Take me back

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** Well things got pretty intense with Mia and James last chapter so this one is going to mellow out**

** long chapter alert **

Mia's POV

I took Ethan to school the next day. He barely got any sleep. I got less sleep because he slept in my room and kept waking me up throughout the night. I came back home while Ethan was at school and I started cleaning. I don't know why but whenever I'm stressed out, I clean.
I got a call from Ethan's school.
"Hello this is Mrs. Peterson Ethan's principal. Is this Mia?"
"Yes. Hi Mrs. Peterson, what's the matter?"
"I need you to pick up Ethan. He has been suspended from school for 3 days and we need to schedule a meeting"
"I just need you to come get him and we can talk about it there"
"Thank you! Bye bye"

She hung up. Suspended?
I drove down to his school and came through the office. Ethan was sitting in a chair with his backpack and lunch box. He came up and hugged me.
Mrs. Peterson signaled us to come in her office.
We sat down in some chairs and it was all silent.
"Ethan has been suspended because he called a girl stupid. Then when she tried to tell him otherwise, he pushed her down and then kicked her. When we asked why he did that, he said "that's what daddy does".... Is there a problem at home that we need to hear about?"
"Oh my god! No. His father and I just got in a little fight last night and there may have been something along the lines of that but I assure you his dad won't be back"
"I understand that. But unfortunately, we do have to suspend him. That is no behavior for a kindergartner"
"I understand"
"Thank you for meeting with me Mia"
I started to get up.
"No problem! Goodbye!"
"Good bye"
Ethan grabbed my hand and we walked back to the car.
In the car, Ethan was asking a lot of questions but then he asked one that I didn't know how to answer.
"So daddy's not coming back?"
How was I going to answer this? I couldn't tell him yes and lie to him. But I also couldn't say no because that would break his little heart.
"I don't know honey. I don't know.

7 months later

To sum it all up James and I went to court and we got a divorce. I have full custody of Ethan and I haven't seen James ever since. I'm about to have my baby and things are going pretty well. Ethan and I found out that I'm going to have a girl. Sarah has completely lost touch with James and she babysits Ethan while I'm at work. Her and Eric got married like 4 months ago but she said she doesn't want a baby.
I miss James. I don't know what happened to him. I don't understand what happened between us because we loved each other. I can't handle not knowing. Why did he do that?
Ethan was sitting next to me on the couch.
"Before you had me, was your tummy that big too?"
"Yep. It was even bigger"
"Wow! So my sister is in there?" He stared at my stomach.
"Yeah. We still have one more month until she can be born"
"How small is she going to be?"
"We don't know yet"
"Oh" Ethan and I snuggled on the couch watching Horton hears a who.
"Are you excited for the first day of first grade?!"
"Yeah! I'm going to make so many friends and I can learn how to tell time!"
"Yeah! You need to go take your bath now. It's almost your bed time"
"Okay" I taught him how to start the water and how to drain it so I don't have to start the bath for him. 20 minutes later came down stair in a towel.
"Can you tuck me in?"
"Yep. Let's go upstairs"
I did all the stuff like read him a book tuck him in and kiss him good night. Then I went to bed.
As I laid there alone in my king sized bed I looked at James's side of the bed. I sighed. I looked down at my baby bump.
"I wish your daddy could be here sweetie" I felt a kick. The next morning I took Ethan to school and I was back home watching tv. Then it happened. I was going into labor. I called Sarah.
"The baby's coming! I need you to drive me!"
"It's only been 8 months though"
"Sarah now!" I hung up.
Sarah pulled up and she drove me to the hospital.
"Pick Ethan up early please" I said before they took me into the delivery room.

** Sarah's POV **

I drove to Ethan's school. I went into the office and I asked to take home Ethan.
"Are you the legal guardian?" They asked.
"No I'm his aunt. His mom is having a baby"
"We can't release him unless the legal guardian is here. What about his dad?"
"They're divorced. I'm his aunt his mom sent me here to get him please"
"Fine sign here" the handed me a clipboard. Ethan came down with his backpack and lunch box and hugged me.
"Auntie Sarah!"
"Where's mommy? What's going on? Where are we going?" He asked me in the car.
"Mommy's having the baby! We're going to the hospital to see them"
"What! Really?! I thought that wasn't supposed to happen until another month!"
"I know but the baby wanted to come early"

We finally got here and I asked the nurse if we could see them. She told us the room and we walked in slowly. Mia was in the bed holding her.
"Ethan. This is your baby sister" she whispered. Ethan stood on his tippy toes and peeked at her little face. He smiled
"She's cute" he whispered.
"What's her name?" I asked.
"Well, Ethan came up with a name that I really liked"
"Samantha!" Ethan shouted
"Shhhh" Mia told him.
"Samantha? I like that" I said.
"Do you want to hold her?" Mia asked me.
"Sure!" She handed her to me. She was so tiny and cute. She had blue eyes and I couldn't get over how cute she was.
"Mommy, can I hold her?"
"Okay. But you have to be very careful"
Ethan sat down and and got his hands all ready for holding her. I handed Samantha to him and he giggled.
"She's so tiny!" He rocked her back and forth.
"She's gonna grow up to be a petite little girl" I said.
"She was born a whole month early. So she's really small" I replied.
"How small was I?"
"You were about this big" I stretched my hands out almost 2 feet.
"Wow! Samantha is so tiny and cute. Like a bunny" he made little rabbit noises in her face.
"How bout you let grandma hold her" my mom came in and held her and my aunts and my uncles. They were all so excited.
"Hey Ethan" my mom said.
"We got you a present"
"For me!?"
"Yep. Now since you have to share your mommy, you get a present. Your a big brother now so here you go"
She gave him a present wrapped with bow. He opened it pretty quickly.
"Shhhh" Mia said.

