Chapter 5: The reality check

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** James's(POV)**
I climbed out the window and jumped off the roof. I landed on my side and it hurt. I got up and I ran. I don't know where to but I just ran forward and didn't stop. I brought all of my money with me and a small bag of clothes. I could have driven but my mom would have heard me leave. It was 6:00 now and I went to get something to eat. I stopped at plaid pantry and got some beef jerky and water. I ran after I ate it and I finally came across a forest. It was getting dark so I didn't even take one step in it. I found an empty ally way and found a huge box there. I couldn't believe I was doing this but I set my blanket in the box and slept there. I woke up and went to town. In a shop window there were television sets. The news was on. It showed a picture of my face.
"Animal jam YouTube star Aparri or James has been missing for a whole day now" a lady said into the camera. I put my hood on. So nobody would recognize me. The it showed Mia on the screen. She was crying.
"Here is Mia or animal jam YouTube star Wisteriamoon his best friend  here to talk about what happened" she looked so sad. I felt really bad but things were better his way.
"We were in a huge fight and we stopped talking. Then he became depressed and didn't eat or sleep or talk. And now he is gone and I'm so worried!" She left the camera and was bawling. I saw Sarah in the back also crying. I went back to the box I had slept in and grabbed my stuff. I put on another jacket because it was so freezing. I could see my breathe. I had to get out of here I had to leave this city. I went down to the subway and rode it for hours. I finally got off at a random stop. I didn't know where I was but I was going to stay.

** Mia's (POV)**
I walked everywhere in town asking everyone I could find if they had seen him. Everyone said no. Then after I had searched the whole town hours later. I went down to the subway. I was showing all the people fliers and nobody said anything until some guy came up to me and told me he'd seen him.
"Yeah that guy rode the train for hours and got off at a random stop" he told me.
"Okay thank you"
I rode the subway and I finally got off in Julian's city. James might have came here. I walked to Julian's house. And knocked on the door. He answered and smiled.
"Hey Mia why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
"This isn't a visit Julian. Have you seen James anywhere?"
"Oh no why?" I guess Julian doesn't watch the news so I told him everything the depression how he went missing and the guy at the subway.
"Mia I am so sorry" he hugged me and I pushed him off.
"I'm not in the mood I have to find James" I ran out the door leaving Julian.

** Marisa's (POV)** AKA Lilac petal
I saw on the news that Aparri had gone missing. I was devastated. I always had a crush on Aparri. We had many dates together. They were so romantic. That was before I moved away. We used to go to school together. We dated our freshman year and then we had to break up after I moved. Then I moved back and we never really spoke again. He isn't in any of my classes so I guess he doesn't like me. I called Wisteriamoon asking her about everything. She told me everything. I drove out to see her so we could look for him together. But on my way there I saw an animal jam sweatshirt. I got out of my car and ran through the snow. I chased after him and grabbed him. I turned him around and it was James.  I gasped. He had a black eye and looked horrible.
"James? Why are you all beat up?"
"Some guys beat me up and stole all of my money" he mumbled.
"Come with me" I told him.
"No! My mom will be so mad and she will make me go to a support group or something! And then I will have to see Mia!"
"Fine I won't take you home just come to my house I will have a place for you to stay" I wanted to take him back to his house but I wanted him to like me. I wanted to take him all for myself but I knew I would have to give him up sometime. I drove him to my apartment and layer him on the couch I gave him food. He thanked me. We sat there not talking. It was very awkward. Finally James said something.
"So how did you just randomly come out to that town and get me?"
"Well I was on my way to help Wisteria find you and then I saw you. She told me everything and I was devastated. And I really miss you"
He turned to me. And told me something he had never told anyone.
"When Mia and I met, I had a huge crush on her. I always wanted her to be mine. And then I missed my chance. Julian had taken her. And when all seemed hopeless I met you. You saved me from a future that was never going to happen. But when you moved away I didn't know what to do. After about two months of getting over you I fell back in love with Mia and forgot about you. I'm sorry. And when you moved back I never even talked to you. I really liked you Marisa. And now I see that maybe we can have a future. Mia and I will never be together she told me a million times. So do you still like me?"
I was so glad to hear this I got so excited that I kissed him. He was so good at kissing. His lips were so sweet. We both blushed. I liked where this was going. We were laughing all evening. His jokes made me laugh so hard that I would snort.
"That is so cute. You sound like a little pig!" He told me brushing my hair around my ears. I looked into his blue eyes and told him that I loved him.
"Marisa I love you too" he kissed me. I layed in his arms while we watched movies. It was 2:00am and I was getting tired.
"Umm I only have one bedroom in my apartment. But you can sleep on the couch I'm going to go to bed" I started walking to my room when he called me over.
"Marisa wait! Would you think it would be alright if I slept with you in your bed?"
My face got red and I didn't know what to say.
"Sure but no playing" I told him.
"Oh I wouldn't don't worry" he came with me to my bedroom and I changed into my pajamas. I just wore fuzzy pants and a T shirt. He took his shirt off and I got red again. He was so cute I didn't even know he had abs. I gave him a pillow and he got we got in bed. He cuddled me. And then we fell asleep. I woke up with an Aparri clinging to my back. I smiled and got out of bed. I shook him to wake him up but nothing happened I yelled his name like a million times but he still just sat there sleeping. Or was he I thought. I tore off the covers and put my ear to his chest. There was a heartbeat so I guess he is just hard to wake up. I went into the kitchen and turned on the tv on the news was telling about the disappearance of James. I turned it off and felt guilty. James came in scratching his head.
"Oh there you are!" He said while yawning.
"Why wouldn't you wake up?"
"Oh well this is kinda weird but you have to put your finger in my ear. It's the only way I will wake up"
"Aww that's cute"
"Not as cute as you snorting when you laugh!" He started tickling me.
"Stop it!" I was laughing and snorting.
"See that's adorable!"
"Stop it James!"
"I can't take you seriously when you are laughing"
"Stop it!" I pushed him away and was breathing heavily.
"Are you okay?" He asked politely.
"Yeah I just need to breathe" I hugged him and grabbed 2 plates. I gave him a pancake.
Months had gone bye now I was so caught up in being with him that I forgot about bringing him back. Today was the day. I was going to bring him home. Despite the shame I will feel when I tell someone this, I have to. For James. He came in the kitchen.
"Hey guess what"
"What?" I asked hoping he won't say he want to take me out on another date.
"You, me, tonight I'm going to bring you somewhere awesome!"
"Okay!" I cheerfully said. But I really didn't want him to.

