pretty intense.

"Should I be doing this?" I asked.

"Doing what?"

"Should I be with you?" I said unsure of myself.

"You don't have to. But I would" He told me and smiled.

"Well of course you'd want me to" I smiled back at him. He got up from under me and moved me down on the bed. He got on top of me and whispered in my ear.

"I love you Mia" This brought happiness to my heart. Knowing that someone loves me is just great. His head got closer to mine and I kissed his neck. We made out some more and then he stopped.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Someone's coming!" He told me. I hid behind the bed and stayed silent. He quickly got dressed and pretended to be asleep. Kate and Alyssa walked in.
"James!" they shook him. He yawned.

"Have you seen Mia?" they asked.

"Uh no.."

"Okay, sorry to wake you bye!" they left.

"Okay Mia, you can come out"I got out from under the bed. "Can you get my clothes from my room?"

** James's POV **

I walked out and opened Mia's door. Everybody was in there eating snacks and laughing together.
"Oh there you are!" Sarah cheered.
"Uh I just need to umm be right back" I ran back into my room.
"Mia! Everybody's in there! What do I do?"
"My suitcase is in the bathroom just sneak back there and get my pajamas"
"Okay" I ran back into Mia's room and backed against the wall. I was standing there for at least 5 minutes until I finally had my chance. I snuck to her bathroom and grabbed her pajamas from the suitcase.
"I'll be right back guys" I ran back to my room.  "Phew!" Mia got out from under the covers and I looked at her up and down.
"Stop looking at me you pervert!"
"Sorry you're just too beautiful" I smiled. She got into her pajamas and we went to Mia's room.

Okay it's clear. To sum it up they're together again.

"Mia, I think I'm going to bed I'm tired"
"I'm tired too can I stay with you until they leave my room?"
"Of course!" We went back to my room and we got under the covers. She got close and I wrapped my arms around her. She laid her head on my chest and we cuddled.
"You never said it Mia"
"Said what?"
"You never told me you loved me"
"I love you James" I smiled.
"That's better!" We finally fell asleep for about half an hour until Sarah woke me up.
"Hey James!"
"Do you remember the rule?"
"Oh my god Sarah! Come on! It's our last night and---"
"Why are you guys even snuggling? Isn't she with Julian still?"
"She was. And then she chose me"
"Wow you stole her"
"No I didn't! He stole her from me!"
"Actually... if you think back like 3 years ago, she was with Julian first"
"Well still"
"Well still" she mocked me. "Make her leave"
"Ugh" I turned to see Mia's face. Her head was tilted back and her mouth was slightly open. I kissed her cheek and sat up.
Whaa?" She groaned.
"You have to leave I'm sorry"
"I don't care about the stupid rule. I'm not getting up"
"Mia, you have to"
"No. I'm not leaving. I'm too tired"
"Well you heard her Sarah, she's not leaving" I grinned.
"Mia I'm sorry but it's the rule"
"Shut up" Mia mumbled.
"Excuse me?"
"Wait who am I talking to?" Mia opened her eyes to see that she was talking to Sarah.
"Oh I meant shut up and go away"
"Excuse me? Ugh fine only because I think you guys are cute together" Sarah turned off the lights and got in her own bed.

** Sarah's POV **

I got in my bed and laid there. It was pitch black. I heard them making out.
"Shut up" I said out loud.
"Sorry" James laughed.

I woke up. We had to go home today. I packed my clothes. This was my last Vidcon wasn't it? I make videos 2 or 3 times a month. Same with the rest of us. I think we've outgrown AnimalJam and YouTube. This was the last Vidcon we were going to be at. That's actually pretty sad. I loved making videos and I haven't made a video in like a few weeks.

** Julian's POV **

I woke up and looked over. Eric was already up and he was brushing his teeth.

"Hey umm I think there's something you should know about" He told me.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh well nevermind. It's not for me to tell sorry"

I was confused at this point. I tried to forget about it. I got dressed, combed my hair, brushed my teeth, and did all the boy stuff that boys do in the morning. I walked out into the hallway to a extremely bright sun shining in my face. I blocked it with my hand and knocked on Mia's door. I heard a "Come In" so I did. I opened the door and looked around.

"Hey Kate, you have any idea where Mia is?" she looked guilty and turned around.

"I don't think you want to know..."

"Yes I do! Is she okay?"

Oh yes, she's fine" she claimed while brushing her hair.

"Then where is she? Is she---"

"Julian, it's not where she is that's going to bother you, it's who she's with" I knew exactly who she was talking about. James. Why does he always have to ruin my relationships?!?

Finally! sorry for not updating in like a month I know I've said it a million times but I feel horrible about it. So what do you guys think Julian is going to do? Comment your guess below!

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