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Calypso's POV:
I'm preparing the medbay for everyone to come on board for the injured. I walk into a wall and fall onto my ass. "Fuck, that hurt." I say raising my hand to my forehead and feel stickiness on my forehead. Shit. Is that my eyebrow?  Fuck it is. I get up and head to the medbay. Anyways, I head to the medbay seeing Vanessa and some dude in there. "Vanessa. Oh my god. I'm so glad that you are ok. Who is this?" I say running up to her giving her a big hug. "Callie. What happened to your eyebrow?" "Nothing I just tripped it's fine." I say brushing her off and checking if she had any cuts. Only bumps and bruises. "Vanessa. Who. Is. This?" I say looking at her. "I don't know.  All I know, is that his name is David and he was on Planet-4." She says. I look at the man and see that he is barefoot. "Why is he barefoot?" I ask pointing at his feet which are very dirty. I look up at him and I see very stringy blonde locks hanging from his head. His face looked familiar but I didn't know where. "He needs a hair cut." I say bluntly. "Yeah. And your gonna do it." Vanessa says handing me some scissors and a bruh that was in a drawer. It was for patients who were injured badly and stuff. When I lifted up my arms I took a lock and snipped it off. Then a next one then another one. Until I see the face of who it actually is. I grab a mirror and show him the hair cut. He takes the mirror and scissors from my hands and finished the rest of it him self.  I turn away to get the broom and sweep up his hair that is on the floor. As I am doing so I could feel his stares on me. After sweeping, I clean off my eyebrow wound. I wince at the stinging the pain and I put a butterfly bandaid over it and throw away all the stuff I used.

I walk back over to this guy David and watch him. Once he finishes he puts the scissors down and looks at me. "Yes." I say looking up brushing the hair away from my face. "What happened to your face." He says, his eyes following my every move. "Oh I just fell." I said as I look down and my hair falls in front of my face blocking the view of me to him. "Do you have hair dye." He asks looking around. "No but, my best friend has some." I say picking up the com and calling Lyra. "Hey friend. Do you have any hair dye the I can use because the patient in here is asking for some." I say into it. "Yeah, I have some. I'll pick some up for you and you're in the medbay right." She says in the background I could hear her shuffling around in the background. "Yep. See ya soon." I say into the com and switching it off. I put the com down and look for some shoes for this man. "What size shoe are you?" I ask. "I'm a size 14." He says. I pick the shoes out and hand them to the guy. I hear the blast doors open then close to the medbay. "Hey Lyra!" I say as I smile at my best friend who walked in right now. She has three bottles and one bottle that is a light blue color and some shampoo and conditioner because his hair is nasty. "What's the color for?" I ask. Turning the music on. I set it to Porter Robinson's album "Worlds" play. "Sea of Voices" comes on and Lyra says " It's for you because you should mix it up." I nods my head ok. "Talk me through this because I wanna learn." I say. "Heyyyyyy..... Lyra what's his name?" I ask. "His name is David." She says. "Oh. Ok.  Hey David. Follow me over to the sink. Lyra. Bing everything that we need." I say pointing over to the low sink. "David can you go your knees. Because your too tall." I ask him. He goes on his knees and leans his head forward under the faucet. I grab the shampoo and put some into my hands and start massaging it in to his scalp. Then I rinsed it out and I swear I heard a moan. I carry on with conditioning his hair. I rinse everything out and I bring him up. I bring him over to a seat and part his hair and brush it back. I put on some examiners gloves and start the process of dyeing his hair with Lyra as my guide. "Nice job Callie. I'm just gonna leave you alone because you seem like your doing a great job." She says and pats my back. "Thanks." I say as she walks out.

I've been having a hard time getting a certain spot in the front. "Do you mind if I sit on your lap to get a certain spot?" I ask sheepishly. "Yes, you may." He says. I straddle his lap and get to the spot that was hard. " I think I'm done." I say putting the brush and the bowl I used to do the dye. "Yes you did fine." He says smirking at me. "I don't know if Lyra wants me to give this back." I say to my self. I pick up my com and ask Lyra if she needed this much hair dye. She said no but I could use the rest of David's hair dye. "Hey David," I asked. "Can you help me with dying my hair?" "Yes." He says and we start the long process of dying. "David. Let me wash the dye out of your hair." I say taking his arm and dragging to the sink to wash out his hair. When I finished washing it out I dried off his hair and brushed it out. "All finished." I say smiling at him. "Your turns." He says smirking. I smile and say I think that it needs to be in my hair longer and that he should see Tina. "No. I'm going to stay here just Incase you need help." He says touching my arm.

Lyra's POV:
Calypso said that she'd be making dinner tonight. Max sat at a table and Billy said "so how was it?" "How was what?" Max asked. "How was it being with Calypso?" Billy replied. Max shrugged and Halo said "it was nice." Hawk nodded and said "Calypso is really nice." Max didn't say anything and Zane leaned on his brother. Arlo kissed the top of his brother's head. Billy put his arm around me and I smiled. David walked into the room with newly dyed hair. "Hello. I'm David." "We know." Blaze said. "But the children do not. Which is why I'm introducing myself."

