Chapter 26:

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Yay! I've updated this story 3 days in a row now! Or 4 I don't remember but I'm still proud. Jut don't get used to it because I have all of this week off so that's why I've been updaing constantly. You should expect me to update maybe twice a week maybe sometimes 3 times. Anyways, here you go!

** James's POV **

I held onto Mia's shoulders while she walked.

"You know I'm okay right?" she told me.

"I don't know about that.."

"What do you mean?"

"Well your eyes are still crossed. I don't think that should be happening"

"That'll go away. Just give it some time"

"Can you even see?"

"Well not really. But I can see my nose and 2 of you! And, and!---" She got all excited.

"Calm down how bout we stop for a second" I suggested.

"Why? We're almost to the pool" She questioned.

"Well you can't really see that well so I think that it would be----" I stopped and looked at Mia. She was holding her hand up to her head and bending down.


She didn't answer me.I bent down next to her and looked at her. Her eyes were still cross-eyed.

"Mia, are you okay?"

"I'm getting dizzy again"

"Are you going to be okay?"

"I think so. Maybe we should go back to the hotel"

"Yeah that's a good idea"I agreed. She got up and we started walking back to the hotel. She took a couple steps and then fell backwards.

"Mia!" She laid there, flat on the concrete. I shook her. I saw Eric and Sarah running over in their swim suits.

"What happened?!?" Sarah asked. Eric bent down and tried getting her up while I explained what happened.

"It's a long story but to some it all up I hit her in the middle of her forehead with a door knob and then her eyes went cross-eyed and she was dizzy. She said she was okay so we were going to go swimming. Her eyes were still cross-eyed and I knew this was a bad idea .Then she got dizzy again and we decided to back. While we were walking, this happened" I explained as I pointed to Mia.

"Just because you hit her head with a door knob?" Sarah questioned.

"Well it more like in between her eyebrows kinda right before the nose"

"Wow" Eric got back up.

"Should we call someone?" Sarah suggested.

"Nah I think she's going to be okay let's just get her back to the hotel" I told them. I picked Mia up and we went back to the hotel. I finally got to my room and I set her on the bed.  Kate came in.

"Is she okay?" She asked.

"I don't know. She got dizzy and now this happened" Kate walked over to Mia and felt her head. Oh yeah I forgot she was a doctor. Kate opened Mia's eyelids.

"Still cross-eyed" She noted.

"Okay she's just light headed"

"Oh phew!" I was relieved. "What about her eyes?"

"That'll go away in maybe a few weeks"


"Yep!"  Kate left. I sat next Mia. I stroked her hair and smiled. Then Julian came in.

"Mia!?!" He came rushing in.

"Julian it's okay she just fainted" I told him.

"Oh" he slowed down and looked at Mia.

"So you did this?" He asked.

"Well I didn't mean to!" I was getting worked up.

"It's okay dude. I know you would never purposefully do this" he said. "So when do you think she'll wake up?" 

"Oh I don't know anytime" I said

"Okay I'm gonna go now" he declared. Then he left. I laid next to Mia under the covers and fell asleep. 

** Mia's POV ** 

I woke up next to James. He was asleep. I felt fine but there was still something wrong. I looked at James and there were 2 of him. My eyes were still crossed and I didn't know what to do. I sat up.

"James" I shook him. he groaned.

"Ugh what do you want?"

"I'm confused. What's wrong with my eyes?"

"Huh?" he opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Oh Mia! I forgot! Are you okay?" he sat up and hugged me.

"Yeah I feel fine"

"Thank god!"

"Ummm James"


"My eyes.." I pointed at my eyes

"Oh yeah they might be like that for a few weeks or so"


"Yeah but it's time to go back home today"

"James! I can't stay like this for that long!"

"Oh... Well let's pack" he suggested. What was he thinking? I can't live my life with my eyes like this! I need to see Kate. I walked slowly down the hall and into my room.

"Hey Kate can you help me?"

"What do you need?" She turned around and looked at my eyes. "Oh. Umm I don't know how to get them undone. I'm not an eye doctor"

"Ugh" I started packing up my stuff. After about 30 minutes of talking with Alyssa and Kate, it was time to go. We took a bus to the airport. I felt like a weirdo. Often, people kept glancing a look at my eyes. I looked down. James turned to me.

"Mia, what's wrong?" he whispered.

"People keep looking at me. I'm embarrassed"

"Mia, you don't know these people. you're never going to see them again. It doesn't matter soon you'll be home"

"Okay...." We got off the bus and on to the plane. Hours, and hours went by. 

