Chapter 8: Just be happy

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**Mia's POV**

I woke up the next morning and went to James's house. Of course Sarah answered. He was in his room looking through his youtube channel.

"I didn't know I was so famous" he claimed

"Yeah, you're even more famous than me"

"You're famous too?"

"Yep! I actually, I haven't made a video since you went missing. Maybe we could do one together"

"Okay but I don't know how"

"That's okay" We went to my house and I set my mic and recorder. We decided to do a live stream. I clicked the record button.

"Hey guys it's Wisteriamoon here and I'm sorry I haven't made a video in like 4 months but I've been really busy. So I'm looking at the comments and you are all asking about Aparri. Well you guys are in luck because I have Aparri sitting next to me. Say hi"

"Hi people"

"Guys so Aparri won't be making any videos any time soon but now we will be doing a Q and A video so get some questions" I read the questions in my head Where was Aparri when he was missing? Is Aparri hurt? Is Aparri okay? When will Aparri be making videos again? Why can't Aparri make videos right now? Why have you been busy? I saw on the news that Lilacpetal got arrested but it didn't really explain why do you know?

"I will be answering all of your questions so Aparri is okay. He is hurt and he is suffering from amnesia so that is why he will not be making videos for a while. We don't know when he will recover and we don't know if this is permanent or temporary. I have been busy because I have been looking for Aparri and I was way too worried to be making videos sorry. I see that a lot of you are asking about Lilacpetal. So I do know why she got arrested but i'm not going to give lots of information on it. I don't think she or Aparri would like that. Lilac is only going to be in jail for 3 months" I saw another Lilac question: Why wouldn't Aparri like it? does she have something to do with his disappearance?

"Well actually Lilac did have something to do with Aparri going missing. You see he stayed over at her place and she wanted to take him back so he could be healthy and she was only trying to help so that is all the information I am going to give" I saw tons of questions saying could Aparri talk now?

"Hi people umm... It's James here"

"No you don't say your name you say Aparri because that is your username"

"Oh sorry Hi it's Aparri" The comments were flooded with APARRI!!!!!!!!!

"Wow I am famous!"

"I told you" We finally ended the live stream after almost and hour of answering questions.

**Sarah's POV**

James came back from Mia's and hugged him. I have hugged him every time I saw him. I felt horrible. My big brother didn't even remember who I was, he was, and everyone else. I cried almost everyday thinking if James would ever get his memory back. But at least he is going on a second date with Mia. Wait a second..... This James has only known Mia for 6 days now. This James barely even knows who she is. Why did I tell him that he liked her? This was a mistake. Mia shouldn't be dating this James. And why was Mia giving this James a chance and not the real James one?
"She said she would go on  second date"
"James I don't think you should"
"Because she isn't with the real you"
"But you told me that I always loved her isn't this helping"
"Actually no it's not, this isn't the real you and she needs to be with the real you. I'm going to bed" I layed on my bed and texted Mia.
Text message:
Me. Why are you going on a second date with him?
Mia. Because I had fun last night

Me. But it's not the real him

Mia. I guess... But
Me. But what?
Mia. He was so romantic
Me. The real him is romantic too but you never gave him a chance
Mia. I guess your right fine, I won't go out with him
Me. Good and if he gets his memory back please don't tell him about you and him
Mia. I won't it would be weird telling him that we kissed
Me. YOU KISSED?!?!?!??
Mia. Yeah
Me. Wow was he really that romantic?
Mia. Yes!
Me. Well good for you but don't let him have a chance with because it's not actually him
Mia. Okay good night
Me. Good night

**Jame's POV**

I was getting ready for my second date with Mia when she came early.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you something"


"We can't be together, I'm sorry"

"What? why not?"

"This isn't the real you. I can't be with you and then when you get your memory it'll all be like a dream"

"But Mia.."

"No I'm sorry" she left and I was disappointed. Sarah came into my room.

"I'm sorry but I had to tell her and knock some sense into her"

"You mean you're the one who told her not to go out with me?"

"Yes, I'm sorry but it was the right thing to do" I was mad. So mad that I pushed her out of my room and slammed the door. So what this wasn't the real me. Mia had fun the other night. Sarah came back in. I pushed her against the wall and started yelling at her. Then I kicked her out. She fell on the ground and I slammed my door once again. My mom came up.

"James! Get out here this instant!" I slowly opened the door.

"Why did you do that to your sister?"

"She convinced Mia not to go on any more dates with me"

"I didn't even know you guys had a first date"

"Yeah and she had a great time and was about to go on a second date but then Sarah convinced her not to!"

"Well I think she did the right thing. If you aren't the actual James, then I don't think she should date you" I sighed. Maybe I was being ridiculous. I was pinning for a girl that I had only known for like a week now. I guess when I heard that the real me loved her, I had to make her love me. I went back into my room and sat on my bed. There wasn't really anything to do. I had an idea. I would write a note to the real me just explaining what has happened.

