Chapter 7: Finally a chance

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** James's POV**
My mom and sister came in the morning to see me. Sarah told me that I was going back home today. I still didn't remember anything but I was well enough. I slowly got out of bed and got dressed. My mom put my arm around my shoulder and we drove home. I stepped into the house that I felt I have never seen before. Sarah led me to my room. And I heard a knock on the door. Sarah left to go see who it was and I stayed in my room. I heard the door squeak open. There was a mans voice coming from downstairs. Maybe this was my dad I thought. I haven't met him. I listened closely.
"Hello I am officer Jackson and we found out where your son has been for 3 months". Uh oh I don't think they were supposed know about that blonde girl. I walked downstairs.
"Hello James" he said to me.
"It seems to me like you know where you were too" Sarah looked at me.
"You have known where you were?" She asked.
"Well that blonde girl told me yesterday in the hospital and it don't think she wanted other people to know" the officer looked at me and I felt guilty of not telling. But I did make a promise.
"Well what happened was Marisa found James and wanted to take him home so he would be okay but he begged her not to and then they started going out on dates and they seemed very fond of each other but then one night, she knocked him out and hit his head with a rock and now he can't remember and that is a crime" the policeman added.
"It didn't sound like she wanted to hurt him and she was just trying to help but she kept him for 3 months" I sighed. Sarah was still looking at me. Later, we saw on the news that she was being arrested only for a few months though. I felt bad. Then that pretty girl came in. I remembered what Sarah said to do. She came to my room and smiled.
"Hi!" I said cheerfully.
"Well someone's happy today" she said. I got up and stood in front of her. I didn't know what to say.
"Did you hear what happened to Marisa?" I asked.
"Yeah she deserves to be in jail for what she did"
"Well I think it was sweet of her. And she shouldn't be in jail"
"What she practically kidnapped you!"
"Well you weren't there"
"You don't even remember any of it!"
I sat on my bed. And it all went silent. I waited for an answer.
"Maybe we should talk about something else"
"Okay what about?" She politely asked.
"Well I want to learn more about you it seems to me that we were really close"
"We were. You and I were best friends. I miss you James"
"I'm right here you know"
"Yeah but I miss the real you"
"Why don't you teach me how to be the real James" I thought about what I had just said and wanted to take it back. I wanted to be the romantic James and if I got my memory back she would love me.
"That's a good idea. Hmm... Maybe you could watch some of our videos!"
"We have videos?"
"Yeah we play a game called animal jam and we make YouTube videos and we are practically famous! But you haven't made any videos in like 6 months"
"That's cool" we watched a Q and A video and in the middle of the video Mia said something really mean. She told the fans that we would never be together. Through the rest of the video I sat closer to Mia waiting if she would do anything.
"Your voice is so beautiful" I told her.
** Mia's POV**
I don't know why he said that. It was very flattering though. After we were done watching our videos, we went out to go get something to eat. We got in my car and drove around town.
"What do you want to eat James?"
"I don't care whatever you want"
We went to Red Robin and we sat down.
"So.." He responded. He was smiling. I smiled back.
"You look amazing in scarves"
"Thanks" why was he complimenting me so much? The waitress came and I gasped.
"Oh hi Mia"
"I didn't know you worked here!"
"Yeah. Oh! Hi James! I thought you were Julian"
"Umm hi?"
"What's wrong?"
"Umm well snowy I don't know if you were told but James is suffering from amnesia"
"Oh! I'm sorry I'm snowy I am a YouTube friend. I make videos too"
"Okay" snowy whispered in my ear.
"Are you guys on a date?"
"What? No! We are just getting food!
"Aww you guys would be so cute together!"
"No we wouldn't!" That's when I looked at James and he was looking down at his menu. His blue eyes were so bright, his hair fluff brought joy to me, and I loved his smile. I guess snowy saw me staring at him because she smiled.
"Yes you would. Now what will you guys have?"
"I'll have a bacon cheeseburger" he announced.
"I guess I will have one too"
"Okay I will be back"
I looked into his eyes and he smiles at me.
"So Mia, I thought after this we could go see a movie". Was this a date to him? Was he trying to be like this? I wanted to say no but I immediately said yes for some reason.
"Awesome! What movie do you want to see?"
"Umm I guess we could go see suicide squad"
