Chapter 4: The silence

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**Mia's (POV)**

I woke up leaning my head on James's shoulder. His head was leaning on my head. I slowly got up not to wake James up. Once I had moved I carefully set his head down so he wouldn't wake up. I paced around thinking of what happened last night remembering that I was with Julian. That's when Sarah came upstairs.
"You guys are so cute together" she said with a giggle.
"No we are not! What happened last night was just us being friends"
"Sure friends dance together and fall asleep with each other" she was still laughing.
"Well I don't love him one bit! I am with Julian and he can't change that" I stormed out mad thinking "was Sarah trying to get and James and I to like each other?" I started making pancakes when James came downstairs yawning.
"Good morning" he spoke.
"Hi" I said sounding kind of rude.
"Is there something wrong or something?" He sounded so innocent.
"James!" I yelled. I don't know why but I just got really mad at him. He didn't do anything wrong. He can't like me I knew he didn't. Sarah is trying to bring us together.
"Mia calm down I'm just asking if everything is alright"
"I am with Julian! We will never be a thing. James I don't like you at all so tell Sarah to stop trying to get us together because it will never happen! You are not my type you aren't romantic in any way you aren't smart and unlike Julian you don't care about other people's feelings. There are so many things wrong with you that I could never ever like you!" I was yelling at him. Most of these things weren't even true. He was very romantic and he did care about other people. He was smart ( not as smart as Julian).
After I had said the things I said I regretted it immediately. I slowly turned around and looked at him. He was crying. God! I made him cry. I Don't even remember what I said and I knew it was horrible.
"Okay.." He snuffled. Then he left out the door. Sarah came downstairs with her mouth dropped open.
"Why would you say that?!?!" She shouted.
"I don't know I don't even know what I said"
"Well I think I'm leaving too" she stated. She left and I was all alone.

**James's (POV)**

I walked back to my house crying. I couldn't believe she said those things. It's hard to believe that she was actually my friend. I went to my room and slammed the door. I sat on my bed and cried. It was very girly but I couldn't help it. Sarah came in and ran up to me.

"James! She said she didn't mean those things!"
"Forget it call it off I'm done trying to get someone that will never love me back"
"No James! Forgive her!"
"Why would I ever forgive her for this?!" I was shouting now.
"She didn't mean it!"
"Just go away!" I screamed. She looked sad but she left me alone. I lost all my hope it was truly gone forever. Now I don't even think I love her. That's when I got a text from Julian.
Text message:
Julian: you danced with her? And you guys fell asleep together!
Me: she asked me to dance and she fell asleep on me
Julian: doubt it just stay away from my girl!
Me: don't worry I will I don't ever want to talk to her again
Julian: great!
End of text message:
I heard the doorbell ring. Ugh it was Mia. My mom let her in. I curled myself in a ball under the covers I was going to completely ignore her. She knocked my door. I didn't say anything. So she came in.
"James? Her eyes were watery.
"Those thing I said. They weren't true I don't know what was going on in my head"
I sniffled.
"I am so sorry!" She sat on my bed next to me. I was still under the covers. But she started rubbing my back. I couldn't stop loving her. I loved the way she spoke. I loved the way her makeup brought out her blue eyes. And I loved the way she looked at me with her innocent face. She was so pure she was filled with light. But now I thought about what she had said to me. And all those feelings hid from me. I didn't say anything to her. I didn't even know what to say. She got up and left me alone.
The next week she did a live stream with Julian. I watched it. They were mostly just doing giveaways. But then the crowds around her kept asking about me. I haven't uploaded anything for a while. She told them that I'm just taking a little break. But then Julian said quietly.
"Yeah I would take a LONG break if you said that to me"
The fans were going wild and asking what she said to me. I really didn't want her to tell but she did.
"Guys I just said some hurtful things to him that I didn't mean and it's been like a week since I've seen him but he will come back"
She ended the live stream. And then I opened my window to get some fresh air. I looked at Mia's house next door. Julian's car was there. Then I went to the other side it my room and looked out that window her window was open too. It showed her bedroom. I looked closely and it was her and Julian. MAKING OUT!

