Word: ineffable Ship: Tree Bros

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Magic au

Connor's POV

The door slams behind me and I jump. Today was particularly difficult and stressful. My mind is racing about earlier events and I haven't been focusing on what I'm thinking about. This causes my magic to act out.

I shut my eyes so tight they hurt. I smile when the pain leaves the front of my head and open my eyes. I instantly close them again. The lights are too bright.

I open one eye and it seems the brightness went down. I pull my phone out of my pocket to see the number was already dialed. I sigh before pressing the call button and putting the phone to my ear. Evan's voice comes over immediately.

"C-Connor? A-Are you okay?" he asks with endless concern lacing through his voice.

"It's happening again," I mutter so my parents and Zoe don't hear. "Come over? Please?"

"I-I'll b-be right th-there." He hangs up. My phone is flung from my hand and onto my bed, somehow plugged into the charger. The wonders of uncontrollable magic everybody.

After a few minutes of chasing my computer mouse around the room, someone knocks on the door. I will it open and recoil in pain.

"C-Connor? Why d-do you have a-a c-computer mouse in-in your h-hand?" Asking the real questions here people.

"Long story," I mumble with my hand clasped against my head.

"Is it o-overwhelming you?"

"H-hold on," I whisper. I will the door shut. A shock of pain is sent through my head. I drop the mouse and it continues running around the room. Evan's eyes follow it for a bit before they reside back on my face. I will the door locked as well. Because of this, the pain grows ineffable. I stumble back onto my bed and grasp my head firmly between my hands. Evan rushes over and pulls my hands away so I don't push in my skull.

I look up at his eyes. The blue oceans hold kindness, a sort of, understanding. They fill with light.

My socks begin to feel wet. Shit. I did it again. I look down and see my floor semi-flooded. Evan keeps his eyes on me.

"Don't f-focus on it Connor. It'll only h-hurt

I nod and focus back on his face. He smiles shyly at me and starts saying calming words. The computer mouse starts slowing down and the lights begin to dim. Evan's smile grows.

"Better? C-Can you handle i-it now?"

I nod and take a deep breath. The mouse completely stops and the light dim down to a normal brightness. The carpet is still a but wet but that should go back to normal soon. I smile and breathe a sigh of relief.

"How are you so good at this?" I ask. He's so good and soothing me and calming me down the the point where I can control everything. He makes everything better.

"H-Having anxiety c-can h-help you help
o-o-others I-I guess?"

He's lying. He's stuttering more than usual. That means he's lying. I give him the 'tell the truth' stare™.

He sighs and nods. He looks guilty.

"Ev, what's wrong?"

He mumbles as he stares at the ground.

"Ev, calm down." I place a hand on his shoulder. His head snaps up. I gasp. His eyes have a ring of red around the irises and his face is tinted pink, as if he's just been running for two hours straight.

"I'm s-sorry," he cries.

"Sorry for what? You did nothing wrong."

"I-I lied t-to y-you. I l-lied t-to everyone f-for so l-long."

I shush him and pull him into a tight hug. He keeps mumbling 'I'm sorry' and I keep trying to quiet him.

"You did nothing wrong. I hid my secret from everyone. You had just as much right to hide it as I did."

"B-But even a-after I-I found out a-about you, I k-kept it f-from y-you."

"It's fine. You were just scared."

A few minutes of conversation follow until Evan calms down. He pulls away and looks down. I take his chin between my fingers gently and pull him towards me so he's forced to look at me. I hold back a gasp. His irises are completely red. I pull him into a sweet and loving kiss. I take careful notice to how warm his lips feel against mine. Warmer than usual, that's for sure.

He pulls away and faces away.

"Evan, can you look at me?"


"Can you tell me what you can do? Please?"

He takes a deep breath. "I-I control f-fire a-and electricity."

"That sounds cool."

"I-It hurts," he mumbles. "It b-burns w-when I try to d-do anything."

I stay silent. I'm not good at consoling people. I can hardly take care of myself.

"Let's put this behind us," I offer. "I pretend you didn't tell me until you need help. You already pretend I didn't tell you until I need your help. Things can work out."

He thinks a moment before nodding.

I smile. Maybe we can pretend to be normal, even if we aren't even remotely normal.

Word Count: 897

Ineffable-too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words

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