Chapter 25: Going to the pool? Maybe not...

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Well I guess I'm updating 2 times today. I've just had nothing to do this weekend. Oh and expect more updates this week because I don't have schoool at all this whole week! Most schools do but for some reason I don't. And don't expect me to update this on Thanksgiving I'll be having a lot of company. So hope you like this one it's a cliff hanger! **Wink Wink**

** James's POV **

I felt a tug around my waist and woke up. Julian was in the room. He pulled Mia away from me and started kissing her. She didn't even realize it. I sat up with my mouth dropped open.

"Julian!?!" she yelled. I still couldn't believe this. I totally forgot about Julian. Why did I have to let her stay here all night? I'm so stupid. Mia left and I looked at Julian. He looked so mad.

"Please Julian, I'm sorry. I just---" I tried to apologize.

"Shut up! Come wit me now" he demanded. He grabbed my arm and he walked me out to the lobby.

"Uh Julian where are you taking me?" I asked. He didn't say anything he kept walking until we got outside. We finally stopped at a bench. He motioned me to sit. I'm a little scared.

"So, let's talk about Mia" He announced.

"What about Mia?"

  "I know she loves you and I just----" He interrupted himself with a sigh. I kinda feel bad now. No matter what e does, Mia will always love me. Poor Julian. They were so happy together before I came along. I looked at Julian. His hands were covering his face. I stood up and patted him on te back.

"I'm sorry Julian. I know you really love her. Before I came, you guys were perfect together. I'm sorry I ruined that for you.I know how it feels"

"How would you know?"

"Well you already know but, I always had a crush on Mia since the day we met and then when she started dating you, I felt like all my dreams were crushed. Then, finally, she gave me a chance to show her how much I love her. And I did. Then again, she started dating you. My heart shriveled up and died. And now I have her back. But that is how you feel, and it sucks doesn't it"

"Yeah it does"

"Don't worry Julian, you'll find someone"

"I know but I have no idea who. I'm already 20 and I don't even have a girlfriend"

"What about Marissa?" I asked.

"She's not the one for me"

"Oh. Well we should probably get going back to Mia"

"I can't, I don't want to face her"

"Julian, you gotta tell her how you feel"

"Okay fine" 

"I'm going to stay here" I told him.

"Okay" Julian left and I stayed on the bench and sighed.

** Mia's POV **

I looked in everybody's rooms and asked them all if they had seen Julian or James. All of them said the same thing. No. I went back to my room and paced back and forth. Marissa came in.

"Hey Mia can we talk to you?" She asked.

"What do you mean We?" I asked.

"I mean all of us" Marissa stepped forward and in came Kate, Alyssa, Sarah, and Eric came in.

"What do you guys want?" 

"We want to settle all of this right now" Alyssa stated.

"I don't get what you mean" I said.

"What we're trying to say is who do you want?!? Do you want Julian or James?" Sarah said. I sighed. Why did they have to get into this? This wasn't their business at all but I know who I want.

"I want James" I said out loud. Everyone's eyes widened.

"Told you Marissa, give me 5 bucks" Kate laughed. Marissa sighed.

"Dang it! I was sure it would be Julian" Marissa took out a 5 dollar bill and handed it to Kate. 

"You guys were betting on it?" I laughed.

"We all did" Eric said while giving Sarah 5 bucks. I looked and saw Alyssa getting five bucks from Marissa.

"What the heck" I sat on my bed. It all went silent. Then Julian came in and stared at me.

"Julian! Where's James?!?!" 

"I don't know but can I please talk to you?" he looked sincere and sad. It reminded me of a sad puppy. I couldn't say no.

"Fine" I agreed. I left everyone and followed him out to his room.

"I'm sorry Julian but I like James"

"I know. And I'm perfectly fine with that. I know you love him and I just want you to be happy"

"Really? Then why were you so mad?"

"I was mad because you went and dated me when you knew loved him"

"I know I'm sorry I really do feel bad and I am sorry"

"It's okay Mia, I'll find someone" He smiled at me and I smiled back at him. We walked back out and everybody looked at us.

"So where's James?" I asked.

"He's on the bench outside the hotel"

"Kay thanks" I ran out the room, down to the lobby, and out the door.

** Eric's POV **

We all saw Mia run out to see James.

"She really does love him" Marissa said. We all nodded. I whispered into Sarah's ear

"Want to go to my room?"

