Chapter 1: Bandits

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A loud explosion is heard, smoke rising from behind the hills as the smell of fire drifts on the wind. Ash can be tasted in the air as the Hill-Steep Village is lit aflame by laughing men in light leather armor with the emblem of a crimson badger embroidered on their left breast. Men are slaughtered as women and children are taken and bound to be thrown in carriages against their will.

"Boss, everyone's taken care of and we got any necessary supplies. We've also removed all the men and suppressed the few women with elements. We've also isolated the children with elements. All is as you've ordered." A bandit reported, looking at the man in a simple black cloak with red and yellow trimming on it.

"Good. How about we get a taste of those women?" The leader said, picking his lips and smirking in an unpleasing way.

"I'm sorry but I can't have that." A boy said, walking towards them nonchalantly.

"Hmph. Who are you to order me around? I'm a void chosen!" The bandit leader shouted, pulling his hood down to show his black hair.

"That's where you're wrong. I can sense the magic in you, you're fire and air element. It's quite the combination. Sadly, you're posing to the wrong person." The boy said, the wind blowing and pushing his hood off to show him wearing a black bandana across the lower half of his face but his purple eyes and black hair were obvious.

"I-Impossible!!!" The bandit leader shouted, stepping backwards in fear.

"B-Boss! What do we do?!" One of the bandits shouted.

"Why haven't you captured them yet?" A girl with yellow hair and eyes asked, landing next to the boy.

"Calm down, I was getting a head count." Zane said, yawning slightly and covering his mouth with his hand. "Quick and clean for the losers, slow and painful for the leader?"

"That should do well enough. I'm going to go free the hostages." The girl said, slowly descending into the ground as if she were apart of it.

"Get her!" The leader shouted, his men nodding to each other and starting on their way but stopping when a dome of purple light appeared around the entire group.

"I can't have you do that. That's my little sister after all." Zane said, walking through the barrier.

"Its a trick! Charge through while the boss kills the stupid kid!" Someone shouted, the bandits roaring in response and charging through. This was a big mistake, as soon as they made contact the lucky ones were disintegrated while the unlucky ones fell over as soon as they got out and had severe seizures.

"What did you do to my men?!" The leader shouted, looking both enraged and horrified at the same time.

"Simple, they were void touched. It's always guaranteed death unless blessed or immediately cured by one born with void energy. It either disintegrates the target or fills them with negative energy that causes their entire bodies system to shutdown while increasing pain to severe levels." Zane explained, stretching as if he was beginning to run a marathon.

"You're a monster! And how dare you?! How can you act like my men's deaths were nothing?!" The leader shouted, annoyed. "They had families!"

Zane stopped stretching as his expression became serious and his eyes glowed a light purple. The grass around him started to rapidly decay as purple veins seemed to seep into the ground. "So did the people you've mercilessly killed. And that's why I, Zane 'Void' Firan, sentence the Crimson Badger Leader Erin Magius to death!"

"You may be a wielder of the void, but I'm not going to die so easily!!!" Erin Magius shouted, putting both his hands in front of him as one hand glowed red and the other green. "I call upon fire and wind to decimate my enemies before me in an explosion of flame and hurricane!" After Erin's small chant ended, a small tornado left the glowing green hand and grew as it combine with a torrent of red flames that came from the glowing orange hand.

Zane let a out a disappointed huff, covering himself in purplish-pink void energy and jumping straight the the tornado. Coming out the other side, he dropkicked Erin back a few feet and flipped back into his feet. Before Erin could recover, Zane got into a boxing stance and threw multiple punches into the air that became small orbs of void energy that started to bombard his joints. Soon Erin was nothing but a heap on the ground as his arms and legs were mangled from the constant attacks.

"How? How was I defeated by a child?!" Erin shouted, looking up to the sky.

"It's simple really. I'm blessed directly by the God and Goddess of the void. Of course I also had brutal training and I don't hesitate like most other children would. I also have a lot of combat experience as well as using the void energy in my body to augment my overall battle performance. And even now I'm not at my full potential." Zane said, standing over Erin with a blank expression.

"Just end me already before I feel anymore disgrace." Erin grumbled, closing his eyes as he tried to block out all the pain he felt.

"Then I'll see ya on the other side Old man." Zane said, covering his foot in void energy and giving him a slight nudge. Walking away, he did the same to any of the bandit corpses and watched them all disintegrate.

"I see you're done as well." The yellow haired girl from before said, walking over to Zane.

"Yeah. Did you bury the bodies Mireille?"

"Yeah. Made gravestones as well, I also gave them the communication stone. We should head out before-"

"Nice Lady and Scary Guy!" A little girl shouted, running over to the two.

"Crap." Both of them grumbled.

"What is it kid?" Zane asked, seeming annoyed.

"Let me come with you!" She said, jumping up and down as her white hair blew in the wind with her yellow eyes seeming to glow with life.

"It's too dangerous. You'll end up hurt or dead." Mireille said, trying to discourage the girl gently. "What about your parents? Why not just stay with them so they don't get worried?"

The girl began to sniffle, tears filling her eyes as her nose began to run. "T-The bandits k-killed t-them." She whined, rubbing her eyes.

Zane groaned in annoyance, walking forward and picking the girl up by the collar of her dress. "How old are you?" "9." "What's your name?" "Marie." "Give me one good reason we shouldn't leave you." "I can cook."

"We're keeping her." Mireille said, immediately interrupting their game of back and forth.

"I'm in, both of us suck at cooking anyway."

"Yay!" Marie shouted, wiping her tears and nose quickly. "Where we going now?!"

Zane looked at the horizon, watching sun set behind a large city far in the distance. "The capital."

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