"I have no idea what that is but as long as you're happy" he smiled gently and I smiled back. After we ate we went to the movies. It got dark in the theater. The movie started. When it was almost done I looked over and James was about to fall asleep. His eyes kept closing and then opening. Then they stuck closed. The movie finished. It was really good I put my finger in James's ear and he woke up.
"Why did you put your finger in my ear?"
"It's the only way to wake you up"
We left the theater and it was dark outside. We walked together through the park. We sat on a bench at the duck pond. He sat closer and held my hand. I didn't know what to do. He was HOLDING MY HAND. I got red and started shifting myself uncomfortably. He looked into my eyes.
"Mia you are so beautiful. I umm well I I I have always l l liked y you" he was stuttering! And what? He has ALWAYS liked me? He just met me yesterday!
"James you just met me yesterday"
"When you first came into the hospital I got this warm tingling feeling and when I told Sarah, she told me that I have always had a huge crush on you"
I didn't know what to say I freaking out. Was this true? Has he always liked me? Julian always thought so. Wait! Julian! I have a boyfriend.
"James I have a boyfriend"
"Yes his name is Julian"
"Oh..." He looked so disappointed. He had just confessed his love for me and I just told him no. I am a jerk! Well maybe I could give him a chance. But when he does get his memory this won't matter. IF he gets his memory back.
"Okay James I will go on what date with you but it might not work out" he jumped up and cheered.
I still just sat there. He drove me home and left. I went to bed and had the weirdest dream.
I was sitting on a bench swing watching a sunset. I felt something warm next to me. I turned and it was James. I looked to the other side and there was Julian. I got up but there was no ground beneath me. I was about to fall. I hang on to the swing. Julian reached out to save me. He started to slip so he pulled back and stayed put. That's when James's hand grabbed mine. He grabbed both my arms and pulled. He was starting to slip but he kept trying to help bye finally got me up and I hugged him. Then he kissed me and I woke up.
It was 9:00am. I got ready and while I was eating breakfast I heard the doorbell ring. It was Sarah.
"Hey Mia James told me that you are giving him a chance! Is that true?"
"Yes it is he has this whole day to impress me. So he has liked me this whole time?"
"Yeah it's really sad how you never noticed"
"Oh.. Well now he has his chance"
"Okay bye"
"Bye" she left. And 2 hours later James knocked. He already texted earlier saying that I needed to wear something warm. I answered the door and saw him standing there. He was so cute. Wait I can't be thinking that!
"You look beautiful"
"Thank you. So where are we going?"
"Follow me" we walked into town (which is only like 4 blocks from outer neighborhood) and he held my hand. It was very cold outside. It had been snowing for a few months now. And there was little snowflakes all in his hair. I brushed them out.
"Here we are!" I looked up and it was the ice rink.
"Sarah told me to come here"
When we got on the ice he stuck to the wall. It was just like last time. But then when he saw me skate away he followed. He was about to reach for my arms when he fell onto the ice face first. It looked really bad but he got up anyway and grabbed onto my arms. He had a bloody nose so we went to get napkins. When the bleeding stopped we went back out to the rink. Oh no. A slow dance song came on. The couples were dancing. And James was holding out his hand for me to take. I took his hand he twirled me around. He brought me closer and we slow danced. I put my hands on his shoulders and he put his hands around my waist. He was so romantic. We looked into each other's eyes and we danced and danced and danced. I rested my head on his shoulder and he stroked my hair. After, we went out to eat. I chose red robin again forgetting that snowy was working there. And of course snowy was our waitress. She came and smiled.
"Well well well look who we have here"
"Oh my god I forgot you worked here!"
"So are you guys on a date this time?"
I blushed.
"Actually this time we are" she looked surprised.
"Oh wow I didn't expect that" she took our order and then left. James made me laugh and I was laughing so hard I was crying. We ate and then we walked to the park. We sat on the same bench by the duck pond and he turned to me.
"Mia I had a really fun time with you today and I want to do it again sometime"I didn't look at him.
"I had fun too" he turned my head and kissed me. I blushed. This was crazy I'm kissing my best friend. He drove me home and I texted him that night.
Me: We can have a second date
James: Yay!!!!!

Wait a second... I have a boyfriend! I can't just ditch Julian. I can't just tell James no now. This is going to be harder than I thought.....

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