Chapter 9: Finally

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**Mia's POV**

I called SnowyClaw.

"Hello Mia!"

"Hi Snowy umm this is a lot to ask but do you have an extra bedroom at your house?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well I broke up with Julian and oh never mind"

"You can stay at my place while James is recovering"



"Thank you"

As soon as I got there I set up my stuff in her guest bedroom. everything in it was painted a dark color.

"Why is it all painted black? I though you were all nice and bright"

"When Proven comes over she uses this bedroom and she decorated it, not me"

"It's fine"

"So why did Julian dump you? Did he find out that you and James went on a date?"

"No I broke up with him"

"Oh so you wanted to be with James?"


"Then why did you break up with him?"

"Well I couldn't see James not knowing who he is. It was too sad to watch him everyday confused. So Julian let me stay at his place. But every morning, he would leave and wouldn't come back until like 8:00pm. He wouldn't tell me what he was doing so I dumped him"

"Mia he was umm..."

"You know what he was doing?!?! Tell me!"

"I'm not going to tell you exactly what but I will tell you that he was doing something for you"


"Yeah it's supposed to be a surprise"

"Awww now I feel terrible!"

"Maybe you should go see him"

"No I will stay here and when the surprise is done he will probably show me. If that's okay with you"

"Of course" We stayed up doing a live stream and then I went to bed. I wonder what James was doing now...

**James's POV**

"I'm sorry Julian... Maybe I could text her"

"No I want this to be a surprise"

"Okay then... well bye" Julian left and it was already past 9:00pm. I decided to go to bed. I had the weirdest dream.


I was alone in a dark room. It was completely empty. I was sitting on a wooden chair and got up. As soon as I got up the chair disappeared.

"Hello?" A voice called to me.

"Who's there?" I was worried

"It's me"

"Who?" the person came out into the light. It was Mia.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Yeah you are Mia"


"What do you mean no?" she came closer and touched my forehead. I could remember everything about her. I remembered when we first met, when I last saw her and everything that we had ever done together.

"Mia!" I remembered her.

"Now you remember!"

Sarah came into the light now. She touched my forehead. Now I could remember everything about her.

"How is this possible?" I asked. My mom came and did the same. So did Marisa, SnowyClaw, Bruizer, Julian, and everyone else I had ever known in my entire life. They all disappeared. Then I saw a shadow.

"Do you remember everything now?" The shadow said.

"Well I only remember the memories with people"

"Well I will make you the real James"

"Okay. Who are you?" The shadow came out so I could see.

"I am the real James"

"Dude I need you I need to be the real James!"

"Do you really? If I touch your forehead then you will remember none of the times while you had amnesia"

"I don't care! Please! I want to remember"

"Very well then. I wish you luck" The real me touched my forehead and disappeared.

I suddenly woke up. I got my memory back. But the last thing I remembered was Marisa leaving me in the snow. I didn't remember anything that happened to me while my memory was lost.

"Marisa?!?!" I yelled. It was the middle of the night and I guess I woke everyone up. Sarah and my mom rushed in.

"Why did you just yell?"

"How did I get here? Where is Marisa?"

"What are you talking about? Marisa's in jail"

"What! Why?"

"She kidnapped you"

"She didn't kidnap me! I went with her in my own free will! We were happy together!"

"Mom he remembers time with Marisa! You know what this means!" They both ran up and hugged me.

"Get off me! What is happening!?!?" They brought me to the hospital and I was so confused. My doctor came in.

"James! I am so glad to see you okay"

"What are you talking about?" he told me everything about how Marisa gave me amnesia and it's been almost a month since that happened.


"Yeah that's why she is in jail right now"

"Oh okay"

I stayed in the hospital for 2 days. The only people who came to see me were my family. I was wondering where Mia was but I figured that she would come as soon as she could. But the truth was that she didn't know. I wasn't mad at her anymore for when she yelled at me but I did want to see her. Julian rushed in.

"James! is it really you?"

"Uh yeah why are you here?"

