Alien Battle

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Lyra's POV:
Tina came back into the room, panting as she did so. "What's the problem?" Sam asked. "There's only a few left. I need your guy's help. We need to get rid of them." She said. Billy grabbed a flamethrower and said "let's get em'." Blaze nodded and I said "I'm with you." Katarina stood up and grabbed a flamethrower. "Who else?" Zander stood up and said "those fuckers are gonna pay." Kace held a gun in his hand and said "I'm coming with." Sam opened the door and said "go. All of you." We followed Tina down to the cargo bay. The gigantic one was dead. Tina had killed it. There were a few scouts left. "Now, when we go in here, you all need to put space suits on. We're not going to be able to breathe." Tins said. Everyone quickly did as we were told. We walked in and hissing was heard. Water dripped from the ceiling and Katarina said "you guys see anything?" Kace shook his head and said "nope." Tina panted and held her gun, looking around for anything.

One jumped down from a ledge and Billy said "light it up!" Blaze torched it with a flamethrower, the rest of the aliens coming out of their hiding places. Tina shot a few and three aliens cornered Kace. "Guys! Help Kace!" Katarina said. I went over to help him and he was stabbed in the chest by one of their tails. I gasped and one jumped on him, dismembering him. I backed away from him, trying not to scream at the sight. Tina pulled a switch and a large vehicle came towards one of the aliens, knocking it away from Blaze. I shot one in the head and Katarina was currently running from one. Billy said "Katarina! Go!" As she ran faster, she slipped. A Xenomorph jumped on her, tearing into her chest. Tina panted and began to back away, towards the water dripping from the ceiling. Katarina was beheaded and I screamed as her head rolled across the floor. Blaze panted and looked at Tina. "T-Tina." He stuttered. There was an alien behind Tina, water dripping off of it's sleek, slippery body. "Oh my god." I said. Tina turned around and was face to face with a Xenomorph.

Tina shot it with the flamethrower, the alien lunging at her. Tina gasped and moved out of the way. As the alien died on the ground, Tina began to cry. Billy looked around and said "how many are left?" Tina shrugged and said "two. Maybe three." She walked over to the control panel and pulled a lever, opening the cargo door. The alien egg sacs were sucked into space along with the dead Xenomorphs. One tried to claw, Blaze and it ended up getting sucked into space. Our suits protected us from the suction. Billy shot one in the head, and it floated out into space. We looked around and didn't see anymore. Tina smiled in relief.

But then the unthinkable happened. A Xenomorph jumped on Zander, breaking the protective glass on his suit. Zander screamed as he began to suffocate. There wasn't anything we could do. Tina's lip quivered and she couldn't move. The alien then went for her, knocking her down. Billy tried to shoot it but he would've burned her. "I don't have a clear shot!" "Kill it!" Tina said. Blaze stared in shock, not knowing what to do. Tina fell right next to some explosives. "Billy, light it up." Tina saw the explosives and said "wait. Don't." Billy huffed and said "I have to." "No! Billy don't!" Tina screamed. The Xenomorph tried everything it could to break the glass on her helmet. Billy switched to bullets on his gun. "Blaze, get her out of here. Now." Billy said. "Billy! You can't do this!" Tina yelled. "If I don't do it, everyone on this ship dies. It'll only be you and I now." Billy replied. My eyes widened and I said "Billy, please." "Lyra, I'm doing what's going to save you." Blaze grabbed me and I tried to get out of his arms. Billy shot the explosives. "Billy!" I screamed. An explosion went off and Blaze pulled me to the elevator. Tina's screams were heard and tears ran down my cheeks. Blaze pushed a button, the cargo door shutting. The two of us sat in the elevator going up. I ripped my helmet off and Blaze did the same. He held me as I cried and he said "he did it to save you." I buried my face into his chest and the elevator stopped. Blaze picked me up and we began walking back to the med lab. The second elevator stopped behind us. Blaze turned around and said "shit." "What could it be?" I asked. He grabbed his gun and aimed it at the elevator. The doors opened and Billy stood with a cigarette in his mouth. He exhaled and said "I don't know why the hell we thought that was a good idea."

Here's the update! The final chapter will be after this. And then the sequel.

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