Chapter two: the change

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The next day there was a tornado in Mia's part of town. I texted her worried that she would get hurt.

Me:      Hey I heard there's a tornado near you are you okay?

Mia:     Yeah it's coming close to our neighborhood. Though and my parents are a little worried.

Me:      Okay I was just checking in!

No response

I wait and I wait. But she doesn't text back. Then I hear Sarah scream downstairs. I run down and look at the tv screen. The tornado hit Mia's neighborhood and the whole street was destroyed. The news shows firetrucks and ambulances rushing over. It starts showing clips of all the destroyed houses and I see Mia's house practically gone.
I text her. 

 Me:     Mia! Are you okay?!

No response.

I look at the tv and it shows Mia's dad in the ambulance with her mom crying beside him. I didn't see Mia but she might be okay. 

Then it finally shows her. It's Mia. She is laying on the ground with paramedics beside her picking her up into an ambulance. 

"Mia!" I yell.

  I run to my car and turn the engine on. Sarah sits beside me and we drive off to the hospital. We finally get there in about an hour and we ask the lady at the front desk if we can see her. She tells us the room and the floor and we go. I knock on the door. Nobody says anything so we walk in. I see Mia sleeping in the hospital bed. I smile.

"Mia?" She wakes up and smiles back at me. Her blue eyes look at me and her smile fades away.

"Where are my parents?" She asks.

"I don't know we just got here. Maybe I could go find them" I start walking to the door when Sarah  interrupts me.
"Nah I will go see. You guys can stay here". She leaves. And Mia and I are left alone.
"When I saw this on the news I came out here just so I could make sure you were okay"
"Aww that's so sweet thank you I really appreciate it" she says.
Then I hear the door open and I assume it's Sarah  but when I look I see who it really is and I don't like it.

"Babe!" Mia shouts.

"Mia!" Julian comes in and runs up to her. He kneels down next  to her and holds her hand. 

"James could you give us a moment?"Mia asks.

"Sure of course" I reply. And walk out.

 I still peek through the window. But I can't hear them. This is a little creepy but I want to see what's going on. They were just talking when. Oh no. My heart just shriveled up into a little ball. They are kissing. It lasts for like 20 seconds and I drop to the floor and hit my head on a metal bar as a nurse walks by. It didn't hurt much.

"Oh! Are you okay?


"Let me get you an ice pack". She brings me an ice pack and I put it on the back of my head. Julian walks out.

"Why do you have an ice pack?" He asks.

"I slipped". I throw it in the garbage and ask him.

"So are you and Mia dating?"

"Yeah we have been for like a couple months now. We just don't want the public to know just yet"

"Oh okay"

"Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering"

"Doubt it" he says quickly and walks away.

I'm confused but I don't care. I walk in to Mia's room and sit in the chair. 

"Does Julian not like me or something?"

"What are you talking about?"Mia replies innocently.

"Well he seemed kind of jealous or something"

"How dare you accuse him of that. Why would he even be jealous of you?"

"Never mind it just seemed like he didn't want me around or I don't know"

"James I am ashamed of you! I think you are jealous just because we are together. There is no problem between you and him. You are definitely jealous!"

She folded her arms and tilted her head up.

"I am not!" I claimed folding my arms too.

"James I don't want to say this but, please get out I don't want to see you until you accept the fact that Julian and I are together!"

I look at her and leave. After I shut the door Sarah came back with Mia's mother. I didn't care I went to the waiting room and sat there. It seems girly but a couple tears ran down my cheeks as I thought about what she had said. Sarah came down and sat next to me 10 minutes later.

"James I'm really sorry but you have to see this from her point of view"

I imagined my best friend getting jealous of someone that I liked and I started to feel her pain.

"Yeah I guess I was a little over dramatic I will go and ask for her apology"

I came into her room and I sat next to her. Her mom had just left the room and Mia was crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"My my my" she couldn't get the words out. I put my hand on her shoulder and waited patiently for her to spit it out.

"My dad died!" She started bawling. I felt so bad right now I didn't know what to say. I held her face in my hands. And said,

"It will be okay I'm here for you. I'm so sorry I acted like that before. I wasn't think of you at all. Can you please forgive me?"

She was still crying when she said yes. I hugged her and I started to walk out.

"Where are you going?" She asked.


"No stay here!" She insisted. "Julian left he had to go to his grandmas. Can you please stay?"

"Yeah I'll stay"

We talked for hours and I even made her laugh a little bit. The doctor came in.

"It's time for you to leave sir, we need to do some X-Rays"

"Okay" I hugged Mia and left. Sarah was already picked up by our mom.

The next day I went to see Mia.

"James! I'm getting out of here today!"

"Good! Wait, where will you go your home is destroyed?"

She had a big grin on her face.


"Well my mom is going to stay at a trashy hotel and she didn't want me staying there so..."


"Didn't your mom tell you? I'm staying over at your place!"

Everything froze for a second. It was like I was so happy that I was scared. Then everything went purple and I dropped to the ground unconscious.


Mia got up and shook me. Nothing happened she yelled for a nurse. They put me in a room next to Mia's. I woke up with Mia sitting in the chair next to me.

"Now your awake!" Mia giggled

It was like I just woke up from a nap all I could remember was when everything turned purple.

"How long have I been in here?" I asked

"Only like 4 hours"

**Skip to when they get home**

I showed Mia the guest room and she smiled. It was right under my room. After a few days of Mia living with us it seemed kind of normal Mia went to go look at houses while Sarah and I were at school(because Mia is 18)
Mia finally found a house that she really liked and her mom wouldn't be moving in with her Mia would be living by herself. But she was happy with who the neighbors were.

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