Chapter 27: Bad Dreams and Surprises

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Thank you all for your support. I was reading what you guys said about my apology and my eyes got watery. I love all my readers. Thank you!
I think a lot of you are gonna like this chapter

BTW this chapter is going to switch POV'S a lot so be ready.

** Mia's POV **

I woke up. Time to start the day cross-eyes and alone. I got out of bed and went downstairs. I got a muffin out of the pantry and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV and just thought for a moment. I live alone. I don't have any pets. During my childhood, I always had pets around. Maybe I need to get a cat. No a dog.. I haven't had a dog since I was 9. She was a beagle named Abby (One of the most common dog names). She was awesome but I don't want a beagle. Hmm what do I want? And would I want a boy or a girl? Ugh too many decisions!

** James's POV **

I feel really bad for Mia. She can barely see and I just left her alone. I had to make it up to her. I don't know how though. I hate it when she's alone. Maybe I'll go get her some chicken Alfredo, her favorite. I drove to the store and and walked in. I got the Alfredo, checked it out, and started to leave. As I was leaving, I noticed a box by the door. I peeked  in and saw a little puppy. Aw it was so adorable! The sign said "Free Mastiff Puppies!" I picked it up and held it. It was a boy and he was so cute. The greatest idea popped in my head. Who cares about the Alfredo, I'll get her a puppy! I took him with me and drove to the pet store. I got him, a bed, some toys, food and a food and water bowl. What would I name him? Hmmm....

** This is what he looks like **

** Eric's POV **

Sarah fell asleep while we were watching movies. She looked so peaceful and so beautiful. I started to doze off myself but then Sarah started squirming. I looked at her. She reminded me of a baby because she was kicking and moving around. I think she was having a bad dream. I shook her.

"Sarah. Wake up!" She wouldn't do anything. Why wasn't she waking up? I got up and got a fruit snack out of the pantry.

"Eric! Help me!" I ran to her but she was still sleeping. Sarah's face looked as if she were scared. That scared me. What was she dreaming about?

** Sarah's POV **

** DREAM **

The foot steps got closer and closer. I slowly got up and ran then I bumped into a wall. I looked around and I wasn't in the forest anymore. I was in  small room. There was a lump in the corner. Like a heap of laundry. I walked over to it and lifted the blue blanket off of it to see that it was Eric.

"Eric?" I shook him but it was no use. He was dead. I gasped and back. Eric?!?! He can't be dead! I started bawling and then I suddenly woke up.

"ERIC!?!" I shouted. Eric was actually sitting next to me. He was already awake. I hugged him. I was crying.

"S-Sarah, ar-are you okay?" I didn't say anything I just kept hugging.

"I love you Eric"

"Uh I-I love you too"

I wiped my tears. He isn't dead and he won't be. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"Well you died" I snuffled.

"Oh. Well you don't have to worry I'm right here" I held her close. She smiled.

** James's POV **

"Baxter! Don't eat my Jordans!" I ran to get my shoes away from the little pup. It's been a week since I've had Baxter and I haven't given him to Mia yet. I want him to be trained before I give him to her. I got Baxter on a leash an took him for a walk. He isn't good with leashes. He kept biting the leash and rolling around with it. Let me just say I love having Baxter around. He's so funny. I decided to go see Dustin. I haven't seen him in a while. He works at Fred Meyers (Can't you just totally see Bruizer working there?) I ran into him and we did a fist bump.
"Hey dude what are you doing here?"he asked.
"I want to show you something important" I exclaimed.
"Can't it wait?"
"No I can't leave it in the car for long" I told him. Dustin sighed and he followed me out to my car. As soon as I opened the door, Dustin's eyes widened as the puppy jumped on him.
"Oh my god is this your puppy?!?"
"Yeah his name's Baxter. I got him for Mia but he's kinda growing on me"
"Well he's adorable!" He said while holding Baxter.
"Yeah well I gotta go now say bye to the puppy" I smirked.
"Bye puppy" he joked. I left and drove back to my apartment.
"Baxter! What are doing to the couch!" I ran and picked up the puppy before he could bite the couch.

** Mia's POV **

I went to the pet store that afternoon and looked at al the puppies. They were all so cute. But I decided to get a dachshund. ( Weiner Dog )

** This is what she looks like **

I named her Piper. (Btw guys I couldn't think of any other names besides Piper and I actually have a Weiner dog that kinda looks like this named Piper so I guess she's named after my dog)

She was a piece of work the first day. Then she kind of mellowed out. But now it was time to show James. I put Piper on a leash and drove to James's apartment. I knocked on the door leaving Piper in my car.

"Just a second!" he yelled.

"James it's Mia, I need to show you something"

"Can it wait a second?" He answered. I heard a lot of thumping and running around in there.

"No it can't. Is something wrong in there?"

"Uh no"

"James" I intimidated.

"Don't come in!"

"I'm coming in!" I burst open the door to see his apartment destroyed. He was sitting on the ground with a blanket covering something behind his back. "What happened in here?!?" I asked.

"Well Ummm...." The blanket he was hiding behind his back squirmed.

"What's that?!!"

"Uhhh" The blanket started to move and I ran up and tore the blanket off. I gasped. It was an adorable puppy!

"Oh my god it's adorable!" The puppy trampled me and gave lots of puppy licks.

"Surprise.." He said.

"Wait... you got me a puppy!??"

"Yeah do you like him? His name's Baxter!"

"James I have to show you something right now"

"Alright" He followed me to my car and I showed him Piper. "Where did that thing come from?" he was shocked.

"Well I was tired of being alone so I got myself a puppy! But I guess you had the same idea"

"You know Mia, if we are both tired of being alone, why don't we live together?" I felt my heart fluttering inside.

"You want us to move in together?"

"Only if you want to" He assured. I did want to I really did but I don't think we were ready for it. I mean wait... We've been dating for like 4 years now (Counting the coma, jail, and the massive breakup) And we haven't lived together yet?

"I'd love to!" I kissed him. He looked surprised. His eyes popped out of his head when I kissed him. But then after a few seconds he kissed me back. The dogs were barking next to us but we kept on kissing. We went back to his apartment and fixed it up from Baxter destroying the place. "So we're going to live at my place right?" I asked.

"Sure. Whatever. It's way better then my apartment" After a few days of him unpacking we were finally settled.

** There you guys go! I will finish the story. I promise. It is coming to an end and I will miss doing this but I stopped playing animal jam a while ago and it just got really boring for me. I'm older now and I still would love to write but I'm doing softball, finishing up piano, and than I'm going to have a constant babysitting job in September through February.m. I think there will be a few more chapters left in this book. I'm sorry I took such a long break but if you read my apology then you would understand.

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