Chapter three

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    Tom's eyes widened in shock. He hadn't even notice that they had been followed. After recovering from the shock he rocked ever so slightly to his left.
  "Who is it?"
He whispered softly to the other two. Joe shook his head and Kaylyn shrugged.
  "We aren't sure yet but I don't think it's gonna be good."
     Kaylyn's voice was just barely above a whisper as she spoke. Joe nodded in agreement with her. Tom was beginning to become anxious and started shifting his weight from side to side. As they whispered amongst each other Tom noticed the crunching of leaves approaching from the direction they had just been leaving. In an attempt to get Joe's attention Tom nudged him with his left wing. At first Joe ignored it but soon enough turned his attention to his younger brother.
   "I can hear them getting really close."
   Tom whispered in a shakey voice. His ears were flat agent his head and his tail was tucked between his legs. Joe gave a barely noticeable nod and listened along with his little brother. A loud crack was heard throughout the woods and all three of them raised their heads in attention. A loud noise was heard from their left as a large white creature burst out from the tree's. The three teens booked it back to camp at full speed. The large white creature from before continued to chase after them.
    They burst into the camp site panting heavily. Joe was the first one to catch his breath.
    "Something or someone was out there!"
     His voice came out loud and panicked. The adults and teens automatically transformed into their animal forms and had their children do the same. Tom was in charge of watching after the little ones if the group were attacked.
    Tom had managed to get all of the little children gathered together.
  Each family transformed into a different type of animal. Tom's mother transformed into a large red fox with scarlet wings while his dad was a coyote with big brown wings. The family with the twin girls changed into different species of deer. The father was an elk with large antlers and dark green wings, while the mother was a white tailed doe with peach colored wings. Their twin girls were both reindeer one with baby blue wings and the other with soft green wings. Their son was a young Sika deer with teal blue wings.
  Kaylyn's father was a large African lion with large orange wings. Her mother was a jaguar with cream colored wings and her little brother Tucker was a snow leopard with pale blue wings.
   The father of the two boys was a large polar bear with gray wings. Their mother was a brown bear with dark green wings.The older of the two kids was an American black bear with tan wings, while the younger was a panda with black and white wings.
  The last family was the one of the single mother she herself was a grey Clydesdale with gray/green wings.
Her oldest son changed to a black Friesian with navy blue wings. Her daughter was a black and white Gypsy horse with pale pink wings. Her five year old boy was a brown shire horse with dark orange wings.
  Each child ducked behind Toms wings as multiple thumps from running animals could be heard approaching fast. Each member of the group was in battle position.
    Three large creatures burst out from the woods and stared down the group. The monsters had small red eyes and a large lower jaw that allowed their bottom canines to be on full display. Their canines were more like tusks than teeth. Their upper bodys were large and bulky while their lower was slightly less so. They each had leathery looking skin though each with a different colored tint. The one in the front had pasty  white skin while one the left had grayish green and the one to the right had Tan-ish gray skin. They each had a pair of large leathery bat like wings folded on their backs. Tom spread his wings as to cover the kids as they ducked into the trees. Kaylyn's father let out a scratchy roar as a warning to the three creatures. None of them looked even the slightest bit impressed with him. Tom's mother stepped forward and spoke.
    "What do you want."
Her voice was harsh as she spoke to them. She held herself with confidence as she watched the three closely.
  "If you must know, we are here to bring all of you to our home."
His eyes gleamed with disgust as he spoke. Tom's mother narrowed her eyes at them.
  "And what makes you think that we'll just follow you blindly?"
  It was Joe who spoke this time. His large ears faced forward towards the creatures. He snarled as he spoke he was clearly not happy.
  The white creature let out a gravelly laugh.
"What makes you think you have a choice" He snarled back. Without any other warning the three creatures charged at the group. Kaylyn leapt onto the white creature sinking her teeth and claws into its skin.the creatures separated from each other.
   As the white one fought with Kaylyn the greenish one charged the center of the group with the tan one not far behind it. Joe lunged at the white one and snagged it's arm pulling and tearing at it.
    Unfortunately the creatures began to gain the upper hand and the white one managed to pull Kaylyn off and fling Joe into a tree. Tucker who was hiding underneath Tom's wings let out a growl as he watched his older sister get thrown by the creature. The rest of the children cowered behind Tom as he used his wings to shield them from site.
  "Stop it you big jerk!"
Tucker had snuck from Tom's wings and was about three feet away from where Tom and the other children were. The creatures paused for a second and stared down at Tucker. Eyes gleaming in amusement at the small creature before them.
    "And what are you going to do about it?"
The green one spat. As he did the white creature scanned the tree's to find out where Tucker had come from. Without Tom watched his eyes until the two had made eye contact with each other.
     A nasty grin spread across the creatures face and Tom felt like a deer in headlights.


   Hello there guys sorry I didn't update for a while I have been a bit busy recently but I will try to do better next time.

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