"When you lost your memory later Mia came crying at my door. She couldn't see you like this. She stayed at my place for a while. But everyday I left her to help you get your memory back so I could make her happy again"

"I thought you didn't really like me enough to do that"

"I don't. But I do love Mia enough to"

"That's really nice of you to do Julian. Thank you"

"As long as Mia is happy. Wait I should probably go get her!" He ran out.

**Mia's POV**

I was getting some coffee at Starbucks whenJulian called me. Maybe the surprise was ready! I answered.

"What do you want?"

"Mia I have a surprise for you come to the hospital"

"The hospital?"

"While you were at my house I was working on a surprise for you now come"

"Okay..." I hung up. I had know idea what this surprise could be.

"I met up with Julian in the waiting room.

"Julian what are we doing here?" he showed me into a room with James sleeping in it. Why was Julian smiling? James was hurt! I ran up to him and woke him up.


"Mia!" he hugged me. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"What are you talking about it has only been a week since I saw you"

"Well that wasn't the real me"

"Wait..... James?" He smiled. SnowyClaw was there too. Her and Julian left us alone.

"Is that really you!!!!!"

"Yep" I was so excited I didn't know what to do. I was so excited. I was freaking out. I kissed him. When we heard footsteps we finally stopped.

"What was that?"

"I kissed you"


"James I know that you love me" his face got red.


"I just do"

"You are with Julian he is the one who got my memory back just for you! He did all of this to make you happy"

"While you were not yourself I figured out that I loved you back. I was miserable with out you. James, I love you" I kissed him again. And this was no ordinary kiss. Its was long. Then James pushed me off and pointed behind me.

"Please don't tell!" he said. I turned to see who it was and it was Julian. No just kidding it was Sarah. She was smiling.

"I won't. This is awesome! I knew you two were perfect for each other!" I sighed.

"How am I going to tell Julian?"

Later I drove to Julian's house.

"Julian I have to tell you something" I was sitting on his couch with him beside me.

"Let me guess.... You love James"

"How did you know?!?!"

"Honestly, I saw you two making out in the hospital"

"Oh, I am sorry"

"Don't be. Remember, I said I would let you go be with him. I am not mad. You didn't do anything wrong. You just love someone else"

"Can we still be friends?"

"Mia I never want to loose you as a friend. I did all of this to make you happy. I knew this was going to happen. You guys are perfect for each other"

"Thank you Julian" I hugged him and left.

The next morning I went James's house. This time James answered.

"Oh well hi James!"

"Hi Mia!"

"I told Julian yesterday"

"What'd he say?"

"He was perfectly fine with it. He actually guessed it and said he knew tis was going to happen"


"I know" But he didn't say wow to me. He was turned around looking at Sarah.

"Where are you going looking... girly?"

"Well James, Things happened while you were missing. I met Skorm!"


"Yep Eric and I have been going out for 2 months now!" (#Skepper)

"Why him?" I didn't really like skorm my here was just something about him.
"You don't even know him"
"I guess. Good luck"

"Thank you! Wait I forgot my phone!" She ran upstairs. Eric came up to the porch.

"Oh hey Aparri"


"I heard about the incident. Are you okay?"

"Yep! I got my memory back thanks to Julian"

"Good for you. Where's Sarah?"

"She's just grabbing her phone. She'll be right out"

"Kay thanks" Sarah came back. Her and Eric walked out together and left.

"Did you know about this?"James asked me

"Oh her and Eric? Yeah they have made so many videos together and all the fans are saying#Skepper. It's so cute. I remember when Sarah was like 11!'

"Yeah. I can't believe it"

"Do you want to come in?" he asked.

"Sure" We walked in and sat on the couch.

"Is your mom home?"

"No she's at work"

"Well James I need to talk about this. I don't know if I can date you"

"Why not?"

"Well you seem too young for me"

"I'm older than Julian!"

"Yeah, by 4 days. Something about him just feels like he's older"

"Mia! Are you saying you don't love me because I'm 17?"

"James I do love you! But I don't know if this would work out..."

"Mia, if you love me, you wouldn't care how old I am. Just go back to Julian. He seems older" James started to go upstairs to his bedroom.