**Mia's (POV)**
He started kissing me. I wasn't in the mood again. I tried pushing him away but he kept kissing. I couldn't stop him so I just let him lead the way. He took off his shirt but I didn't. He took it off for me. Now I was a little in the mood. He unhooked my bra. We you know..... After we were done I noticed the window was open. I looked through to James's window and I saw him with a disgusted look on his face. I gasped and ran to my closet.
"What wrong babe?" Julian wondered.
"The window was open! James saw us!" I got clothes on and went over to his house and knocked on the door. Julian was with me. Sarah let us in and we ran upstairs. I barged into James's room with Julian behind me.
"James please don't tell anyone!" I pleaded.
"I won't why would I tell anyone your dirty little secret when gave me the worst pain I have ever felt. This is the worst pain I have ever felt Mia. You really hurt me that morning!"
"Look, you can tell but then that would ruin Mia's life and my life!" Julian explained.
"And I don't think you would want to do that"
Oh no I was getting angry again. Just like when I yelled at James. I don't know what this was but I start telling at him again.
"James! You better not tell anyone about this! I will never talk to you again if you tell! I wouldn't even care if you ever talk to me again because I don't even care about you James! I could even say I hate you!" I don't even know why I said that. None of it was true what was happening to me. I looked at James and I felt his pain. He started to cry like last time but this time it wasn't just a few tears.
"Mia?!?!" Julian yelled at me.
"What was that?" Why would you say that to him?" Julian bent down to James and apologized for my actions. Then we left.

** Julian's (POV)**
After we left James's house I asked Mia why she said that.

"Why would you say that?!?!?" I asked.

"I don't know! I just don't know! She was getting worked up. She got read and put her hands on her forehead.

"He will never forgive me for this Julian! This is going to ruin our friendship!"

"I'm sorry Mia but maybe this was for the best"

"What? How could this be a good thing?

"Maybe James did have a crush on you"

"No he doesn't. He would never have a crush on me! ever! He is my best friend and I want it to stay like that but now he will never forgive me and we will never be friends again!"

She went to her bedroom and sat on her bed. Some tears came down her cheeks.

"Mia maybe he just needs a little break. Just give him some time and he will get through whatever he is going through"

She calmed down a little bit more and wiped her tears. I wrapped my arms around her and put my hand on her head. She layed in my lap sniffling.

"It'll be ok" I said to calm her down. "Just give it some time"

**Sarah's (POV)**

I walked into James's room and saw him crying under his covers. I came up to him and tried to cheer him up. He had lost all of his hope and Mia was to blame. I just didn't understand why Mia would ever say those things to him. I thought they were perfect for each other but I guess not. I couldn't even imagine how James felt right now. I looked at the little ball of blankets and told him.

"James I don't think Mia meant those things"

"Then why would she say them?"

"I don't know but I know she didn't mean them"


"I don't know. I just do"

"Go away please" I left him alone and told my mom the whole story her mouth dropped.

"Well I don't think he should forgive her at all!" She declared.


"It seems to me that Mia loves Julian and not James"

"I guess... but"

"No buts. Let James decide"

**Mia's (POV)**

After 2 weeks of wondering what James is up to I decide to knock on his door.

Sarah answers.

"Oh hi Mia"

"Hi is James home?"

"Yeah he is under his covers crying STILL" She seemed a little mad at me.

"Okay thank you" I walked upstairs thinking of what I should say until I reached his door. I slowly came in and looked around I didn't see him. But then I saw a little ball of blankets on his bed. I walked over.

"James?" I said trying to unravel his face in all the blankets. He didn't say anything but I kept unraveling the blankets. I finally saw a little fluff of his hair. I twirled his hair around my finger like I usually do.