David sat down at the end of the table. "Has anyone seen Walter?" Tina said. David shrugged and said "not sure." Tina didn't reply and she sat down at the table. Calypso sat down some soup for David and gave the rest of us ramen noodles. David looked very stiff as he ate his soup. Max stared at him and Halo twirled her noodles around her fork.

Billy stared at him as well. Hawk said "so are you like a complete model of Walter?" "He's a model of me. I was the first one. I was on the Prometheus." David replied. "So Walter is a copy of you?" Hawk asked. David nodded and said "affirmative." "You talk weird. You shouldn't." Hawk said. David furrowed his eyebrows and said "whatever do you mean?" "You don't say 'affirmative' or some shit like that. You say 'no problemo.'" Hawk replied.

Halo nodded in agreement with her brother. David said "so I should talk more like you youths then?" Hawk nodded and said "yeah!" "No." Tina said. David cleared his throat and said "why not?" "Because I said so." She replied. Hawk eyed her and said "fuck off." Max covered her mouth in shock and Halo smirked. Billy and Blaze hooted while I stared at the young boy. Calypso said "wow." Tina stood up quickly and Hawk said "what're you gonna do? You gonna hit me?" "You keep talking like that I will." Tina said. Hawk flipped her off and she walked to his seat. Blaze jumped up and beat her to his seat. Tina said "move." Blaze shook his head and said "you ain't gonna touch him. He's a child. He told you to fuck off. Just let it go." "Obviously he didn't have a parent to teach him that cussing is wrong. Which is probably why they're here on the Covenant with no parents." Tina replied. Halo's head snapped her direction and Hawk's eyes widened. Blaze turned around to see Halo jumping on the table, metal rods coming out of her hands. Hawk grabbed Blaze's arm, watching his sister stare down the major.

"What're you doing?" Tina asked. David watched in amazement as Halo's chest heaved up and down. Tina backed away from the table. Gavin and Sam walked into the room and they saw what was going on. Gavin looked at Halo's hands which had metal rods coming out of them. Gavin said "call me if you need medical attention." He quickly walked out but Sam decided to stay. Halo had a fierce look on her face, like she was getting ready to kill Tina. "Halo. Calm down." Blaze said.

Halo yelled and lunged at Tina, who put her arm up in defense. The sound of blood splattering was heard and Halo panted. Tina looked at her arm and her breath was shaky. "What have you done?" Tina asked. "How extraordinary." David said as he stared at Halo. Halo went to jump on Tina and Blaze grabbed her. She screamed and thrashed in his arms. "Hey! Calm down! You're not killing her!" Blaze said. Halo continued to scream and I stood up on the table. Blaze tried to keep Halo in his arms but she did everything she could to get out of his arms. I cupped her cheeks and said "hey. It's ok. Calm down. It's ok. Breathe." Halo looked at me and sniffled. I pushed her hair out of her face and she looked at Tina and tried to lunge again. "Calm down." Blaze and I said in unison. Tina held her arm in shock and Sam said "I'll get Gavin. But Halo that was amazing." Tina scoffed at him and Sam called Gavin on the com. Gavin came back into the room with first aid supplies. He began to wrap Tina's arm and Blaze said "you good?" Halo nodded and the rods went back into her hands. Blaze set her down and Hawk said "Lyra, will you walk us to our room?" I nodded and Tina panted as Gavin wrapped her arm. I walked down the hall with the two kids, not asking about Halo's rods. We walked into their room and Hawk pulled out a cartridge. "Can you plug this into the player?" He asked me. I nodded and plugged it in, the projector came on. Moving pictures of a woman and a man came onto the wall. "Daddy." Halo said. Hawk looked up at the woman and said "mom." Their parents were being projected onto the wall.

Halo sniffled and said "daddy." Cries left her mouth and I sat on her bed. She hugged me and I held her. "I'm sorry mom." Hawk said. Hawk sat next to me and hugged me. I held the two children and I said "how'd they die?" Halo buried her face into my side. Hawk wiped his eyes and said "mom went first. The aliens were breaking down the door. They got into our home. Our cabin. She shot an alien that went for me. She killed it. Then another one came in. She told us to hide under the bed. I grabbed Halo and did as we were told. I made Halo get behind me and she did. My mom got knocked down. It knocked her down. And it attacked her. My mom screaming is something I can't get out of my head. My mom was mauled to death. We stared at her dead body for an hour or so, until dad came back. He found her and cried over her body. He took us out of the room and we went to a safer place. Dad went the next day." "An alien stabbed him in the chest. With it's tail. I sat over my dad and watched him die. I did everything I could, but he still died. It's my fault. I could've saved him. But I didn't. He told me to run and I did. I sat with him until he wasn't breathing anymore. Hawk and I both did." Halo said. I hugged them and said "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that these horrible aliens took your parents. They took my brother." "Is he dead?" Hawk asked. I shrugged and said "I don't know." I went to stand up and Halo said "will you stay?" "Please?" Hawk said. "Of course." I replied. The three of us sat on Halo's bed, watching the images on the wall. Hawk was on my left and Halo was on my right. They both laid on my chest and I held the two of them close to me. I felt bad for the twins. The aliens had taken their parents away. The room was silent except for the children's small snores. I ended up falling asleep with the children.

Here's the update!! Hella long so I hope y'all enjoy it!! Also the first part was written by kw-2187

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