** James's (POV)**
It was 6:00pm now and I came in to her room I was wearing a tuxedo and she was on the phone with snowyclaw.
"Oh sorry I have to go on a date"
"With who?" Snowy asked.
"Not telling bye!" She hung up and walked over to me.
My mouth dropped. She was beautiful. She was wearing a very dark red dress, a diamond necklace, and shoes to match.
"What?" She asked.
"You look beautiful" She blushed.
"Thank you" I held out my hand and she took it. We walked out to her car and I drove her to a fancy restaurant.
"Here we are!"
I walked her in. I wasn't worried if people would recognize me because we were in a whole different city. We sat down and ordered.
"I have to go use the ladies room real quick" she said getting up.

** Marisa's POV for a short little moment **
I walked to the bathroom and stated fixing my hair. There was a girl next to me and I knew who she was. It was Mia. I froze and turned the other way.
"Are you on a date too?" She asked not knowing that it was me.
"Uhh yeah" I responded.
"Wait a second I know that voice!" She whispered. She turned to me and looked at me.
"Lilac!!!" She hugged me and then looked confused.
"Wait you're on a date? With who?"
"Uh some guy from school" technically I wasn't lying James does go to my school.
"Oh well I'm obviously here with Julian" we talked for a bit and then left. I ran over to James and told him he looked and saw her. He turned around so she wouldn't see him. We ran out of the restaurant.
"Okay maybe we will go somewhere else to eat"he said.

**Mia's short tiny little POV  **

When lilac left I looked away but then looked at her date. He was turned around so I couldn't see him then they ran out together. Wait a second I knew that little fluff of hair. I remembered when James fell asleep and I played with his hair. THAT WAS JAMES!!!

** James's POV **
We ran to her car and I drove her to our next stop. A big forest. It was actually the one that I almost went in when I was running away. It was dark out. And we kept walking.
"James I'm scared can we go home I don't like walking in dark forests!"
I put my arm around her and kept walking. We were finally there. It was a meadow. We sat down in the grass and she seemed scared so I told her to close her eyes. I scooped her up and placed her in my lap.
"James!" She giggled. She was still closing her eyes.
"Remember when you told me that you've never really seen a bunch of stars in one place?"
"Yeah" she mumbled.
"Well open your eyes"
She opened her eyes and gasped. She stood up in astonishment gazing at the stars. I stood up with her and wrapped my arms around her.
"This is so cool!"
The moon was full and I was happy. She seemed so excited. We layed down in the grass and looked at the stars. A shooting star passed by.
"Make a wish" I said with a smirk.  She closed her eyes for a few seconds and then opened then again. I loved her hazel green eyes the shimmered in the moonlight.
"What did you wish for?"
"I can't tell you or it won't come true. We layed there for hours talking. Until she wanted to go back home. Actually I was really tired so she offered to drive home.

** Marisa's POV **
I was driving back to the apartment so he thought. I was really driving him back to his house. We couldn't stay like this. But maybe there was another way to get him back without anyone knowing that I had him. I heard snoring. I looked over and James was sleeping. His head was tilted back and he was drooling. Aww he was so cute. I had a plan. I went to my house real quick and got some pills. I couldn't believe I was doing this. He woke up. And we came inside.
"Hey baby you know you're really hot" I told him.
"Thanks your pretty too"
"No I mean your face is really warm"
"Maybe you should take these" he took them and he dropped to the floor. I felt so bad I started crying. I changed him into a T shirt and shorts. This may or may not work. I drove out to the path Mia walks on everyday and placed him there I made sure he looked dirty and then I hit him in the back of his head really hard with a rock. I was crying so much. He was still unconscious. But it was either I keep him forever and we can never go out places or he doesn't remember anything and things go back to normal. I could just confess but I would probably be put in jail. At least I would only be feeling the pain of our love being destroyed. I ran away.

Hey guys! This plot is getting really unrealistic but hey! This isn't real so why not!?!?

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