"James! Please! I don't love Julian. I love you"

"It doesn't seem that way!" He sat on his bed. I felt really bad. Maybe he didn't act young but he looks young. He looks like a 15 year old when he is actually 17. But Julian looks 18 and he's actually 17. I could give him a chance though.

"Fine, James, I love you. It won't matter how old you are. You are only a year younger than me. I would like to make this work"

**James's POV**

"Well you just made it clear that i'm too young for you so no Mia"

"I'm sorry! Please James! I do love you! how many times do I have to say it. When we first met when you were like 13, I thought you were cute. Your voice always cracked in the cutest ways. As you got older I watched you grow and I always liked you. But when I met Julian I tried to put those feelings aside and wanted to love Julian. He knew it, Sarah knew it, and I even knew that I loved you. When you went missing, my life wasn't the same. I need you in my life a James! When you had amnesia, I cried thinking about you! I love you James" She spoke so softly. Her eyes were tearing up. I couldn't resist her like always. I leaned forward, and we started making out on my bed. Her lips were so soft. I loved her. And she finally loved me. I heard the door open but for some reason I didn't stop. I didn't even think to open my eyes to see who it was. But Mia did. She gasped.I opened my eyes and it was Marisa!

"Uhh M M Marisa! Hey uh wh what are y you doing here?"

"I came to see you because I'm out of prison. But I guess I'm too late" She looked disappointed. I turned to Mia and her reaction was just to stare.

"Marisa wait! I'm sorry things didn't work out with us but.."

"No James, it's fine. You two have fun" She left.

"I am so sorry Mia. I didn't know she was getting out today"

"It's alright. No one will ever stop us" We started to watch some Netflix.

"So Sarah told me that you can be romantic. Is that true?"

"You tell me" we started making out again. I couldn't believe this. I was kissing the girl of my dreams. That night, I thought about the time I spent with Marisa. I actually missed it. But now I am with Mia, and she can't change that. I only went out with Marisa because I thought I would never have a chance with Mia.

**Julian's POV**
I saw it on her Instagram, her Facebook, her snapchat, it had been 2 weeks since I let Mia go. She was with James all the time. It would be fine if they were not always posting about each other. If they could just relax and do something else for once besides kiss and make videos together. The media had no idea about this Wistparri stuff. It was getting too old too fast. And now watching them happy together, is showing me that I really miss Mia. I just wish that I had someone. Mia, James, Sarah, Eric, it feels like everyone is happy but me. I was going to the movies with my brother today. Maybe he could cheer me up. He always does.

"Let's order a popcorn. A large one" He said.

"Fine by me. But we are using your money"

"What? no."

"Yes we are. I won't have enough money to pay for gas"

"Fine" he bought the popcorn. We sat down. The commercials were going on and I had to use the restroom.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick"

"Kay" I walked out and looked at my phone notifications. Mia had just uploaded another video with James of course. I bumped into someone and spilled their drink.

"I am so sorry I wasn't paying attention" I said picking up there cup.

"It's okay Julian" I heard the familiar voice. I looked up and it was Lilacpetal.

"Woah what are you doing here?"

"Well you don't get to watch movies in jail"

"Oh yeah, I'm so sorry about that"

"Well it's not your fault. It was mine. I shouldn't have done that. What movie are you seeing?"

I stuttered. "I'm seeing F F Finding Dory"

"Me too! Do you want to sit together?" I totally forgot about my brother.

"Sure!" We sat down and the lights dimmed. Through out the movie, I looked at Marisa. She was pretty. When the movie ended, we got up and walked out. The sun hit our eyes and we squinted.

"I hate how it stings your eyes" She said with a smile.

"I know right" I started to walk away.

"Wait! Julian!"


"Well I just want to say thank you. I had fun with you even though we were just sitting in silence"

"I had fun too" She hugged me and then started to leave. I got in my car and realized what I had forgot. My brother. I ran back in and saw him sitting on one of the benches.

"Julian!" He got up and came to me.

"Where were you?"

"With a girl"

"Ooooohh Julian's got a girlfriend!!!!!!"

"She is not my girlfriend we just sat together"

"Like a couple"

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