"Sure" I held on to her hand and we walked out. Instead, we decided to go swimming. Just me and her. She was wearing a white bikini and I wore blue swimming trunks. We went out and saw James and Mia making out on a bench. We walked by quietly so we wouldn't disturb them. Then we set our towels out on the chairs. I ran and did a cannonball. The water splashed her.

"Eric! You got me wet!"

"Well this is a swimming pool. Aren't you going to get in?" I asked.

"I will" she put her feet in.

"Ugh. I meant IN the pool"

"It's too cold and I don't want to get my hair wet" I groaned. I swam under water and grabbed her feet from under her.

"Eric!" She screamed. I pulled her in the water. I opened my eyes under the water. Bubbles were everywhere and Sarah was swimming up to the top. I followed her. I gasped for air.

"Eric! Never do that again!"

"Okay geez I just wanted to have fun with you"

"Well I was going to go in if you would just let me take my time"

"Okay sorry" 

"Well now that I'm in, how bout we swim together"

"Alright" We swam together and played volley ball. She won. Then the clouds covered up the sun. It started to get cold so we went to the hot tub. She leaned on me as I brushed her hair behind her ear. It was silent, too silent.

"You okay?" I asked her.


"Okay you just seem quiet"

"I'm just bored"

"Oh" I saw Mia and James coming towards us. I think they're going swimming too.

"Would you want Mia and James to swim with us?"

"I don't care"

"Well it looks like they are coming"

"Okay" Mia was walking really weird. James was holding onto her shoulders. I squinted so I could see better. Mia just fell flat on the ground.

"Sarah I think there's something wrong with Mia!"

"What?" Sarah sat up and got out. We grabbed out towels and ran to them.

** James's POV ** 

Mia came up to me on the bench.

"Oh hey" I said.


"Did you and Julian talk?"

"Yeah he's fine with us and he's happy for me"

"That's good"


"I missed judged Julian, he's not that bad"

"See, he's a great guy" I looked at Mia.

"Well not as great as you" she played with her hair. I stared at her. "What?" she asked.

"You're just such a beautiful person" She blushed. I leaned closer to her. I put my arm on her shoulder and she slowly came towards me. Our lips crashed together. Her hands grabbed on to my face and I snaked my arms around her waist. 

** Mia's POV **

He wrapped his arms around me and I pulled him closer. I might of pulled him to hard. He slammed into me hard.

"I see you're liking this" He said while continuing to kiss.

"Mhm" I grabbed onto his shirt collar. I heard little footsteps behind us. I opened my eyes and it was Eric and Sarah walking to the pool. I continued to kiss him but I looked around and just realized. We were in a public place. For anybody that walks by this must be awkward. James was still kissing me when I put my hand on his chest signaling him to stop. He stopped and looked around.

"Want to go swimming?" I suggested.

"Sure!" We went back to our rooms and got into our swim suits. I wore my navy blue bikini with white flowers. I was putting my hair into a ponytail when Kate came up to me.

"So Mia, what are you going to be doing when you get back?"

"Well I don't know maybe James could live with me!"

"Calm down Mia you guys just got back together"

"I know but wouldn't that be great. Just me and him, living together. What if we get married! And then have kids and they have kids and we'll be grandparents!!!" 

"Mia, number one, you're 20 years old, number 2, I know for a fact he's not ready for that, and number 3, your smile looks like the Cheshire cat so stop that" My giant grin ended and my fantasy went away.

"Hehe sorry. I just got a little carried away" I grabbed my towel and headed towards the door. I put my hand on the handle and was about to open it but right before I turned it, James slammed it open and slammed me into the wall. While I was falling onto the carpet, the door knob hit me in the middle of the forehead. 

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I did not see you there!" He quickly ran to me and held my hand. 

"It's okay it did't hurt much" I say as I'm trying to regain my balence.

"Mia you're crossed-eyed and can't even circulate right"

"No no no, I'm fine" The world is spinning.

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm" I started to walk normally with out holding my hands out in front me. 

"Are you sure you're sure?"

"Yeah I'm just a little dizzy that's all" I assured him. He raised his eyebrow.

"You know it's not good to be cross-eyed for that long.."

"James, I'm fine"

"Okay then" We walked out of the hotel and towards the pool. James held onto my shoulders while I walked.

"I don't think you should be swimming like this.."

"Again James, I'm fine" But that's when everything just had to wrong.


Comment what you think will happen!

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