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Lyra's POV:
There was a clattering noise. I walked downstairs and in the kitchen, stood a Xenomorph. I panted and it looked over at me, growling as it did. I ran upstairs and it followed me. I screamed and Orion came out of his room. "Help!" I said. My older brother grabbed me and we ran up into the attic. He put a bunch of stuff on the attic door, so the alien couldn't get to where we were. We hid in the corner and there was banging. I panted and Orion held me. "It's ok." He whispered. "Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded and the attic door began to bang once again. All of the stuff flew off the attic door. Orion grabbed a pistol and began shooting at the Xenomorph, injuring it's shoulder. The alien screeched and lunged at me. I stabbed it with a fireplace stick. It died in front of me and another one jumped up into the attic. It grabbed Orion's ankle and drug him towards the attic door. "Kill it!" He said. I grabbed the pistol but missed every shot. I had never shot a gun before, I was terrified. The fireplace stick was next to me, I quickly grabbed it and stabbed it in the leg. The Xenomorph hissed at me and continued to drag Orion out of the attic. "No!" I said. "Lyra, stay back! Stay back! Run!" Orion said as he was being dragged away. I began to cry and I shook my head frantically. "Orion!" I screamed. I watched him being drug out of our house and I began to hyperventilate. "No. No. No." I said. Tears left my eyes and I ran out of the house. He was being dragged off into the woods behind our home. Cries left my mouth and I kept screaming. "No!" In that moment, was when I realized I needed to join the military and fight against the Xenomorphs. And that's exactly what I did.

Billy's POV:
I was seventeen. Max was nine. She was still a little girl. I wasn't watching Max and she got hurt. I immediately blamed myself. Max is my little sister and I let her get hurt. Max's arm was broken. I didn't mean for her to get hurt so when my dad and her mom got home, the blame was put on me. "You let her get hurt." Dad said. "I didn't mean to. It was an accident." I replied. Max's mom said she didn't blame me but I knew she did. "You can't even do one simple task. How stupid can you be?" Dad asked. I rolled my eyes, I was getting irritated. "It was a fucking accident! I would never put Max in danger!" My dad shoved me against the shelf in my bedroom. He pinned me to the wall and got in my face.

You'll be punished for this. And don't you ever cuss at me. You're a disgrace. A fucking disgrace." I stared at him and didn't say anything. "Leave Billy alone." Max said as she came in with a cast. I saw her broken arm and immediately frowned. Dad turned around and saw it. Max half smiled up at me and my dad turned around to face me. He slapped me in the face and I grabbed my cheek.

"No! Leave him alone!" Max said. He went to grab Max and I grabbed my father, getting another slap in the process. Max ran out of the room and my father kept me pinned against the shelf. What happened next was something I didn't expect. He punched me, right in the face. I shakily touched my cheek that was bleeding. He then got me in the lip, then my nose. My dad panted and I looked up at him. He knees me in the stomach and punched me in the face, knocking me down. I was kicked, over and over again. The pain continued to ensue as I got woozy. I didn't fight back, I laid there and took it. After forever he walked away. My vision was blurry and Max ran in. Her voice was muffled and tears fell from her eyes. I coughed and tried to move, which was a bad idea. Pain spread all over my body and Max cried over my body. I assured her I was ok, but I wasn't.

Halo's POV:
A slicing sound was heard. I turned around to see my dad with an alien's speared tail through his chest. Hawk's eyes widened and he stabbed the alien in the chest, screaming as he did so. He repeatedly stabbed it, over and over again. I crawled over to my dad and sat over him. "Halo." He said. "Daddy." I replied while crying. Hawk finished off the alien and he pushed his hair out of his face. His lip quivered and he tried not to cry. "The two of you have to escape. Find a hiding place. Stay there." Dad said. I tried to do anything to cover the gaping hole in his chest. I tried to put pressure on it but there was nothing I could do. Tears blurred my vision and my nose began to run. Screams of other people in our colony were heard. Blood splattered on the window and Hawk said "they're coming." I buried my face in my dad's chest and cried. His chest fell and rose slowly and Hawk grabbed me. "He's dying.  Come on." He said. I sat up and he was right, life was leaving his eyes and body. I turned around looked to see if anyone could help.

I sniffled and everyone was either screaming or already dead. When I turned to look at my dad he was already gone. I sobbed and Hawk pulled me into the vents, where we stayed. Until someone would find us.

Calypso's POV:

I was walking through the halls of the covenant when I started hearing noises. "Stop it please." I hear cry out from somewhere. I keep hearing the voice as I come near it, it gets louder. I look into the room and see Tina about to slap my sister. I run into the room just before she brings her hand down. "Why?" I say shaking with anger that a person who I have to trust my survival too is doing something this rash. "Because she wouldn't listen to me." She says ripping her wrist out of my hand. She pushes my sister away and punches me in the face. "What the fuck." I say at her. "Oh how your going down." I throw my fists and they connect with her jaw. I jab my knee into her ribs again and again. I don't hear the pleas of my sister saying to stop. I stand up and shake my hand. Fuck that really hurt but it felt good. Too good. I was taken out of my thoughts by a hand connecting to my cheek, then a leg to my stomach, then I hear a crack come from my chest. Noooooo not my ribs again. Shit. Then a blow to my face. I feel my face connect to blow the ground and a leg of Vanessas desk. I feel Tina get on top of me and start to punch me repeatedly. I start seeing black spots popping up. "Stop." Someone says. I feel a weight get off of me and my breath comes back. "Who started it?" The voice says. "Major. Sir." Vanessa says. Oh it's captain Sam. "Major my office and Vanessa take your sister to Gavin." Sam says to my sister. I feel her pick me up and take me to the medbay where I was heading to go train.

hey guys so hears the update. kw-2187 wrote the last part. The next part should be up soon hopefully!!!!!
~ Skylar 🌴❤️🦈

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