"I'm really sorry. I don't know why I said those things. I really didn't mean them" He didn't say anything so I removed all of the blankets until he was all revealed. He was wearing neon basketball shorts and no shirt. He didn't bother to look at me with his big green blue eyes. They were turned the other way. I turned his head towards me and I finally saw his face. He looked horrible. There were bags under his eyes and his eyes were all red. His stomach was empty I could tell.

"Have you eaten?" I asked in a worried voice.

He mumbled but I barely heard what he was saying his voice sounded different. He was so sad.

"No" I barely even heard. His voice went out and I was worried about him he hasn't eaten, I doubt he has slept, and he can barely talk.

"James I'm worried about you" He turned around and kicked me off his bed. I landed on the floor.

"Hey!" I yelped. He didn't care he just covered himself with blankets once again. I wasn't getting anywhere with him so I went to talk to Sarah. I came into her room and she was doing a live stream.

"Hi can I be in the live stream with you?" I asked politely.

"Sure I guess.." She replied.

"Hey guys it's Wisteriamoon here" I didn't sound that excited. I didn't even make the moon sound loud. All the comments read: Where is Aparri? Did Aparri die? Did he forgive you?

"Guys I said some really mean stuff to Aparri and he won't forgive me" I was confessing to all my fans.

"I said I will never love him and I hate him which I don't really mean I don't know why I said that. But I don't blame him, he shouldn't forgive me. I said some way worse things too"

Some comments were asking if Julian was apart of this.

"Julian wasn't apart of this he was actually sticking up for Aparri I feel horrible guys he hasn't eaten or slept and he can barely talk. I tried talking to him and all he said was "No" and his voice was weak. If you are watching this James I really am sorry I would do anything to get my best friend back"

**James's (POV)**

In fact I was watching. I watched the whole thing. Then in the video I heard her crying and I couldn't help but cry myself too. I heard footsteps running towards my room. The live stream ended and I went back to my bed. Mia barged in my door. She was crying and her eyes looked beautiful. Her tears brought out the blue color in her eyes just like mine. I tried to talk, but I couldn't. I lost my voice. She couldn't tell that I was trying to talk. She came up and hugged me. I didn't hug her back. I wasn't forgiving her. Then I looked down at her crying. Her tears ran down my chest. And I started bawling. I couldn't resist her. I hugged her back. As I did she smiled and I smiled too. She looked up at me with her bright blue eyes.

"James?" She spoke so innocently I loved the way she talked. I saw Sarah in the doorway recording this. I tried to yell but nothing came out. Just a little squeak. Mia heard the little squeak.

"Aw you lost your voice. She comforted me massaging my back as she hugged me. It felt good but I pushed her away. I pointed at Sarah. Mia gasped.

"Sarah! Why are you recording this?!?!" Sarah ran and Mia chased after her. I was alone again. But I wanted to be with Mia still. Then I thought about all the things she had said to me and I didn't want to see her. She came back in the room. I frowned at her.

"What's wrong?" I tried to tell her but I still couldn't. I pushed her away and shut the door.

A whole month had passed and hadn't seen her. She still came over but Sarah always kept her away from me when she came. My voice was back but I never used it. I hadn't talked in a couple weeks and my mom is thinking about bringing me to a doctor. There is nothing wrong with me I just don't choose to talk. Well... maybe there is something wrong.


I was sitting in Sarah's room. We were talking about Animal Jam. But I kept looking out the hall and at James's door. Sarah began to notice.

"We think he's depressed" She said out of no where. "He never ever talks. We haven't heard him in weeks. My mom forces him to eat"

"That's horrible!"

"Yeah my mom is going to take him to a doctor soon"

"Do you guys check on him often?"

"Yeah my mom goes in like ever hour. She is taking some time off work" I hear footsteps I'm hoping it's James but it's not. It's their mom. She opens his door and screams. I immediately run over there to see the window open and James is gone!

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