** Eric's POV **

We were all on the plane. It was 1:32 AM and I was talking to James and Mia while everyone was asleep. 

"So how's Sarah?" Mia asked me.

"Oh she's awesome but I think our relationship is kinda slowing down I guess.."

"Aw I'm s---" Mia yawned. "Sorry"

"You wanna go to sleep?" James quietly asked Mia. She nodded and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You want me to talk to Sarah for you?" James asked me.

"Ooh sure" I was actually relieved that James was so nice to me that he would talk to Sarah for me. It was better than when he always gave me the death stare. I decided it was time to go to bed because when I turned back to James and he was fast asleep. 

** Mia's POV **

"Good morning everyone! We will be starting our decent in 5 minutes so everyone get buckled" The flight attendant announced. We all sat up, tired, exhausted, and hungry. It was 6:28 AM. Ugh. We started to land. 

"Thank you for choosing American Airlines. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!" We all stood up and walked off the plane. We went through security and went to get our luggage. A little girl was standing with her mother. The little girl was staring at me. I know why she was staring at me. The little girl tapped her mom's leg.

"Mommy look at that lady's eyes" She said it quietly but I could still hear her.

"Sweetie! Don't say that!" The mom told her. She looked at me

"I'm so sorry" she whispered then she grabbed her daughter's hand walked away.

"Hey, don't let that get to you" ''James told me. I sighed. We said goodbye to everyone and got into James's car. He drove me home and walked me to my porch.

"Are you going to be alright on your own?" he asked.

"I think so" I kissed him on the cheek and shut the door.

** Sarah's POV **

Eric and I went over to his apartment and turned on the TV. 

"You want some spaghetti?" he asked me.

"Sure" He made me spaghetti and meatballs.

"I didn't know you knew how to cook"

"Of course I do" he smiled and handed me the bowl. We started watching The boy in the striped pajamas and next thing I know it, I'm asleep. I had a horrible dream.

** DREAM **

I ran for my life. Running, running, running. I didn't know why I was running but I knew I had to run. Run from something... I ran though the streets of New York (In this Fan-fiction, they live in New York but I'm pretty sure they live in Connecticut) I ran past cars, taxis, bus stops, and office buildings. I didn't just run, I sprinted. No matter how tired I got, I kept running. Suddenly, I stopped in front of a house. It was a smallish pale blue house with a cute garden in the front yard. It was a two story building and it looked pretty fun to live there. It had a tire swing  tied to a big oak tree that stood in front. I looked behind me. There was nothing there. I guess I wasn't being chased. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door. A little boy answered. 

"Yay!" he shouted before I could even say anything and then he came out and hugged me.

"Um okay.." I had no idea who this boy was but he seemed to know me.

"Sissy!" he screamed. A little girl came up and gasped. She too, hugged me.

"Umm are your parents home?"


"Oh where are they?" I asked.

"Work"they replied.

"Is there anyone watching you?"

"You are!" they cheered.

"I don't know you guys or your parents" I told them.

"Uh yeah you do" They argued.

"Who are they?"

"We'll let you figure that out" They giggled. "Come on in Eric's in here"

"What?" I followed them in the house and looked around for any pictures of their parents or anyone that I know. But I didn't see anything on the walls. Literally, all the walls were empty. I came into the living room and saw Eric.

"Eric! What are you doing here?"

"I'm just visiting some relatives" he told me. 

"Okay.... Can we go now?"

"Well their parents work at the diner downtown and won't be back till 8 PM" he told me.

"Well it doesn't matter I need to get out of here I don't know what's going on"

"Then leave" He said. Instantly I was brought out of the house and onto the street. It was dark out and I didn't know where I was.

"Eric?" I called. Then I felt it again. I felt like I had to run. I felt like I was being, chased. I ran for my life.

"Eric! Help me!" I ran, ran, and ran. Fog came out and covered the ground. I couldn't see where I was going but I still kept running. I wasn't in the city anymore. I was in the forest. I dodged the trees but I couldn't dodge what I couldn't see. I tripped over a tree stump and fell onto the ground. I was sweating and I curled up into a ball. Something was after me. I could feel it. I heard footsteps coming for me. Getting closer and closer.

Haha Cliff hanger. I love doing that The next update will be tomorrow. Wat do you think is chasing Sarah? Put it in the comments and when I reach 4k readers, I will be doing a thing where you guys can ask me questions. A lot of writers do this so I will too!

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