Dear James, this is the James that has amnesia. I am writing to you saying that Mia went out with me. We went ice skating and danced together. It was really fun but then Sarah convinced her not to go on a second date because she needs to know the real James. We made a live video thing together and petal girl is in jail for a while. In the live video, Mia answered a lot of questions. I did too. Please read this just in case someone doesn't inform you of all of the things that went on when you umm weren't here I guess.

P.S. I kissed Mia for you!

Now I was bored again I didn't know what to do. I put the note in my sock drawer so I would definitely see it in the future. I got a call. I looked at it and it said it was from Bruizer. I had no idea who Bruizer was but I decided to answer it.


"Hey James!"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Bruizer stupid"

"What type of name is that?

"It's my username"

"Are you famous too?"

"What is wrong with you? I haven't seen heard from you since the day before you went missing"

"Are we friends or something?"

"Yeah! We are best friends! Why are you asking me all of this? When were you found?"

"Well Mia found me unconscious buried in the snow and when I woke up I had amnesia"

"Wait! so you can't remember anything?"

"No" There was a silence.

"Well I just wanted to tell you that We should hang out later but I guess not"

"Do you live close?'

"Pfff not at all. I live like 6 hours away"

"Oh okay"

"Well I will call you another time"

"Okay bye"

"Bye" He hung up. Mia walked in.

"Who was that?"

"It was bruises"

"You mean Bruizer"

"Yeah, why are you here?"

"I just want to talk to you"

"About what?

"I am really sorry"

"No you shouldn't be sorry you and Sarah are right"


"It's just that, I don't know who I am and I want to be the real me"

"I know and I don't even know what that would feel like. I feel so bad. Not even knowing who you are, that is horrible"

"Yeah" I put my head on top of her head while she hugged me. I was here in this world not knowing anything. Not even knowing what had happened the 17 years of my life (in this story, James is 17 and Mia is 18).I didn't know what to say. Mia left and I was all alone.


I heard a knock at the door. I opened it surprised that it was Mia.

"What are you doing here?" She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me.

"What's wrong?" she sniffled and cried.

"This is too sad for me" she mumbled.

"What's wrong Mia?!?"

"I can't see him like this. I want to get away for a while"

"Are you talking about James?"

"No! Don't call him that. It's not the real him so don't even bother calling him by his name"

"Okay sorry but what happened?"

"Nothing, but I can't just live next to him and watch him everyday confused. He doesn't know who he is and I can't be around that!"

"I'm sorry Mia. Do you want to stay here?"

"You would do that for me?"

"Of course! You can't watch James not knowing who he is, I can't stand you in pain"

"That is so sweet"

"Come on in" we walked into the kitchen.

"So how long do you want to stay?

"Until he gets his memory back. I'm sorry but I do not want to see him until he is better"

"Okay Mia anything for you" I say putting my arm around her shoulder.

"Thank you"

That night we had teriyaki chicken and rice. We watched Netflix and ate popcorn. I did like this. Her staying at my place for a while. But then she would still be in pain. I had to do something about this. For now though she would have to stay here. It was now 2:00am. We went to bed and I couldn't sleep.

"Mia?' I whispered.


"I can't sleep"

"Me either"

"I have a question for you"I told her.


"Do you like James?" It went silent.

"Why would you think that?"

"I know he loves you Mia. I always have"


"Do you love him back?"

"Julian we have had this discussion before, you are the one for me"

"Yeah but have you ever liked him?"

"To tell you the truth yes"


"I can't tell you that but I don't know if I have those feelings for him anymore. Why do you ask?"

"Because if you do love him. I wouldn't be mad as long as you tell me. I would let you be with him"


"I would do anything to make you happy Mia"

"Thank you"

"No problem. So do you love him?"

"Julian, right now I love you"


"Goodnight Julian"

"Goodnight Mia"

We went to bed and I still couldn't sleep. I turned to Mia to see if she was awake, but she wasn't. So I thought. I know Mia loves James. I know she does. I have to get James back again. For her. I was going to leave early in the morning and go see James. I need to get his memory back. I need to make Mia happy again. I woke up at 5:00am. I got ready and left. I finally arrived at James's house. I rang the doorbell and Sarah answered.

"Woah I expected Mia!"

"Yeah but it's me. May I come in?"

"Sure" I had only been in this house one other time. When Mia yelled at James. I remembered where his room was so I ran up there. I saw him sleeping in his bed. I shook him and called his name. He wouldn't wake up. I found Sarah and asked her to wake him up for me. She stuck her finger in his ear and he woke up.

"What the?"

"Yep it's weird" She walked out.

"Hi James"

"Who are you?"

"My name is Julian"

"Wait are you that guy on the videos that always says "Alright" (If you don't get this joke then watch more of their videos)

I laughed he did it perfectly like he always does.

"Yes I am. I am also Mia's boyfriend"

"Woah woah woah woah wait! Mia has a boyfriend?"

"Yeah that's me. but lets not focus on that"

"What are you here for?"

