Chapter One: Induction

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August 23 2021

Alex Ambrose and his brother Samuel Ambrose enlisted in the marines six months ago and after going through a tough initiation, Alex and Sam managed to joined the marines and their rank is private first class. Both brothers had a dream to join the marines and protect the world. Right now Alex was standing with the other marines as he was fixing his suit.

Alex was checking on his weapons until someone spoke to him as he saw who it was.

It was his brother, Samuel Ambrose. Alex was looking at his brother as Sam spoke to him.

Sam: Just wanted to go over a few things, There is a battle happening in New York. The KVA has been trying to take over the city but we will stop them however we got intel that they have a havoc launcher and we need to destroy it.

Alex nodded as Sam said something to him as he was listening to his brother.

Sam: Let's be careful brother.

Alex nodded as both brothers saw Sergeant Mercer telling them all about the mission as the marines nodded and began making their way towards the cargo plane. Sam and Alex were in the plane as the plane began taking off and began making its way towards New York.

Three hours later, Alex and Sam along with the other marines were looking at the city through the window as they heard Sergeant Mercer speaking on the radio.

Mercer: [On Radio] We located the Havoc launcher. We sent a demolition team to destroy it but they aren't responding. Alex, Sam, I want you two to get to that launcher and destroy it.

Sam: Roger that. We're entering the city. We're preparing for a halo jump right now.

Suddenly they heard a explosion as they saw multiple jets shooting at the cargo plane as Alex and Sam looked at each other.

Sam: Ready?

Alex nodded as both brothers along with the other marines jumped off the planes and activated their wingsuits.

Alex along with Sam and the other marines continued free falling as multiple jets began firing at them. They managed to dodge all the incoming attacks and continued free falling.

Eventually they activated the thrusters on their boots as they landed on the drop point.

Alex and Sam along with the marines pulled out their weapons and began making their way towards the Havoc launcher. They saw the city was destroyed as they also saw some jets flying around.

Alex along with Sam and the other marines continued moving through the streets until they saw a truck driving towards them as they moved out of the way and a huge explosion was seen.

The marines along with the brothers were separated as fire began surround them. Sam spoke to the marines as they were listening to him.

Sam: We'll meet you all when we reach the launcher!

The marines nodded as they began moving through the alleyway as Alex and Sam decided to move through the streets to get to the launcher.

Both brothers saw destroyed cars blocking their way as they went inside to a abandoned building to make it to the other side. Alex and Sam continued moving through the building until someone broke the door as both brothers had their weapons ready until they saw who it was.

It was Atlas Zero One. The team was Michael McMahon, Anne Winters, Chris Johnson, Jack Ryan and Benjamin Mcfarland.

Benjamin: Its alright. We're Atlas Rescue team.

Alex and Sam put their weapons down as they all continued speaking.

Sam: What's happening?

Chris: We're making our way towards the hospital to rescue civilians.

Michael: We were all moving through buildings. We heard there's a drone swarm.

Anne: What about you two?

Sam: We were making our way towards the Havoc launcher to destroy it.

Jack: The launcher is at the south side of the city.

Suddenly they heard gunshots as they all saw KVA soliders entering the building and began shooting at them.

Benjamin: Alright! Let's take them down.

The team began shooting at the KVA as they began firing back. Chris shot two soldiers in the head as Michael took down two soldiers.

Two soldiers tried to shoot them but Chris took them down.

Michael and Chris shot two KVA soliders in the head as Anne took down two KVA soliders.

Two KVA soliders began running towards them while firing their rifles but Benjamin took them down.

Two more KVA soldiers were gonna shoot at the team but Jack took them down.

Benjamin and Jack took down two more KVA soldiers as Anne also took down two soliders. Alex was shooting at the KVA soliders as he took two soldiers down.

The team continued shooting at the KVA soliders as Chris and Benjamin took down four soliders. Anne and Jack also managed to take down four soliders as Alex and Michael took down four solider. There was only one KVA soldier left as Sam took him down.

Anne: All clear.

Jack: Let's get out of here.

Michael: Indeed, Let's get out of here and get to the hospital.

The team managed to get out of the abandoned building and continued moving through the streets until they saw the hospital.

Chris: The hospital is over there.

Jack: [Hears a sound and looks up] Drone swarm!

The team immediately grabbed car doors to protect themselves from the swarm.

Sam: Dammit!

Anne: We need to activate the EMP!

Benjamin: There's an EMP cannon on that tank over there.

Alex began moving through the tank as the team were shooting at the swarm.

Michael: We'll cover you!

Chris: Just activate the EMP.

Sam: Be careful brother!

Alex nodded and began moving through the swarm as the team continued firing at the swarm. Eventually Alex made it to the tank and activated the EMP cannon and shot the swarm as all the drones were destroyed.

Chris: Drone swarm is destroyed.

Anne: Let's get to the hospital.

The team made it to the hospital and helped civilians get inside the bus as Atlas team spoke to the brothers.

Anne: We'll get the civilians out of the city.

Benjamin: You two, Be careful.

Sam: We will. Stay safe everyone.

Jack: You too.

The team got inside the bus as the bus began driving away as the brothers looked at each other and began talking.

Sam: Alright, Next up, The Havoc launcher.

Two hours has passed and the brothers spotted the Havoc launcher and began making their way towards the launcher to destroy it.

They made their way towards the launcher and opened the hatch. Alex gave explosives to Sam as he attached it to the launcher.

Sam: Charges are set. Let's-

Suddenly the hatch suddenly closes as Sam's arm was stuck which shocked Alex as he tried to open the hatch but he couldn't open it.

Sam: Urgh. . . I think my arms broken.

Suddenly the launcher began taking off as both of them were shocked. Alex tried to open the hatch to free Sam.

Sam: Alex! You have to go!

Alex didn't listen to his brother and continued trying to open the hatch to save Sam.

Sam: Alex, Please! The launcher is about to expolde. Get out of here!

Once again Alex didn't listen to him and continued trying to open the hatch as Sam was yelling at him to leave him and get out of here.

Sam: Alex! Listen to me, Get out!

Alex didn't listen to him and tried to open the hatch until the launcher exploded.

Another explosion was seen in the launcher as Alex went flying and landed on the car as he fell down and was on the ground.

Alex's vision was blurry as he had scars and bruises on his face. Another explosion was seen in the launcher as he tried to get up but couldn't move.

Suddenly he heard voices as he saw Atlas team running towards him as they were shocked.

Chris: Alex!

The team were shocked and worried as They were checking on Alex until another explosion happened on the launcher as Everyone moved back and continued checking on Alex until everyone noticed something as They were shocked.

Alex lost his right arm as Benjamin immediately checked on him as Everyone was shocked and Benjamin said something.

Benjamin: We need to evacute and get medical attention immediately, He's losing a lot of blood.

Anne: Oh no, That's not good. Alex, Please look at us.

Alex couldn't even open his eyes and all he could hear was their voices.

Jack: Come on, Alex. Stay with us.

Michael: [On Radio] This is Michael speaking from Atlas Zero One, We need to evacute and need medical attention, This is serious.

Benjamin and Anne were checking on Alex as Ambrose was unconscious as Jack and Chris carried him.

Chris: Don't worry. Your gonna be alright.

Jack: Stay with us! We're gonna get you home.

A/N: Thanks for reading and here is a question.

Q1: How was the chapter? [Opinion]

Stay cool and stay safe. Stay strong and I hope everyone is doing well and your day is amazing :D

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