This can't be happening!

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And this chapter is going to time skip a lot
James's POV

I got home from work and sat on the couch. Mia was in the kitchen.
"So what did the doctors say?" I asked.
"Oh it was nothing. I'm feeling better now" she replied.
"I know when your lying" I got up and leaned over the counter as she made dinner.
"I'm serious. They said I had just a little flu or something" she giggled.

** One week later **

I went to the store and bought myself a nice new computer and I was so happy about it. I had tell Mia because she didn't even know about it. I drove home and got out of the car. On the garage door, there was a note. The note said:

What name do you like? Emily or Alex?

I didn't understand. I walked in the house and called for her.
"Mia? Where are you?"
"I'm upstairs" I went up the stairs and stopped halfway in the middle. There was another note.

Which color?

There were two pieces of string. One pink, and one blue. Wait a minute. This can't be happening. I ran upstairs and grabbed Mia. I started kissing her.
"I'm going to be a father" I whispered with joy.
"I love you!" I kissed her again
"I love you too" she said.

That night I couldn't stop thinking about it. Mia is pregnant and I'm gonna be a dad. I couldn't wait. When are we going to be a family? When are we gonna get married? My baby can't be at our wedding. It would be okay but I don't want it like that. We need to get married before the baby is born.

I talked to Dustin the next day.
"So what's on your mind?" He asked while we sat on the couch playing call of duty.
"Mia's pregnant" I said.
"Your gonna be a dad?!?"
"That's awesome James"
"Yeah. I can't wait. But I need to purpose soon I don't know how"
"Do something cute and classy. I have an idea"

Dustin told me this great idea but I hated it then a different idea formed in my head.

** One month later **

"Oh Mia!" I called her downstairs.
"Come downstairs! I want to show you something!"
"Coming!" She came downstairs and laughed.
"Look! I dressed piper and Baxter up in a wedding dress and tux. Isn't it cute?" I asked.
"It's adorable!" She bent down and pet them.
"Makes me think of us at our wedding. Right"
"We haven't had our wedding James you idiot"
"I guess you're right. Not yet anyway"
"I'll be right back. I need to get my phone for a picture" I said.

** Mia's POV **

I was petting the dogs and James came back in a tux. What was happening?... he knelt down and oh my god he pulled out a ring.
"Mia, I love you and I want us to be together forever. Will you marry me?"
My eyes were watering.
"Yes!" I hugged him and kissed him. The dogs were barking and he held me in his arms and we just hugged. My head was on his shoulder and we stood there for a few minutes.

** 3months later **

"Do you James, take Mia as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" I smiled.

"And do you, Mia, take James as your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do" she smiled back.
"I pronounce you husband and wife!" We kissed. I was now a married man and I was the happiest I'd ever been.

We danced and ate cake but the night had to end soon. We got in the car and drove home. We weren't having a honeymoon for a while. We wanted to after the baby was born.

** 5 months later**

Mia and I are so hyped about this baby. We didn't want to know if it was a boy or a girl yet.
Sarah has been going crazy for the baby. She's always visiting us and doing stuff for us like the baby has already been born. I wonder how she's going to act when the baby is born. We're actually getting close now. Not to be rude but Mia's stomach is so big. We're just so happy right now. Nothing could go wrong.

** Mia's POV **

James and I were cuddling on the couch together.
"I don't know if I can do this James. Am I going to be a good mother?"
"Mia, Mia, you are going to be a great mother. Trust me"
"Okay" she smiled.
"Just think, in less than a month we'll be parents" I rubbed her stomach.
"Do you want it to be a boy or girl?" She asked me.
"I'd prefer a son"
"But what if she's a girl?!" Her eyes started to water. This has been happening lately. Mia has been very emotional and crying at everything.
"No sweetie. It'll be alright I'll love her just as much" I told her.
"Okay" she wiped her tears.

Sarah and we're laying out in the backyard on some lawn chairs. It's 82 degrees and I've been having contractions every once in a while. The baby's coming soon. James has just been amazing through all of this.

** James's POV **

I walked outside and Sarah was on her phone and Mia was reading a book.
"Are you okay Mia?!?" I ran to her and put my hand on her stomach.
"Yeah. I'm okay"
"Is the baby coming?! Do we need to go to the hospital!?! Come on! Let's go!" I was freaking out.
"Honey, I'm fine. It's not coming for a while. Owww!"
"No I think the baby is actually coming sweetie. Let's get in the car"
"No. I'm fine"
"Mia the baby is coming we need to go now" I tugged at her arm.
"No James it's okay"
"What do you mean okay? Your going into labor and we need to get to the hospital!"
Sarah came and started screaming.
"Sarah! What are you doing? You're literally just standing there screaming! That isn't helping. This is already stressful enough!" I know I sounded kind of rude but it was really annoying.
"Fine" she walked away.
I picked Mia up and carried her out to the car. I got in and started the engine. Mia got out and walked back into the house. She stopped. I got out and ran to her.
"Okay James! Get me back into the car! I think the baby's coming!" I carried her back into the car. And drove off.

"James were not going to make it!"
"Yes we are Mia. Just breathe"
She started to scream.
"Are you okay?!?" I started to speed up
"The baby's coming!"
"I know we're almost there!"
"No James! Now! Pull over!"
"No! We can make it!"
She screamed. "Mia?!" She screamed louder.

** Good news! I know I said there's one more chapter but there's still going to be a few more. I know this chapter time skipped a lot but honestly there's nothing else to write. But I hoped you liked it**

Do you think the baby's going to be a girl or a boy? Comment!

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