Chapter 11

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May and Drew had decided to spend their day in Violet City sightseeing together. It wasn't that they couldn't find anything better to do, it was just an activity that they both enjoyed, one they were positive would happen at pretty much each town.

"Ma'am, I'm afraid that Falkner is too busy brushing Pidgeot to give you a rematch."


May jumped as the scream sounded from across the street.

Drew smirked. "Easily startled, eh?" He asked. She folded her arms over her chest and brought her flaming sapphire eyes to meet his calm emerald ones. "Am not! That just surprised me, that's all."

Their eyes remained locked on each other a few moments longer than necessary.

"So... You're surprised, but not startled? Even though they mean pretty much the same thing in this instance?"

"Fine maybe a little of both..."

"MA'AM, IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!!! YOU CAN'T HAVE A REMATCH UNTIL TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The gym trainer yelled.

"Well why didn't you just say so?"

May and Drew finally turned to see what all of the commotion was. An annoyed Le walked across the street to them. She smiled and waved.

(For those of you who don't remember, Le (SillySmeargle) is the trainer that got her first pokemon as they were landing in Johto.)

"Gym not open?" Drew asked smirking.

"Well how was I supposed to know?"


"And the mock battle between October and Le will begin... now," Drew said lazily, lowering his arm in signal to start.

"Cindiquil, time to fight!" Le released her starter, it's back aflame.

"Altaria, take the stage!"

May had agreed to battle Le with part flying type Altaria so Le and Cindiquil could practice fighting arial Pokemon.

"Cindiquil! Tackle!"

"Rise up to dodge it!"

May, however, had not accounted for Cindiquil's incredible speed. The small creature locked itself onto Altaria's tail, squealing as it struggled to hang on.

Cindiquil! Use scratch to climb on Altaria's back!" She used her claws to dig into the soft cloudness of Altaria's body. Thankfully, she didn't feel anything due to her think fur.

"Altaria! Shake it loose!"

"Cindiquil! Ember on her wing!" Small bursts of fire bombarded Altaria's left wing, causing her to veer into the ground, emerging knocked out.

"Good job, Altaria. Retu- ah!" May stopped mid sentence as Cindiquil started to glow brighter and brighter before a whole new Pokemon appeared.

The three kids stood in shock as the fire Pokemon looked around, confused.

"It's a... Quilava..." Drew muttered.

"Awesome! With Quilava and that strategy against Falkner, the badge is mine. I'm going to go see if he's done grooming his pokemon. See you two around!"

"See you!" May yelled waving at Le's back.


May sat criss-cross-applesauce on her bed, facing Drew who was sitting on his own bed, feet dangling off the side. He was wearing his black turtle neck with grey sweatpants, whereas May had on a loose red t-shirt and comfy black shorts.

They were in the middle of one of their random arguments, debating about something along the lines of if cheeseburgers or steaks were better. Who knows, or even cares, really?

Just one of the random arguments that the two enjoyed so much.

"Cheeseburgers are better and you know it!!!!" May shrieked. Before Drew could respond, she sprang up, closed the few feet between them, and poked him on the forehead.

He rolled his eyes. "And poking me solves this problem, how?" He pushed her hand away from his face.

"It just does!" She used her other hand to reach out and poke him in the chest, but with the fastest reflexes she'd ever seen him use, he grabbed it.

She glare at him for a moment before issuing a surprise attack on his stomach. He tumbled backward the moment her finger touched him.

"Hang on..." She narrowed her eyes and leapt on him, neither seeming to notice the position they had put themselves in. Well, maybe Drew did, but he was too busy trying to swat her hands away.

He pushed her back for a few minutes, obviously winning the tackle war.

And then he left himself exposed.

He had pinned May down when she reached over and poked him in the stomach again, and like earlier, he sprung back. But this time, May didn't let let this one pass her by.

Drew quickly fell victim to a powerful laughing fit as May realized his weakness: the fact that he was super ticklish.

May ginned as she continued tickling him, rendering him too weak to even push her hands away.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA M-May!!! Plea- HAHA- PLEASE S-STOP!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He managed to choke out between bits of laughter.

Tears streamed down his face and his stomach started to hurt from laughing so hard.

He grabbed her and tried pushing her away, but he could do literally nothing to stop her.

"St-st-st-AHAHAHAHAHHAHA- STOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled.

May backed off, finally showing her poor friend some mercy. He gasped for air, breaths fast and uneven. His slender body still shook from the mere force of laughing so hard, and a few tears still found their way out of his eyes.

May lay down on his bed, parallel to him, her face a few inches away from his. "You okay?" She asked at seeing him in the weak state she had set him in.

"Yeah... I think so. But please don't do that... I hate being tickled..."

May giggled. "You know, that's the first time I heard your actual laugh," she told him. "Not just a sarcastic chuckle. You know... It really suits you," she added shyly, not wanting to admit that she thought his laugh was actually really cute.

Drew blushed.

If he wasn't careful, that girl was going to break down every wall he had surrounding him.

But scarily enough, he kind of wanted her to.


Eeeeeek!! Don't kill me for not updating in so long!!

I blame life, the other oneshot I've been working on, and the fact that I finished this yesterday but didn't get a chance to until now.

See ya!

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