** Mia's POV **

Sarah took Ethan home later. There's still one person who hasn't seen Samantha.
There was a knock at the door.
"Come in"
Julian walked in quietly.
"Hey Mia. And hello Samantha" he whispered.
He stood next to me hovering over Samantha.
"I'm uncle Julian"
"Your not her uncle" I laughed.
"Could I hold her"
"Sure" I handed her to Julian. He held her close.
"Mia, I'm so happy for you. Not in a cliche "oh I'm so happy for you" but I really am. This must be the greatest thing ever"
"Thanks Julian. It really is. But I just wish James was here"
"What? Why? He was a jerk. He hurt you and Ethan. Do you really want him back in your lives?" He asked.
My eyes started to water.
"Yes! I do! I need him Julian. I want James here. This is his daughter. This is our daughter. I love him and I need him. We need him!" I started crying. Julian set Samantha down in the crib and he sat down next to me. He looked at me and he hugged me.
"It's going to be okay"
I cried harder.
"No matter what happens, I'm always here for you"
"I love you Julian. You're my best friend"
Samantha started crying. Julian handed her to me.
"It's okay baby. I got you. You hungry?"
"Do you even know where James is?"

** Julian's POV **

"Can't you call him or something?" I suggested.
"No. He got a new phone or something his old number is unavailable" she held Samantha. "Your hungry aren't you?" She lifted down her shirt and started breastfeeding.
..... this was getting awkward.
"Well I need to get going"
"Are you sure you can't stay?" She asked.
"No. Sorry. It's a long drive back to Pennsylvania"
I started to leave.
"Wait Julian!"
"It was good seeing you"
She lifted up Samantha's hand. "Say bye to uncle Julian!"
I laughed and shut the door. I sighed.

** I will explain Julian living in Pennsylvania in another chapter**

** James's POV **

I took another handful of Doritos.
I heard the door open.
"Hey James!" Dustin came into the apartment.
I've been living here doing nothing for 7 months.
"Did you go outside today?"he asked.
"Oh. Okay. James, I'm kinda worried about you"
"You're worried about me?"
"Yeah... You never leave, you haven't taken a shower in a couple weeks, and every week you've been breaking down crying ever since that big blowout a few months ago"

** A few months ago **
** Contains inappropriate language **

"Dustin! I can't do this anymore! I can't take it! Mia and I got a divorce! My Mia is gone and she hates me!!" I was bawling.
"James get a hold of yourself"
"I can't! I love her so much!" I started to get mad.
"I want her back!" I threw my phone at the wall.
"Calm down dude!" Dustin came closer.
"I can't calm down! I can't fucking calm down!"

** Back to current time **

"I'm sorry Dustin but you don't understand what I'm going through. I physically hurt Mia. And even worse I hurt Ethan. That's messed up and I can't go back. They hate me" my eyes started to water.
"Go see Mia"
"What? Go to her house, and see her"
"But what about Ethan? And she's probably all emotional because the baby's coming soon"
"Does that really matter to you? Don't you want to see her?"
"I guess so.. Yeah! I'll go right now!"
"Take a shower first please" he said.
"You're right"
I took a shower and got in a tux. I spent 20 minutes on my hair and got my cologne on. I was ready.
I drove down to Mia's house. And parked the car.

** Sarah's POV **

Ethan and I were playing Jenga. I heard a car pull up.
"That's daddy's car!" Ethan stood up and ran to the front window.
"Wait what?" I got up. James came in and stood in front of the doorway.
"Hey little buddy!" He picked Ethan up.
"Hey Sarah..."
"You need to get away from him. You aren't supposed to be here" I said.
"Where's Mia?" He asked.
"You don't need to know"
"She's in the hospital with Samantha!" Ethan shouted.
"Who's Samantha?" He asked.
"Ethan shh!" I yelled.
He stared at me and then he stared at James.
"Samantha is my new baby sister! She's tiny like a bunny!" He shouted again.
"Sorry" he looked down.
"The baby's already born?! A month early!?"
"Yes...." I muttered.
"I have a daughter?" He asked.
"Yes stupid. Now go" I said.

** Mia's POV **

Samantha was asleep in her crib and I was taking a nap. I heard the door open and I looked. James was standing there in a tux with roses in hand.
"Mia I'm sorry. I did something terrible and I couldn't forgive myself. I need to tell you to your face and say that I love you and I know you'll never forgive me but I needed to see you"

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