Basketball Game

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Lyra's POV:
It had to be early in the morning and rock music was blasting. I sat up and huffed. The music was coming from the gym. I stomped my way to the gym and there was Blaze and Billy. The door slammed behind me as I entered the gym. Blaze looked over and didn't say anything.

He eyed my body up and down since I was in a tank top and shorts. Max sat on the bleachers, tired as ever. Billy saw me and smirked. I rolled my eyes at him and Walter sat with Calypso on the bleachers. Billy was shirtless. I had never seen him shirtless before. His body was nice. I bit my lip and tried not to stare. Billy grabbed a basket ball and said "come on Forrester." Blaze wiped his face and they got in position. I walked to where Max sat and sat next to her. She had her arm on her knee, propping up her head. "He got you up early?" I asked. Max nodded as she watched her older brother do circles around Blaze. "Yeah. To play this stupid game. I don't know why he wanted to challenge him so badly." Max replied. I sighed and Billy scored, earning a glare from Blaze. Billy whopped and Blaze panted while looking at him.

Their shoes squeaked against her floor and Blaze got the ball. Billy tried to take it from him and Blaze dodged him. I saw the irritation on Billy's face as he was juked. Billy got behind Blaze, he was very close to getting the ball. "Come on Forrester." Billy said. Blaze elbowed him in the chest a few times. Max yawned and said "this is so boring." Billy didn't seem to be effected by Blaze's elbow to his chest.

"You know you can't beat me Forrester. It's inevitable." Billy said as he tried to steal the ball. Blaze elbowed him hard and managed to score. Billy pushed his hair out of his face and Arlo walked in with Zane. Teddy inhaled on a cigarette while watching the two of them. Max leaned her head on my arm and I patted her back. Running with the Devil blared through the speakers. "Give up. You can't win." Billy said. Blaze ignored him and continued to elbow him in the chest.

Billy stole the ball from Blaze, who fell right on his ass. Billy dribbled the ball and shot it into the hoop. Blaze panted and sighed. Billy whooped and Arlo clapped his hands. "Forrester get up!" Zander yelled. Chase was drawing in a notebook, not paying attention. Billy smirked at Blaze, his eyes immediately going to me. Billy walked over to where I sat and I said "what?" He went to kiss me and I pushed him away. "You're sweaty." Billy scoffed and said "ok. And?" He kissed me and I huffed as he pulled away. Billy walked away and turned to look at me. He licked his lips and smirked. Max made a face and said "gross." I laughed at her response.

Billy and Blaze tried to steal the ball from one another. It was getting ridiculous at this point. The game should've been over ten minutes ago, but it was still going. I sighed as the game began to get boring. Billy had managed to win. Blaze didn't say much, he just accepted defeat. Billy said "I told you Forrester. I won." "That's fine. I don't care." Blaze replied. Billy didn't like that Blaze was taking the loss too easy. "Nothing to say?" Billy asked. Blaze shrugged and said "I lost. What is there to say?" Billy tilted his head and their bickering went back and forth. "Leave me alone." Blaze said. Billy chuckled and continued to taunt him. I saw how angry Blaze was getting. "Billy leave me the fuck alone!" He said. Arlo and Teddy oohed and Billy laughed. "How mad are you gonna get?" Billy said. Blaze scoffed and said "you wanna know?" Billy nodded, thinking blaze wouldn't snap. "Instead of bothering me, why don't you go fuck your bitch?" Blaze asked. I stood up and Blaze looked over at me. Billy decked him right in the face and Max's eyes widened. Blaze laid on the ground and Billy stood over him. I walked over and stood over Blaze. Billy looked at me and said "move." Even though blaze had just called me a name, Billy didn't need to beat him up. Billy was a lot bigger than Blaze. I said "don't. Don't do this." Billy rolled his eyes and I said "walk away. Step away right now. "Make me." Billy said.

I felt a hand on my arm and it was Max. "Billy..." She said. He ignored her and Blaze stood up. Blaze shook his head, he wasn't bleeding anywhere. Not yet. He punched Billy in the nose, Billy laughed and didn't seem to be effected. Max panted and Blaze swung at him, Billy dodging him and punching him in the gut. Blood dripped from Billy's nose and he swung at Blaze, punching him a few times.

Blaze returned punches and Blaze pushed him. Billy stumbled back a little and Blaze fixed his hair. All the guys in the room chanted "fight! Fight! Fight!" Max watched her brother fight. Worry was all over her face. "Stop it!" I said.

Billy grabbed Blaze and kneed him in the gut. Blaze gasped as the wind was knocked out of him. Blaze fell to the ground, gasping as he did so. Billy began to punch him in the face, over and over and over. Blaze laid on the ground, taking the punches.

"Billy! Stop it!" I screamed. Max had her bag in the room. She walked over to it and grabbed something out of it. Blood slung all over the floor. Blaze's face was beginning to swell and it was unrecognizable. Tears filled my eyes as Blaze was forced to take every punch. I grabbed Billy's arm and said "stop!" Billy shoved me away from him. I fell onto the ground. I gasped as he didn't even care to turn around. Arlo helped me up and Max walked over to Billy. "Max don't!" Zane said. Max stuck a syringe in Billy's neck. He stood up and Max backed away from him. Billy pulled the syringe out of his neck and he stared at it. "The hell is this? What did you do?" Billy asked frantically.

Billy groaned and fell onto his back. Billy looked around and he blinked rapidly. "I can't.....what's happening?" Billy asked as he laid on his back. Blaze grunted and tried to crawl away from him but ended up passing out. Max stared down at her brother. I stood next to her and she panted. "Billy, I'm sorry." She said.

She looked around and saw Blaze's bat. She raised it above her head and walked over to Billy and said "you leave Blaze alone understand? Say it." Billy didn't reply and Max said "hey! Say it." "Screw you." Billy muttered as he struggled to stay awake. Max swung the bat and slammed it in between Billy's legs. He looked down at the bat in shock.

"Max-" I began. She put her hand up and stopped me from talking. "Say you understand! Say it! Say it!" Max yelled. "I understand." Billy muttered. "What?" Max asked loudly. A moan left Billy's mouth and he said "I understand." She threw the bat on the ground and sighed. She grabbed her bag and walked out of the room.

I panted and looked at the two passed out men on the floor. "Arlo can you help me grab Blaze? And Zander will you grab Billy?" I asked. Zander huffed and said "I hate this fucker." "I know but you're the only strong enough person to pick him up." They carried them out and Teddy stepped down from the bleachers. "You ok?" He asked me. I nodded and said "I'm fine. I think." "You don't look it. Did he hurt you?" Teddy replied. I shook my head and said "he scared me. That's all." Teddy patted my back and we walked out of the gym. Along with Calypso, Walter and Zane.

Here's the update! I'm feeling inspired to update this book!! I hope y'all are enjoying this

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