"I want to make Mia happy again. You guys go way back like 3 or 4 years. She came to my house crying yesterday saying that she can't see you like this. I want to try and get your memory back"

"She was crying?"

"Yes and I can't stand to see her in pain. So I called Snowyclaw to come over and we are going to get you back for Mia"

"Wait... Oh Snowy is that girl from Red Robin!"


"Wait how old is she?"

"I don't know like 21"

"Okay just wondering"

"And how will Snowy help?"

"She went to medical school" Later, Snowy came and we went outside into the backyard.

"So you actually remembered things with Marisa?" She softly spoke.

"Yeah I remembered a shooting star, her snorting like a pig, and then her leaving me in the snow"

"Wow that's incredible. And she definitely snorts when she laughs. So there isn't really a way to get his memory back. This all happened through the impact of the hippocampus"
"Why don't we just hit him again in the same spot?" I asked.
"Well we don't want to do that because that part of the brain is already damaged and is trying to heal.  Luckily for James, I don't think this is permanent. We don't want to it hurt anymore or the results might become permanent"
"Okay that makes sense"
"Snowy?" James says while laughing.
"Did you just call me an it?"
"Oh I guess I did sorry"
"Nah it's okay I just think it's funny"
"So we just have to let this whole thing pass and we can't do anything about it?" I ask.
"Exactly" this was going to be hard.
"But it has been known that if you show or surround the patient things that they are familiar with sometimes they can get their memory back quicker"
"Thank you so much snowy for driving all the way out here just for this" I was very that thankful I knew someone with medical experience.
"Oh it's really no problem. Even if I had to drive 5 hours just to do this I would. Making sure my friends are okay is important you know"
"Okay bye and thank you again"
"James we are going to watch all of your videos"
"Don't I have like over a hundred?"
"Yes. And we are going to watch them all" I finally heard my phone buzzing after about half an hour of Mia trying to text and call me. I answered.
"JULAIN?!?! Where did you go? I was so worried!!!!!"
"I'm sorry I'm busy"
"What could you possibly be doing?"
"Mia I can't really talk right now I have to go bye" I hung up and felt bad.

** Mia's POV**
I didn't understand what he could be doing. I was ready to spend the whole day with him and try not to think about James and he just left me. Now I had nothing. Maybe I could see.... No... Actually yes I think I will see her!
I arrived at the prison. I was going to see Lilacpetal. They lead me to a room with a wall in between it. On each side, there was a glass screen and telephones so we could talk to each other. I sat down and they brought her out. She was in an orange prison uniform. I felt horrible now. She looked miserable. She didn't deserve this all she did was protect James. She sat in front of me.
"What are you doing here Mia?"
"I came to see you I am so sorry you don't deserve this"
"Well I technically did kidnap him and I physically hurt him. I can't even believe that I did that" she started crying.
"Mia you have to help me I can't stand this place any longer!"
"I am sorry Marisa but nobody can help you" she covered her eyes with her hands.
"Is he okay?"
"Yes James"
"You gave him amnesia and he still can't remember anything. I couldn't see him like this so I'm living with Julian  for a while"
"Yes Julian he is my boyfriend I thought you knew that"
"I do but..."
"But what?"
"Well when James was living with me he told me how he felt about you. Mia he loved you so much and you didn't even notice"
"I know and I feel horrible for doing that to him. You see I've always known he liked me but I always made excuses and told myself that he would never. But now I miss him and I've realized that I can't live without him"
"That is so sweet. He only started dating me because he gave up on trying to get you he told me that him and I actually have a future together but now I know that will never be real ever again. After what I did, he could never forgive me ever. He is better off with you"
"Marisa you are an amazing girl and maybe James is meant for you. But if he's not then some guy would be perfect just for you"
"Thank you Mia, only my family have come to see me. You are the first friend"
"Wow how did they react?"
"They hate me! They are ashamed and don't want to see me anymore"
"I'm sorry Marisa" we talked for hours and then I left. It was  almost night and Julian still wasn't home. I was getting worried. The door swung open.
"Julian we need to talk"
"Never leave me like that again! You scared me. I woke up and you weren't there. I called you like 50 times and texted and you didn't respond. Never do that to me again!" I stormed off into the bedroom and went to bed early. I didn't talk to him for the rest of the night. When I woke up Julian was gone once again. This time there was a note.
I'm sorry but I had to go again see you at 8:00
love, Julian

I was getting angry. I came all the way out here just to be with him and he keeps leaving me!The next day he did the same thing. And the next day. And the next day. I was starting to get really mad. He came home that night and I was waiting.


"Mia I'm sorry please don't be mad"

"Julian I think we are done here"

"What? No! Mia you don't understand!"

"Oh I understand. You have been sneaking off to God knows where and leaving me alone with nothing to do until night!"

"Mia if you would just let me explain"

"No! I am leaving!" I already packed my stuff and I left. I got in my car and drove off. I didn't know where I was go.

**Julian's POV** (Very short)

She left. She was gone. She didn't love me anymore. I was just trying to make her happy again. But now I blew it. She would never love me again.


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